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Renzo O. Maniego Jhoemar Niebres Marx Anthony Castro

Michael Jhon Castro Ervin John Morante

Operational Intelligence
Operational Intelligence (OI) is a form of real-time dynamic business
analytics that delivers visibility and insight into data, streaming events,
and business operations. It involves collecting and analyzing data from
various sources in real time to provide organizations with actionable
insights that can be used to optimize processes, make informed
decisions, and respond quickly to changing conditions.
Key characteristics of
Operational Intelligence
Real-Time Monitoring
and Analysis

OI provides the ability to monitor and analyze data and events as

they occur, enabling immediate responses to changing conditions.
Actionable Insights

OI focuses on providing information that can be acted upon quickly

to improve operations, make informed decisions, and respond to
events in a timely manner.
Integration of Data

It gathers and correlates data from various sources, such as

sensors, devices, applications, databases, and external feeds, to
provide a comprehensive view of operations.
Visualization and

OI often employs graphical representations, charts, and

dashboards to present information in a format that is easy to
understand, enabling stakeholders to quickly grasp the current state
of operations.
Alerts and Notifications

OI systems can generate alerts and notifications based on

predefined thresholds or specific events, allowing for immediate
attention to critical issues.
Predictive and
Prescriptive Capabilities

Some OI systems incorporate predictive analytics to anticipate future

events based on historical data, as well as prescriptive analytics to
recommend actions to optimize operations.
Business Activity
Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) is a process or a set of tools that
enables real-time monitoring of business activities, processes, and
performance within an organization. The goal of BAM is to provide
timely and relevant information about key business metrics, allowing
decision-makers to monitor and respond to events as they occur. It is a
crucial component of Business Intelligence (BI) and helps
organizations to gain insights into their operations and make informed
Real-time Monitoring

BAM focuses on monitoring activities as they happen in real time,

providing up-to-the-minute information on business processes and
Key Performance Indicators
BAM often involves the tracking and visualization of key performance
indicators, which are specific metrics that are crucial to measuring the
success and efficiency of business processes.
Alerts and Notifications

BAM systems can be configured to send alerts or notifications when

certain predefined conditions or thresholds are met, enabling quick
response to critical events or issues.
Dashboard and Reporting

Visualization is a key aspect of BAM. Dashboards and reports are

created to present the monitored data in a format that is easy to
understand, allowing stakeholders to quickly grasp the current state of
Analysis and Decision
BAM systems may also provide analytical tools to perform deeper
analysis on the monitored data, helping organizations understand
trends, identify opportunities, and address challenges.
Implementing BAM can offer several benefits to organizations,
including improved operational efficiency, better decision-making, and
the ability to respond quickly to changes in the business environment.

It's worth noting that BAM is closely related to concepts such as real-
time analytics and operational intelligence, all of which contribute to
enhancing an organization's ability to monitor and manage its business
activities effectively.
Data models:
Conceptual Description:
in business intelligence refer to high-level, abstract representations of data, processes,
These are abstract representations of how data is organized
and relationships within an organization. These descriptions help stakeholders
structured within
understand a system
the overall or and
structure database.
meaning ofIn
thebusiness intelligence,
data involved in business data
intelligence activities. They often involve concepts like data models, entities,
models help define how different pieces of information relate to each other
relationships, and key metrics, providing a foundation for designing and implementing
and provide a framework for organizing
effective BI solutions. and retrieving data.
Data Data

These are abstract representations of how data is organized and

These are abstract representations of how data is organized and structured within a
structured within aInsystem
system or database. business or database.
intelligence, data In business
models intelligence,
help define how different data
pieces of information relate to each other and provide a framework for organizing and
models help define how different pieces of information relate to each other
retrieving data.
and provide a framework for organizing and retrieving data.
Data models:
These are abstract representations of how data is organized and
represent the main objects or concepts in a business context, such as customers,
structured within a system or database. In business intelligence, data
products, or transactions. In a data model, entities are often depicted as tables, and their
models helpattributes
how different piecesorof
the characteristics information
properties of thoserelate each other

and provide a framework for organizing and retrieving data.

These are abstract representations of how data is organized and
in business intelligence refer to the associations between different entities. They define
structured within
how data from a system
one entity orconnected
is linked or database. Ininbusiness
to data intelligence,
another entity. For example, data
customer entity may have a relationship with a sales transaction entity to show which
models help define how different pieces of information relate to each other
customers made specific purchases.
and provide a framework for organizing and retrieving data.
Data Key

These are abstract representations of how data is organized and

are specific measures or indicators that are crucial for assessing the performance or
structured within These
health of a business. a system
database. In business
include financial figures likeintelligence, data
revenue or profit,
operational metrics like production efficiency, or customer-related metrics like
models help define how different pieces of information relate to each other
satisfaction scores. Key metrics are essential in making informed business decisions.
and provide a framework for organizing and retrieving data.
Management of Business
Managing business procedures involves overseeing the processes,
protocols, and workflows within an organization to ensure efficiency,
productivity, and consistency. It encompasses creating, documenting,
implementing, and optimizing these procedures to achieve the desired
outcomes and goals.
Significance of Business
Procedures Management
Efficiency Improvement: Implementing BPM helps streamline workflows,
reducing redundant tasks and optimizing resource allocation.

Enhanced Quality: Standardizing procedures leads to higher-quality

outputs and more consistent outcomes.
Significance of Business
Procedures Management
Adaptability and Innovation: Agile BPM enables organizations to adapt
swiftly to market changes and innovate in response to evolving

Cost Reduction: Efficient processes often result in cost savings due to

minimized waste and optimized resource utilization.
Strategies for Managing
Business Procedures
Process Mapping and Analysis: Identify, map, and analyze existing
procedures to understand bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

Standardization and Documentation: Establish standardized procedures

and document them clearly to ensure consistency and transparency.
Strategies for Managing
Business Procedures
Automation and Technology Integration: Implement automation tools
and integrate technology to streamline processes and reduce manual

Continuous Improvement: Encourage a culture of continuous

improvement by regularly reviewing and refining processes based on
feedback and data analysis.
Benefits of Effective Business
Procedure Management

Increased Productivity: Streamlined processes lead to enhanced

productivity as tasks are executed more efficiently.

Improved Customer Satisfaction: Better-managed procedures often

result in improved customer experiences and satisfaction.
Benefits of Effective Business
Procedure Management

Risk Mitigation: Clearly defined processes help in identifying and

mitigating risks associated with business operations.

Competitive Advantage: Organizations with optimized processes gain a

competitive edge by being more agile and responsive in the market.
Function of Metadata

- Organization and description

- Search and retrieval
- Information creation, multi-versioning, and reuse
Types of Metadata

Descriptive Metadata

- Includes information like titles, keywords, and abstracts, aiding in the

identification and categorization of data.
Types of Metadata

Reference metadata

– the information about the contents and quality of statistical data.

Types of Metadata

Statistical metadata

– also called process data, may describe processes that collect,

process, or produce statistical data.
Importance of Metadata

Information Retrieval

- Metadata enhances search and retrieval processes by enabling users

to quickly locate and understand relevant data.
Importance of Metadata

Data Integrity and Quality

- Accurate metadata contributes to the overall quality and reliability of

data, reducing the risk of misinterpretation.
Importance of Metadata


- Metadata standardization fosters interoperability, allowing different

systems and platforms to seamlessly exchange and interpret

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