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Xavior Peters
P: 6

When you first join the military, you get placed into a group then learn
how to work together. Through this training, one will learn not only how to
work well with their team, but also how to work well with other soldiers. You
get training on how to think, so you know how others will think. This is
beneficial for soldiers who have left their home to fight for it. But for the
most effective squad, it must be specialized. The whole point of Black Ops is
to be special. Each soldier receives specific training based upon their traits,
and are put in a scouted team that is built up to be the best that they can be. It
is because of this that these squads don’t have to work with others, their team
is already all they need to complete their missions effectively and efficiently.
In order to be part of the Black Ops though, you must have already
experienced the dedication and combat that will occur inside the military.
You must prove yourself to be useful, worthy of trust, and a capable soldier.
Black Ops is off the books, all its missions are illegal, but are necessary to
protect the security of freedom. Not everyone is given the information on all
of the missions that the Black Ops carries out, not the president, and
sometimes not even its own soldiers.
This leads into Delta squad. A once prestigious shimmering metal of
the Black Ops program, fell from it's bloody throne because of the same
program that had constructed it. The whole reason for Black Ops is secrecy,
but the soldiers were under the impression that they knew everything about
their missions. But it was revealed that they do not know as much that they
have been led to believe. Because of the Black Ops’s refusal to be honest, it
had brewed distrust in its own soldiers who benefitted from the program.
Delta squad made this discovery because of a mission that on the outside
seemed standard. Nothing appeared to be out of place, and that was because it
wasn’t. In order to see the deceit that had been cultivated, you must first

move the earth to see beyond the surface. And what layed beyond the crust
would sit proudly upon its throne of power, making others question their
meaning, and leading to the decay of Delta squads view as savors. Their view
that what they were doing, they were doing because of necessity. Their view
that they were given a choice.
Delta squads missions that would lead to the deterioration of what they
had helped to build would, at first, seem rudimentary. A chapter in the story
that had been seen before on previous pages. But underneath the paper, laid
the truth of the text, its meaning. Delta squad would be dispatched to Mexico
for a mission. Black Ops had received intel that a new cartel had been
stockpiling weapons. Weapons that could be wielded to threaten America.
The cartel had already taken control of Mexico violently. The military
couldn’t legally intervene, or investigate the purpose of the cartel's takeover.
So it would turn to Black Ops to complete another mission that was
completely off the record, or so Delta squad had been led to believe.
The Delta squad was composed of four soldiers. Brandon Marshall was
the commander of the squad. He has the authority to make every decision, but
seldom does he use this power. They acted as a team. They would
collectively agree on the solution to the problem. The three under him were
Kyle Green, Chris Flag and Hesh. Brandon was a weapons and tactics expert.
He would hone the edge of his skill through thirty successful years of fighting
in wars and classified missions. After being accepted into the Black Ops
program he would be the most effective soldier sent into a battlefield. Kyle
Green was a special weapon and communications expert. He had the ability
to use exotic weapons, and would be the first to receive training with
experimental weapons that are associated with the black Ops program.
Through his years in the military, he would be the one operating and
repairing radios. Being able to contact command and request airstrikes saved
hundreds of soldiers. Chris Flag is an explosives and armor specialist. He
designed ammo that could cut through most enemy armor, including tanks,
that can be discharged through the rifles that are issued at the beginning of
each mission. Because of his specialty, he can identify and disarm traps of

