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Loosely based on the Japanese urban legend, “Girl in the Gap.

” The
story goes … the spirit of a young murdered girl lurks in small spaces or
gaps that could be used as hiding places (ex: under a piece of furniture,
inside a drain, etc.). If you see her and she looks in your eyes, she’ll ask,
“Don’t you want to play hide-and-seek? Then … she takes you.


In Four Acts (for Five Actors)
Cast of Characters
Josh – a friendly but gullible teenage boy.
Viv – Josh’s pesky younger sister.
Thana – a classmate of Josh’s (on whom he has a major
crush). Morana – The Girl in the Gap.
Sound Effects – voice only actor/s (1-3 optimal).

SOUND EFFECTS: The sound effects in this script are so important for setting the mood
that they are listed for voice actors. Recordings work as well, if you have time to prepare.
If the script is being performed within small groups, the actor playing Morana should do
the sound effects and narration, as well. The sound effects actors can be seated together
in an offstage position.
LIGHTING: If possible have two types of lighting – (1) lighting on the acting area, dimmed
on the audience, and (2) light faded for the end of acts.
NARRATION: The narrator should remain seated on a stool (if possible) to the side of the
main acting area. The other characters should enter and exit the main acting area as the
stage directions indicate. Their acting should be live and active – and it’s perfectly okay,
and expected, to have the script in front of them. Avoid sitting at desks and simply reading
– this is readers’ theatre!

The narrator should remain seated on a stool (if possible) to the side of the main acting
area. The other characters should enter and exit the main acting area as the stage
directions indicate. Their acting should be live and active – and it’s perfectly okay, and
expected, to have the script in front of them. Avoid sitting at desks and simply reading –
this is readers’ theatre!

The sound effects actors can be seated together in an offstage position. If possible
have two types of lighting – (1) lighting on the acting area, dimmed on the audience,
and (2) light faded for the end of acts.

(Lights are dimmed. Narrator sits alone onstage.)

Narrator: (Yawns. Slowly stretches arms above. Then looks at audience in surprise.
Pleasantly.) Oh, it’s you! I didn’t know you were coming, but I always like company. So,
you want to hear a story? How about an urban legend. I love me some urban legends. It’s
a little weird – okay, (pauses, then nonchalantly) really weird – but totally worth it. I
promise. Just settle in, sit back, and stay with me. We’ll see if this urban legend (makes
air quotes with hands) “grabs” you. (Utters a short giggle.)

The story goes … the spirit of a young murdered girl lurks in small spaces or gaps that
could be used as hiding places (ex: under a piece of furniture, inside a drain, etc.). If you
see her and she looks in your eyes, she’ll ask, “Don’t you want to play hide-and-seek?
Then … (dramatic pause) she takes you.

(Lighting on Narrator dims; lights rise on acting area.)

Act One
(Lights. In his room, Josh is talking on his phone with Ethan, his best friend since middle

Josh: (sitting on his bed and talking on phone) Yeah, her name is Thana. She’s in my
Spanish class and I’ve got to get her number. I mean, she’s like incredible. So, why are
you guys are going at midnight? (Short pause.) I don’t know, Ethan. Why a cemetery?
That’s just so weird. (Short pause. Skeptically) Whose grave? (Another short pause. And
then sarcastically…) Well, that’s not creepy. Maybe next time. Alright, man. Later.

(The voice of Viv can be heard from off stage.)

Viv: (Yelling) Mo-o-o-m, I’m so bored! I want someone to play hide-and-seek with me.
Mom! Mom-maaaahhh!

Josh: (looking up and holding his breath, then to himself) Oh, no. (Suddenly footsteps can
be heard running downstairs toward his room. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.)
Why me?

Viv: (Running in Josh’s room) Joshy! Joshy! Let’s play hide-and-seek! Mom said.

Josh: Look, Viv, I’m busy. I’m not playing any stupid games with you right now. So

Viv: You’re not busy. You’re just sitting in the smelly basement. (Firmly) And Mom

said! Josh: (Curtly) This is no longer the basement to you. It’s my room. Out. Now.

Viv: (Sassy) Fine. The babysitter will be here later and she’ll play with me. Josh:

Okay, then why are you still here?

Viv: (looking defiantly at Josh and yelling) Mom! Josh’s being mean!
(Josh quickly stands as though to lunge at her and Viv runs out of the room, footsteps
loudly ascending the stairs.)

