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The following article was published in ASHRAE Journal, July, 2001.

© Copyright 2001 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-

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ASHRAE Journal Chillers

Deregulation and
Chiller Plant Load
By William Ryan, Ph.D., P.E. of using low capital cost electric equip-

ment even on the most intermittent of
loads, and the dominating intermittent
he world of the electric customer is undergoing drastic change. The load is cooling.
chiller plant decisions made today will affect the owner’s costs for
the next 20 years. To understand the risks owners face, it is neces- Efficiency Improvements
It is unlikely that most common effi-
sary to look at the electric industry as it has existed and its future. ciency improvements will enhance the
load factor.
The Customer and the Supplier tomers (customers whose facilities have • Most commercial buildings are
The relationship between the electric low load factors, which lowers the load equipped with fluorescent lighting, al-
supplier and the customer will undergo a factor and the profitability of generation). though electronic ballasts, high-efficiency
radical change in the next few years. In In the past, such customers were car- fixtures, and LED exit signs may reduce
the past, under complete regulation: ried under the overall regulated rate base. overall lighting loads. However, in gen-
• The electric customer had only one However, this effectively transferred costs eral, load reduction will not be large.
possible source for all electric services. from low-load factor customers, such as • Occupancy sensors that control
• Electric service was comprehensive office buildings and other daytime, week- lights are useful in reducing total energy
(electricity, billing, delivery, etc., were all day-only commercial loads to high-load consumption. However, they tend to only
provided in one uniform package). factor customers, such as industrial facili- reduce the load factor further because
• The regulated electric supplier had ties. It is not surprising that industrial elec- they mainly ensure that lighting is shut
an obligation to serve the customer, no tric customers have been a major force in off at night.
matter what the characteristics of the load. promoting electric deregulation. • Tenants expect to be able to plug a
• The local regulatory commission Out of tradition and habit, some elec- load into a receptacle and have it avail-
controlled all components of the price of tric suppliers may temporarily continue able at any time.
electricity. to market to all customer classes regard- • Tenants in buildings tall enough to
Under complete deregulation of elec- less of load factor. However, in a com- require elevators are sensitive to any el-
tricity, the customer should see: petitive environment, other suppliers will evator shutdown.
• Many vendors offering electric sup- move in quickly and “skim” their high- • Air distribution is likely handled by
ply contracts, load factor customers—leaving behind a reasonably efficient VAV system. Re-
• Electric supply contracts that offer only the customers that are expensive to ducing ventilation minimums or outdoor
many options and features, serve. The tendency is clear. Different air intake is not popular due to indoor air
• Deregulated electric vendors vying classes of customers will pay differing quality concerns.
for the “customer relationship,” rates depending on the desirability of their Overall, the only remaining target for
• Local regulated electric systems sup- load to a free market supplier. improved load factor is the chiller load.
plying the delivery service as part of any The bottom line is that customers must As long as the air system continues to
vendor’s package, and make their load profile desirable by im- provide cooling and dehumidification,
• Deregulated vendors that do not proving poor load factors. tenants are not concerned about the in-
have an “obligation to serve.” ner workings of the chiller system. Be-
Although electric deregulation may of- Designing During Regulation cause chiller alternatives exist, the chiller
fer the customer new options and lower In the past, customers exploited this
overall prices, the end of the “obligation unconditional obligation to serve, and About the Author
to serve” is the quid pro quo in this unless demand charges were high, largely William Ryan, Ph.D., P.E., is a se-
change. The economics of electric deregu- ignored load factor as an element in their nior engineer at the Energy Resources
lation means vendors have little incentive costs. Customers developed poor load Center at the University of Illinois at
to give the best prices to undesirable cus- profile habits spurred by the convenience Chicago.
18 ASHRAE Journal www.ashraejournal.org July 2001

Figure 2: Electric peak demand for a typical 1,000 ton office

Figure 1: Note the dramatic rise in July/Aug. price. This trend building. Unlike energy use, the chiller has a large effect on
has appeared consistently over the last four years. Prices are monthly peak demand.
wholesale at the exchange point, and do not include subse-
quent transmission and delivery costs. COB is California –
pared to the 0.6 to 0.68 kW/ton (0.17 to 0.19 kW/kW) of stan-
Oregon Border, PJM is the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Mary-
dard efficiency chillers. These chillers can cost as much as 50%
land Power Exchange. Data from the New York Mercantile
more than standard efficiency chillers.
Exchange as of 1/2001.
Given the expense, high-efficiency chillers are best used as
lead chillers in a multi-chiller plant to maximize operating hours
plant design and the cooling designer are on the line to provide and electric energy savings. Unfortunately, peak demand reduc-
a solution to the problem of load factor. tion will only be in the 20% to 25% range for the lead chiller. For
load leveling or demand charge avoidance, high-efficiency elec-
What Does this Mean for Cooling Plant Design? tric chillers are not effective per unit of cost. If a high-efficiency
Let us focus on the chiller plant load for a typical 1,000 ton (3517 chiller (0.54 kW/ton [0.15 kW/kW]) were used to replace stan-
kW) office building using two 500-ton (1759 kW) chillers. dard efficiency chillers (0.65 kW/ton [0.18 kW/kW]) the $70 to
The designer can choose from an array of chiller alternatives $80/ton premium would amount to roughly $75,000. Chiller
to control load factors in the chiller plant including: power demand would drop 110 kW, and all other factors being
• High-efficiency electric chillers, equal, demand reduction would cost $680/kW, higher than any
• Electric chillers with improved load-following capability, other alternative posed. The results of similar calculations are
• Gas-fired absorption chillers, listed on Tables 1 through 3.
• Gas-fired engine chillers,
• Chilled water storage, and Electric Chillers with Improved Load Following
• Ice storage. Given the variable nature of the cooling load, improved
The following describes these options. efficiency at low load will significantly decrease overall elec-
tric energy use. Technical solutions include variable-speed
High-Efficiency Electric Chillers drives, screw compressors with slide valves, and multi-com-
High-efficiency electric chillers are available with electric con- pressor chillers. Although significant electric energy savings
sumption values as low as 0.48 kW/ton (0.14 kW/kW), as com- may be achieved, these chillers are not a solution to reducing

