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The given bar graphs show data for the cost of airline tickets for flights

between Sydney and Melbourne in both directions over two weeks in 2013.

Overall, flights in both directions generally displayed patterns that are similar
to one another, with higher prices from Friday through Monday. Week 2 flight
prices were either significantly reduced from week 1 or remained identical.

In week 1, airfares from Sydney to Melbourne began at $80 on Monday and

remained under $40 for the following three days before rising to $75, $70, and
$50, respectively, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The costs remained the
same during the second week, with the notable exception of a drop on
Monday to $50.

The trend was similar for flights from Melbourne to Sydney, with the most
expensive flight being on Friday at $80 (week 1) while the lowest rate was at
35$ on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (week 1 and 2). Finally, there
were declines of 10 to 20$ across Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in the
second week. (171 words)
The diagram below shows how oil is extracted in the production of perfume.

This picture shows the extraction of essential oil during the manufacture of perfume.

Overall, the process consists of four key steps, starting with producing hot steam by
boiling water and concluding with collecting refined essential oil and aromatic water.

In the initial part of the procedure, water is heated in an enclosed boiler to generate
steam, which is then channeled via a pipeline to a larger vessel containing aromatic
plants. In the second stage, the heated moisture from the boiler is utilized as a
vaporizer to extract plant oil from the source material, after which the steam and oil
vapor combination is transported to another chamber, ready for the next phase.

In the third step, the mixture is liquefied in a spiral cylinder with cold and hot water
at the bottom and top of the container, respectively. The solvent is then sent to a
separator, where the impurities are removed, resulting in the distilled essential oil
and refined hydrolat.
(159 words)
Many people use written language in a less formal and more relaxed way. Why?
Does this development have advantages and disadvantages?

Today, the written language of many people is more casual and conversational than
that of others. The two primary contributors are modern technological innovations
and the casual, convivial informal communication style. This development is a
massive step in the right direction since it will make exchanging information more
straightforward and more approachable.

Firstly, the proliferation of contemporary technology, such as the Internet and

messaging applications, is the principal cause of widespread informal language. From
WhatsApp to Facebook Messenger, endless platforms are integrated with an instant
messaging feature. As Internet users rise, the texting culture of using abbreviated
phrases and humorous expressions has grown increasingly prevalent. Another
reason is that working lives would seem uninviting and hostile without informal
communication. Indeed, informal one-liner messages and casual encounters often
bond a business together. They enable the on-boarding of new staff and the
exchange of knowledge more efficiently.

Personally, the tendency to adopt casual written language offers clear benefits. First,
informal communication through texting or post-it notes is faster and simpler to
understand, and anybody may utilize it in any circumstance. Formality also impairs
communication flexibility. For instance, everyday language enables employees to
access several channels simultaneously, such as text messages, Facebook messages,
and Tweets, rather than being confined to email alone. Moreover, the formal
structure of employee engagement may be intimidating, which is where an informal
approach can be beneficial. If an employee is not reaching required standards or
punctuality, a lighthearted text message containing emojis may typically resolve the
issue. On the other side, officially documenting these occurrences might undermine
the employee's loyalty and confidence.

In conclusion, the Internet and informality's pleasant nature are the two most
influential factors in the rising popularity of the informal language. This is a genuinely
advantageous development since it promotes more effective and welcoming
(300 words)
The bar charts below show the number of hours each teacher spent teaching in
different schools in four different countries in 2001.

The given bar chart demonstrates the number of hours taught primary, lower
secondary, and upper secondary by teachers in the US, Japan, Spain, and Iceland in

Overall, lower secondary and upper secondary teachers in the US taught significantly
more hours than their counterparts in the other three countries. In addition,
teachers in the primary grades put in comparable hours in all four countries.

Primary and lower secondary teachers in Iceland had the fewest working hours (at
approximately 600). Notably, upper-level secondary school teachers in Iceland
undertook an enormous workload of about 900 hours. In Japan, teachers at all levels
worked between 600 and 700 hours, with hardly any variation between grade levels.

