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PAPER 1 Reading and Directed Writing 2 hours
Marks 40 2023

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Republic of Namibia

© MoEAC/DNEA JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1 [Turn over


Part 1

Read the following article and then answer the questions on the next page.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a German-American physicist (a person who studies physics or whose
job is connected with physics) and probably the most well-known scientist of the 20th century.
He contributed more to the scientific world than any other person, something which shows
his brain power. Einstein discovered lots of important things, but he was also a very strange
and different kind of person who liked to work away from people and family, but he spoke
in public about issues that he believed in.

Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He did not speak until he was
two years old. This was a concern to his mother and father, and his mother also thought
that his head seemed much too large. Einstein excelled at Maths and Science but not so
much in his other subjects. He was a persistent problem solver, but he hated the discipline
style of teachers. His headmaster told his father that Einstein was incapable of achieving
anything in life.

Einstein studied at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich. He finished university
and found work in a Swiss patent office. The year 1905 was significant to Einstein. In that
year, he published four outstanding papers about Physics. Winning the Noble Prize for
Physics in 1921 was another great achievement. Einstein is most famous for his theory of
relativity, but he was also a great musician. He was even asked to take the position of the
second president of Israel, but he turned it down.

From 1913 to 1933, Albert Einstein was director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics
in Berlin. In 1932, he decided to leave Germany forever and became an American citizen in
1935. His life came to an end on 17 April 1955 after a blood vessel burst near his heart. His
brain was stolen by a pathologist, Thomas Harvey, who kept it for 40 years in his basement.
Near the end of his life, Harvey returned the brain to the place from which he had taken it,
Princeton Hospital. And it is currently in the Mütter Medical Museum. It was donated by
Einstein’s heirs after it was returned to them. Sections of the brain are preserved in glass
slides in the main gallery.

JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1

1 What reason does the writer offer in paragraph one to demonstrate Einstein's Use

.............................................................................................................................. [1]

2 Why were Einstein’s parents worried that he might have been underdeveloped?
.............................................................................................................................. [1]

3 What recognition did Einstein receive later in his life?

.............................................................................................................................. [1]

4 Where will you find Einstein’s brain today?

.............................................................................................................................. [1]


JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1 [Turn over

Part 2

Read the following article and then answer the questions that follow.

The history of soccer

Soccer, which is considered to be the most popular sport in the world, is a team sport played
between two teams of eleven players using a round ball.

Soccer has been played since olden days. The most relevant of these old games to our
modern game is the Chinese game of ‘Tsu-Chu’ or ‘kick ball’, as it translates. Records of the
game begin during the Tsin Dynasty and represent a game in which soldiers competed to
train for war, kicking a leather ball filled with feathers into a net strung between two poles.

Soccer, as we know it, began to develop in modern Europe from the 9th century onward in
England. The game used to be rough – so rough that it was forbidden. King Edward, who
ruled in the early 1300s, made it illegal. Queen Elizabeth ordered jail time for those caught
playing the game. The game was thought to take time away from military drills and archery,
the art or sport of shooting arrows. At that time, it was very important for young men to
practise archery and soccer competed with archery. The Puritans in England also took a
dislike to soccer. This religious group thought that soccer was time-wasting entertainment.
They also said that soccer disturbed the peace on Sunday.

The game was not played for many years. Then, in the 18th century, it was played again.
At that time, hundreds of people took part in each game. In fact, anybody who wanted to
play could join the game at any stage. A game lasted for a few days until one of the teams
gave up. The players often ended up fighting and hitting each other. The police worked
very hard to keep order.

In the 1800s, soccer finally began to be like the game we know today. The sport had become
popular in schools and universities across England, where students began to set some
rules. In 1863, representatives from some of England’s soccer clubs gathered to create the
formal regulations of soccer. By the end of the meeting, the men had formed the Football
Association, the same association that governs English soccer today.

