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Climate change is one of the most urgent environmental issues facing the world today. It is caused by too
much greenhouse gases in the air from burning fossil fuels for energy and transportation.

These gases trap heat in the atmosphere, causing rising temperatures, rising sea levels, etc…. The effects of
climate change cause more droughts, heat waves, floods, and wildfires. Climate change also affects
people’s food and water, public health, and economic stability. For example, when it gets hotter, crops
don’t grow as well. This could lead to food shortages and high food prices. Climate change can also
increase the risk of natural disasters, which can cause dramatic damage to property and human lives.

Therefore, we need to do something to address climate change now. In recent years, many governments
and organizations have taken steps to reduce greenhouse gases emissions and use cleaner energy. However,
individuals have a role to play as well. We can make small changes in our daily lives to reduce carbon
dioxide footprint, such as taking the bus more often, eat more plants, and make less trash.

In short, it’s essential to recognize the negative effects of the climate change issue. So, we need to work
together to make sure we have a better future.


I have lived in Ha Noi for almost 1 years. During that time, I have had a lot of beautiful memories and
been impressed by the ancient and modern beauty of this city. As you may know, Ha Noi is well
known for ancient apperarance and a history spanning more than a millennium
The people of HN are one of the most iconic features. Many not only get along with one another, but
also with the domestic and foreign tourists. Visitors are always warmly welcomed. When mentioning
Hanoi, one can not neglect to mention the cuisine, such as “nem chua”, “bún chả” and especially
“phở”. Moreover, in HN, there are many over a century old trees, it also has many parks that act as the
lungs of the city. Watching VN’s capital, it will take me to a world of peace and romance with
breathtaking scenery, friendly local people and ancient history. Despite its continous economic and
technological development, it often face the problems. Especially the chaos in transportation, it is
signature to the world.
In conclusion, HN is a city that offers its residents and visitors a wide range of experiences, from food
and culture. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to call it a second home.

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