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July 2001 ASHRAE Journal 19

ASHRAE Journal
Plant Type Total Demand Cost of Demand Reduction Cost of Demand
Lead Chiller Lag Chiller Demand
All Electric 800 kW1 Base Case Reduction
High-Efficiency 500-ton SFSE
690 kW $680/kW 500-ton Electric 525 kW $289/kW
Electric Absorber
500-ton DFDE
All DFDE1 500-ton Electric 525 kW $408/kW
250 kW1 $413/kW Absorber
500-ton Engine
All Engine 200 kW1 $475/kW 500-ton Electric 475 kW $488/kW
Full Ice Storage 0 kW $611/kW 150-ton Ice
500-ton Electric 550 kW $485/kW
Cost of Onsite Storage Chiller1,2
— >500/kW 500-ton DFDE 150-ton Ice
Generation 270 kW $448/kW
Absorber Storage Chiller
Table 1: Comparative cost of reducing demand with various
500-ton Engine 150-ton Ice
chiller types. Each technology is assumed to be used through- Chiller Storage Chiller
230 kW $486/kW
out the chiller plant to meet all cooling loads for a 1,000-ton Cost of Onsite
— — >$500/kW
(3517 kW) office building. Usage includes allocations for tower Generation
pumps, fans and other auxiliaries. The chilled water system Table 2: Total cost of reducing demand with various chiller
is assumed to be identical in all cases and chilled water pumps types. In this table, two different types of chillers are as-
are not included. DFDE = Direct-Fired Double Effect.* sumed in a hybrid plant to meet all cooling loads. Note that
the ice storage option has been optimized 1 but still does not
demand, as they will have similar and in some cases, higher surpass the lower cost of using absorption chillers.*
electric demand at full load than a standard chiller.
Cost of Operating
Absorption Chillers Lead Chiller Lag Chiller Demand Cost Today3
Reduction ($/Yr)
Eliminating the electric drive from the chiller will eliminate 500-ton Electric 500-ton Electric Base Case $92,722
the chiller’s electric demand. Absorption chillers need electricity 500-ton Absorber 500-ton Electric $408/kW $63,022
to operate solution pumps, in the 0.05 kW/ton (0.01 kW/kW) 500-ton Engine
500-ton Electric $488/kW $53,026
range. Traditionally, absorbers also used larger cooling towers Chiller
and larger condenser water flows, in the 4.5 gpm/ton (0.08 mL/J) 150-ton Ice Storage
500-ton Electric $485/kW $66,482
range (double-effect absorbers). However, some newer double ef- 150-ton Ice Storage
fect absorber designs are advertised at their capacity at 3.6 gpm/ 500-ton Absorber $448/kW $36,782
ton (0.06 mL/J) and can operate as low as 3 gpm/ton (0.05 mL/J) 500-ton Engine 150-ton Ice Storage
$486/kW $27,020
with little loss of capacity. Auxiliaries for heat rejection are gener- Chiller Chiller
ally on the order of 0.2 kW/ton (0.06 kW/kW) rather than the 0.15 Table 3: Total cost of reducing demand and operating cost
kW/ton (0.04 kW/kW) assumed for electric chillers. Absorption estimate with various chiller types. In this table, two differ-
chillers are more expensive than electric chillers. ent types of chillers are assumed in a hybrid plant to meet all
cooling loads. Note that the use of a mix of technologies
Engine Chillers reduces demand at a lower cost than using one technology.*
Engine chillers are gaining popularity because of their low
operating costs and demand avoidance. Heat rejection from an is at such a high temperature that condenser water flows may be
engine chiller is higher than for electric chillers, due to heat left at electric chiller levels, once again with higher temperature
removed from the engines cooling jacket. However, engine heat water sent to the tower. Of course, this high-grade heat from the
engine, typically above 200°F (93°C) also may be rejected to
* (ton x 3.517 = kW) water heating or some other practical application.

