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Considering the master work of great British author Robert Louis Stevenson
the strange case of dr Jekyll Mr. Hyde often shortened to dr Jekyll Mr. Hyde. It
is beloved classic of gothic literature that speaks to not just great mystery and
supernatural story but endures as a novel that represents the duality of
human beings. Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Scotland on November
13th 1850. Stevenson breakthrough as a writer came with the publication of dr
Jekyll Mr. Hyde.

DR Jekyll- dr Henry Jekyll is a complicated character who believes all the
humans are composite of good and evil. He sets out to separate the two by
applying his knowledge of chemistry. He succeeded and forms a potion that
creates an entirely different face and body for each self.
Mr. Hyde – Mr. Hyde Is evil side of dr Jekyll’s identity. He came into being
when dr Jekyll takes the potion he created that splits good and bad.
Poole- Poole is dr Jekyll’s butler
Gabriel utterson – utterson is a lawyer who brings lawyer seriousness in the
Richard Enfield - Mr. Utterson’s friend. The two goes for a walk every Sunday
Dr Lanyon- one of Jekyll’s old friend and science partners who claim Jekyll’s
research unscientific and balderdash.


The story opens with utterson and Enfield on a walk one Sunday night. Enfield
sees a door and relates when he saw strange man name Hyde who trampled
a little girl. During the rising action Enfield grabbed the man and with the few
others blackmailed the man. The man took them to the door where he went
inside and retrieved the blackmail money. As a lawyer utterson has the will to
Jekyll who has oddly left everything to Mr. Hyde. Utterson visits jekyll’s friend
and science partner dr Lanyon who revealed that he and dr Jekyll are no
longer talking due to scientific disagreement. Utterson sets out to find Hyde
he waits by the door and eventually introduces himself. Hyde is repulsive and
gives utterson nasty and hostile greetings. Two weeks later utterson dines
with Jekyll and ask him about Hyde. Jekyll tells utterson not to bring him up
anymore and makes utterson promised to give Hyde his rights if Jekyll
disappears. One year later Hyde beats a respected gentleman to death. After
police find the letter on the body addressed to utterson. They contacted him
and he takes the police to Hyde’s residence which shows signs of hasty
escape. Utterson visits Jekyll to ask if he’s heard about the murder and if he’s
hiding Mr. Hyde. Jekyll assures utterson that he has not and hands him a
letter from Hyde claiming that he has fled and the Jekyll need not to worry
about him anymore. Utterson takes the letter and ask his friend who is clerk
and an expert in handwriting to compare it to jekyll’s letter. He reveals that
Jekyll has forged the letter. Two months passed in which Jekyll seems to have
return to normal but then suddenly he shuts utterson out. Utterson visits
Lanyon again who is deathly ill as if from great shock. He asked him what
happened but he won’t say then utterson writes a letter to Jekyll asking him
what happened but he replies he and Jekyll are no longer friend and a few
weeks later Lanyon dies. Sometimes later Poole visits utterson to tell him that
something is wrong with his master Jekyll. Both of them visit Jekyll and
utterson and Poole broke the door to see Jekyll but during falling action they
find Mr. Hyde dying of poison. They found an envelope addressed to utterson
that contains three enclosures first is revised will which leaves everything to
utterson second is note to read Lanyon’s letter that utter
son has at home the third is jekyll’s confession landing Leonard’s revealed the
shock that killed him seeing Hyde turn into Jekyll. Greeting Jekyll’s
explanation it is revealed that in his research he discovered to split two sides
of human good and evil. He used a potion to do so. He created Mr. Hyde but
eventually he couldn’t control Hyde anymore that’s why he killed both of
them through his suicide.
Overall dr Jekyll Mr. Hyde is a masterpiece that continues to captivate
readers with exploration of human duality morality and the consequences of
unchecked desires. Stevenson’s masterful story telling rich characterization
and thematic depth contribute to the enduring legacy of this classc work in
the a., nnals of literature

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