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B.Ed. (1.

5 years)
Teaching Practice-I
Code No: 8607

Submitted by:
Hajra Rashid Awan

Roll No.
Observation Reports

Name of the School Visited: Govt. Secondary School

Level of the School: Primary &Secondary

Tehsil: Rawalpindi

District: Rawalpindi

Name of Head Teacher of the School visited: Mrs. Nasreen Akhtar

Official phone number: 03345934186

WhatsApp number: 03345934186

Name of Cooperative Teacher: Mr. Muhammad Bilal

Official phone number: 03340558882

WhatsApp number: 03340558882

Observation Report 1

Grade of the classroom visited: 4th Subject: Mathematics

Time: 10:00am_ to _10:45am__ Date: 18-08-2021

The accompanying report will look at all the components of classroom that I will see in Mr. Nasir Mehmood Tahir
Class. I will talk about the classroom climate, the school, the understudy's support, and the educator's general
viability. I will then, at that point talk concerning how much the experience affected my goal to educate.

It was vital to notice training framework. For my instructor perception, I decided to proceed to see in classroom at
Govt. Sec. School. The school as entire is somewhat enormous and has around 301 students and more than 25
educators hence making a steady understudy to-instructor proportion. The entirety of my perceptions hours was
spent noticing Mr. Nasir Mehmood Tahir's classroom. In the wake of strolling into the classroom, you quickly feel
appreciated. The classroom was additionally isolated into 3 columns of seats. There was additionally a seat and a
table for instructor. There was a water-cooler in classroom. There was a residue canister in classroom.
Mr. Nasir Mehmood Tahir strolled over to his seat, plunked down and brought the youngsters over and advised
them to all sits as "Indian style". After each kid was situated. Mr. Nasir was reliable in class and school. Mr. Nasir
was well dress. Mr. Nasir was welcomed before class start. He referenced the target of the talk. He utilized
appropriate non-verbal communication for example conveying. He utilized the AV helps like white board, marker,
book and portable. He had information in the branch of knowledge. He conveyed the talk brilliantly.

He was showing the mathematics in class fourth. Class fourth comprised of 28 students. He controlled the class
fourth. Be that as it may, it was troublesome undertaking to control the essential level classes. He kept up with the
class additionally with eyes contact. He called them every one of the students with their names. He had generally
spoken great characteristics to keep up with discipline and control the class climate.
He began to actually look at the journals prior to beginning the talk during the class. He conveyed the talk quite
well. He had an unmistakable voice toward the finish of the classroom. He had clearness of show during the talk.
He kept up with the polished skill during the class meeting. He had great speed of instructing during the talk. Mr.
Nasir utilized models that were basic, clear, exact and proper.
He met expressed target of talk. He zeroed in on the striving students. He didn't make the gatherings during class
for action. He utilized viable showing techniques for example movement based, question answer strategy. He gave
the inquiry to tackle the issue. At the point when some understudy didn't do the job then he assisted the understudy
with finishing the issue.

The general students were exceptionally appealing during the class. In any case, a few students were making
trouble during class. He controlled those students successfully. He considered those understudy on white board to
address the inquiry and showed them all students during class. Generally, the classroom climate was exceptionally
friendly. He expressed the class each day with him understanding illustration.

After each kid was situated with their hands in their lap, Mr. Nasir started clarifying what might He is going to
showed the class. As He read, He utilized gathering modifying by intermittently asking the students inquiries
relating to the characters or the words in the story. He then, at that point draws the image of timekeepers to tell the
students. This made the drew on schedule with the students last more since they realized they would be approached
to reply. Subsequent to perusing the example, He would then advise the students to scatter into their gatherings and
advise them to draw a clock without composing the time.
He arbitrarily gives these chits to the students and request that the students compose the time. The school climate
was extremely spotless and very much kept up with. The washrooms were likewise perfect. The staff and students
the same appear to truly partake in the school and the climate around them. There could be no greater spot to learn
than some place you are agreeable.


As I would like to think, Mr. Nasir Mehmood Tahir exhibited to me that he satisfied every one of the guidelines for
greatness in instructing, and met the objectives.
His brilliant examination arranged educating and order regarding the matter ended up being an extraordinary
resource for the students just as to the organization. He will substantiate himself an encounter, persistent educator
and associate, any place he is set. I accept that by and large, this was an incredible encounter. I sincerely couldn't
have been more joyful with how well my perceptions of Mr. Nasir Mehmood Tahir classroom went. I would
unequivocally prescribe his to intrigued understudy searching for some place to get familiar with the methods of

He was solid scholastically, yet in addition you could tell He had a premium energy for ensuring all of his students
learned basically something in class each day. In addition to the fact that he was solid, patient too.