many kinds. The only member of the team who is still somewhat a mystery is
Hesh. His first and last name are redacted on all his files, all the team knows
is his callsign. He is a Black Ops veteran. His skill set lies in his ability to
overpower enemy forces. He excels in hand to hand combat, blunt and sharp
weapon combat, and firearm combat. That is just what the team has picked up
off him, in reality his specialty is classified. Almost everything in his file is
redacted, with no way of declassifying the documents, he is still a mystery.
Delta squad had to be deployed in Creel, 324 miles from Sonora. After
their deployment, they are on their own. They must secure transport to
Sonora and get there within four days. They will be unable to communicate
with their command to avoid any kind of interception from the Mexicans that
would lead them on to believe that they were being infiltrated. Delta squad
will be truly on their own, without even any association with America in the
case they are found out, it won’t be tied back. The deployment will be from
air, where they will have to successfully drop from an altitude of 100 feet
from ground level. Despite being this low to avoid detection, that is not the
only challenge. People also can’t see the drop because they might inform the
Cartel. There is not an aircraft that has been developed that can avoid
detection from 100 feet by people on the ground. To try and combat this they
will be arriving at night, and have to eliminate anyone who sees what
happened. This is all the information that Delta squad had to work with.
Undeterred by the odds, Delta squad would begin preparing for the
mission. They packed minimally, trying to keep the weight of their kits low,
by using skeleton rifles, minimal magazines, and light body armor. They had
to travel a great distance, and it is unlikely that they would be able to make it
with their usual thirty pounds of supplies on them. They had no phones to
contact anyone, or look for directions on a map. They had to bring their own
map, and use it effectively to maneuver to their objective. Brandon was
unbothered by the odds. His squad was famous for completing impossible
missions. The things that did bother him was the interest. Throughout their
briefing he noticed the Black Ops program and the government were focused
on ending the cartel, and destroying everything. It was an unnatural

obsession, like they had something to hide. He couldn’t focus on this though,
he had a job to do, and he was going to do it.
While in the plane they had a conversation. “Did anyone else notice
how our people were really interested in this assignment?” said Kyle. “They
probably just have a new policy in making sure that every mission goes more
smoothly, with as little bumps as possible.” Replied Chris. Kyle reluctantly
accepted this answer. “It just seems odd. They have never really been the
ones to focus on Foreign militaries.” Everyone thought it was strange how
focused the program was on this subject, but that mattered little now. They
had a job to do, and the important part is to protect the people, and the
security of freedom. They sat on the plane, in deafening silence for three
more hours after that. Waiting for their time, all trying to calm themselves.
It’s always a rush before you're on a mission. Finally, the red lights started
blinking, which meant it was time to jump. They all unanimously unclipped
their belts and walked to the edge of the cargo door. Everyone knew what
everyone was thinking, but nobody said a word. Until finally Kyle said, “I
don’t remember there being this many trees?”
They all stood there, dreading the jump now. They will have to fall into
a forest, where they will most likely get injured. All they could do now is
jump, and hope nobody dies on the landing. So, with that thought, they
jumped. One after the other. Brandon was the last off the plane, making sure
each member of his team made it off okay, he went next. He plummeted
toward the ground, realizing there was no turning back. He pulled his
parachute, and worked through the stress of the fall to try and avoid the trees.
As he hit the tree line, he could already feel the cuts on his arms and legs, all
he could do now is hope he didn't get impaled. Instead, his parachute did, and
he was left hanging twelve feet off the ground. Brandon reached for his knife
and cut the straps to free himself. He, again, fell to the earth, this time though
the pain was in his feet. He fought it off and stood up, looking around for his
team, and anybody that could have seen them. After deciding that nobody
was around, he would expertly make his way through the trees. Trying to
decide where everybody else was until he heard it. “Godamnit.” It seems that