Primary teachers in the US and Spain worked similar hours, at around 650. However,
lower secondary and upper secondary teachers in Spain worked 750 and 900 hours,
respectively, whereas lower secondary and upper secondary teachers in the US
worked 1000 and 1200 hours, respectively. Finally, teachers' workload gradually
grew in Spain as they progressed from lower classes to higher grades, but in the
United States, this increase was more dramatic.
(183 words)
Task 1: The map below show the layouts of nature museum between 2010 and

The images depict the development of a nature museum between 2010 and 2013.

Overall, the museum experienced a number of modifications, the most notable of

which was a substantial building expansion and the addition of various new exhibits
and amenities.

In 2010, the museum had three primary exhibition rooms and a lobby with a ticket
counter. The dinosaur exhibit was housed in the space to the lobby's immediate left,
whereas the ocean hall was positioned immediately behind the lobby. The animal
exhibition, however, was positioned in the area behind the dinosaur exhibit.

By 2013, a new section had been constructed to the building's right-wing, replacing
the old garden. This section contained a new shop and cafe, a human origins exhibit,
and a mammal display. In addition to a new room featuring an insect exhibit, a new
exhibition on the Ice Age had been installed in the former mammal exhibit room.
(150 words)
Task 1: Bar chart (Number of visitors use a community website for the first and
second year of use)

The chart illustrates how many individuals visited a community website in each of
the two years.

Overall, the second year had higher page views than the first in most months.
Moreover, both years had similar trends, with the highest levels often seen in
November and July.

Visits to the community website first peaked at 10,000 in November and December
of the first year and around 17,500 in the same month in the second year. This
number fell back to under 1,000 during the subsequent months before reaching a
new high around July (15,000 in the first year and 22,500 in the second year).

In both years, the number of visitors climbed progressively from September to

December and later from February to August. However, there was a substantial
plummet in August in the second year. Additionally, the lowest points were both
recorded in September and February, dropping to approximately 2,000 and 500,
respectively, in the first year, whereas the second year witnessed 3,000 and 10.000,
(165 words)
Task 1: The diagram shows a process of making a storage area from a material
called concrete canvas.

The picture explains how a concrete canvas storage facility is created.

Overall, there are a total of eight steps in this procedure, beginning with the
production of concrete canvas and ending with the usage of this site for storage.

The first stage involves creating the concrete canvas from three distinct components.
The top layer is a fibrous material, the base layer is constructed specifically for
waterproofing, and the intermediate layer is dry concrete. The concrete canvas is
then moved to the site, where it will be unrolled.

The next step is to secure the concrete canvas to a truck with one end of a rope. The
vehicle gently drags the fabric along the ground until its length is 10 meters, at which
point the four corners are anchored into the ground with pegs. The canvas is inflated
to a height of 8 meters using mechanical means with a door positioned in the front.
The canvas is then hardened by spraying water on it. Finally, after waiting 20 to 24
hours for the inner layer to solidify, the concrete canvas tent may be utilized as a
storage space.
(187 words)
Task 2: Some people believe women are better leaders than men. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this statement?

For some, women would make for superior leaders. I recognize that women might
have an advantage in empathy and collaboration, but I also believe that men's
capacity for strategic thinking is an essential quality in a competent leader.

In some elements of being a leader, women are superior to men for several reasons.
In terms of compassion and teamwork, women tend to surpass males. Ultimately,
these two characteristics will produce competent leaders. Numerous sovereign
states, such as Germany and Finland, have had female officials, and the majority of
these nations are recognized for exercising caution in the majority of their
judgments, granting more rights to community members, and eliminating the gender
pay gap. Regarding their international relations, these countries are typically
commended for their amicable connections.

However, research shows that men may be superior to women in their capacity to
think strategically. Leaders with this skill have a better probability of making
decisions that will favor their teams and businesses. Across the board, men
dominate senior management ranks and are widely recognized as experts in a wide
range of fields. In addition, women are impractically constrained by responsibilities
outside leadership jobs, such as managing work and family. Pregnancy, for instance,
often necessitates time off from work for women but not for males.

In conclusion, I consider both men and women to have something valuable to

contribute and are capable of serving as effective leaders. This is because women
would be more advantageous regarding compassion and collaboration, while males
are exempt from domestic duties and provide tactical benefits.
(257 words)
Task 1: The diagram details the process of producing olive oil.