From that point on, soccer grew in Britain, with the Football Association Cup being introduced
12 years later. At the same time, clubs began to spread throughout Europe, with Denmark,
Belgium and Switzerland all having Association Soccer Clubs. By the turn of the 20th
century, many European countries had formed their own soccer leagues and competed in
international games between opposing nations.

Before the 1970s, soccer was considered to be mostly a men’s game. The Football
Association (FA) had taken a poor view of female participation. They prohibited its members
from allowing women's soccer to be played at its grounds, saying that soccer was ʻquite
unsuitable for femalesʼ. People were outraged. It was not until 1966 that serious efforts to
bring back the womenʼs game began. It took pressure from the Union of European Football
Associations (EUFA) to finally force the FA to end restrictions on women’s soccer in 1971.
FIFA established the first Women’s World Cup in 1991.

The FIFA “Big Count” soccer census estimates 265 million male and female soccer players
worldwide and five million referees, for a total of 270 million people or 4% of the world’s
population actively engaged in soccer. The FIFA World Cup is the world’s most widely
viewed sports event. Around 715 million people watched the 2006 match in Germany and
in 2018, the finals between France and Croatia attracted 1.12 billion viewers.

JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1

South Africa was the first African country to host the 2010 FIFA World Cup. South Africa Use
competed against Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. Tunisia and Libya offered to co-host
the competition. Following the decision of the FIFA Executive Committee not to allow co-
hosted tournaments, Tunisia withdrew from the bidding process. The committee also decided
not to consider Libya’s solo bid as it no longer met all the stipulations laid down. After one
round of voting, South Africa was awarded the rights to host the tournament as it received
14 votes, defeating Morocco by 10 votes and Egypt, which received 0 votes.

Answer questions 1 – 3 by putting a tick () in the box next to the correct answer.
1 The royals in England banned soccer because the game ...
A interfered with Sunday service.
B was considered a waste of time.
C was considered violent.
D replaced archery. [1]

2 The police had to work hard during soccer games in the 1700s because …
A no team gave up.
B players became aggressive.
C the games took so long.
D there were many spectators. [1]

3 How many people are directly associated with soccer worldwide?

A 265 million
B 270 million
C 715 million
D 1.12 billion [1]

4 Say whether the following statement is true or false and give a reason for
your answer.
Soccer was a recreational game for ancient Chinese soldiers.

.............................................................................................................................. [2]

5 Who came up with the official soccer rules?

.............................................................................................................................. [1]

6 When did countries start competing against one another globally?

.............................................................................................................................. [1]

7 Who called for the ending of the ban on women’s soccer?

.............................................................................................................................. [1]

JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1 [Turn over

8 How many countries officially competed in the final bid to hold the FIFA World Use
Cup tournament in Africa?
.............................................................................................................................. [1]

9 Which country was a real opponent to South Africa in winning the bid?
.............................................................................................................................. [1]


JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1

Part 3 Use

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

Shades of Grey

Black and white are really essential colours, that can be interesting at times and even
necessary, at other times. But there is nothing that truely brings out the beauty and truth of
life more than the many shades of grey. There are things that are definitely black or white,
but if you were to paint everything over with just black or white, you would (lose/loose) so
many amazing details that you could otherwise notice. That might help you to have a better
perspective should you add a bit of grey.

Too many of us tend to make that very mistake when judging a situation, or arriving at a
decision. We apply the black-or-white rule and leave out the various shades of grey. If you
go into any situation with a bucket of just black or white, you risk missing out on so many
wonderful details, that could make the overall picture much clearer and more relatable.

Life, love, relationships, in fact, everything in life have many different shades of grey. If you
want to make it in anything, take your nose out of your paint bucket, then take a few steps
back and look ………. the canvas. As you focus on objects with your new perspective, you
might find that adding those shades of grey will complete your masterpiece.

1 Correct the single error in each of the following sentences: Write down only the
word you have corrected.
(a) There is nothing that truely brings out the beauty and truth of life more
than the many shades of grey.

....................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Everything in life have many different shades of grey.