He took care of it with effortlessness and balance. I got so many showing techniques while noticing Mr. Nasir
Mehmood Tahir. I adored how He had little note cards with every understudy's name and would flip from one card
to another after each question, allowing each understudy an opportunity to partake and guaranteeing cooperation.
He additionally had an alternate understudy each day to lead the morning exercise. He later disclosed that this was
to awaken the students and get their blood rolling in cooperation learning.
I thought this was an exceptional and blade approach to save the students dynamic and prepared for energy to
instruct. I adored the climate of school. As I strolled down, regardless of whether coming or leaving, various staff
consistently grinned or said great morning, and would not joke about this. The students had looks favorably upon
their appearances and plainly they coming to school each day. The experience has genuinely opened my eyes and
caused me to understand that educating truly is how I might want to help the remainder of my life. Despite the fact
that I'm certain, it will be a ton of work, I have no doubt as far as I can say that trim youthful personalities are the
correct way for me.
Observation Report 2

Grade of the classroom visited: 9th Subject: Computer Science

Time: 11:00am_ to _11:45am__ Date: 23-08-2021

The accompanying report will analyze every one of the components of classroom that I will see in Mr. Mohsin
Yousaf class. I will examine the classroom climate, the school, the understudy's cooperation, and the instructor's
general adequacy. I will then, at that point talk regarding how much the experience affected my desire to instruct.

During the temporary job it was vital to notice instruction framework. For my instructor perception, I decided to
proceed to see in classroom at Govt. Secondary School.

He was showing the Software engineering in class tenth. Class tenth comprised of 08 students. He controlled the
class tenth. There was a PC lab and around 15 PCs. PC down to earth and PC educating class

additionally took in PC lab. There was no residue on PCs, every single table was perfect. There was additionally a
printer and scanner. Be that as it may, seat had a gravely influenced condition.

He began to really take a look at the scratch pad prior to beginning the talk during the class. . He referenced the
target of the talk. He utilized appropriate non-verbal communication for example conveying. He utilized the AV
helps like white board, marker, book, PC and portable. He had information in the branch of knowledge. He
conveyed the talk quite well.

He conveyed the talk quite well. He had an unmistakable voice toward the finish of the classroom. He had clearness
of show during the talk. He kept up with the polished methodology during the class meeting. He had great speed of
instructing during the talk. Mr. Mohsin Yousaf utilized models that were basic, clear, exact and fitting.
He met expressed goal of talk. He zeroed in on the striving students. He didn't make the gatherings during class for
action. He utilized successful showing strategies for example movement based, question answer technique. He gave
the inquiry to tackle the issue. At the point when some understudy didn't do the job then he assisted the understudy
with finishing the issue.

He utilized the PC for commonsense work. He was astoundingly shown the coding of the program and how the
program functions. He had a decent programming designer also. He had the amazing mastery in programing.
Understudy happy with his work. He kept up with the class additionally with eyes contact. He called them every
one of the students with their names. He had generally great characteristics to keep up with discipline and control
the class climate. This will be clarified later. The classroom was additionally partitioned into 3 spaces: the
educator's work area, the understudy's work area and the understanding corner. In general, the classroom climate
was extremely familiar. He expressed the class each day with him understanding example. After each youngster
was situated with their hands in their lap, Mr. Aamir started clarifying what story He would perusing to the class
the morning. As He read, He utilized gathering modifying by occasionally asking the students inquiries relating to
the characters or the words in the story. For example, which word rhyme in this sentence? for sure is the inclination
word. This made the drew on schedule with the students last more since they realized they would be approached to
reply. In the wake of perusing the illustration, He would then advise the children to scatter into their gatherings and
mention to them what corners to go to. Mr. Aamir later clarified that the children were assembled dependent on
their scores from a test given toward the start of the year. Along these lines, He realized He would need to work
longer with a specific gathering or not as longer with one more dependent on the amount they recently knew. The
children then, at that point either went to the PC corner, the guest instructor. At each corner the kids chipped away
at word recognizable proof, perusing, phonics and spelling. I saw how regularly He would need to talk time away
from his educating to teach different children. It appeared to be practically crazy how regularly He would need to
stop to ensure no one was talking, being problematic, or not tackling their job. This showed me how long truly goes
into non-informative exercises. In the event that any of the disturbance at any point gained out of influence past a
notice, then, at that point He would utilize the discipline tracker. He would move a material twist with the
understudy’s name from green to yellow. This implied that understudy didn't get a sticker by the day's end despite
the fact that it appears to be trivial to a grown-up that sticker meant everything to youngster and the understudy's
conduct consequently improved. I needed to implore my mentor on this eye thought it was annotative method of
showing the students appropriate conduct through an award framework. The school climate was extremely spotless
and very much kept up with. The restrooms were additionally unblemished. The staff and students the same appear
to truly partake in the school and the climate around them. There could be no more excellent spot to learn than a

