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Independent Practice: STAR ACTIVITY

Name: Rheanne L. Pasco Date: 10-10-2020

Grade and Section: 12 - Assurance

Number 1 situation:

Situation: One day at the campus, while me and my friends were passing by in the hallway we saw a fountain pen lying
around. I was the nearest one to the pen so my friends told me that I should pick it. I looked around hoping that the owner
was still around, but to my avail there was no one around except for us.

Task: I walked to my friends and asked for their help. But some of them teased me that I should keep it just like the saying
“finders keepers” and some said that I should put it on the lost and found department. I just laughed at them but deep
inside I was thinking that the decision relies to me now, whether should I keep it or give it up to the lost and found

Action: While we’re on our way back to our classroom, one of my friends keeps on saying that karma hits differently. Or
something that if we found something that isn’t ours we should give it back to the rightful owner, and it made me think that
she was right. I told my friends that they should go without me because I need to go somewhere first.

Result: I gave the fountain pen to the lost and found department with a smile on my face because I know that I did the
right thing. Few days have passed I went to the said department to ask if the owner of the pen have already found it. The
assigned personnel said yes and shared to me that the fountain pen has a valuable meaning to the owner and said that I
did the right thing.

Number 2 situation:

Situation: As a teenager at the same time a student sometimes I can’t manage my time. Whether to read school stuffs first
or spend my whole time facing my phone doing nothing at all. When I try to do my school stuff first sometimes I am
tempted to use my phone and will completely forget my assignment and vice versa.

Task: I need to be productive and spend my time wisely. And if I have some free time I could use my phone to ease my
boredom even just for an hour. I’ll manage my time where I can study without any distraction and use my phone later on.

Action: I come up with such decision because I have realized that I can’t just disregard one of them. I need to study and
do my school stuffs for my future and grades. Meanwhile, I’ll use my phone for important matters only and maybe to
relieve my stress.

Result: I can enjoy my youth days without any pressure from acads. Also, I can practice time management in a simple
way and it may be useful in the near future. Academics and social media can be done at the same time but you need to
know manage your time correctly and wisely.

Number 3 situation:

Situation: A job opportunity was offered to me and my cousin. The employer was a relative of ours, when he interviewed
us about the job he clearly asked us first if are we really sure about it and ready to face the consequences. The owner
gave us time to think about it wisely.

Task: As we got home, I locked myself in my room and think about it wisely. I closed my eyes and thought about the
disadvantages, advantages and the possible consequences that I’ll face once I accepted the job. Until I come up in to a
decision that it is already an opportunity and it could be only once in a life time, so why am I still thinking. I should grab the
opportunity till it lasts.

Action: My parents’ condition and health made me come up with the decision of taking the offer. Aside of it, I also thought
that it may be the only thing that I can help for the mean time. All in all I came up with the decision of accepting it for my
future and for my parents.

Result: It was hard at first but as time pass by I was slowly getting used of having my job. I can still pass my subjects and
do all the assignments, project and etc. despite of having my job. Also, I am lowkey helping my parents through

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