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Indian History Previous Questions


1. Give a detailed account of Harappans' town planning and evaluate the various reasons
for its decline.
2. Describe the similarities and differences of Buddhism and Ashoka's. 'Dhamma'. Discuss
the impact of both on ancient Indian Society.
3. What are the medieval Indian Temple construction styles ? Discuss with suitable
4. Examine the factors behind the rise of Shivaji. Do you feel that he was a nationalist
leader ? Support.
5. Discuss about the various stages of British colonialism and its impact on Indian Society.
6. What was the impact of the First and Second World Wars on the Indian National
Movement ? Explain.
7. Explain the main features of the religious and social reform movements and evaluate
their role in the making of Modern India.
8. How far have the oppressed caste movements and their leaders helped the downtrodden
people for their upliftment?
9. Estimate the role of women, in the National Movement. Do you consider that their
participation was an indication for the women empowerment in those days?
10. What was the role of Socialists and the influence of Socialistic ideas on the Pre and
Post-Independence India ?

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