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Journal of Dental Research

Building Caries Risk Assessment Models for Children

X.-L. Gao, C.-Y.S. Hsu, Y. Xu, H.B. Hwarng, T. Loh and D. Koh
J DENT RES 2010 89: 637 originally published online 16 April 2010
DOI: 10.1177/0022034510364489

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© 2010 International & American Associations for Dental Research


X.-L. Gao1, C.-Y.S. Hsu2*, Y. Xu3,

H.B. Hwarng4, T. Loh2, and D. Koh5
Building Caries Risk Assessment
Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry, University of
Models for Children
Hong Kong; 2Department of Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of
Dentistry, National University of Singapore, 5 Lower Kent
Ridge Road, Republic of Singapore 119074; 3Department of
Information Systems, School of Computing, National
University of Singapore, and School of Management, Fudan
University; 4Department of Decision Sciences, School of
Business, National University of Singapore; and 5Department
of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yong Loo Lin School of
Medicine, National University of Singapore; *corresponding

J Dent Res 89(6):637-643, 2010

Abstract Introduction
Despite the well-recognized importance of caries risk
assessment, practical models remain to be established.
This study was designed to develop biopsychosocial mod-
els for caries risk assessment in various settings. With a
D espite the great strides made in caries control in developed countries,
caries remains the most common chronic childhood disease and a major
financial burden on society (WHO, 2006). In recent years, caries in the pri-
questionnaire, an oral examination, and biological (sali- mary dentition has been increasing in the USA (US/DHHS, 2007), UK (Pitts
vary, microbiological, and plaque pH) tests, a prospective et al., 2006), Canada (Speechley and Johnston, 1996), Australia (Armfield
study was conducted among 1782 children aged 3-6 years, and Spencer, 2004), Norway (Haugejorden and Birkeland, 2002), and the
with 1576 (88.4%) participants followed in 12 months. Netherlands (Truin et al., 1993). These epidemiological signs point to an
Multiple risk factors, indicators, and protective factors urgent need for effective caries control among children.
were identified. Various risk assessment models were
A skewed distribution of caries has been observed in many developed
constructed by the random selection of 50% of the cases
and further validated in the remaining cases. For the pre- countries, with 25% of children bearing 75-80% of affected surfaces (Kaste
diction of a “one-year caries increment”, screening mod- et al., 1996; Pitts et al., 2006). As concluded in a National Institutes of Health
els without biological tests achieved a sensitivity/ (NIH) conference, caries prevention should be timely targeted at high-risk
specificity of 82%/73%; with biological tests, full-blown individuals (NIH consensus panel, 2001). Since cumulative evidence has
models achieved the sensitivity/specificity of 90%/90%. linked early childhood caries with caries in the permanent dentition (Skeie
For identification of a quarter of the children with high et al., 2006; Alm et al., 2007), early and accurate selection of high-risk pre-
caries burden (baseline dmft > 2), a community-screening schoolers through caries risk assessment for prevention and intervention is of
model requiring only a questionnaire reached a sensitiv- great importance for cost-effective caries control. In the clinical setting, caries
ity/specificity of 82%/81%. These models are promising risk assessment is an essential element of diagnosis, constituting a basis for
tools for cost-effective caries control and evidence-based
evidence-based treatment planning (Featherstone et al., 2003).
treatment planning. Abbreviations: decayed, missing,
filled teeth in primary dentition (dmft); receiver operation
Considerable efforts in past decades have identified multiple caries risk fac-
characteristics (ROC); relative risk (RR); confidence tors, indicators, and protective factors (Hunter, 1988; Graves et al., 1991; Harris
interval (CI); National Institutes of Health (NIH); World et al., 2004). Multifactorial modeling has been used to increase risk assessment
Health Organization (WHO); US Department of Health accuracy; however, few models have met the requirement for a useful model,
and Human Services (US/DHHS); American Academy of i.e., sensitivity + specificity > 160% (Stamm et al., 1988; Zero et al., 2001).
Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). Several conceptual models have been suggested by professional organiza-
tions, such as the Caries-risk Assessment Tool proposed by the American
KEY WORDS: caries risk assessment, biopsy- Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD, 2002) and the Caries Management
chosocial model, preschoolers. by Risk Assessment program advocated by the California Dental Association
(Featherstone et al., 2003). However, the accuracy of these models has not
been demonstrated. A computerized program, Cariogram, has been developed
to streamline the caries risk assessment process, with multiple weighed fac-
DOI: 10.1177/0022034510364489 tors and interactions (Bratthall, 1996). Although Cariogram has been satisfac-
torily validated among Swedish schoolchildren (Petersson et al., 2002) and
Received November 14, 2008; Last revision December 14,
the elderly (Petersson et al., 2003), its validity in preschoolers was unsatisfac-
2009; Accepted January 19, 2010
tory (Holgerson et al., 2009).
A supplemental appendix to this article is published elec- Currently, the clinical and community practice of caries risk assessment
tronically only at is hampered by the lack of a model with sufficient simplicity and proven