His amazing exploration situated instructing and order regarding the matter ended up being an extraordinary
resource for the students just as to the organization. He will substantiate himself an encounter, steady instructor and
partner, any place he is set.

He been able to utilize innovation in instructing. The ability to relate the topic to different fields of information.
Looking for promising circumstances outside the classroom to improve understudy learning.

He had a decent programming designer also. He had the astounding ability in programing. Understudy happy with
his work. I accept that generally, this was an incredible encounter. I sincerely couldn't have been more joyful with
how well my perceptions of Mr. Mohsin Yousaf classroom went. I would emphatically prescribe his to intrigued
understudy searching for some place to gain proficiency with the methods of instructing.

He was solid scholastically, yet in addition you could tell He had a premium energy for ensuring all of his students
learned basically something in class each day. In addition to the fact that he was solid, patient also. However, He
took care of it with elegance and balance. I got so many showing strategies while noticing Mr. Mohsin Yousaf I
adored how He had little note cards with every understudy's name and would flip from one card to another after
each question, allowing each understudy an opportunity to take part and guaranteeing interest. He additionally had
an alternate understudy each day to lead the morning exercise. He later disclosed that this was to awaken the
students and get their blood rolling in investment learning. I thought this was an exceptional and blade approach to
save the students dynamic and prepared for energy to instruct. I adored the climate of school. As I strolled down,
regardless of whether coming or leaving, various staff consistently grinned or said great morning, and would not
joke about this.

The students had blessed their appearances and obviously they coming to school each day. The experience has
genuinely opened my eyes and caused me to understand that instructing truly is how I might want to help the
remainder of my life. To see youngsters, at last have something click in their minds or grin, when you disclose to
them, they addressed the question correctly makes all the hard times great. Despite the fact that I'm certain, it will
be a ton of work, I have no doubt as far as I can say that embellishment youthful personalities the correct way for
Classroom Observation

Class teacher: Mr. Ali

Class: Three & Four No of Students: 22 Time: 45 mins

Components Comments/Notes

1. SUBJECT MATTER/CONTENT (Shows  Good command on concern

accurate command and expertise of  Shows his grasp competencies
situation count; demonstrates breadth
and depth of mastery)

2. ORGANIZATION (Organizes situation be  Well organized lesson

counted; evidences coaching; is idea;  Fully organized
states clear objectives; emphasizes and  Summarize the lesson in given
summarizes principal factors, meet class time
at scheduled time, regularly monitors

3. RAPPORT WITH STUDENTS (holds  Interest seeking lesson

interest of college students; is respectful,  Fair and independent
truthful and unbiased; presents feedback,  Fully charged lesson
encourages participation; interacts with  Motivated
college students, suggests enthusiasm)

4. LESSON PRESENTATION (Establishes  Clear voice

school room environment conductive to  Humble Behavior
getting to know; keeps eye touch;  Eye on all students
makes use of a clean voice robust
projection, proper enunciation, and
standard Urdu/English)
5. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (Uses  Lesson according to the time
time wisely; attends to route interplay;  Fully topic covered
demonstrates leadership capacity;  Fully disciplined class
maintains discipline;  Effective classroom management
maintains effective classroom

Strengths Observed: Well prepared lesson, assured, well-structured lesson and ideal teaching style

Suggestions for Improvement: Only class sitting layout needs some improvement.

Overall Impression of teaching effectiveness: Mr. Ali created a very interactive classroom environment
for the students in which they were participating very interactively.

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