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Satu Hanhisalo & Anna-Maija Heikkilä
Public Health Nurse
SAMK- campus Pori

Anna-Maija Heikkilä, 044-701 3544

Satu Hanhisalo, 044-701 0033
Student’s Health Care Center

 phone time 8:00 – 8:30 weekdays

 Appointment times only by reservation
 Two offices Campus (B-section) and Puuvilla
(Siltapuistokatu 2, 2th floor, Pohjois-Pori health care
 Booking by e-mail, phone and later to vaccinations by
electronical services

Sick leave notes (by phone), accidents, medication,

injections, guidance, health check ups/ clinical examination,
controls, vaccinations…

You can’t come to reception if you have any kind of

symptoms of infection disease

Siltapuistokatu 2, 2.krs (kauppakeskus Puuvilla)

When go to PHN

if you have any kind of medical problem

helps you book possible appointments needed during
working day
CALL when you get sick and need a note of sick leave
for practice job or for school
free of charge

 all students (bachelor degree) are privileged to

student health care services in Pori
Doctor`s Appointment

 health center's location depends on your address

02-621 5000
 open between 8.00-16.00 on weekdays
 Infektiovastaanotto (infection reception) on
Otavankatu 3
 Fee 20,60€ for the first three appointment times in a
First aid and Emergency Pori

 if you need urgent help, contact to your nearest

health care center (at 8.00 – 15.00) or
Satakunta Central Hospital (Satasairaala)
(at 15.00 – 8.00, weekends)
tel. 116 117 call first
Sairaalatie 3
Fee 37,80 €
 please contact also your nurse and students’ office
for further insurance matters if needed
 emergency number 112 (download 112- app)
Dentist’s appointment Pori

 you can make an appointment to the dental clinic

02 621 3625 (keskushammashoitola/center dental care service)
Fees starting from 20€
 if you need urgent help on weekends or evenings call
116 117 (Satasairaala)
Other services

 Kuntoutusneuvola (physiotherapy)
 Mielenterveyspalvelut, mental health services
(aikuisten ja nuorten vastaanotto)
 A-klinikka, A-clinic (rahapeli, päihdeongelmat / gamble
problems and addictions)
 Ehkäisyneuvola (under 23 years old)
 Oppilaitosdiakoni Johanna Simola,
oppilaitosteologi Heikki Hesso
(church’s deaconess and pastor)
More information


 (health and social services)

 PHN’s notice board (B-section, near soteekki)
Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

 Coronavirus causes a sudden

respiratory infection.
 The symptoms of many patients
have been mild, but there have also
been severe cases.
 Many people with more severe
symptoms also had some other
underlying condition.
 Clinical picture has included fever,
cough, sore throat, shortness of
breath, muscle pain, fatigue, runny
nose, nausea, diarhhoea.
 Loss of the sense of smell and/or
taste have also been reported as
symptoms of a COVID-19 infection.

 Pori region co-operation information number/koronaneuvonta:
02 623 4333 (Mon-Friday 8-16, Saturday and Sunday 8-12. Other
times call Satasairaala hospital service number).

 Satasairaala hospital service number: 116 117

 Service number for dental health: 044 701 0044 (Mon-Friday 8-

 If you have any symptoms of infection disease you should always

call first before seeking to health services

 Good hand hygiene and coughing

 Reducing close contacts - stay at least
one meter away from others.
 Wearing a mask is recommended in the
following situations and for the
following people:
 In public transport, where close
contacts cannot always be avoided.
 Persons seeking the coronavirus test
on their way to take the test and
before the completion of test results.
 Passengers arriving in Finland from a
risk area making their way from the
place of arrival to quarantine or who
they have an urgent reason to spend
time outside the home during
Infectious diseases Act 1227/2016

 Tartuntatauti-lainsäädäntö uudistui 1.3.2017 – law of

infectious diseases renewed 1.3.2017
 Students participating in practical training at Social
and Health Services
 Vaccinations, antibiotic resistant bacteria and
 Self-assessment form - itsearviointilomake

 When studies begin:

TETANUS-DIPHTERIA (3-4 doses/lifetime).
POLIO (3-4 doses/lifetime)
Pertussis/whooping cough ( when you go to treat children
under 1 year).
MMR -> ( 2 doses/lifetime ).
INFLUENZA (Season Flu).
Information about having Varicella ( chicken pox ) or
having Varicella vaccination.
(HBV for nurse students (3 doses) )
Vaccination dates on Thurdays

 10.9
 8.10
 5.11 (+ influenza)
 12.11 (+ influenza)
 3.12

 On campus with reservation

 https://pori.terveytesi/ (will open later)
Other examinations

 Thorax x-ray ( tuberculosis )

 MRSA-test ( before clinical practice if student have
been as patient or practicing in foreign hospital )

 Notice if you are at least three months in country with

a very high incidence of tuberculosis or if you are
practical training outside of Finland MRSA-test must
be always taken afterwards
Health check up

 For all students on the first academic year!

 Check up for your general health situation (vaccinations, current
health, well-being)
 Guidance and controls if needed: laboratory, physiotherapy, dental
 Health survey: confidential, no filing

Invitation will be sent by e-mail. Please write your e-mail on the first
page if you want to be checked up this autumn.

 YTHS 2021 (tutkinto-opiskelijoille/bachelor degree,

lukukausimaksu/tuition fee)
Finnish student health service
Thank You!

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