The given illustration depicts the olive oil production process.

In general, it is noticeable that there are a total of seven steps involved, beginning
with picking ripe olives from the trees and ending with the product being packaged
and sold.

In the first step, farmers gather mature olives from trees and transport them to a
rinsing machine, where they are cleaned with cold water. When the olives have been
cleaned, they are sent on a conveyor belt to a machine that grinds them to remove
the pits. At this point, the olives are processed into a paste by being crushed up and
the olive seeds removed.

In the following step, after being placed in a bag with holes, the olive paste is
compressed in a machine, and the remaining water is extracted from the oil in a
subsequent step. The last step is for the olive oil to be packaged and distributed to
stores for sale.

(156 words)
Task 2: Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think
that studying the past history can help us better understand the present. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.

While some argue that history has nothing significant to teach us, others insist that
understanding the past help us better grasp the present. Personally, the second
viewpoint is more reasonable since we may be better prepared for the present and
future by learning from previous mistakes.

First, some individuals are skeptical of historical accounts because they believe they
are biased. In most cases, physical and scientific evidence is insufficient to establish
the knowledge. For this reason, many individuals dismiss historical trivia as legends
or exaggerations that contribute nothing to modern life. In Vietnam, for instance,
archaeologists have uncovered old remains in various locations, but they have yet to
match this information with the proper knowledge provided in history books about
the ancient kingdom. However, I cannot entirely agree with this idea since a lack of
proof does not mean the past is not genuine and irrelevant.

On the other hand, knowledge of history is vital for comprehending the present and
future. In reality, by studying the past, not only can we learn from our mistakes and
improve our future actions, but we may also be inspired to work harder by hearing
about the heroic efforts and personal sacrifices that our ancestors made. In
Germany, for instance, educating children about World War II history is a must
because of the many lessons and insights it provides for helping them learn from and
prevent repeating past errors.

In conclusion, as a result of learning from past mistakes, it is essential to study

history so that humans may be better equipped for the present and future.
(263 words)
Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative
effects on social relationships. Do you agree or disagree?

There is widespread concern that the prevalence of instantaneous communication

tools negatively impacts interpersonal bonds. I disagree completely with this
viewpoint because of how modern communication facilitates not just long-distance
interactions but also global social engagement.

Some worry that individuals may grow more isolated if more convenient modes of
communication, such as smartphones and social media, become the norm. They
argue that by emphasizing virtual communication over real-world encounters, these
technologies risk weakening the foundations of interpersonal bonds. This assertion,
however, is vastly inflated. Virtual communication actually strengthens interpersonal
bonds rather than weakening them. Most Facebook users, for instance, have face-to-
face conversations with friends and coworkers in addition to exchanging messages
online. Facebook's additional tools, such as instant messaging and video chatting, do
not replace face-to-face communication but rather help us maintain relationships
over great distances.

In addition to addressing the issue of distance, as stated above, these technologies

also allow us to widen our social networks. Some examples of such communities are
online forums like Reddit, which bring together people with a shared interest in the
arts, history, video games, or linguistics, and photo-sharing applications like
Pinterest, which may bring together a group of individuals with similar tastes in
photography. These communities allow for in-depth conversations and debates on a
global scale, something that is difficult to do in person. Therefore, advances in
communication have not been at the expense of interpersonal connections but
rather have strengthened them.

In conclusion, I am confident that the advancements in communication technology

have made it possible for people to maintain long-distance connections and
participate in the social life on a global scale.
(270 words)
Some people think that it's important to spend a lot of money on family
celebrations (e.g. weddings, birthdays). Others say that expensive celebrations are
a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion?

Many believe it is worthwhile to lavishly celebrate significant life events with friends
and family, while others hold the opposite view. I agree with the second position
since it recognizes that this practice might encourage materialism and prejudice.