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638 Gao et al. J Dent Res 89(6) 2010

accuracy (Zero et al., 2001). Empirical estimation, which is not pellets. Saliva buffering capacity and levels of mutans strepto-
reliable, remains the main way for clinicians to judge the caries risk cocci and Lactobacilli were assessed with Dentobuff® Strip,
for formulating preventive and treatment plans (Zero et al., 2001). Dentocult® SM Strip mutans, and Dentocult® LB kits (Orion
The aim of this population-based prospective study was to Diagnostica, Espoo, Finland), respectively. A trained dental nurse
identify caries risk factors, indicators, and protective factors and and an assistant completed the biological sample collection.
to develop and validate biopsychosocial caries risk assessment
Follow-up of Caries Status
models for preschoolers.
The caries examination was repeated after 12 mos with the same
Materials & Methods criteria and procedures. The one-year caries increment (Δdmft)
was calculated. The information was also collected on dental
Participants care received by the child in this 12-month period.
The participants in this study were recruited from the govern-
ment kindergartens in Singapore, with the ethical approval of Statistical Analysis
the National University of Singapore Institutional Review Board
Data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social
and parents’ informed consent (Gao et al., 2009). Only one of
Sciences (version 15). We used multiple stepwise logistic
the 14 randomly selected kindergartens refused to participate.
regressions for identifying risk factors, indicators, and protec-
All nursery and Kindergarten Grade-1 children aged 3-6 yrs
tive factors and for constructing risk assessment models. Data
were approached, including those with compromised health
from 50% randomly selected children were used for model
conditions and special needs.
construction, with data from the remaining children for model
Data Collection The independent variables (Appendix) fell into 5 categories,
Questionnaire Survey including demographic, socio-economic, behavioral, clinical
(oral hygiene and baseline caries experience), and biological
We used a parent-administered questionnaire pre-tested in our variables. Multicollinearity was checked before modeling. For
previous studies to collect information on (a) children’s demo- various community and clinical applications, 5 models with dif-
graphic background (age, gender, race, and country of birth), (b) ferent cost implications were constructed (Table 1). While pre-
socio-economic status (parents’ education attainment and hous- diction models utilize all the potential factors to identify the
ing condition), (c) children’s oral health practice (feeding histo- at-risk children, risk models focus on the modifiable etiological
ries, diet habits, oral hygiene measures, fluoride applications, factors conducive to tailoring preventive and treatment strate-
and dental attendance), (d) systemic diseases, and (e) parental gies. Theoretically, risk models have greater external validity
knowledge and attitudes on oral health. and might be applicable in different populations (Bratthall and
Caries Examination and Oral Hygiene Evaluation Petersson, 2005).
The children’s caries risk was also assessed with Cariogram
All participants were examined by the same examiner, who was (Table 2). The performances of Cariogram and models con-
trained and calibrated against an experienced pediatric dentist structed in this study were evaluated by Receiver Operation
with representative cases. The participants were examined while Characteristics (ROC) analysis.
seated in a portable dental chair with a fiber-optic light. World
Health Organization procedures and diagnostic criteria (WHO,
1997) were followed for the caries examination. The tooth status Results
was mainly assessed by visual inspection, aided by tactile In the 13 participating kindergartens, 1782 children (889 males
inspection if necessary. A disposable probe, instead of a CPI and 893 females) were recruited, with a response rate of 86.3%.
probe, was used prudently to avoid damaging sound enamel The mean age was 4.8 yrs (age range, 3.6-5.7 yrs). The question-
surfaces. No radiographs were taken. A dmft score was calcu- naire was completed by the parents of 1754 (98.4%) children.
lated for each child. The oral hygiene status was evaluated based After 12 mos, 1576 (88.4%) children were followed up. During
on a modified Silness-Löe Plaque Index (Silness and Löe, this 12-month period, only 62 (3.5%) children visited dentists,
1964), with 6 index teeth (1E, 1B, 2D, 3E, 3B, and 4D). For receiving restorations or extraction.
monitoring intra-examiner reliability, duplicate examinations The intra-examiner reliability was high (Kappa = 0.958 for
were carried out for 10% randomly selected children, with at caries examination; Intra-class Correlation Coefficient = 0.946
least 10 other children examined between duplicate examina- for oral hygiene evaluation). No significant difference was
tions for each selected child. found between lost-to-follow-up children and those followed
Biological Tests up, in their demographic and socio-economic profiles and base-
line caries status (all p > 0.05).
The plaque pH at 6 sites (mesial surfaces of right-upper and left-
lower central incisors and first molars in each quadrant) was
Caries Risk Factors, Indicators, and Protective Factors
measured with a microelectrode set (Beetrode®, World Precision
Instruments Inc., Sarasota, FL, USA). Stimulated saliva flow rate At baseline, 40.3% of children were affected by caries. The
was measured after the children chewed for 5 min on paraffin mean (SD) dmft was 1.57 (2.79), with 90% of the affected teeth

