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Title: Understanding RA 9775 - The Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009

1. Introduction

- Brief overview of RA 9775: The Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 is a Philippine law that aims to
protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse through the prevention and suppression of child

- Importance of addressing child pornography: Child pornography not only victimizes children but also
perpetuates a cycle of abuse and trauma. RA 9775 is crucial in safeguarding the rights and well-being of

2. Key Provisions of RA 9775

a. Definition of child pornography: RA 9775 defines child pornography as any representation of a child
engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a child
for primarily sexual purposes.

b. Prohibition of child pornography: The law prohibits the production, distribution, dissemination,
importation, and possession of child pornography in any form.

c. Penalties for violators: Violators of RA 9775 face severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines,
depending on the gravity of the offense.

d. Creation of the Inter-Agency Council Against Child Pornography (IACACP): RA 9775 mandates the
establishment of the IACACP, tasked with coordinating efforts among government agencies and
stakeholders to combat child pornography effectively.

3. Measures to Combat Child Pornography

a. Prevention efforts: RA 9775 emphasizes the importance of preventive measures, such as promoting
responsible internet use, educating children and parents about online safety, and advocating for the
reporting of suspicious activities.

b. Law enforcement strategies: The law empowers law enforcement agencies to investigate and
prosecute individuals involved in child pornography, including online offenders.

c. Collaboration with international organizations: RA 9775 encourages collaboration with international

partners to address cross-border issues related to child pornography, such as extradition of offenders
and information sharing.
d. Awareness campaigns and education: The government conducts awareness campaigns and
educational programs to raise public awareness about the dangers of child pornography and the
importance of protecting children from exploitation.

4. Impact and Challenges

a. Successes in combating child pornography: RA 9775 has led to significant successes in prosecuting
offenders, rescuing victims, and raising awareness about the issue. The law has also contributed to
international efforts to combat child exploitation.

b. Ongoing challenges and areas for improvement: Despite its achievements, RA 9775 faces challenges
such as limited resources, emerging online threats, and the need for continuous updates to keep pace
with evolving technology.

c. Importance of continued vigilance and enforcement: It is crucial to remain vigilant in enforcing RA

9775 and to adapt strategies to address new challenges in combating child pornography effectively.

5. Conclusion

- Recap of key points: RA 9775 plays a crucial role in protecting children from sexual exploitation and
abuse by addressing the scourge of child pornography.

- Call to action for support and adherence to RA 9775: It is imperative for all stakeholders to actively
support and comply with RA 9775 to ensure the safety and well-being of children in the Philippines.

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