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20 ASHRAE Journal w w w. a s h r a e j o u r n a l . o r g July 2001

Chilled Water Storage cluded. Overall, using a generator to shave load while maintain-
Storage technologies have been gaining popularity as they ad- ing the full complement of electric chillers is not practical.
dress the load leveling issue head on, focusing entirely on demand The cost-effective use of on-site generation involves integrat-
reduction. Storage of chiller water allows the chiller to operate at ing the generator into the facility. The generator serves the elec-
the same efficiency level as a standard chiller. Unfortunately, chiller tric base load (lights, plug loads, etc.), which has high operating
water storage requires sizable storage tanks, and significant con- hours per year. Heating and cooling can be accomplished with
struction costs, making these systems expensive. waste heat from the prime mover directly.

Ice Storage Assessing Risks

Ice storage reduces the size of the storage tanks needed for In a traditional energy analysis, costs are calculated, and a
thermal storage and, like chilled water storage, it is tailored to payback or rate-of-return is found for differing options. How-
reducing demand costs. However, the plant must be operated ever, the operating cost assessment is dependent on local en-
properly to guard against running out of ice on days when capac- ergy prices making the analysis limited to a specific geo-
ity is needed. Also, the chillers themselves will consume 0.9 to graphic area and to the energy prices available from today’s
1.0 kW/ton (0.25 to 0.28 kW/kW),2,4 substantially more power regulated, or in some cases partly deregulated energy market.
than the 0.65 kW/ton (0.18 kW/kW) of standard chillers. Finally, To look to the deregulated future, the following analysis takes
the low evaporator temperatures will reduce the output capacity a standard all-electric chiller plant as a base and then analyzes
of chiller equipment to 60% to 70% of normal rating for 45°F differing technologies for their cost of peak demand avoid-
(7°C) chilled water production.1 ance. What is the cost of using differing approaches to reduce
peak demand in dollars per kilowatt? This gives plant design-
Distributed Generation ers an indication of the cost structure of various approaches
The obvious solution to the demand problem may seem to and is not limited to a specific geographic or utility area. The
include generation into the facility to shave load as needed. results of these calculations are shown in Tables 1 and 2 for a
Unfortunately, this tends to be a high-cost solution—in the $500 1,000-ton office-building load. Table 3 includes a sample op-
to $600 per kW range when the required paralleling gear is in- erating cost for a specific utility rate.

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July 2001 ASHRAE Journal 21

ASHRAE Journal
Conclusions plant away from the strict electric chiller fo- this chiller on a 24-hour basis to cover the 500-
The high-demand profile of today’s cus of the past to a larger universe including ton (1759 kW) lag chillers duty, thus reducing the
commercial buildings leaves the facility widely available but generally less often cost of the system.
2. Dorgan, C.E. and J.S. Elleson. 1993. De-
owner at considerable risk in the deregu- used thermally-driven equipment. sign Guide for Cool Thermal Storage. Atlanta:
lated future. Many options can reduce that ASHRAE.
risk. However, some of the most cost-ef- Notes 3. Assumes $0.06/kWh, $15/kW/month de-
fective of these options are available equip- 1. The ice storage system was optimized in mand charge, and $0.30/therm charge for gas.
ment used in new ways rather than radi- cost and demand reduction by installing a 150- 4. 1995 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Appli-
cally new systems. Some specific conclu- ton (528 kW) ice-storage chiller and operating cations p. 40.13.
sions include:
• The cooling plant is the most impor-
tant and controllable factor in the overall
load factor of a commercial building.
• The cost of electric generating sys-
tems including the needed paralleling gear
($500 to $600/kW) suggests that these sys-
tems be used to reduce the demand of those
loads that must be electrically driven such
as lights and plug loads.
• The use of full ice storage systems—
recharged only at night—will reduce cool-
ing demand dramatically. However, the
cost is high—more than $600/kW.
• If ice storage systems are used only as
a lagging or peaking chiller and are opti-
mized in first cost by reducing chiller size
and charging continuously, the cost of de-
mand reduction still remains in the $480/
kW range.
• Whether used for all or part of the load,
direct-fired double-effect absorption chill-
ers (DFDE) can reduce demand in the $400–
$420/kW range, making these systems a Advertisement for the print edition
logical choice for demand reduction. These formerly in this space.
systems also provide comparable or lower
operating cost in most areas, which makes
them more attractive.
• Although engine chillers are more ex-
pensive for demand reduction purposes
than absorption chillers or an optimized ice
storage system, their high efficiency and
the low cost of gas fuel used generally
makes the operating cost of engine chillers
low. This combination of low operating cost
and demand reduction makes engine chill-
ers desirable in many locations.
• The cheapest mechanism for demand
avoidance is the single-effect absorber in
the $280–$300/kW range. However, due
to the higher operating cost of this option,
a single-effect absorber should be used as
a lag chiller, unless the chiller is powered
by waste heat.
Overall, these conclusions indicate that
finding a technical solution to the problem
of risk exposure for the large commercial
customer will require diversifying the chiller
22 ASHRAE Journal w w w. a s h r a e j o u r n a l . o r g July 2001

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