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The Girl Who Climbed Mountains: Junko Tabei's Story of Grit and Glory

1. Imagine a world where scaling the colossal peak of Mount Everest, Earth's highest point, was
considered an impossible feat for women. This was the reality for a young Junko Tabei growing up in
1950s Japan. Back then, mountain climbing was a realm dominated by men. Society expected women to
be homemakers, not adventurers pushing their limits on treacherous slopes. But Junko, from a young
age, felt a powerful pull towards the outdoors. A simple school trip to the Nasu Mountains in her fourth
grade ignited a spark within her – a passion for reaching the summits, no matter how modest.

2. However, Junko's path wasn't paved with encouragement. Doubts and disapproval surrounded her.
Climbing was deemed dangerous and unsuitable for a girl. Yet, Junko possessed an unwavering spirit.
She honed her skills, learning to navigate treacherous terrain, endure harsh weather conditions, and
carry heavy backpacks with unwavering resolve. As her experience grew, so did her ambition. Setting her
sights high, Junko dreamt of conquering the Seven Summits – the highest peaks on each continent.

3. A pivotal moment arrived in 1970. An all-female Japanese expedition set out to challenge the
formidable Mount Everest. Junko, then a determined 26-year-old, was part of the team. The climb was a
grueling test of their strength and resilience. They battled bone-chilling cold, fierce winds that
threatened to rip them off the mountain, and the debilitating effects of altitude sickness. Several
members, including Junko, fell prey to illness. Despite the hardships, they pushed forward, fueled by a
desire to prove that women belonged in the mountains, challenging the existing stereotypes head-on.
Although the expedition ultimately fell short of reaching the summit, it etched its name in history as the
first attempt on Everest by an all-female team.

4. This setback didn't deter Junko. It fueled her determination even further. She trained with renewed
vigor, analyzing the mistakes made on the previous expedition. Three years later, in 1973, another
Japanese team set their sights on Everest. This time, Junko was more prepared than ever. The climb
remained a brutal test. Avalanches threatened to bury them alive, and the weather conditions were
nothing short of brutal. Yet, Junko, alongside her Sherpa guide Lhakpa Tenzing, persevered. Finally, on
May 4th, 1973, Junko Tabei stood on the summit of Mount Everest, etching her name in history as the
very first woman to conquer the "roof of the world."

5. News of Junko's historic achievement reverberated around the globe. She shattered deeply ingrained
stereotypes and became a beacon of inspiration for countless women. Awards and recognition
showered upon her, but for Junko, the true reward lay in proving that mountains weren't the exclusive
domain of men. Her journey continued – a testament to her unwavering spirit. By 1992, Junko had
achieved another historic feat – becoming the first woman to conquer all Seven Summits.

6. Junko Tabei's story transcends the realm of physical prowess. It's a testament to the power of
courage, unwavering determination, and the relentless pursuit of breaking down barriers. She
demonstrated that gender shouldn't be a limiting factor in achieving the extraordinary. With unwavering
dedication and a burning passion for adventure, anyone can reach for the seemingly impossible.
Section A

Read the text above and answer the following questions.

Question 1

a. In what decade did Junko Tabei first develop a passion for mountain climbing? (Para 1)

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1]

b. What societal expectations did Junko Tabei challenge with her passion for mountain climbing?

(Para 1)


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]

c. How did Junko overcome the doubts and disapproval surrounding her mountain climbing passion?

(Para 2)


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [2]

d. What was Junko's ultimate mountaineering goal, as described in this passage? (Para 2)

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1]

e. What was the significance of the 1970 all-female Mount Everest expedition, even though they didn't
reach the summit? (Para 3)




…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]
f. Describe how Junko prepared for her successful Everest climb in 1973, considering the challenges she
faced on the previous attempt. (Para 4)



g. What nickname is given to Mount Everest in this passage? (Para 4)

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1]

h. In what ways did Junko Tabei's achievement inspire others? (Para 5)



i. Based on the passage, choose one theme (perseverance, following dreams, or breaking stereotypes)
and explain how it is illustrated in Junko's story. (Para 5)



Total Marks = 16
Question 2

a. Read the extract from the text:

This setback didn't deter Junko. It fueled her determination even further. She trained with renewed
vigor, analyzing the mistakes made on the previous expedition. Three years later, in 1973, another
Japanese team set their sights on Everest. This time, Junko was more prepared than ever. The climb
remained a brutal test. Avalanches threatened to bury them alive, and the weather conditions were
nothing short of brutal. Yet, Junko, alongside her Sherpa guide Lhakpa Tenzing, persevered.

What does the writer want to suggest about the situation at this point in the story? (Para 4)


………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

b. Explain what the writer’s feelings are when they say – “Awards and recognition showered upon her,
but for Junko, the true reward lay in proving that mountains weren't the exclusive domain of men.”

(Para 5)


………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... [1]

c. What two impressions does the writer convey to the reader in the following sentence –

“Her journey continued – a testament to her unwavering spirit. By 1992, Junko had achieved another
historic feat – becoming the first woman to conquer all Seven Summits.” (Para 5)



……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]

d. Read this sentence from the text –

“Junko Tabei's story transcends the realm of physical prowess.” (Para 6)

What effect does the writer create by using the phrase “transcends the realm of physical prowess.”



………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ]2]
e. Identify one example from the text below, of how the writer uses language effectively to convey the
writer’s feelings on the issue. (Para 2)

“However, Junko's path wasn't paved with encouragement. Doubts and disapproval surrounded her.
Climbing was deemed dangerous and unsuitable for a girl. Yet, Junko possessed an unwavering spirit.
She honed her skills, learning to navigate treacherous terrain, endure harsh weather conditions, and
carry heavy backpacks with unwavering resolve. As her experience grew, so did her ambition. Setting her
sights high, Junko dreamt of conquering the Seven Summits – the highest peaks on each continent.”

Explain the impression the writer creates in the example you have identified.

Example - ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Explanation - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Total for question 2 = 9 marks

Total for this section = 25 marks

Section B: Composition

Answer one question from Section B.

Write about 350 to 450 words on one of the following questions. Answer on this question paper.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content and structure of your answer, and up to 15 marks
for the style and accuracy of your writing.


Descriptive Writing

2 Depict a scene in a brightly lit fast-food restaurant at 3 am. Focus on the greasy fingerprints,
overflowing trash cans, and the weary expressions of both customers and employees.


Descriptive Writing

3 Depict the disaster unfolding at a rain-soaked campsite. Soggy tents, malfunctioning equipment, and
grumpy campers bickering over who brought the wrong marshmallows.


Narrative Writing

4 Write a story that starts with the line “I was taking my friend’s picture in front of the volcano when all
of a sudden…”


Narrative Writing

5 What would happen if you lived during a time when there was no electricity? Write a story about a
day spent in this time.



















































































............................................................................................................................................................... [25]

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