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Soul Essence Innovates

Divine Connection
A Connection Designed by God

By. Temperance Williams


For many of us, our perspective of love has been painted and tainted by the media as
well as movies. When it doesn’t look like the movies or the social media couples we begin
to get frustrated with the idea of love and many of us give up. God has the ability to
introduce us to love in a way that man can not. He is the foundation of love and in him,
we too will become a representation of what love truly is.


“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor
others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not
delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

All the Glory and the Honor and the Praise go to the most high God! <3

Chapter 1: Rekindle
Chapter 2: Redirection
Chapter 3: Like Job
Chapter 4: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 5: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 6: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 7: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 8: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 9: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 10: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 11: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 12: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 13: ….. (For purchase only)
Chapter 1: Rekindle

There I sat with the empty bottle in my hand. No thought was going through my mind, but so much
regret was in my heart. I heard a still voice say almost in a whisper but over the noise, “You are mine.”

I looked around to see if it was just another one of the clingy men there that night. They had been
walking around the bar all night like roaring lions seeking one of the inebriated women to devour. But
there was none, in fact, no one was around me. I must’ve slipped into the corner near the restroom and
sat down to reevaluate my state of mind. I don’t remember how I got there. All I know is I was drunk
two seconds before I heard the voice but sober once it spoke.

End preview:
Rest of the contents will be for purchase only

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