The Role of The English Language in Tourism and Tourist Difficulties and Risks

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26 German International Journal of Modern Science №9, 2021


Master of Arts, teacher of the Department of foreign and Russian languages
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan
Akademicheskaya str. 9

This article discusses various issues related to problems of tourism international cultural exchange, risks of
this activity as part of the economy, as well as the processes that affect the development of intercultural commu-
nication. The article reveals the importance of intercultural communication for international tourism activities, as
well as describes the main directions in professional tourism education and that difficulties travelers have.

Keywords: cross-cultural communication, travel, risk, advantages, tourist expenses, tourism, English, cul-
tural globalization.

In all ages, tourism has been the most important characteristics of the body, etc. New impressions, a
form of cross-cultural contacts, an effective means of charge of positive emotions, interesting people,
mutual enrichment of different cultures. We can say beautiful views, broadening one's horizons, it seemed
that the history of humanity is a history of travel. It will to be great. But travel is indispensable.
remain so in the foreseeable future, in which tourism First, I want to write about the benefits of tourism.
will play a unique role in strengthening the already ex- Foreign Currency Earnings: Many tourist destinations
isting common cultural fund and deepening the spir- attract large numbers of foreign tourists. This helps the
itual and moral solidarity of humanity. country to earn foreign exchange.
Tourism as part of the economy. Today tourism is Entertainment: Camping makes everyday life
a growing industry. The benefits of tourism include easier. Changing the place, social circle, surrounding
employment opportunities, service industries, foreign culture and climate helps the traveler recharge their
exchange earnings, recreation opportunities, economic mind, body and spirit.
growth, cultural exchange, improved international Economic growth: tourism helps the country's
relations, enjoyment, improved health and social well- economy develop. It helps local people to earn their
being. living. Tourists spend lavishly on vacation. The local
Cultural contacts have taken place at all times and residents of the cities who are involved in helping
in all regions of the globe. Interaction between cultures tourists make a very good income.
is an integral part and essential component of the cul- Lastly, this is acquaintance with new people: a
tural and historical process. But the process of their new culture helps local residents learn more about the
qualitative transformation, transformation into the national character of people of another country or
world, in the sense of global interdependence, began region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Human
only in modern times. Cultural contacts, while contin- relationships also help build international relations
uing to be an incentive for distinctive national develop- outside of politics.
ment, have become a factor in the process of world in- Disadvantages of tourism include increased costs,
tegration, a means of forming a unified system of world labor intensity, environmental risks, loss of architecture
relations.[1] and ecological balance, increased waste, damage to
And this trend is quite natural – the process of self- wildlife, and disruption to socio-economic and cultural
development of cultural systems involves the constant conditions.
interaction of their constituent structural units. It is pos- The challenge or experience for a tourist is, first of
sible under the condition of a mutually enriching dia- all, to go on vacation to another country without
logue of cultural worlds, each of which reveals its se- knowing the language. If you do not know the banal
mantic depths and uniqueness in the zone of cultural check-in at a hotel or a trip to the store, in one word you
communication. will start your journey unsuccessfully. You will have to
The specificity of the tourism industry lies in the actively gesticulate, draw something, explain for a long
fact that the product produced is completely or partially time, or even run, jump. If you are a true specialist in
intangible, and the effect of the service is assessed by tourism, then you must not only be able to decipher all
the consumer under conditions of a certain emotional the wishes of the client, take into account financial
state, depending on a huge number of factors, including possibilities, but also make the trip truly unforgettable.
such subjective characteristics of the tourist as The first problem faced by foreigners in Kazakhstan is
upbringing, age, cultural traditions of the population, the low level of English proficiency. From getting
the representative of which is the guest, the concept of medical help (it is very difficult to find a doctor who
comfort, habits, well-being or psychological state at the speaks English), to the usual purchase of train tickets.
time of receiving the service, physiological They are stopped by the police and cannot explain what
German International Journal of Modern Science №9, 2021 27
they want from a foreign guest - they use gestures. tourism sector, it is necessary to have a systematic
Hotels must speak English, it is not always possible to understanding of them and possible ways of countering
find an English speaking employee. their consequences.
Tourism has its advantages, such as the ability to Risks must be classified in order to successfully
travel and visit different countries, large incomes, deal with them. First, you need to divide the risks by
which are seasonal. This profession includes not only their bearers. In tourism, these are the risks of tourists
travel but also personal expenses. Therefore, it is and the risks of travel agencies. Then, for each bearer
always worth carrying spare cash with you. They can of risks, it is necessary to organize them according to
be very helpful in an emergency. For example, if your the classes of objects to which they threaten, the causes
card is blocked or your wallet is stolen. Money "just in of their occurrence, the possibility of influencing the
case", of course, should not be carried in a wallet and risks.
stored separately from valuable things. But what to do The risks that a tourist is exposed to while
if you were robbed: cut off your bag, pulled out your traveling are divided into the following groups:
wallet? First inform the team leader, and then - the consumer risk;
police immediately! If documents are stolen, you risks threatening life and health;
should contact the consulate - they will help. If bank property risks;
cards are stolen, urgently call your bank with a request risks of civil liability.
for blocking. The tourist's consumer risk consists in the failure
Get travel insurance. Insurance costs very little to provide services included in the tour package, or in
and can save you in the event of a problem. Everyone the provision of services of insufficient quality. For
is sure that nothing will happen on the trip, but anything troubles caused to customers, the tour operator is
can happen, and it is better to be prepared. If you go to responsible, which is obliged to compensate for the
a hospital without insurance, you will have to pay a lot damage. The level of consumer risk depends on many
more. factors:
I will leave here tips for all cases of various events • average trip duration;
while traveling (not only while traveling): • type of tours (cruise, beach, health, educational,
- Never ever panic, so that it does not happen, keep religious, business, event, ecological, extreme, etc.);
calm and a cold mind, act deliberately, without haste. • the number of services included in the tour
You can handle it. package;
- If you are not traveling alone, try not to spoil the • the nature of the sale of tours (terms of booking
rest and mood of your loved ones, relatives and simply and payment);
companions, do not “turn the arrows”. What are they to • seasonality.
blame? Even so, treat the situation with a bit of humor Transport is one of the most threatening areas for
- it will definitely work! the life and health of tourists. The carrier is usually
- Know your rights, anytime, anywhere. responsible for the consequences of transport risks, the
Vacation travel is good for your health. But hectic boundaries and norms of such liability are established
travel can be stressful and have the opposite health ef- by national legislation, and for international transport -
fects. It can also lead to environmental hazards such as by interstate agreements.
pollution from cigarettes, car exhaust, plastic bags, and A specific component of property risks is the
disregard for rules and regulations for natural and cul- tourist's financial risk, which consists in monetary
tural artifacts. Tourism can be detrimental to socio-cul- losses in case of cancellation of the planned trip and
tural characteristics. Local residents humiliate them- return of the voucher.
selves in order to earn more or begin to imitate someone Knowledge of a foreign language, especially Eng-
else's culture, a new way of life, and someone else's mo- lish, also plays an important role. Knowledge of Eng-
res. lish is a very important factor for the employees of the
Tourism attracts huge spending on a portion of the tourism industry and for the tourists themselves. If you
tourists. Travel expenses include car rentals, hotel and speak English, you get many benefits:
resort rentals, food costs, and so on. This increases a - сommunicate with people around the world;
person's overall expenses. - conducting conversations in international chats
Of course, risk is inherent in any field of human and groups;
activity, including tourism, which is associated with - the ability to travel around the world;
many conditions and factors that affect the positive - the opportunity to learn a lot of new and interest-
outcome of decisions made by people. ing things about the life and culture of other countries
For tourists, the most important issue is the and nations.
responsibility of the tour operator for the full provision Thus, the education of specialists for international
and quality of the promised services. Along with the tourism activities, contact personnel of the tourism and
growth in the number of tourist trips, the number of hospitality industry in the current conditions of global-
conflicts and claims to the quality and volume of tourist ization cannot be considered effective if it is not based
services is steadily growing. But the tour operator and on the principle of interculturality. According to the re-
the quality of his work are not the only "source" of risks searchers, the effectiveness of international tourism ed-
for tourists. Natural disasters, sudden illnesses, ucation based on the principle of interculturality should
accidents are beyond the control of anyone, therefore, be associated with the ability, capacity and willingness
in order to more or less successfully control risks in the
28 German International Journal of Modern Science №9, 2021
of tourism and hospitality professionals, tourism man- 2. English language– URL: http://www.eng-
agers not only to ensure sustainable tourism develop-
ment, sustainable forms and practices of management, 3. English as an International Language: New
but also to create conditions for interaction and mutual Englishes // La Universidad Internacional de La Rioja:
understanding between communities, their cultures and website. – URL: http://idio-
heritage . Strengthening the role of foreign languages
in the curricula of tourist universities in both quantita- language-n...
tive and qualitative indicators will contribute to im- 4.
proving and improving the effectiveness of intercul- information/tourism/how-manage-risks-tourism
tural communication in the field of international tour- 5.
ism. 6. The head of "Tourist assistance" A. Osaulenko
"On the summer bankruptcies of tour operators, the
References state of the industry and new mechanisms for protecting
1. Aleksandrova A.U. Economy and territorial or- travelers." Russian newspaper.№ 110, 03.04.2017.
ganization of international tourism: textbook. manual–
М. – 2016. – 127 p. kataklizmov-na-rossijskom-rynketurizma-ne-



