Assessment Instruments (10 Terms)

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Assessment Instruments (10 terms)

1. WAIS - Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

Ans: Verbal & performance scores, Most widely used intelligence test today

2. *Beck Hopelessness Scale

Ans: 17+yrs, gauge suicidality, *EXAM PREFERS

3. WISC - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children intelligence test

Ans: For children between the ages of 3 and 16 inclusive

4. CBCL- Child Behavior Checklist

Ans: (Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist) 2 versions (1.5-5yrs) & (6-18yrs)
teacher report, parent report, observation, self-report
Measures behavioral & emotional functioning

5. BASC - Behavior Assessment System for Children

Ans: To understand behaviors & emotions of children & adolescents
2yrs-College teacher & parent rating scales

6. MBTI -Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality test

Ans: Assesses personality style, good for vocational and relationship assessment;
introversion/extroversion, Thinking/feeling, perceiving/judging, sensing/intuition; adults

7. *MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Ans: ADULTS, personality structure and psychopathology, Lying *EXAM PREFERS

8. *MSE- Mental Status Exam

Ans: Assess, observe, describe client's state of mind: appearance, attitude, behavior,
mood & affect, speech, thought process, thought content, perception, cognition, insight,
judgement *EXAM PREFERS

9. Thematic Apperception Test

Ans: Psychodynamic & projection test designed to elicit interpretations by subject of
social situations. Stories and descriptions of pictures reveal some of the dominant drives,
emotions, sentiments, conflicts, and complexes of a personality. The TAT is often
administered to individuals as part of a battery, or group, of tests intended to evaluate
personality. (100-200 min).
Usually to uncover secrets, possible repression of childhood abuse

10. Rorschach inkblot test

Ans: Psychoanalytic tool used to uncover personality disorders or indicate repressed

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