Super Spetacular Update

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Super Spetacular Update+

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Shantae (Video Games)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-07-31 Words: 1,031 Chapters: 1/1
Super Spetacular Update+
by birdyblaze


Pepper gets a new copy of Shantae and the Seven Sirens and is excited to try out it's new
immersion mode!


A TF story done as a gift for YepperPeppers on Deviantart/twitter/Furaffinity

Pepper would have been pacing back and forth anxiously, awaiting for her download to
finish. She was waiting for the new update for Shantae and the Seven Sirens, which was said
to have a mode which would really immerse you into the game, making you feel like you’re
Shantae herself! But Pepper didn’t really have the fastest connection speed, so it was taking a
while for it to download. About 15 minutes or so had passed and it still wasn’t done…

“I really need to do these updates ahead of time, ribbit.” She’d mumble to herself, and just as
she complained, her switch would have finished the update. Pepper happily croaking as she
would eagerly start the game, as the title screen would have shown up. Once she pressed
start, she was given the option of different modes. There was: Definitive Mode, Full Deck
Mode, Rule Breaker Mode, Beginner mode, and the one Pepper was interested in,
‘Immersive Mode’

“‘Immersive Mode, Immerse yourself as though you really are the Half-Genie Hero herself!’
That’s the one, ribbit” She’d say to herself, as she selected it, allowing the game to load itself
up...bit by bit...slowly…

About five minutes had passed, and the loading bar had barely moved. Pepper was annoyed
that there was yet again another long wait. But it should be worth it in the long run, she
thought to herself. As she was waiting however, her hands would have begun to change color
and feel. Her slightly sticky hands begin to lose their mucus and become softer to the
touch,the orange of her hands then darkening, becoming more fleshy to the feel as they’d
have changed from orange to a darker brown color, Like a tan. As Pepper would have noticed
the changes in skin tone and let her controller go out of shock.

“W-Whoa wait, what’s going on, ribbit?” She’d ask in surprise as she would look at her
newly changed hands, opening and closing them as the tan would have spread through her
arms, The changing frog gal feeling the tan crawl up to her shoulders, a clink then being
heard as two yellow, golden bracelets would have appeared on her wrists, which had an oddly
familiar look to them…

“Wait a second, isn’t this...ribbit-” She’d say looking at the golden bracelets, her torso being
next to lose its mucus and skin tone, beginning to turn from a pure white, into the same
darker, brown skin tone that was on her arms. Her shirt began to shift and ruffle, shrinking
down and changing its fabric and color to be a softer, smaller, and simpler red chestpiece,
with a yellow gem adorned in the middle, and a dark red strap at the back to keep it in place.
“It is! It’s Shantae’s outfit. Then that means...I’m becoming her, ribbit!” She’d say eagerly
once the realization hit that she was becoming the half-genie hero herself. Seeing the brown
skin tone go down her torso, then proceeding to go down her legs. Her Jeans began to
become a softer fabric, darkening from a blue to a red, and with another clink being heard as
the top of her changing pants had gold rings around them. Pepper raises her legs up to see
Her froggy feet begin to change,soon being hit with the creeping change of skin tone,
beginning to shrink down and have its structure and shape changed, Until they were darker
skinned, and much more humanoidi than frog. As the scuffle of fabric would be heard, red
fabric being pulled out of the pants, copied even, and made to wrap around her new feet,
before solidifying into a pair of red shoes with pointed tips at the end, as though being made
exactly for Shantae. As she’d let her legs go back down, hitting the table with a clunk of the

“Last, but not least should be my head, ribbit!’ She’d say, closing her eyes in excitement as
she was indeed right. The darker skin crawled up her neck, before reaching her head as it
would begin to change shape and look, being molded to have a more human look to it, with
her eyes being shrunk down to resemble more of the titular character, rather than her old
froggy look. Her sclera brightened underneath her eyelids, losing the redness they once had,
to become a simple white, with her pupils rounding out, getting brighter in color to be a
brighter blue. Her mouth gained a new set of teeth, with her tongue losing its length to
become a more simple human’s one. A tingle being felt on the top of her head as purple hair
would have begun to grow out slowly, before Pepper was almost thrown aback by the sudden
growth of hair that occurred, reaching down to the couch and then some. A last few clasps are
heard to finalize her changes,her hair being tied into a ponytail with a golden hair clip. And
her hearing improved as she would grow a new pair of long, pointed, human-like ears. A
clink on each ear being heard as a yellow earring attached itself onto each one. Pepper, or
rather, Shantae currently. Had finished changing. The once frog gal opened her eyes and saw
that the game had finished loading.

“Enjoy being Shantae herself!” The game would have said, with the option to press A to
continue with the game. Pepper smiling wide as she’d get up, looking at her newly changed
self in eager curiosity and excitement

“Oh my gosh Oh my gosh I’m actually her! I’m Shantae, Ribbit” She’d say, grabbing her
neck softly as she noticed her voice had changed also, being more human-like, and matching
the in-game voice of Shantae exactly. As she’d go to grab the controller to try and continue
the game, before coming to a realization
“Wait, I wouldn’t need the game to be Shantae, I’m already her, Ribbit!” She’d say, going to
set the controller down as she’d eagerly go from the living room, outside to the backyard of
her house, eager to see just what she can do as the half-genie hero herself!
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