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Tutorial Memo B: Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems : Q8-Q14

8) Using Thevenin’s Theorem, calculate the current flowing through load

resistance RL = 18 ohm connected between A and B as shown in Fig.8.
Assume the battery internal resistance to be 1 ohm and all resistances are in


i) Calculation of Vth:

Disconnect RL and keep A and B as open circuit. Redraw circuit as Fig.8(a).


Equivalent resistance for the circuit:

Req = 2 + 1 + 6 || (1+6+1) = 3 + 6||8 = 3 + 6x8/(6+8) = 6.43 ohm

I = 12/Req = 12/6.43 = 1.87A

I2 = I.6/[6 + (1+6+1)] = 1.87 x 6/14 = 0.801A

Vth = 6.I2 = 4.81V

ii) Calculation of Rth:

Keep A and B as open circuit. Remove the battery by replacing it with a short circuit.
Redraw the circuit as Fig.8(b).

Let us reduce rhe network in steps. Looking at the circuit from A and B:

Between E and F, REF = (2+1) || 6 = 2 ohm

Therefore, circuit is redrawn as below:

Rth = 6 || (1+2+1) = 6 || 4 = 2.4 ohm.

Therefore, current through RL = Vth/(Rth + RL) = 4.81/(2.4 + 18) = 0.236A – Ans.

9) For the circuit shown in Fig.9, calculate using Thevenin’s theorem the load
current when (i) RL = 5 ohm and (ii) RL = 10 ohm. Verify both results using
Norton’s theorem.


1) Thevenin’s Theorem:

a) Calculation of Vth:

Disconnect RL and keep A and B open circuit. Redraw the circuit as Fig.9(a).


Vth = 4 x 10/(2+4) = 6.67V

b) Calculation of Rth:

Keep A and B as open circuit. Remove the battery by replacing it with a short circuit.
Redraw the circuit as Fig.9(b).


Looking at the circuit from A and B :

Rth = (2||4) + 5 = 2x4/(2+4) + 5 = 6.33 ohm.

(i) Applying Thevenin’s theorem, current through RL=5 ohm

= Vth/(Rth+RL) = 6.67/(6.33+5) = 0.588A – Ans.

(ii) Applying Thevenin’s theorem, current through RL=10 ohm

= Vth/(Rth+RL) = 6.67/(6.33+10) = 0.408A – Ans.

2) Verification of Results by Norton’s Theorem:

a) Calculation of IN:

Disconnect RL and short circuit A and B. Redraw the circuit as Fig.9(c).


Equivalent resistance of the circuit, Req

= 2 + (5||4) = 2 + 5x4/(5+4) = 4.22 ohm

Therefore, I = 10/Req = 10/4.22 = 2.37A

IN = I.4/(4+5) = 2.37 x 4/9 = 1.053A

b) Calculation of RN: This is exactly same as Rth calculation.

(i) Applying Norton’s theorem, current through RL=5 ohm

= IN.RN/(RN+RL) = 1.053x6.33/(6.33+5) = 0.588A – Verified.

(ii) Applying Norton’s theorem, current through RL=10 ohm

= IN.RN/(RN+RL) = 1.053x6.33/(6.33+10) = 0.408A – Verified.

10) Calculate Thevenin’s voltage and Thevenin’s resistance for the circuit shown
in Fig.10 where load resistance RL is connected between terminals A and B.
Use Thevenin’s parameters to calculate Norton’s current and Norton’s
resistance. All resistances are in ohms and battery internal resistance is zero.



i) Calculation for Vth:

Disconnect RL and keep A and B as open circuit. Redraw the circuit as Fig.10(a).


Mesh analysis is used to calculate the two closkwise loop currents I1 and I2 as marked
in Fig.10(a)

Matrix equation is written as follows:

50   17  5  I1 
 0    5 40 . I 
     2

Solving for I1 and I2 by Cramer’s Rule:

Common determinant,  = 17x40 – (-5)x(-5) = 655

50  5
Determinant 1 = =50x40 – 0 = 2000
0 40

Therefore, I1 = 1/ = 2000/655 = 3.053A

17 50
Determinant 2 = = 0 – 50x(-5) = 250
5 0

Therefore, I2 = 2/ = 250/655 = 0.382A

Thus, Vth = VDE + VEF = 15.I2 + 2.I1 = 11.836V

ii) Calculation for Rth:

Keep A and B as open circuit. Remove the 50V battery and redraw the circuit as


Convert the CDE delta in Fig.10(b) to a star.

The delta resistances are:

R1 = 20 ohm (C-D), R2 = 15 ohm (D-E) and R3 = 5 ohm (C-E)

The corresponding star resistances are calculated as below:

Ra = R2.R3/(R1+R2+R3) = 15x5/(20+15+5) = 1.875 ohm (E-S, S is the star point)

Rb = R3.R1/(R1+R2+R3) = 5x20/(20+15+5) = 2.5 ohm (C-S)

Rc = R1.R2/(R1+R2+R3) = 20x15/(20+15+5) = 7.5 ohm (D-S)

Circuit is redrawn as follows with star resistances:

Circuit is further simplified as follows:


Rth = 22.5 + (12.5 || 3.875) + 22.5 + 30

= 22.5 + 12.5x3.875/(12.5+3.875) + 30 = 55.46 ohm

Thevenin’s parameters: Vth = 11.836V, Rth = 55.46 ohm – Ans.