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J Dent Res 89(6) 2010 Caries Risk Assessment Models for Children   639

Table 1. Various Models Constructed

Models Constructed**

Prediction Model Risk Model

Screening Full-blown Screening Full-blown Model
Outcome variable
1-year increment (∆dmft √ √ √ √
> 0 or = 0)
Baseline dmft > 2 or ≤ 2 √
Independent variables*
Features All features All features Selected features Selected features All features
Categories Demographic Demographic Demographic Demographic Demographic
Socio-economic Socio-economic Socio-economic Socio-economic Socio-economic
Behavioral Behavioral Behavioral Behavioral Behavioral
Clinical Clinical Clinical Clinical
Biological Biological
Source of information Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire Questionnaire
Clinical examination Clinical examination Clinical examination Clinical examination
Biological tests Biological tests

* The independent variables are described in the Appendix.

** Two types of models, prediction models and risk models, were explored, involving all features and selected features (age, gender, and etio-
logical factors for caries), respectively (Bratthall and Petersson, 2005). For each of the two types (prediction models and risk models), both
full-blown and screening models were built, with and without information from biological tests, respectively. These four models were all “any-
risk” models, with “any caries increment in 1 year (∆dmft > 0 or = 0)” as the dichotomous outcome variable. In addition, for screening the
high-risk children in the community setting without a clinic visit, a community-screening model was explored, with all features excluding the
clinical and biological categories. This model is a “high-risk” model for identifying about 25% of children with high caries burden (Beck
et al., 1992) (baseline dmft > 2 in this population) through a questionnaire.