Brandon was not the only one to get stuck, he was more fortunate than Chris,
which he figured out after hearing the unmistakable voice. It was low, and
aggressive. Brandon would rush to aid his team member, once he got there he
saw that Chris, in fact, was in an unfavorable position. Hanging upside down,
caught in between two trees. He tried and failed to grab his knife, and was
hanging there, hopelessly struggling to get free.
When Brandon got there he said, “Keep it down. We don’t know how
close we are from town, we must be careful.” He then would cut the straps to
Chris’s parachute, freeing him from his predicament. Then, together, they
would start another search for their other teammates. They were found before
they found them. Hesh had led Kyle to Brandon and Chris. As always, Hesh
was wearing his Ghost mask, which nobody knew where he got it. It was a
completely black mask, except for the painted image of a white skeleton on
the front.Together now, they made their way through the dark to find their
first objective, the town of Creel. They would eventually find the lights of the
town, and carefully get closer. They needed to find a place to treat their
injuries, take stock of equipment, and decide which way they needed to be
heading. They had no contacts in the town to rely on, and they were wearing
all their gear, so they couldn’t interact with anybody in the town either. The
team would sit at the edge of the town, where nobody could see them, and
started to come up with a plan. They only had four days to get the
information they needed, and to eliminate the threat of the cartel. “We could
try and find a shed in someone's backyard to try and set up in?” Kyle would
suggest. “But if we get caught, then the whole thing is over. There could be
anything in someone's backyard. Lights, dogs, anything.” Chris would
respond. Hesh interrupted “The hotel is our best bet. All hotels have the same
basic model. We could break into an unoccupied room and be gone before
anybody rents the same room. That would give us plenty of room to set up,
and find out the direction we need to go.” Nobody objected to this plan.
“Then it's settled. We will find a way into the hotel, and use that as our
temporary base.” Brandon concluded. With that they were off.

They went to a hotel, at the edge of town because they assumed there
would be less people there then further inside the town. The hotel did not
look like much. It was old, there were cracks in the paint, and the wall looked
as if a loose stone would cause it to collapse. It was perfect. Not many people
would be staying here. After taking some time, they decided on a room by the
North wall. They expertly, and easily, broke the lock on the window from the
outside of the decrepit building. They all climbed in, and made sure to take
care to look around the room to make sure that nobody was occupying the
room. Fortunately, it was barren. No one in sight. Nobody is making a sound.
they released their body armor and supplies from the clips that secured it to
their chest and back. Brandon removed the map he was given from his bag,
and sprawled it out on a bed. “So are we going to have to sleep on the floor?”
Kyle protested. Brandon would respond with a simple “Yes.” After taking a
second to find out where they were in Creel, they used their compass to
discover the best route to Sonora. “It looks like it would take two days to get
there. We can’t afford that much time, we’ll need to find something faster in
order to get to Sonora on schedule.” Brandon stated “Any ideas?” “ We could
borrow someone's car?” suggested Chris. “What do you mean ‘borrow’, are
we gonna give it back?” Questioned Kyle. “ Probably not,” Said Chris. Hesh
was staring at the map, noticing this, Brandon became curious, and
questioned him. “you have any ideas?”
“Not everyone is going to agree with what the cartel is doing. We could
help the local resistance. That way we can secure a transport, and have a
cover for our operation. It could all be blamed on resistance fighters.” No one
objected to this plan. It seemed like the best idea that they had, and they were
all aware of the time they were wasting discussing this. “How will we find a
way to get into the resistance?” Asked Kyle. Everybody was searching the
faces of everyone, looking for the answer to the question. No one had a clue
how they were going to join the resistance if they didn’t even know where
they were, what they did, and how to join. Brandon would see this, and didn’t
want the moral of his team to drop. He knew that he had to make a decision
quickly. He ran through ideas in his head, desperately trying to find an

answer, when finally he said, “ As we get closer to the objective, the cartel
executes more control. They are the dictator of that region, and people won't
like that. If we start causing problems, they’ll find us.” Everyone thought that
it was a good plan. There were no others that they could come up with, so it
would have to work.
The team collected their gear, completely aware of the time limit that
was placed on them. When the sun comes up, they will have only four days to
complete their mission. The first part of the plan was to secure civilian
clothing so they could blend in, so as they left, they went to the laundry room
and grabbed clothes that could fit. They knew that they had to get closer to
Sonora to give their plan the best chance of success. But, to do that, they
would still need something to get closer. They waited outside of a gas station,
with a name that no one on the team could pronounce. “Maybe we should go
in and get something?” Said Kyle. Chris replied, “With what money?” “We
could just take something. I mean we are going to steal someone's car
already, does it really matter?” Chris then said, “ You could go in there and
try, but when we find a car, we will leave you.” Brandon, after seeing Kyle
start contemplating going in and taking something, said, “ We are not going
in the store. It's already bad enough that we are having to take a car, we don’t
need to hold up a stoor too. We are not criminals.” Kyle then replied, “ If you
think about it, we really are just organized criminals with training.” On that
pleasant note, a car would pull up, and do exactly what they had been waiting
for. They reversed into a parking spot, which made it easier to get out
quickly, and left the car on, which saved them a lot of time.
The second the person went inside, they made their way to the car,
which was a Nissan Tsuru, and all got inside, with Brandon in the driver seat.
As they were speeding off they could see the women run out, holding a drink,
screaming something that the team chose to ignore. In no time they were
driving down the road, heading North toward Sonora. They had very little gas
left in the car, and no money to fill it up, which would be pointless anyway
because it was a stolen car, and would be marked. As they were driving, Kyle
noted, “I don’t think I have ever seen a car this clean before.” As he pulled