Josh: (exasperated) Oh, brother!

Act Two
Narrator: Two hours later, Josh walks upstairs to the kitchen. He sees Viv sitting at the
table playing cards with her babysitter, seated with her back to Josh.

Josh: (to Viv) Yo, Viv, did Mom leave something for dinner?
(Viv, still angry, glares at him.)
Thana: (Turning toward him, smiling) Yeah, there’s pizza in the oven. (Sees Josh staring
at her.) Oh, hi! I’m Thana, the babysitter. (She giggles slightly.)
Josh: (Still shocked to see her) Uh. Oh. I-I mean yeah. What?
(Pause.) Hi. Viv: (Laughing and pointing) That’s my dumb brother,

Josh: Actually, it’s Josh, and I think I know you from Spanish class.

Thana: Yeah, I recognize you. Didn’t you get detention from Mr. Alba last
week? Viv: (Laughing hysterically) I’m telling Mom. (Points toward him) Loser!

Josh: Well, yes but Mr. Alba and I just had an opposing view about homework, that’s all.
(To Viv, warmly) And mom already knows, so chill Munchkin.

Thana: (Embarrassed) Oops. Sorry, I have a problem speaking before I

think. Josh: It’s cool. No worries. (The oven dings.)

Thana: Hey, you wanna hang out when I leave? I’m meeting some friends at Greyfriar's
Cemetery. We’re looking for a grave with two stone slabs flat on the ground.
There’s a gap where they’re supposed to meet. They say you can look down and see
bones. And the tombstone says only one word, (eerily whispering) “Morana.”

Josh: (Surprised and hesitant) O…kay. That’s strange. You goin’ with Ethan?
Thana: Ethan? No, my cousin invited me. But there’s a big group going. Anyway, legend is
Morana’s ghost haunts the grave and if you see her, she’ll take you by your arm and ask
you to play with her. Then she’ll grab you and pull you into the grave with her. (Pauses as
others stare at her.) Cool, huh?
Josh: Um, sure, cool … I guess. My friend Ethan called me about it, but it sounded a little …
well, I mean …. (Hesitates) Okay, why not? (They look at one another quizzically thinking
about the strange coincidence of both being invited to the grave hunt. Then Viv makes a
prolonged kissing sound. Then, to Thana) Want to adopt an annoying younger sister?
(Thana laughs.)
Act Three
Narrator: Later that evening, just past midnight, Josh and Thana stand at the gate to
Greyfriar's Cemetery. Josh is on his cell phone. Thana is listening, shivering. The wind is

Josh: Where are you guys, Ethan? You said midnight. (Pause.) Oh, I see. Yeah, that’s okay.
I’ll see you there. (Hangs up.)

Thana: (With indignation.) What’d he say? Where is everybody?

Josh: (Casually) They’re meeting at his place first. Want to join them?

Thana: (Annoyed) Well, that’s rude. Nobody told us.

Josh: To be fair, I told him I probably wasn’t coming. Anyway, who cares? Let’s go meet up
with them.

Thana: No, I have a better idea! Let’s sneak into the cemetery first, find Morana’s grave,
and hide from them. When they walk by, we’ll jump out and scare them half to death.
(Laughs to herself. Pauses. Then loudly, to Josh) Boo!
(From behind them, they hear a short scream. They turn toward the sound.)
Josh: (Surprised) Who’s there? (A pause and then the sound of an owl hooting. They look
Viv: (Sneaking out from behind the light post. Speaking timidly) It’s just me.

Josh: Viv? What on earth are you doing here? No, never mind. You’re going home now.
Let’s go!

Viv: (Pleadingly) Plee-eease? I want to go in with you. I won’t bother anyone. Can’t I come?
I’ll be quiet and I’ll even cooperate.

Thana: (Sweetly) Aw, Josh. She came all this way! Let’s bring her with us. Josh:
(Hesitantly) It doesn’t seem safe, and Mom would ground me until I’m an adult.

Thana: (Placing her hand on his arm) Please? (There’s a pause as they make eye contact.
Then Viv makes another prolonged kissing sound.)

Josh: (To Viv) Seriously?

Act Four

Narrator: Ten minutes later. The sound of a wolf howling is heard in the distance. That and
the rising sound of the wind gives the night an odd sense of foreboding.