as decayed teeth (dt) (Gao et al., 2009). In 1 yr, 43.7% of chil- For prediction models, the sensitivity/specificity of the
dren developed new caries (∆dmft > 0), including 43.3% of screening model was 82%/73%; the full-blown model reached a
children with ∆dt > 0. The mean (SD) increase of dmft in 1 yr sensitivity/specificity of 90%/90%. For risk models, the screen-
was 0.93 (1.42). ing model showed a sensitivity/specificity of 81%/62%; the
Multiple caries risk factors, indicators, and protective factors full-blown model achieved a sensitivity/specificity of 83/92%.
have been identified (Table 2). The chance of “1-year caries The community-screening model was able to identify the 25%
increment” (∆dmft > 0) increased with “age”, “Malay race”, of children with the highest baseline caries burden, with a sen-
“prolonged breastfeeding”, “bedtime feeding with breast/milk/ sitivity/specificity of 82%/81%, through 6 simple questions.
formula/juice/sweet”, “frequent sweet intakes”, “bedtime sweet Cariogram demonstrated a sensitivity/specificity of 71%/66%
intakes”, “no health problems”, “age that parents regarded as and a moderate Area under ROC Curve (0.731). All performance
appropriate for starting dental check”, “past caries experience”, measures of our models were higher than those of Cariogram,
“Plaque Index”, “mutans streptococci”, and “Lactobacilli” and except for our screening risk model, which had significantly
decreased with “education attainment of father”, “never lived in higher sensitivity (p < 0.05), but similar performance in other
non-fluoridated community”, “use of other fluorides (not from measures (p > 0.05), as compared with Cariogram (Table 2).
toothpaste)”, “no annual check because teeth did not bother the
child”, and “plaque pH” (all p < 0.05).
The chance of “high caries burden at baseline (dmft > 2)”
increased with “age”, “Malay race”, “using other fluorides”, As a population-based prospective study, this project was
“parents’ unawareness of the detrimental effect of bedtime milk designed to establish accurate biopsychosocial models for pre-
bottle”, and “number of child’s decayed teeth estimated by par- dicting caries. Due to the constraints of the field settings and the
ents”, and decreased with “parents’ belief that ‘tooth worm’ is potential health risks related to radiation exposure, no radio-
the main reason of caries” (all p < 0.05). graphs were taken. This might result in an underestimation of
caries prevalence and incidence. For a complete profile of the
children’s caries experience, dmft, instead of dt, was used as the
Caries Risk Assessment Models and Their Performance
outcome measure. A tooth was scored as missing only if trauma
Various caries risk assessment models have been developed was excluded as the reason and the child was at an age when
(Table 2); the performances of these models and Cariogram are normal exfoliation would not be a sufficient explanation for the
compared (Table 2, Fig.). absence of the tooth.

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Table 2. Caries Risk Assessment Models and Their Performance

Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval)*

Prediction Models Risk Models

Factors/Indicators (X) Screening Full-blown Screening Full-blown Model Cariogram**

Age (mos) 1.045 (1.017-1.073) 1.060 (1.009-1.113) 1.058 (1.029-1.087) 1.060 (1.009-1.114) 1.042 (1.015-1.072) Related diseases
Malay race 1.837 (1.174-2.876) 2.053 (1.269-3.308) Diet frequency
Father’s education level 0.645 (0.542-0.767) 0.606 (0.436-0.841) Diet content
Months of breastfeeding 1.037 (1.012-1.063) 1.067 (1.016-1.120) 1.033 (1.010-1.057) 1.027 (1.008-1.087) Plaque amount
Bedtime feeding 1.484 (1.106-1.928) Fluoride applications
Frequency of between-meal sweets 1.368 (1.102-1.698) 1.338 (1.007-1.685) Lactobacilli level
Bedtime sweets 1.332 (1.006-1.682) Mutans streptococci
Never lived in non-fluoridated 0.676 (0.576-0.796) Saliva flow rate
community Saliva buffering
Using fluorides (other than fluoride in 0.420 (0.202-0.876) 2.633 (1.188-5.796)
No annual check because teeth did 0.475 (0.256-0.781)
not bother the child
Age regarded by parents as 1.300 (1.071-1.639)
appropriate for dental check
Parent’s belief of ‘tooth worm’ as 0.103 (0.012-0.837)
reason for caries ***

© 2010 International & American Associations for Dental Research

Parents do not know bedtime milk 1.999 (1.228-3.326)
bottle is bad for teeth
Child’s number of decayed teeth 12.835 (8.908-18.673)
estimated by parent
No health problems 2.869 (1.737-4.736) 2.669 (1.198-5.945)
Past (baseline) caries 7.316 (5.135-10.423) 3.948 (1.933-8.060)
Plaque Index 5.050 (3.263-7.814) 8.902 (3.822-20.726) 9.061 (6.548-12.461) 7.367 (4.102-12.987)

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Level of mutans streptococci 2.700 (2.025-3.599) 2.555 (2.016-3.335)
Level of Lactobacilli 2.272 (1.587-3.471) 2.123 (1.481-3.304)
Average pH 0.010 (0.004-0.024) 0.016 (0.008-0.031)

Table 2. (continued)

Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval)*

Prediction Models Risk Models

Factors/Indicators (X) Screening Full-blown Screening Full-blown Model Cariogram**

