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Student name: Đặng Minh Thoa Student ID number: 22003806

Student name: Nguyễn Đức Trung Student ID number: 22003659

Student name: Nguyễn Hoàng Duy Student ID number: 22002647

Student name: Nguyễn Hoàng Khánh Linh Student ID number: 23004268

Student name: Nguyễn Trần Mỹ Tiên Student ID number: 22003669

Student name: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Thy Student ID number: WSU21000156

Student name: Nguyễn Vũ Hoàng Linh Student ID number: 22004031


Unit name: Consumer Behavior Unit number: CB-T124WSB-2

Tutorial/Lecture: Class day and time: Monday 12:00 – 15:15
Lecturer or Tutor name: Dr. Võ Văn Dung

Title: Assessment 4 – VNPay Group Report

Length: 1990 words Due date: 07/04/2024 Date submitted: 07/04/2024

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Group 3 report:
How VNPay become the top e-wallet in

the VietNam market?

Thy M. N. Nguyen, Linh K. H. Nguyen, Linh H. V. Nguyen,

Thoa M. Dang, Tien M. T. Nguyen, Trung D. Nguyen, Duy H.


Lecturer: Vo Van Dung



1. Market overview:..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Current market situation.................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Competitive situation.........................................................................................................................3
1.3 Current market size............................................................................................................................3
1.4 Market trends..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Market potential growth.................................................................................................................... 4
2. Brand overview:....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Introduction of the company..............................................................................................................4
2.2 Product/service description................................................................................................................5
2.3 Target segment...................................................................................................................................5
2.4 Company problem............................................................................................................................. 7
2.5 Company objectives.......................................................................................................................... 8
3. Market research:...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Research objectives........................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Research summary.............................................................................................................................9
3.3 Theories............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.4 Data analysis and Consumer insights.............................................................................................. 10
4. Marketing recommendation:................................................................................................................ 12
4.1 Recommendation 1: Simplifying the interface................................................................................ 12
4.2 Recommendation 2: Integration with popular brands..................................................................... 12
4.3 Recommendation 3: Enhancing brand image through collaboration with popular influencers...... 12
5. Appendix:................................................................................................................................................13
6. Reference list:......................................................................................................................................... 87

1. Market overview:

1.1 Current market situation

Vietnam is experiencing a boom in e-wallets, with more than 67% of the population using them (UOB,

2023). This happens because e-wallets help them transact quickly, saving time and costs. In 2018-2022,

the number of users increased from 12.3 million to 41.3 million (Báo Công Thương, 2022). Moreover,

there are more than 40 e-wallets currently and are used mostly by the young due to their tech-savvy.

1.2 Competitive situation

The Vietnam market is a large playground for numerous e-wallets, including Momo, ZaloPay, ShopeePay,

VNPay, MOCA, ViettelPay, and so on (Cafebiz, 2023) (APPENDIX A).

1.3 Current market size

In the first eleven months of 2023, payments using mobile phone channels, in general, achieved almost

7.13 billion transactions with a value of more than 49.4 million billion VND (Thư, T., 2024). According

to Lê, B. (2024), at the end of 2023, there are 36.23 million active e-wallets and 2.96 trillion VND stored

in these wallets.

1.4 Market trends

There are a few factors that could potentially assist the e-wallet business flourish, including the booming

mobile commerce and the increase in smartphone users. Mobile commerce is becoming more popular in

Vietnam, consumers have additional product and service options; they also save time and money on their

purchases. According to Statista (2024), with an expected 89 million mobile users in 2025 and 97 million

in 2029, Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest smartphone use rates, suggesting a significant

increase in e-wallet users.

1.5 Market potential growth

Vietnam's e-payments sector exhibits robust growth, registering a 25% annual increase in transaction

value (State Bank of Vietnam, 2023). VNPAY stands as a prominent player, boasting over 15 years of

experience and a comprehensive partner network encompassing banks, e-commerce platforms, retailers,

and financial institutions.

In the coming years, VNPAY will continue to promote payment development in the fields of

transportation, healthcare, and potential small business households that have not been accessible before.

