ATD Question Bank - (2022-2023)

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1. Draw the schematic layout of steam power plant and plot T-s Diagram
2. Mention any two limitations of Carnot cycle
3. Why is Rankine cycle efficiency less than Carnot cycle efficiency?
4. Draw the schematic layout and T-s Diagram of Rankine Reheat cycle
5. What is Regenerative Rankine cycle?
6. What is the difference between Fire Tube and Water Tube boilers? Give examples for
each type of boiler
7. What do you understand by Forced circulation and Natural circulation in Boilers?
8. What is the function of water level indicator?
9. What is the purpose of Fusible plug?
10. State the functions of Economiser and Air Preheater


1. Obtain an expression for thermal efficiency of Rankine cycle.

2. A steam power plant works between pressures of 40 bar and 0.05 bar. If the steam
supplied is dry saturated and the cycle of operation is Rankine cycle, find a. Cycle
efficiency b. Specific steam consumption.
3. A steam power plant operates on ideal Rankine cycle. The steam enters the turbine at
3Mpa, 350oC and is condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 5kPa. Determine
thermal efficiency, back work ratio and work ratio of the cycle.
4. Explain the working of Cochran boiler with a neat sketch.
5. Explain the working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler with a neat sketch.


1. Define a steam nozzle. What is its function?

2. Define nozzle efficiency
3. What do you understand by Wilson Line?
4. What is the condition for maximum discharge through nozzle?
5. What is the purpose of a steam condenser?
6. What is the difference between Jet condenser and Surface condenser?
7. Define vacuum in a condenser. How is it measured? What is the value of Standard
Atmospheric Pressure in mm of Hg?
8. Define Vacuum Efficiency
9. Define Condenser Efficiency
10. Mention any two sources of air leakage in a Condenser

1. Derive an expression for condition for maximum discharge of steam through a nozzle.
2. A nozzle is to be designed to expand steam at a rate of 0.1 Kg/s from 500 kPa, 210 oC
to 100 kPa. Neglect inlet velocity of steam. For a nozzle efficiency of 0.9, determine
the exit area of the nozzle.
3. Steam is expanded in a set of nozzles from 10 bar and 200 0C to 5 bar.
a) What type of nozzle is it?
b) Neglecting initial velocity, find the minimum area of the nozzle required to allow
a flow of 3 kg/s under the given conditions. Assume expansion of steam to be
4. Why is condenser used in a steam power plant? Compare jet and surface condensers.
5. Explain the working of shell and tube type surface condenser with a neat sketch.


1. What is the purpose of a steam turbine? Give Examples of Impulse Turbine

2. How are steam turbines classified according to the direction of flow of steam?
3. Draw the variation of Velocity and Pressure of steam as it passes through the nozzle
and moving blade of Impulse turbine
4. Define Blade or Diagram efficiency of steam turbine
5. Define blade velocity coefficient. What is the relation between blade efficiency, stage
efficiency and nozzle efficiency of a turbine?
6. What is the function of fixed blade in Reaction turbine?
7. Draw the variation of Velocity and Pressure of steam as it passes through the fixed
blade and moving blade of Reaction turbine
8. What is Compounding in turbines? Name the methods of Compounding
9. Define Degree of Reaction. What is the value of Degree of Reaction for Parson’s
10. What is the condition for maximum efficiency in Reaction turbine? Also write the
equation for maximum efficiency.

1. Explain the principle of working of an impulse turbine with a neat diagram

2. Derive the expression for maximum blade efficiency for an impulse turbine in terms
of blade speed ratio.
3. Discuss the methods to reduce rotor speed or Compounding of steam turbines
4. In a stage of an Impulse Turbine, steam with absolute velocity of 300 m/s is supplied
through a nozzle. The nozzle angle is 25 0. Mean Diameter of blade rotor is 1m and it
has a speed of 2000 rpm.
Find a) The suitable blade angles for Zero Axial Thrust
b) If the blade velocity coefficient is 0.9, and steam flow rate is 10 kg/s,
calculate the Power developed.
5. In a Parsons reaction turbine, the angles of receiving tips are 35 o and discharging tips,
20o. The blade speed is 100 m/s. Calculate the tangential force, power developed,
diagram efficiency, and axial thrust of the turbine, if its steam consumption is 1
1. What are the applications of Compressed air?
2. What is the main difference between Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors
3. Draw the P-v diagram of Single-stage Reciprocating compressor neglecting clearance
4. Write the equation for work done in Single stage Reciprocating air Compressor
neglecting clearance volume
5. Define Isothermal efficiency of Compressor
6. Define Volumetric efficiency of Reciprocating Compressor. What is clearance ratio?
7. Give the classification of Rotary compressors
8. Draw the schematic and T-s diagrams of Open cycle gas turbine
9. Define compressor isentropic efficiency of gas turbine
10. Define turbine isentropic efficiency of gas turbine
1. Derive the condition for minimum work done per kg of air delivered by a two-stage
reciprocating air compressor with perfect intercooler
2. Air from initial conditions of 25 0C and 1 bar is compressed in 2 stages according to
the law Pv 1.25 = C with complete intercooling to a pressure of 36 bar.
Estimate a) Minimum work required
b) Heat rejected in the intercooler per kg of air
Take cp = 1.05 kJ/kgK and R = 0.29 kJ/kgK
3. Explain the working of Roots blower and Vane blower compressors with neat
4. A gas turbine has a pressure ratio of 6 and maximum cycle temperature of 600 0C. The
isentropic efficiency of Compressor and Turbine are 82% and 85% respectively.
Calculate the power input in kW to the electric generator geared to the turbine with
transmission efficiency of 95%. Air enters the compressor at 15 0C at a rate of 15 kg/s.
Take cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK and γ = 1.4 for compression process and c p = 1.11 kJ/kgK and
γ = 1.333 for expansion process
5. Explain the methods Intercooling, Reheating and Regeneration of Open cycle gas
turbine plant with neat sketches and T-s Diagrams

1. What is the principle of Jet propulsion system?
2. Give the classification of Jet Propulsion system
3. What do you understand by ram compression? Where does it occur?
4. Draw the schematic diagram of Turbo Prop engine
5. What is the main limitation of Ramjet?
6. Define Thrust power
7. Define Propulsive power
8. Define Propulsive efficiency
9. Define Thermal efficiency
10. What is the main difference between jet propulsion and rocket propulsion systems?
1. Explain the working of turbojet engine with a neat sketch and T-s diagram
2. A turbo jet engine flying at a speed of 990 km/h consumes air at a rate of 54.5 kg/s.
a) Exit velocity of jet when enthalpy changes for the nozzle is 200 kJ/kg and
velocity coefficient is 0.97
b) Propulsive efficiency
c) Thermal efficiency of the plant when Calorific value of the fuel CV=45000 kJ/kg
and air-fuel ratio is 75:1
3. Explain the methods by which thrust augmentation can be affected.
4. Explain the working of Pulse jet with a neat sketch
5. Explain the working of liquid propellant rocket engine with a neat sketch

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