Josh: Alright, this is definitely a bad idea. And on so many levels.

Narrator: Walking through the cemetery by only his cell phone flashlight, Josh trips over a
small headstone. The cry of an owl seems to mock him.

Viv: Smooth move, bro.

Josh: I say we turn back. Maybe that was a sign. This feels all wrong.

Thana: (Holding her cell phone flashlight over a grave) Look! OMG! (She clicks a picture.)

Viv: (Running beside her) This is it! It says, (slowing sounding out the age-old etching) “Mo
… ra … na.” Morana! (Gasping) And no last name. Josh! J-o-o-sh! Come over here!

Josh: (Still catching up from his fall) Hey! Get away from there, Viv! (Starts toward her.)

Narrator: The three of them stand in front of the double slabs, looking down at the name
“Morana” engraved on the edge of one.

Viv: (Voice quivering) Joshy, I’m scared.

Josh: (Putting an arm around her) You’re alright, Munchkin. I’ve got you.

Thana: (Leaning down and placing her flashlight at the spot where the slabs should meet.)
Look at that, just … like … the legend.

Narrator: As the other two lean down, staring, a group of bats fly by nearly touching their

Viv: Ack! What was that? I think it touched my hair! (Looking back at the grave) L-L-L-ook!
(Amazed) Th-there’s a gap between the stone slabs!

Josh: That’s it! We’re done. Let’s go. Both of you. (He takes them both by their arms and
turns to walk away. Thana pulls away from him.)

Thana: (Excitedly) What? Are you kidding? I want to see! Just give me a minute. Come on,
Josh! Viv will be okay.

The Girl in the Gap, p. 5

Josh: (Grasping Thana’s hand) No. Now. I’m taking Viv home. You coming or not?

Thana: (Pulling her hand away, she takes a step back to the grave.) Go on, then. I’m not
afraid! (The sound of the wind wails.) Run home with your little sister.

Viv: No, Thana! Don’t. Come with us!

Josh: Viv, I have to get you out of here! This is crazy. She’s crazy. Come on! (He pulls Viv
away from the grave and starts toward the gate. She struggles, but he is too strong for
her to pull away. They begin to move away.)

Thana: (Stooped down and looking inside the gap with her flash light. Breathlessly)
There’s something here. I see, I see – I, I think it moved. Wait! You guys. It’s – get over
here! It’s a – a - Ahh! Aaahhh! (She drops her cell phone and, falling back, starts crawling
away backwards.)

Narrator: Josh and Viv have stopped and are staring at Thana and the grave. They stand
still in astonishment.

Viv: (Yelling) Thana – hurry! Get up! Run!

Narrator: Impossibly, one slab begins to shift away from the other in several small
lurches. By the full moonlight, Josh and Viv can see a hand lift out of the grave and
clutch onto a slab. Josh stares horrified; Viv and Thana scream. All three look
speechlessly at the stones. What looks like another hand follows. It seems to be bones
with thin green-ish skin covering only parts of it. Then the head of a young girl emerges
from the grave. Her flesh is sunken, decomposing, and putrefied. Her head jerks with a
preternatural quickness toward Viv and Josh, then back again toward Thana. With her
yellow, glowing eyes staring fixedly at Thana, she gently smiles, exposing rotted
green-black teeth.

Thana: (Panting) No-o-no-no. Go away. This can’t be real.

Narrator: (Excitedly.) Morana’s head jerks back toward Viv and Josh. Her long tongue
darks out and back in, snakelike. Her head twists back toward Thana.

Morana: (With a huge smile and the gruff, crackly voice of a very old woman) Want to
PLAY? (She bares her teeth and makes a hissing sound.)

Narrator: Josh, gathering his wits, backs Viv away from the scene, trips but doesn’t fall.
Viv screams as Josh pulls her farther away. Morana’s disproportionately long arms reach
out toward Thana who utters one final, squelched scream. And, with incredible strength
and speed, Morana pulls her into the earth. The stone slabs quickly shut.

(The Narrator pauses and looks at the audience.)

Narrator: So, did you like my story? Seemed real didn’t it? That one’s my favorite of all
time because, well, I was in the story. So of course I’d like it. Well, I’ve got to go now, but
I’m so glad you visited. Oh, and one more thing. (Darts head quickly in a slightly different
direction, directly at one audience member. With a gruff and gravelly voice.) Want to

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