....................................................................................................................... [1]
2 Choose the correct word in brackets. Underline your choice.
You would (lose / loose) so many beautiful and amazing details. [1]
3 Rewrite the following sentence in the simple past tense:
We apply the black-and-white rule and leave out the shades of grey.

.............................................................................................................................. [1]

4 Rewrite the following sentence in the negative form:

Take your nose out of the paint bucket.
.............................................................................................................................. [1]

5 Complete the sentence by filling in the missing preposition.

Take a few steps back and look …………….. the canvas. [1]

JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1 [Turn over


Read the information below and complete the form.

Maya Brown is a learner at Windhoek's Riverside High School. When she started high
school, her family relocated from Otjiwarongo, where she had attended primary school.
This year, she is a ninth grader. Maya, who will turn 16 in a month, resides in Section 12,
Secret Garden, in Windhoek with her mother, aunt, and younger brother.

Her cell phone number is 081 465 2023, but her mother only allows her to use her cell
phone on weekends. She regularly uses the home computer and has access to her
e-mail at Her Life Skills teacher encourages learners to correspond
with pen pals throughout the globe in order to learn about various people, cultures and
languages. Their teacher wants learners to engage with people through letter writing
rather than messaging and other social media platforms.

Maya enjoys knitting scarves for her loved ones because it allows her to use her hands.
Reading, especially romance and mystery novels, brings her the most satisfaction because
she considers it a wonderful way to escape the stress of everyday life. She hates people
who are negative. She believes you can make life beautiful if you search for the good in
every situation.

If possible, she would like to make friends with high schoolers who share her interests.
Although she would not object if the other person is one or two years older than her, she
does not believe she will get along well with those who are more than a year younger.
Additionally, she believes it would be inappropriate for her to correspond with a much
older person.

She was shown a magazine column about pen pals by her best friend and the two of them
agreed to fill out the application, so that their names could be listed in the column.

Use the information above to complete the form on the opposite page.

JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1


(Please complete this form in CAPITAL LETTERS where necessary)

Full Names: …………………………………………………………………………… [1]

Occupation: ………………………………............................................................ [1]

Age: …………………………….... [1]

Gender: (Please tick) Male Female [1]

City/Town: …………………………………………………………........................... [1]

Preferred contact details: ………………………………………………................ [1]

Hobbies: ………………………………………………………………………............ [1]

Dislikes: ………………………………………………………………………............ [1]

Age group interested in: (Please circle)

11 - 14 15 - 18 19 - 22 [1]

Where did you hear about us? (Please circle)

school social media friend other (Specify).……………………… [1]

[10 ÷ 2 = 5]

JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1 [Turn over


Read the following article and complete the notes on the following page.

Staying positive about school can make a difference

Do not let school get you down! Whether you are frustrated with your performance or dreading
your next exam, a positive attitude towards school can go a long way! It can brighten a
student’s day and help him/her make the most of the educational experience.

Studies show that teenagers learn more by observation than by any other method. It is,
therefore, important to find people around you who are good role models. Role models are
everywhere: you just have to know where to look for them. You can find them in the people
around you, the books you read and even the films you watch. They give you a glimpse of
what it is like to be someone who has already achieved what you are working towards.

Positive thinking is a huge aspect of a student’s success in school and allows him/her to
thrive. Positivity will make you feel better and give you a good attitude to be more productive
with your schoolwork. A negative mindset prevents you from reaching your full potential.
Do you have a habit of thinking negatively? Start by turning negative thoughts into positive
ones. For example, ʻThis is too much work’ can become ʻThe more I do my homework, the
more knowledge I can gain’.

You can also build a positive attitude toward school if you compliment yourself on your
achievements. Students learn new material every day. When you see yourself trying,
improving or succeeding in your technical skills or test scores, you have done something
positive. Staying positive can help build your self-esteem and your academic career.

