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1. It is a theatrical Spanish dance used by the Spaniards in bullfights. What is being

2. How do you describe Kwassa-kwassa?
3. What do you call the term used to describe the fusion of west African with black American
4. How would you describe the singing style for the Bossa Nova genre?
5. What refers to an expressive folk song dealing typically about love?
6. The indigenous music of Latin America was largely functional in nature. How is it being
7. What is the importance of music in the life of African people?
8. How is the African instrument known as the talking drum used?
I. For creating speech
II. For creating dance, or signal patterns
III. Used to communicate information over long distances
9. All the following are essential to the dance Samba except one
10. How would you dance the rumba if you had to?
I. Be in an embrace position though slightly apart with your partner
II. Movement of hips should be fast-fast-slow sequence
III. A simple forward backward sequence
IV. Quick quick slow step pattern
11. What factors need to be considered when making African music?
I. Rhythm-based, with the heavy use of percussion instruments
II. It can be used in religious ceremonies, festivals, and social rituals
III. Simple and contrasting themes and variations
IV. Used polyrhythms, call-and-response singing styles
12. In what way would you perform or sing a Ballad song?
13. Which of the following best describes African Music?
14. Why is Tango described as an arrogant and dignified dance?
15. How does polyrhythmic structure contribute to the complexity of African drumming

16. Which digital artwork shows Philippine traditions?
17.What element of art is primarily concerned with the use of light and shadow in a
18.What do you call the essentially computer-generated or manipulated arts?
19.What do you call an artist who produces artworks through digital ways?
20. How do artists use technology for their work?
21. Which is not a computer-generated images?
22.Which element of art refers to the way objects feel or look as if they might feel if touched?
23.What function of art usually raises awareness on the different issues in the
24.When an artist uses different sizes and s-hapes to create interest and contrast, what
principle is being employed?
25. If you are to collate pictures, what is the best application that you can use to create
26. Which of the following uses technology-based art in deriving history, culture, and
I. Providing visual representations of the past on a digital form.
II. Educating people with the information gathered in the past with
graphical facts.
III. Preserving ideas, experiences, happenings, and scenic structures
through visual arts.
IV. Promoting beauty of natural landscapes, structures and people’s tradition through
digital photography and painting
27.What idea would you use, if you were a digital artist, to produce a piece of art that
showcases Filipino creativity in terms of recreational activities?
28. What type of art makes use of electric and mechanical devices in producing image
and effects instead of using brushes or the artist’s hand?
29. How would you utilize Picsart to create the following image below?
30.Which of the following gives the best evaluation for the given photo below?

31. It is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and
fulfilling life. What is being referred to?
32. What is known as Limbering up?
33. Which is a good indicator that one had a good limbering up activity?
34. What is a form of exercise that combines dance moves with strengthening exercises?
35. Why is it important to participate and engage in physical activities and active recreation?
36. What do you call the state of complete well-being?
37. Which aspect of a healthy lifestyle is demonstrated when you offer prayers for your family's
38.Which of the following is not a benefit of Hip-Hop Aerobics?
39. How does one execute a Side arm stretch?
40. You are invited to a talk show and the topic is about the importance of a healthy lifestyle,
what is the best advice that you can give to the viewers?
41. How does one say a limbering up activity or warm-up is effective?
42. What kind of warm-up program can you devise to get your body ready for the strenuous
exercise that will mostly target your lower extremities?
43. How do you maintain an ideal body weight?
44. Which is not a benefit of a warm-up exercise?
I. It increases range of motion.
II. It increases risk injury.
III. It improves coordination.
IV. It decreases power output available from muscles.
V. It improves movement efficiency.
45. What is being demonstrated in the picture?

46. What is the importance of family planning?
47. What is the title of Republic Act No. 9165?
48. What law mandates the tobacco regulation act?
49. What do you mean by AIDS?
50. Why do people engage in unsafe and unprotected premarital sex?
51. Which RA promotes voluntary blood donation and provides adequate supply of safe
52. What do you think will happen if the Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act
was not created?
53. Your friend invited you to smoke cigarettes in school, what will you do?
54. Provides information and a means for couples and individuals to have the desired
number of children that they can responsibly raise. What is being referred to?
55.A factory worker voluntarily underwent HIV testing and the result shows that the worker
is positive with infection. As the administrator, how would you handle the situation?
56. How can a country lessen its problem with starvation?
57.How can a person living with HIV get help?
58.Upon scouting the area, neighbor A identifies a certain plant as a source of an addictive
substance. The area is owned by a rich businessman in the city. If you are neighbor A,
what will you do?
59.What is the importance of family planning?
I. Quality time and attention will be given to children
II. Improve the living standard
III. Inability to provide the needs of the children
IV. Unprotect mother from health risks
V. Allows the mother to recover physically
60. What kind of national concern is manifested in the image given below?

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