out a needle from the cup holder in the back. Hesh said, “ Don’t poke
yourself with it. Give it to me.” Kyle, a little confused, said, “Why? Do you
do heroin?” Hesh would reply with a simple, “No.” Without elaboration.
Kyle, seemingly unbothered by Hesh’s reluctance to explain himself, handed
the needle over.
They drove another hour, with no one speaking anything other than
directions. The car would eventually stop, just two miles out of the town they
were heading for. As the car let out its final breath, everyone would collect
their gear and make their way out, into the open hot air. The sun was getting
closer to the horizon, and nobody wanted to believe that a whole day was
already almost gone, but there was nothing they could do about it. So, they
just started walking. As they got closer to the town, a sign told them that they
had arrived at where they wanted to. “Welcome to Yecora.” “I wonder how
you actually pronounce it?” Said Kyle. “It is probably pronounced differently
than you are thinking.” Replied Chris. They all could understand Spanish, but
only spoke a little.
As they were getting closer to the town, they noticed that the cartel had
the town under their control. Soldiers were stationed at the main entrance of
the town, and were checking everyone. Delta squad, unsurprised by The
cartels control, saw this as a good sign. With the cartel's military control of
the town, there is a high possibility that there will be local resistance. The
team did not have anything to get through the cartel's blockade, so they
would have to sneak in. The sun was almost set now, which was better
because the shadows were effective in concealing the team as they infiltrated
the town. But Brandon would remind everyone, “We are here to find the
resistance so that we can complete our mission.” He knew everyone would be
tempted to start killing the cartel soldiers, but they had to remember why they
were there.
They stopped just outside of the town and grabbed out all their gear.
Making sure to carefully check on the town every so often, as to be sure that
there were no soldiers heading their way. After getting everything on they
slowly made their way towards an entrance that has been left unguarded for

only a couple minutes. They had to avoid the patrols of soldiers that were
moving. While on the move you are a lot more alert, then when you are
stationary. They successfully made it to the small opening, just in time before
an officer checked it. The opening was on the side of the fence on the East
side of the town. It was barely the size of a window, and was difficult to
climb through with all the extra gear. As everyone in the team entered the
town, the jagged edges of the wood had scratched all of them. It wasn’t a
problem for the team, but the sound it made was.
One of the cartel's guards had heard the scratching sound. He was
holding a CZ-Scorpion, which was surprising to the team because of the
caliber it shot. 9X19, which was a highly accurate caliber. What was the
reason for it? You shouldn’t need a caliber like that if you are just guarding a
small town. A smaller caliber that did more damage would have been more
effective. There were only two options, they didn’t know what they were
doing, and were just arming their soldiers, or they were prepared for
something else. The team was curious about this, but had to move before they
would be seen, because this interesting soldier was, in fact, heading their
way. As they were moving, Kyle saw an opportunity to kill the soldier. He
grabbed his knife that was attached to his leg, and slowly approached the
soldier. As he got within grabbing distance, he lunged, plunging the knife
within the soldier's jugular, and tearing it out with a slicing motion. At the
same time, he covered the mouth of the soldier to be sure that no sound
would be made to alert any other guards. Kyle slowly lowered him to the
ground with minimal fighting, when he let go and the sound of the soldier's
last gurgling on his blood was faint.
With that he joined back with his squad. Brandon would ask, “We
could have avoided him, why did you do that?” Kyle responded with, “ It was
a chance that I couldn’t pass. Now there will be less resistance when we have
to make our move.” Brandon, who was still bothered by Kyle’s action, chose
not to pursue it more. It was already over, and they didn't have time to argue.
They made their way through the grass, avoiding the search lights that were
mounted on towers. They had been carrying the body of the soldier that was