On the one hand, to flaunt their riches and elevate their social position, some
individuals spend a disproportionate amount of money on lavish family celebrations.
Proponents of this idea often point out that weddings and other family ceremonies
are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. For this reason, it becomes reasonable to
allocate more budgets to ensure that important occasions leave lasting impressions
on everyone involved. A family's socioeconomic position is sometimes judged by the
care with which they plan their family celebrations. Their social standing will improve
with the more significant expense of the gathering. This is especially pertinent and
advantageous when family members work in political or relationship-related sectors.

On the other hand, there are several problems with throwing lavish family festivities.
The first is that an unhealthy fixation on money may cause one to become obsessed
with material things. This means surface characteristics are given greater weight in
social judgments than core values. Second, this practice might encourage inequality.
Peer pressure and ridicule may be especially harsh for young adults who lack the
resources to invest in luxurious birthday parties. There is already evidence of this
tendency in countries where money is idolized, such as China, where they shame one
another over the cost of their birthday parties and weddings.

In conclusion, despite the advantages of spending a significant amount of money on

family events, doing so is wasteful since it may encourage a materialistic and
judgmental worldview.
(275 words)
Task 1: The charts below show the percentage of Australian men and women in
three age groups who were employed in 1984, 2001 and 2014.

The bar charts demonstrate the employment rates of males and females in Australia
across three age groups in 1984, 2001, and 2014.

Overall, men aged 35 to 44 were employed more than any other group in all three
years surveyed. Moreover, although women aged 15-19 had relatively the same
employment rate, the figures for the 35-44 age group and the 60-64 age group
increased gradually throughout the years.

According to the first bar chart, the overwhelming majority of men aged 35 to 44
were employed and stayed unchanged in all three years (approximately 90%). In
addition, the employment rate of adolescents aged 15-19 fell steadily from roughly
60% in 1984 to precisely 50% in 2014, while the figure for older men aged 60-64
experienced an opposite trend, rising gradually from around 40% to about 60% in
the same time frame.

Turning to the second graph, the employment rate of women was generally lower
than men’s, peaking at only around 75%, 15% less than men’s highest point.
However, the 35-44 age group and the 60-64 age group of women witnessed
increases, especially in the older group with substantial growth (quadrupling from
10% in 1984 to over 40% in 2014). Finally, between the ages of 15 and 19, the figure
remained relatively stable, with only a small drop of roughly 10% from 2001 to 2014.
(223 words)
Task 2: In many countries, not enough students study science subjects. What are
the causes? What will be the effect on society?

Today, science education is under-represented in several nations. These subjects

require significant effort and time to master, and they have a reputation for being
extremely challenging. If this trend continues unchecked, it will impede the country's
technical progress, which would indirectly affect our standard of living.

The widespread lack of interest in science, technology, engineering, and math is due
primarily to two causes. It is important to note that such topics are notoriously
difficult and necessitate a tremendous amount of hard work, dedication, and wit.
Many potential biology majors are dissuaded from pursuing the field because of the
sheer volume of research required of each student. Furthermore, the job market is
exceedingly competitive, and there is a severe lack of positions in this industry. Even
if a significant amount of energy and time is devoted to science education in school,
there is still a low likelihood of employment following graduation. This is because
society places a higher value on money than on research, and hence only finance
majors are hired.

The fall in the number of scientists also means fewer scientific achievements, making
it more challenging to raise living standards. Scientists work on various initiatives
with the overarching goal of making the world a better place for future generations.
While scientists may not generate profits for the country straightaway, they have
historically produced useful technologies like automobiles, the Internet, and
electricity. Ultimately, fewer science majors mean less scientific discovery;
technological progress would stagnate without scientists, and fewer life-enhancing
breakthroughs would be made.

In conclusion, the difficulty and devotion necessary to study science are two
significant reasons for the scarcity of scientific students. If left uncontrolled, this
propensity might hamper the nation's technological growth as a whole, which would
have a detrimental impact on our quality of life.
(296 words)

Task 2: Some people believe that success in sports depends on physical ability
while others believe that there are more important factors involved success in
sports. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It has been said that physical ability is the most crucial aspect in achieving success in
sports, while others argue that other essential variables are involved. Both physical
and intellectual ability, in my opinion, are equally significant to achieving success on
the athletic field.

