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Principles of Marketing

Seventeenth Edition

Chapter 10

Pricing: Understanding and

Capturing Customer Value

Dr. Hoang Viet Linh

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Learning Objectives
10-1 Answer the question “What is a price?” and discuss the importance of
pricing in today’s fast-changing environment.
10-2 Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of
understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and
competitor strategies when setting prices.
10-3 Identify and define the other important external and internal factors
affecting a firm’s pricing decisions.

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Learning Objective 1
Answer the question “What is a price?” and discuss the importance of pricing
in today’s fast-changing environment.

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What Is a Price?
Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of all the
values that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or

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Learning Objective 2
Identify the three major pricing strategies and discuss the importance of
understanding customer-value perceptions, company costs, and competitor
strategies when setting prices.

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Major Pricing Strategies

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Major Pricing Strategies
Customer Value-Based Pricing (Định giá trên cơ sở khách hàng)

Value-based pricing uses the buyers’ perceptions of value rather than the seller’s cost.

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Major Pricing Strategies

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Major Pricing Strategies
Customer Value-Based Pricing
Good-value pricing is offering just the right combination of
quality and good service at a fair price.

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Major Pricing Strategies
Customer Value-Based Pricing
Everyday low pricing (EDLP) involves charging a constant everyday low price with few or no
temporary price discounts.
ALDI practices everyday low pricing (EDLP).
The king of EDLP is Walmart
Loss leader

Walmart Kiếm tiền bằng cách Định giá Dưới Chi phí như thế nào?

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Major Pricing Strategies
Customer Value-Based Pricing
High-low pricing involves charging higher prices on an everyday basis but
running frequent promotions to lower prices temporarily on selected items.

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Major Pricing Strategies

Customer Value-Based Pricing

Value-added pricing attaches value-added features and services to
differentiate the companies offers and thus their higher prices.
Các giá trị này được tạo thành dựa trên nhiều yếu tố như ấn tượng và thương
hiệu công ty:
✓ Sản phẩm thời trang
✓ Mặt bằng bán sạch, đẹp, hiện đại
✓ Dịch vụ giao hàng tận nhà (Phở 24, KFC)
✓ Nhân viên bán hàng vui vẻ nhiệt tình
✓ Dịch vụ bảo hành và chăm sóc khách hàng.
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Major Pricing Strategies

Cost-Based Pricing
Cost-based pricing sets prices based on the costs for producing, distributing,
and selling the product plus a fair rate of return for effort and risk.

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Nhân tố “Chi phí” (tt)
1. Định phí (Fixed costs): là những chi phí không thay đổi theo
sản xuất hay doanh thu như tiền mặt bằng, khấu hao TSCĐ...Tuy
nhiên nếu tính cho một đơn vị sản phẩm thì nó lại thay đổi.
2. Biến phí (Variable costs): là những chi phí thay đổi trực tiếp
theo mức độ sản xuất như nguyên liệu, bao bì...Tuy nhiên nếu
tính cho một sản phẩm thì nó lại ổn định.
3. Tổng chi phí (Total costs): là số lượng định phí và biến phí
cho bất kỳ mức độ sản xuất nhất định nào.

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Các phương pháp định giá
Khi quyết định lựa chọn một phương pháp định giá, doanh
nghiệp phải chú ý một số yếu tố sau:
• Giá thấp dễ thu hút khách hàng nhưng không đạt về chỉ tiêu lợi
• Giá cao thì có lợi nhuận nhưng có thể không có khách hàng.
• Tổng chi phí.
• Giá cả của các đối thủ cạnh tranh.
• Chất lượng và kiểu dáng của sản phẩm.
• Khách hàng và sự cảm nhận của khách hàng.

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Giá bán?

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Major Pricing Strategies

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Major Pricing Strategies
Cost-Based Pricing
Cost-plus pricing adds a standard markup to the cost of the product.
• Benefits
▪ Sellers are certain about costs.
▪ Price competition is minimized.
▪ Buyers feel it is fair.
• Disadvantages
▪ Ignores demand and competitor prices

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Learning Objective 3
Identify and define the other important external and internal factors affecting a
firm’s pricing decisions.

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Other Considerations Affecting Price Decisions

Overall Marketing Strategy, Objectives, and Mix

Target costing starts with an ideal selling price based on consumer value
considerations and then targets costs that will ensure that the price is met.

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Other Considerations Affecting Price Decisions

Organizational Considerations
• Who should set prices?
• Who can influence prices?

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Other Considerations Affecting Price Decisions

The Market and Demand

Before setting prices, the marketer must understand the relationship between
price and demand for its products.

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Other Considerations Affecting Price Decisions
The Market and Demand
Pricing In Different Types of Markets

Pure competition
Monopolistic competition
Oligopolistic competition
Pure monopoly
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Other Considerations Affecting Price Decisions

The Market and Demand

Analyzing the Price–Demand Relationship
The demand curve shows the number of units the market will buy in a given
period at different prices
• Demand and price are inversely related.
• Higher price = lower demand

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Other Considerations Affecting Price Decisions

The Market and Demand

Price Elasticity of Demand (Độ co giãn của cầu)
Độ co giãn của cầu (price elasticity of demand) thể hiện độ nhạy của lượng cầu
trước thay đổi về giá của hàng hoá.
Price elasticity is a measure of the sensitivity of demand to changes in price.
Inelastic demand is when demand hardly changes with a small change in price.
Cầu hoàn toàn không co giãn là một trạng thái kinh tế mà tại đó, sự tăng hoặc
giảm giá của sản phẩm sẽ không ảnh hưởng đến lượng cầu hoặc lượng cung
của sản phẩm đó
Elastic demand is when demand changes greatly with a small change in price.
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Other Considerations Affecting Price Decisions
The Economy and Other External Factors

Economic conditions

Reseller’s response to price


Social concerns

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Principles of Marketing
Seventeenth Edition

Chapter 11

Pricing Strategies:
Additional Considerations

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Pricing strategies
1) Cost- based pricing 7) Penetration Pricing
2) Competition-Based 8) Economy Pricing
Pricing 9) Premium Pricing
3) Customer Value-Based 10) Bundle Pricing
11) Psychological Pricing
4) Freemium Pricing
5) Dynamic Pricing
6) Skimming Pricing

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Value-based pricing • command higher price points
• develop higher quality products
• Value-based pricing is a • increases focus on customer services
customer-centric pricing • promotes customer loyalty
strategy where companies Disadvantages
base their prices on how much • Price is harder to set
their target market believes a • Requires ample research, time, and
product is worth. • Production costs
• Makes scalability difficult
Mona Lisa
Painting by Leonardo da Vinci
Psychological Pricing Strategy
Psychological Pricing Strategy Advantages

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