killed because they couldn’t leave it out in the open. The last thing they
needed was for someone to find it. The grass was thick, and in the darkness
was easily concealing all their movements. Finally they found a dumpster
that was closed. They figured that it would be a perfect place to hide the
body, and when they opened the lid a smell rushed out. It was horrible, like
the dumpster had been the home for previous bodies before this one. Now
quickly, they threw the dead soldier into it, figuring that the body would be at
home when it started to decompose. Now that one problem was solved, they
spread out looking for a place to stay the night, and look for any pockets of
Hesh would be the first to find a spot that would work. A basement
door had been covered, and had a lock on it. It already seemed as though
someone had been trying to conceal it, and seemingly it was working. It was
next to a rather new looking house. It had paint that had not been chipped at
all yet, and the roof had all of its parts intact, which is something that could
not be said to other buildings nearby. The basement door was made out of a
thick wood that looked as though it had been used for a very long time. It did
not match the house in the slightest. The lock was the only thing that seemed
rather new, and was a pretty good one at that. The padlock was not the
challenging part of getting into this house, it was doing it silently. There was
a curfew that had been instituted seemingly. The only ones out were the
soldiers, and they hardly talked. The town was silent enough that any sort of
sound echoed throughout it. Breaking the lock was not an option, so they had
to take the time to carefully pick it. Brandon made Kyle and Chris watch for
soldiers, well Hesh and he worked on a plan for the lock. “I didn’t bring any
picking tools.” Said Brandon. Hesh said, “We don’t need anything fancy. If I
can get something between the shackle and the body, then I can get it open.”
Brandon now had a new job, finding something that can fit between the parts.
The only idea that he had was returning to the dumping spot of the
body, and collecting the gun that he had. If he detailed stripped the gun, then
the rate of fire selector could work. He made his way to the dumpster, passing
by multiple groups of guards. He went by himself, and the dumpster when

opened did not smell any better than the last time. He could not reach the
weapon from where he was. Reluctantly, he climbed into the dumpster,
holding the lid up with one hand, he bent down and reached for the gun. He
grabbed it and hooked it to his belt, and climbed back out. That’s when the lid
slipped from his hand and slammed shut. The sound that it made shook the
town. Brandon could feel the vibrations through his entire body. He then
started to rush back to the basement door. All the soldiers were yelling and
running as well, which helped cover the sound of his footsteps. The guards
found the body in the dumpster, and began to quickly search the area. While
he was running, Brandon was also taking apart the gun. As he approached the
door, he could see Kyle and Chris with their guns at the ready, aiming at
either side of him. He got the pin and the recoil spring out by the time he
reached Hesh. With his help, he was able to quickly get the fire selector out,
and now it was a waiting game to get the locked door open. Everyone had
moved the boxes and tarps that were used to conceal the basement door back
into position, and now we're taking cover behind them, waiting for shooting
to start. Guards were approaching their position quickly, and they were
running out of time. Hesh was trying to push the fire selector into the space
between the shackle and the body of the lock, but it was too big. Brandons
idea didn’t work, and he then got prepared to fight their way out of the town
when he heard a click behind him. As he turned around, he saw the lock
laying on the ground, and rushed to help Hesh with the doors. As they got in
they breathed a sigh of relief. They walked down the stairs, and noticed that
there was light down on them. Cautiously, they continued to make their way
down. They turned a corner and were met with the barrel of a gun.

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