Performance ****
Area under ROC curve 0.845II 0.961I 0.765III 0.945I 0.885II 0.731III
Cut-off point of predicted “possibility 0.328 0.445 0.342 0.551 0.158 0.376
of disease”
Sensitivity (%) 82.3II 90.4I 81.2II 83.1I, II 82.2II 70.5III
Specificity (%) 73.1III 90.0I 62.2IV 91.9I 81.2II 65.8IV
Sensitivity + Specificity (%) 155 180 143 175 163 136III
Accuracy (%) 77.1II 90.2I 70.5III 88.1I 81.4II 67.9III

* Only significant caries risk factors/indicators are listed in this Table, with the Odds Ratios (95% Confidence Intervals) indicating the associations between caries and these factors/indicators.
** Caries risk assessment with Cariogram was done by following the Cariogram user’s manual (Bratthall et al., 2003). “Group” was set as “standard” and the “Country/Area” was set

© 2010 International & American Associations for Dental Research

as “low-risk”, considering the nationwide water fluoridation in Singapore since 1958 (personal communication with Dr. Douglas Bratthall). To be more prudent, we have also tried other
setting combinations and confirmed that the current setting generates the best prediction.
*** With the survey question as “what do you think is the main reason of tooth decay?”, parents who chose ‘tooth worm’ other than the other 4 answers (heatiness, ineffective toothbrush-
ing, sugar, and bacteria) were defined as holding the belief of “tooth worm” as the reason for caries. “Heatiness” is an Asian belief emphasizing the heatiness resulted from the Yin-Yang
**** In a ROC curve, the true-positive rate (sensitivity) was plotted against the false-positive rate (1-specificity) for different possible diagnostic thresholds (Fig.). An ideal cut-off point of
“predicted possibility of caries” with the highest “sensitivity + specificity” was identified for each model. “Area under ROC curve” served as a summary measure indicating the overall
model performance in discriminating between low-risk and high-risk children.
ranking: There were significant differences in the specific performance measures among models with different ranks. The Rank-I indicates the highest performance.

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642 Gao et al. J Dent Res 89(6) 2010

“Using other fluorides” indicated a reduced chance of “1-year

caries incidence” (∆dmft > 0), but an elevated chance of “high
caries burden at baseline” (dmft > 2). At the cross-sectional
level, “use of other fluorides”, most likely prescribed by den-
tists, could be a result, instead of a cause, of high caries burden
at baseline. Longitudinally, the application of additional fluoride
products served as an effective measure to control caries incre-
ment in susceptible children (odds ratio = 0.420; 95% CI =
“Tooth worm” is a traditional conception of caries pathogen
and is more prevalent in low-socio-economic groups. Interestingly,
children whose parents held this concept had a lower caries risk,
possibly due to the “fear of tooth worm” being a strong motiva-
tor for children and parents to strive for good oral health. With
creative modifications, this concept, or its derivatives, might be
useful in oral health education.
Surprisingly, children with “no health problems” (reported
by parents) tended to develop more caries. This may be possible
since “health problems” may lead to a better parental awareness
of and attention to their child’s oral health (Rohde and Northrup,
There was a significant increase in caries risk associated with
plaque acidity, which is a cumulative reflection of multiple
microbiological (amount and virulence of cariogenic bacteria),
dietary (cariogenicity of food intake), and salivary factors
(saliva flow and buffer capacity), and their interactions
(Kleinberg et al., 1982). Our analysis comparing the predictive
values of single risk factors and indicators showed no significant
difference in the “sensitivity + specificity” between “plaque pH”
Figure. ROC curves of caries risk assessment models. There were (158%) and “past caries” (153%), which has been regarded as
significant differences in the Area under ROC Curve among models the strongest caries predictor (Zero et al., 2001). Nevertheless,
with different ranks (I-III). Rank I indicates highest model performance, “plaque pH” was more sensitive than “past caries” (82% vs.
with Rank III indicating lowest performance. Due to different disease 70%, p < 0.05), with no significant difference in their specificity
outcomes, the ROC curve of the community-screening model is not (76% vs. 83%, p > 0.05).
included in this Fig.

