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My Mission

My mission is to give students the education they deserve to have a successful life and to provide
an environment where they feel safe to learn and grow.

My Vision
I will create a classroom environment where every student will feel safe, important, and loved. I
will provide differentiated instruction so each student can learn at their own pace while also
incorporating large group lessons. I want to create a classroom that feels like a family. I will
encourage teamwork, group projects, and inclusivity between my students. Highlighting the
importance of kindness, empathy, and respect is important to help build relationships in the
classroom. I will use positive reinforcement by praising desired behaviors and acknowledging
their achievements through small rewards. Hands on activities and engaging lessons will help my
students discover and grow their love for learning.

Core Beliefs
 Students deserve an environment where they can feel safe and open to express their
 Positive reinforcement and praise are used to build confidence, change behaviors, and
improve relationships.
 Students have different and unique styles of learning. Differentiated instruction will
ensure each student gets work based on the level they are at.
 My class is a family. We will be kind to each other, celebrate each other’s
accomplishments, and help each other succeed.
 The role of the teacher is to guide, motivate, and support students in their learning
 Curriculum needs to meet the needs of each student; meaning it needs to be relevant and
in line with the educational goals.
 The family’s role is to incorporate learning into every-day-life away from school.

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