Therefore, Norton’s parameters:

IN = Vth/Rth = 11.836/55.46 = 0.213A – Ans.

RN = Rth = 55.46 ohm – Ans.

11) Find the Norton’s equivalent circuit parameters for the circuit shown in
Fig.11. Values of resistances are: R1 = R2 = 10 ohm, R3 = 15 ohm. Assume
internal resistance of the 100V battery to be 1 ohm.



i) Calculation of IN:

Short circuit A and B and redraw the circuit as follows, after putting all values:

Equivalent circuit, Req = 1 + 10 + 10||15 = 11 + 10x15/(10+15) = 17 ohm

I = 100/Req = 100/17 = 5.88A

Note that Norton’s current flows through the 15 ohm resistance and then through
shorted A and B.

Therefore, IN = I.10/(10+15) = 5.88x10/25 = 2.353A

ii) Calculation of RN:

Remove the battery leaving its internal resistance in the circuit. Redraw the circuit as
Fig.11(b). Keep A and B as open circuit.
RN = (10+1) || 10 + 15 = 11x10/(11+10) + 15 = 20.24 ohm

Thus, Norton’s parameters : IN = 2.353A, RN = 20.24 ohm – Ans.

12) Apply Norton’s theorem to calculate the current through load resistance RL =
5 ohm in the circuit shown in Fig.12. All resistances are in ohms and battery
internal resistance is zero.



i) Calculation of IN:

Disconnect RL=5 ohm from the load terminals and short circuit them. Redraw the
circuit as follows (load terminals named A and B):

Short-circuiting A-B also short circuits the 10 ohm resistance, essentially removing it
from the calculation for IN. Circuit is redrawn as Fig.12(b).

Equivalent circuit, Req = 4 + 4||8 = 4 + 4x8/(4+8) = 6.67 ohm

I = 20/6.67 = 3A

IN = I.4/(4+8) = 3x4/(4+8) = 1A

ii) Calculation of RN:

Keep load terminals A-B open circuit. Remove the battery by replacing it with a short
circuit. Redraw the circuit as Fig.12(c).

RN = (4||4 + 8) || 10 = (2+8) || 10 = 10 || 10 = 5 ohm

Therefore, applying Norton’s theorem,

Current through RL = IN.RN/(RN+RL) = 1x5/(5+5) = 0.5A – Ans.

13) Using Norton’s theorem, calculate the current flowing through resistance R4 as
shown in the circuit in Fig.13. Values are as follows: V1 = 50V, V2 = 100V, R1
= 40 ohm, R2 = 50 ohm, R3 = 20 ohm and R4 = 10 ohm. Assume battery
internal resistances to be zero.



i) Calculation of IN:

Disconnect R4 and short circuit A and B. After putting all values, redraw the circuit as


Now note:
o If a resistance is shorted, then all current from a source will flow through the
short circuit; the resistance will be completely bypassed. This is because short
circuit will provide a zero resistance path, i.e. an easiest path for the current to

o Since A-B is short circuited, 50V battery will drive a current I1 through the 50
ohm resistance and the short circuit (from A to B)

o 100V battery will drive a current I2 through 20 ohm and the short circuit (from
A to B).

o IN = I1 + I2 (by principle of superposition, from A to B)

I1 = 50/50 = 1A
I2 = 100/20 = 5A

Therefore, IN = 6A

ii) Calculation of RN:

Keep A and B as open circuit and remove both batteries by replacing them with short
circuits. Redraw the circuit as Fig.13(b).


Note that 40 ohm resistance is short circuited while removing the 50V battery.

Therefore, RN = 50||20 = 50x20/(50+20) = 14.286 ohm

Therefore, applying Norton Theorem,

current through R4 = IN.RN/(RN+R4) = 6x14.286/(14.286+10) = 3.53A – Ans.

14) Using Norton’s theorem, calculate the current flowing through RL in the
circuit of Fig.14 when (i) RL=12 ohm, (ii) RL=24 ohm and (iii) RL=36 ohm.
Assume all resistances are in ohms and battery internal resistances are zero.


a) Calculation of IN:

Disconnect RL and short circuit A and B. Redraw the circuit as Fig.14(a)


120V battery drives I1 through 40 ohm resistance and the short circuit (AB) and
similarly, 180V battery drives current I2 through 60 ohm resistance and the short
circuit (AB).

I1 = 120/40 = 3A

I2 = 180/60 = 3A

Therefore, IN = I1 + I2 = 6A

b) Calculation of RN:

Keep A and B as open circuit and short circuit both the batteries.

Redraw the circuit as Fig.14(b).


Looking at the circuit from A-B,

RN = 40||60 = 40x60/(40+60) = 24 ohm.

i) RL = 12 ohm:

Applying Norton’s theorem, current through RL

= IN.RN/(RN+RL) = 6x24/(24+12) = 4A – Ans.

ii) RL = 24 ohm:

Applying Norton’s theorem, current through RL

= IN.RN/(RN+RL) = 6x24/(24+24) = 3A – Ans.

iii) RL = 36 ohm:

Applying Norton’s theorem, current through RL

= IN.RN/(RN+RL) = 6x24/(24+36) = 2.4A – Ans.

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