Caries Risk Assessment Models

The children were followed over a 12-month period, inade-
quate for adolescents and adults, but sufficient for preschoolers A useful risk assessment program should be one with high
with faster caries progression (Shwartz et al., 1984). A sizeable simplicity, sensitivity, and specificity (Stamm et al., 1988).
incidence rate (44%) has allowed us to develop various multi- However, with the trade-off between simplicity and accuracy, it
factorial models successfully. Dental treatments delivered to the may be impractical for both to be achieved simultaneously.
participants during the 12-month period might confound the Nevertheless, by combining a simple and low-cost screening
results; however, the related information revealed only 62 model and a full-blown model with high accuracy, various needs
(3.5%) children as receiving restoration or extraction. Since no in the community and clinical settings may be met. With a ques-
regular oral health education program was delivered to pre- tionnaire and a clinical examination, our screening prediction
schoolers during this period, dental intervention in the kinder- models can pick up the potential high-risk children in the clinic
garten setting was deemed to be negligible. for further assessment with our full-blown model. The explora-
tion of the community-screening model is a unique approach of
this study. Through a six-item simple questionnaire, 25% of
Caries Risk Factors, Indicators, and Protective Factors
children with high caries burden (baseline dmft > 2) could be
This study has identified multiple biopsychosocial risk factors, identified with both sensitivity and specificity above 80%. This
with “breastfeeding” among them. However, further analysis model would be practical and useful for screening these children
indicated that, compared with children “never breastfed”, those for early treatment and intervention, especially in communities
“breastfed within 12 months” did not demonstrate a higher car- where regular dental screening for preschoolers is uncommon
ies risk, with a relative risk (RR) of 1.03 and 95% confidence and/or costly.
interval (CI) of 0.84-1.23. Breastfeeding for “1-2 years” and Cariogram, even with biological tests, showed a sensitivity/
“beyond 2 years” elevated the caries risk, with a RR (95% CI) specificity (71%/66%) and a performance lower than that of our
of 1.42 (1.07-1.66) and 1.64 (1.27-1.92), respectively. This screening models. The insufficient accuracy of Cariogram in
result seems to indicate a “healthy window for breastfeeding”. predicting early childhood caries was also revealed recently in

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J Dent Res 89(6) 2010 Caries Risk Assessment Models for Children   643

Sweden, with a sensitivity/specificity of 46%/88% (Holgerson Haugejorden O, Birkeland JM (2002). Evidence for reversal of the caries
et al., 2009). Compared with our findings, the relatively lower decline among Norwegian children. Int J Paediatr Dent 12:306-315.
Holgerson PL, Twetman S, Stecksèn-Blicks C (2009). Validation of an age-
sensitivity and higher specificity of Cariogram in this Swedish modified caries risk assessment program (Cariogram) in preschool
study might be due to the strict threshold value for defining children. Acta Odontol Scand 67:106-112.
“positive case” (i.e., chance of avoiding caries of 20% or below), Hunter PB (1988). Risk factors in dental caries. Int Dent J 38:211-217.
while the optimal cut-off point identified in our study was 37.6%. Kaste LM, Selwitz RH, Oldakowski RJ, Brunelle JA, Winn DM, Brown LJ
Both studies reported similar “sensitivity + specificity” (134% (1996). Coronal caries in the primary and permanent dentition of chil-
dren and adolescents 1 ± 17 years of age: United States, 1988 ± 1991.
vs. 136%; p > 0.05) of Cariogram. This indicates that, although J Dent Res 75(Spec Iss):631-641.
Cariogram has been validated in Scandinavian adolescents and Kleinberg I, Jenkins GN, Chatterjee R, Wijeyeweera L (1982). The anti-
the elderly, it may have limited accuracy among preschoolers. mony pH electrode and its role in the assessment and interpretation of
In conclusion, this study has identified pertinent caries risk dental plaque pH. J Dent Res 61:1139-1147.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) consensus panel (2001). National
factors, indicators, and protective factors and has established
Institutes of Health consensus development conference statement.
caries risk assessment models for a wide range of uses in com- Presented at the Consensus Development Conference on Diagnosis and
munity and clinical settings for the early detection of high-caries- Management of Dental Caries Throughout Life, March 26-28, 2001.
risk groups and evidence-based treatment planning. Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
4C71-940E-07C2E0C9E348/0/Final_CDC_Statement.pdf (accessed on
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Education Academic Research Fund, R222-000-021-112 and Petersson G, Fure S, Bratthall D (2003). Evaluation of a computer-based
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