ISL Entry Version 2

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1. In the bustling marketplace of Aethel, a clockwork city with giant metal machines, lived Anya. Unlike
other kids who dreamed of building robots or flying ships, Anya longed for the freedom of the sky.
Aethel prided itself on its clockwork marvels, but the sky itself was seen as wild and dangerous. Anya,
however, felt a connection to the clouds, a desire to fly above the smoky dome that covered Aethel.

2. Her love for the sky came from a chipped doll, a memory from a time before robots ruled everything.
The doll, named Celeste, showed a woman with wings soaring among stars. Anya would spend hours
gazing at it, whispering stories of soaring above the smog.

3. Anya's parents, both important clockwork engineers, worried about her obsession. Her dad, Tobias, a
man with greasy hands and a gruff voice, thought her dreams were silly. Her mom, Elara, with kind eyes
and a gentle touch, worried Anya might hurt herself trying to fly. But Anya wouldn't give up on her

4. One day, exploring her grandpa's dusty attic, Anya found a strange machine. It looked like a bird made
of old metal and leather, with gears and springs inside. A faded message on the bottom said "Project
Icarus." Her grandpa, a famous inventor who disappeared years ago, apparently tried to build a flying

5. Anya's heart raced with excitement. Could this be the key to her dream? Days flew by as she studied
her grandpa's notes, trying to understand his messy drawings and complicated words. With help from
Finn, a street kid with a knack for finding things, Anya started fixing the old machine.

6. It was hard work. Finding missing parts was tricky, and the machine's gears were confusing. When
Tobias discovered their secret project, he was furious. He thought playing with an old, dangerous
machine was a bad idea. Elara, torn between her husband's worries and Anya's dream, secretly helped
them. Anya, however, wouldn't be stopped.

7. Weeks turned into months. Slowly, the bird-like machine started to look like it should. They named it
"Celeste," after Anya's doll. Using her grandpa's notes, they made fuel from old clockwork parts. Finally,
the day for a test flight arrived. Anya, nervous and excited, climbed into the rickety machine. Taking a
deep breath, she turned it on.

8. Celeste coughed and sputtered, shaking wildly as it came to life. Anya felt a jolt as the machine lifted
off the ground, wobbling precariously. Slowly, carefully, she learned to control it, flying Celeste through
the maze-like streets of Aethel. The world looked different from above. Buildings, once towering giants,
looked like tiny models. The smog seemed thinner, revealing a glimpse of the forgotten blue sky. Tears
welled up in Anya's eyes as she finally understood the stories whispered by the wind.

9. After a short, exciting flight, Anya carefully landed Celeste on a hidden rooftop. Returning home, she
couldn't hide her excitement. Her parents, hearing about her success, were both relieved and amazed.
Though Tobias remained worried, Elara hugged Anya tightly, tears in her eyes. She finally understood
how much her daughter wanted to fly.

10. News of Anya's flight spread quickly through Aethel. Although the city leaders first thought Celeste
was too dangerous, Anya's story sparked a sense of wonder in the people's hearts. They started to
question the strict rules that kept them under the dome. Slowly, a movement arose, advocating for a
reconnection with the forgotten sky.

11. Anya became a symbol of courage and hope. She continued to improve Celeste, proving it was safe
and had potential. Finally, the leaders gave in, allowing controlled flights under strict rules. Aethel, once
a city obsessed with clockwork precision, began to embrace a new era – an era where the sky was no
longer off-limits, and even the most fantastical dreams could take flight.
Section A

Read the text above and answer the following questions.

Question 1

a. Unlike other children in Aethel, what did Anya dream of? (Para 1)


b. How was the sky viewed in Aethel compared to the clockwork marvels? (Para 1)



c. What sparked Anya's fascination with the sky? (Para 2)


d. Briefly describe Anya's parents' occupations and their contrasting views on her dream. (Para 3)




e. How did Anya and Finn work together to repair the flying machine? (Para 5)



f. What challenges did Anya face in repairing Celeste, and how did her father react to their project?

(Para 6)


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
g. Describe Anya's feelings and the initial behavior of Celeste during the test flight. (Para 7)


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

h. What did Anya see from the sky that she couldn't see from the ground? (Para 8)


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [2]

i. How did Anya become a symbol of hope, and what did she continue to do with Celeste? (Para 11)


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [2]

Total = 16 marks
Question 2

a. Read the extract from the text –

Aethel prided itself on its clockwork marvels – automatons whirring through streets, airships chugging
overhead – but the sky itself was deemed chaotic, unpredictable. Anya, however, felt a connection to
the clouds, a yearning for the freedom they represented.

What does the writer want to suggest at this point in the story? (Para 1)



b. Explain what the writer’s feelings are when they say – “ Anya would spend hours gazing at it,
whispering stories of soaring above the smog.” (Para 2)



c. What two impressions does the writer convey to the reader in the following sentences –

“It was hard work. Finding missing parts was tricky, and the machine's gears were confusing. When
Tobias discovered their secret project, he was furious. He thought playing with an old, dangerous
machine was a bad idea.” (Para 6)




d. Read this sentence from the text –

“Anya felt a jolt as the machine lifted off the ground, wobbling precariously.”

What effect does the writer create on the reader by using the phrase “wobbling precariously.” (Para 8)


e. Identify one example from the text below, of how the writer uses language effectively to convey the
writer’s feelings on the issue.

“After a short, exciting flight, Anya carefully landed Celeste on a hidden rooftop. Returning home, she
couldn't hide her excitement. Her parents, hearing about her success, were both relieved and amazed.
Though Tobias remained worried, Elara hugged Anya tightly, tears in her eyes. She finally understood
how much her daughter wanted to fly.”

Explain the impression the writer creates in the example you have identified. (Para 9)

Example - ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Explanation - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Total = 9 marks

Total for section = 25 marks

Section B: Composition

Answer one question from Section B.

Write about 350 to 450 words on one of the following questions. Answer on this question paper.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content and structure of your answer, and up to 15 marks
for the style and accuracy of your writing.


Descriptive Writing

2 Describe the experience of navigating the hidden gems of an ancient city


Descriptive Writing

3 Write a description with the title, ‘Family Game Night’.


Narrative Writing

4 Write a story that uses these words: airplane, grapes, elephant, and book.


Narrative Writing

5 Write a story about a time when an Uber/taxi driver picks up a doppelganger.




















































































............................................................................................................................................................... [25]

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