Firstly, physical prowess is necessary for success in sports since most sporting
activities entail some sort of physical ability. Even while various sports require varied
levels of strength from the individual, the team with the most muscular bodies will
often triumph. This is because sports were initially invented to highlight physical
abilities like speed, strength, and stamina. In a football game, for instance, the team
with players that are physically able to cover more ground faster has a better chance
of winning. This also happens in most other sports, and it has been widely accepted
that a well-trained physique can boost the likelihood of victory.

On the other hand, although physical ability certainly helps increase one's chances of
winning, many people also believe having a strong mind is essential. Even if all
players are physically capable of defeating the other squad, the team might still be
vulnerable when they lack the skill to use strategic moves effectively. In sports such
as basketball, for instance, even when the opposing team is in greater physical
condition, the team with superior plans and preparation not only overwhelms the
opponent but ultimately causes them to lose the game. In instances like these,
intellectual capacity is crucial in sports.

In conclusion, I believe that having a solid intellect is crucial to succeeding on the

sports field, even while physical talent helps boost one's chances of winning.
(275 words)

Task 1:
The bar graph illustrates the proportion of time Australian parents spent assisting
their children with four activities in 2013.

Overall, mothers spent considerable time aiding their children in all activities, but
fathers only tended to contribute more when mothers were also helping. In addition,
dressing children was the most time-consuming task for mothers.

Dressing accounted for precisely three-quarters of mothers' total time helping their
children, while schoolwork came in second with just three-fifths of the time.
Furthermore, moms spent over 40% of their time making the bed and 25% of their
time playing games with their children.

Regarding the fathers' involvement, less than one-tenth of their overall time was
spent assisting their children in all activities. However, the proportion increased
significantly when both parents participated. With mothers' presence, dads spent a
considerable 70 percent of their time playing games, 50 percent dressing and making
their children's beds, and over 40 percent assisting with assignments.
(154 words)
Task 2: In many countries people increasingly talk about money: how much they
earn or how much they pay for things in their daily conversations. Why? Is this a
positive or negative trend?

Money-related topics, such as how much one earns or spends, are becoming more
commonplace in everyday discussions across many countries. I believe this trend
arises because of money's centrality in daily life. However, doing so is
counterproductive since it might create a materialistic and prejudiced worldview.

On the one hand, people often discuss money due to its relevance in everyday life.
We all require a certain amount of money to afford necessities like food and housing,
not to mention additional services such as healthcare and education. Because of this,
most people put a high value on financial security and devote mental energy to
contemplating financial matters. Consequently, it is logical why many individuals
need to verbalize their emotions and worries around finances. In addition, discussing
financial matters is considered normal and natural discourse in several regions and
cultures. It is a wonderful conversation starter, and if the individual has a prestigious
job, it may even earn admiration from others.

Nevertheless, I feel that discussing such sensitive information is inappropriate. Being

excessively preoccupied with wealth might lead to an obsession with material
possessions. The reason is that superficial appearances are given more weight in
social evaluations than essential character qualities. Secondly, this practice may
foster discrimination. Teenagers who are financially unable to purchase expensive
clothing already sometimes face humiliation and mockery from their peers. There is
already evidence of this trend in nations where wealth is revered, such as China,
where young people shame one another and parents shun offspring based on their
economic prospects.

In conclusion, due to the significance of money in everyday life, addressing one's

financial condition is becoming more prevalent in many countries. Unfortunately,
this would be harmful since it may foster a materialistic and discriminatory
(290 words)
Task 1: The table below shows population figures for four countries for 2003 and
projected figure for 2025 and 2050

The table given illustrates the populations of four different countries in 2003 and
their estimated projections for 2025 and 2050.

Overall, Indonesia is the most populous of the four nations. Moreover, while the
populations of Argentina and Indonesia may increase over the next few decades,
Italy’s population may shrink. Korea is likely to have only a slight increase in
population over the same period.

In 2003, Indonesia had a population of 238 million, approximately seven times that
of Argentina (34 million). The figures for both these countries are expected to
increase dramatically over the next few decades, ultimately reaching 312 million
people (Indonesia) and 62 million (Argentina) in 2050.