Rakymgaliyeva A.D.
2nd-year master's student of the specialty
«Training of foreign language teachers»,
KazUIR&WL named after Ablai Khan
Almaty, Kazakhstan



Ракымгалиева А.Д.
магистрант 2 курса специальности «Подготовка педагогов иностранного языка»
КазУМОиМЯ имени Абылай хана
Алматы, Казахстан

The article presents the main characteristics of the conditions of harmonious intercultural interaction for the
formation of foreign-language communicative competence of high school students. The development of the stu-
dent's personality, and accordingly, the increase in foreign-language communicative competence, occurs as lan-
guage activity becomes more complicated, while in the discourse there is an interaction of various types of
knowledge and a concept is formed as a combination of all types of special knowledge (from the simplest cultural
units to complicated language turns).
В статье представлены основные характеристики условий гармоничного межкультурного взаимодей-
ствия для формирования иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся средней школы.Развитие
личности учащегося, и соответственно, повышение иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции происхо-
дит по мере усложнения языковой деятельности, при этом в дискурсе происходит взаимодействие различ-
ных видов знания и формируется концепт как совокупность всех типов специального знания (от простей-
ших культурологических единиц до усложненных языковых оборотов).

Keywords: Communicative competence, intercultural communication, discourse, integration, information

Ключевые слова: Коммуникативная компетенция, межкультурная коммуникация, дискурс, интен-
ция, информационное пространство.

В настоящее время межкультурная коммуни- представителей различных культур, на основании

кация приобретает особое значение в качестве ос- чего происходит рост академической мобильности
новного социального механизма взаимодействия пользователей.
различных культур. С расширением информацион- В процессе взаимодействия определяются
ного пространства сети Интернет, усиливается главные константы контрастов в коммуникациях,
сфера социально-культурного взаимодействия определяющих содержание общения в зависимости

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