Sometimes our friends’ negative attitudes and frustrations diminish our own experiences.
Negative attitudes do not help any situation. Share your positivity with your friends. They
need to understand that staying positive toward school may help open doors to success.
Some people may complain easily about tests or homework. Other people may become
emotional during tense situations. It is easy to start complaining about projects or thinking
the rules are not fair. Take a pause before you react negatively. This will give you a chance
to refocus your reaction and to react positively to the situation.

For you to feel more positive about your school life, you need to find at least one good thing
each day. Be sure to ask questions like, “What was the best part of my day?” Even if the only
good part of your day was eating lunch with your friends, spending a few minutes thinking
or talking about the good things can remind you about the fun part of the day.

After-school activities can also make school feel more enjoyable. If you do not like academics,
you may develop a more positive attitude, if you have something to look forward to at the
end of the day. It is, therefore, a good idea to join an afterschool activity, such as playing
sports or becoming part of a club. This will allow you to interact with teens who have similar
interests and keep you more engaged in school.

A negative attitude can sometimes be the result of a lack of progress or a feeling of

worthlessness. It is important that you establish goals. Teens with clear goals are more
likely to have a positive attitude about their school experience. When you create and work
towards goals, you can more easily see progress and feel excited about the future.
(www. and

JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1

Write notes on steps to maintain a positive attitude towards school. Use

• …………………………………………………………………………………………..

• …………………………………………………………………………………………..

• …………………………………………………………………………………………..

• …………………………………………………………………………………………..

• …………………………………………………………………………………………..

• …………………………………………………………………………………………..

• …………………………………………………………………………………………..


JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1 [Turn over


Read the following article and answer the question that follows.

Everyone should learn another language

With so many language learning apps, online teachers and other language tools, learning
your dream language has never been more fun and convenient.

The world is changing fast. More companies than ever are doing business in several
countries around the world, but they cannot do it without hiring globally-minded people who
can speak at least one foreign language. Ever wanted to be like those people you see in the
airport travelling to foreign countries “on business” all the time? That can be you. Learning
a foreign language will open up a world of job opportunities for you. This ability will set you
apart from other people.

As crazy as it may sound, learning a foreign language can actually increase the size of your
brain. Scientists did a study that showed that certain parts of the brain were bigger in people
who had learnt a foreign language. The more the brain is used, the better it functions. A
new language requires not only familiarity with vocabulary and rules but also the ability to
recall and apply knowledge. Learning a foreign language improves your memory as your
brain is more exercised.

Speaking another language helps you focus and deal with distractions appropriately. This
is because a bilingual (able to speak two languages fluently) person becomes used to
switching between different languages, deciding which language is appropriate to use in a
given situation.

If you can speak only one language, you miss out on being able to communicate directly in
the mother tongue of many friends and neighbours. So, if there is even one culture or one
person in your life you would like to understand better, learning another language is one of
the best ways to start. Language and culture are closely linked. Learn another language,
and you will have insight into another culture. But it does not end there. You will also get
a clear view of your own culture.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the human experience is our ability to connect with
others. Being able to communicate with someone in his or her language is an incredible
gift. Knowing a foreign language gives you the opportunity to communicate with a wider
range of people in their personal and professional lives. You will build lifelong friendships
and for these reasons alone, you will see the reward of learning languages for many years
to come.

Any language learner can attest to making his or her share of mistakes while discovering a
new language, often in front of an audience. It is a necessary part of the learning process!
Learning a language boosts your confidence when you can have a conversation with someone
in his/her native language.

When you are able to speak another language, it instantly becomes easier to follow your
dreams of living in a foreign country. So what are you waiting for? Start speaking the
language you have always wanted to learn.

JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1

Your school offers a foreign language and you have decided to write an article to Use
encourage more learners to take a foreign language.

Write an article for your school magazine in which you give the advantages of
learning another language. Use only the information given in the article.

Your article should be about 150 words long.



























JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1 [Turn over
.................................................................................................................................... Use












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© MoEAC/DNEA JSSEE 2023, English Second Language Paper 1

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