Furthermore, Italy and the Republic of Korea had similar population figures in 2003,
54 million and 48 million, respectively. However, Italy’s population will likely
consistently decline until it reaches 45 million in 2050. Meanwhile, the Republic of
Korea’s population is projected to only grow marginally to 52 million; after that, it is
shown to become stagnant for the remaining period.
(169 words)
Task 2: Some people believe that governments should pay full course fees for
students who want to study in universities. Do you agree or disagree with this

The government, according to some, should cover the cost of higher education for
everyone who wishes to attend. Even while I see the value of making higher
education accessible to everyone, I worry about the potential adverse effects on the
job market and academic outcomes that would emerge.

Investing in our youth by covering their college costs has several apparent benefits.
First, this policy would inspire children from low-income or underprivileged
backgrounds to attend college. Because of this, children from less affluent
backgrounds may have the same possibilities to further their education as students
from wealthier families. Second, investing additional funds into universities may
boost the quality of the working population. This is because there would be a rise in
the number of people with advanced degrees and well-developed skill sets, both of
which are essential for sustained economic expansion.

Nonetheless, I feel the downsides of this approach are far more severe. Because of
the high demand from making higher education accessible for all, colleges and their
resources would quickly become overwhelmed. Higher education institutions are not
yet equipped to handle a dramatic application surge, which would lead to a total
collapse of the education system. In addition, increasing the number of people
seeking work will likely result from making higher education more accessible. With
universal access to higher education at no cost, the number of people who get their
degrees will rise dramatically. Consequently, there will be a lack of labor for inferior
vocations and a surplus of labor in other fields as university graduates seek
employment in their respective fields, such as marketing and not construction.

In conclusion, although I agree that expanding access to higher education is

desirable, I am concerned about the negative consequences this may have on
campus resources and the labor market.
(296 words)
Task 1: The table below shows the percentage of first year students who gave ‘very
good’ rating to the resources provided by the college, for three courses.

The given table demonstrates the facility rating for three courses, namely
Economics, Law, and Commerce.

Overall, satisfaction with Commerce was the highest across all resources.

A vast majority (95%) of the first-year Commerce students found that their pre-
course information and teaching were "very good," while just over 80% rated the
same for the printed resources and other resources. Moreover, exactly four-fifths of
Law students found other resources to be "very good" ratings, while only around
three-fifths rated the teaching at the same level. In the same student group, pre-
course information, tutor, and printed resources ranged from 70% to 76%.

Turning to Economics students, they had the largest disparity out of all groups, with
a 36% difference between the highest figure, teaching (95%), and the lowest figure,
pre-course materials (59%). Tutor and printed resources were rated similarly to
Commerce, at around 90% and 81%, respectively. Finally, economics students were
also the group that rated other resources the lowest, with exactly 60% of students
agreeing on a "very good" rating.
(168 words)
Task 2: Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase
the minimum legal age for driving cars or riding motorbikes. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

Some argue that raising the minimum age at which individuals may legally operate a
car or motorcycle is the most effective strategy to improve road safety. To some
extent, while I agree that this strategy may reduce the number of traffic accidents, I
believe harsher punishments are significantly more effective and are currently in
place in several nations.

Admittedly, a higher legal driving age will help considerably minimize road accidents.
The reality is that many vehicle accidents may be traced back to reckless driving by
young people. Many of these drivers are underage and, as a result, do not yet have
the maturity to fully appreciate the severity of the risks they pose when they engage
in dangerous behaviors like speeding or drinking while driving. Increasing the
minimum age to drive may ensure that even the youngest drivers are mature
enough to drive safely, protecting themselves and others on the road.

On the other hand, I believe this strategy has limited success since many young
people today still operate automobiles without proper licensing. Therefore,
increasing the severity of the penalties for those who are found guilty of driving
offenses is a more efficient strategy to protect the safety of roadway traffic. For
instance, a person convicted of driving while under the influence of alcohol in
Canada faces a possible jail term of up to five years and a ten-year driving
suspension. These penalties have the ability to dissuade would-be offenders and
reduce offender recidivism.

In conclusion, increasing the legal age to drive may improve road safety; however, I
think stricter penalties would have a far greater impact on reducing road accidents.
(271 words)

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