According to, it is expected that by 2024, this market will have 50 million active users, 100

million users in 2026, and 150 million users in 2030, VNPAY holds a relatively large market share in this


2. Brand overview:

2.1 Introduction of the company

VNPay was founded in 2007 as a fintech company in Vietnam (Về Chúng Tôi, n.d.-b). Moreover, the

purpose of VNPay is “Cho cuộc sống đơn giản hơn”, it is the vision and mission of the head manager to

clients. This company has several services, such as mobile banking and VNPay-QR, and also collaborates

with 40 bankings, 5 telecoms, and 20,000 businesses (VNPay: Phác Hoạ “Kỳ Lân Công Nghệ” Thứ 2 Của

Việt Nam, 2020). According to the research, in 2023 VNPay(33%) in top 3, but not the first choice of

vietnamese customer (UOB – Nghiên Cứu Tâm Lý Người Tiêu Dùng ASEAN Năm 2023: Ví Điện Tử

Đang Là “Vua” ở Kênh Thanh Toán Không Tiền Mặt, 2023).

Strength of VNPay is security for consumers, which makes them feel safe and secure to use services.

SWOT Analysis (Appendix B)

2.2 Product/service description

VNPAY currently has quite a variety of services for users such as : VNPAY Taxi, Mobile Banking,

VnShop, Movie ticket booking, VNPAY-QR, VNPAY-POS. Furthermore, VNPAY is also considered a

provider of payment services and solutions to thousands of domestic and international businesses.


Although VNPAY has such a diverse range of services, it still has many limitations compared to other

e-wallets. In the chart, it can be seen that for users, specifically Gen Z, Momo is still the most popular,

and VNPAY seems the least used wallet (

Figure: Popularity of e-wallet brands in Vietnam

It can be mentioned here that Momo has many special promotional campaigns on Tet 2023 and 2024,

“Lac Xi 2023” makes MoMo the brand with the most prominent campaign in Tet 2023 of the Electronic

Payment industry. In comparison to other e-wallets campaigns, VNPAY has not created an outstanding

campaign to catch customers’ attention.

2.3 Target segment

Geographics: Urban areas, primarily in large cities: Ho Chi Minh City or Ha Noi


+ Age: 18-25 years old

+ Gender: Male and female

+ Occupation: undergraduate students

+ Income level: Low to middle-income level

+ Education level: University education


+ Lifestyles: modern, active lifestyles

+ Personality: mature, ambitious, busy, passionate about life


+ Occasion: daily transactions, especially when customers choose to use deposits for their


+ Benefit sought:

● Look for the application that is commonly used in stores for easier and faster non-cash


● Applied coupons that are provided to reduce the number of payments

In combination, the segments of customers for VnPay are the customers in Gen Z who are willing to use

the online payment and change their habits to non-cash payments (VnPay, 2021).

2.4 Company problem

Figure 1: Revenue of some E-wallet brands in Vietnam

While VNPay has emerged as a leader in Vietnam's e-payment sector with an impressive revenue -

growth from VND 17.6 trillion in 2020 to nearly VND 30 trillion in 2022 (Figure 1) . However, a 2023

Decision Lab study on e-wallet preferences among Vietnam's Gen Z showed that over half of the young

respondents use MoMo the most - one of the biggest competitors of VNPay. Meanwhile, VNPay only

accounts for 2% (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Most used e-wallets in Vietnam 2022 and 2023 by generation

Consequently, although VNPay is financially robust with rising revenue and profit, it faces a significant

challenge: its limited appeal to Generation Z.

2.5 Company objectives

To address this problem, VNPay needs a clear and quantifiable objective: "By 2026, VNPay aims to

capture more than a half of GenZ users in Vietnam, positioning it as the top e-wallet option for this age


3. Market research:

3.1 Research objectives

The research highlights primary reasons why Gen Z may not favor VNPay as much.

● Users: Explore factors and problems that affect to the Gen Z loyalty

● Non-users: Find out the main criterias that Gen Z considered when choosing an e-wallet.

● Past-users: The reasons that they stopped using VNPAY.

3.2 Research summary

The survey was collected through 21 participants, divided into 3 online focus groups, each group

containing 7 members, using Google Meet platform. Through the interview, respondents were divided

into 3 categories: users (5), past - users (8) and non - users (8). Each group of participants has different

goals to collect customer insights from them (Appendix D). These results are used to recommend for

VNPAY to improve and come up with appropriate strategies to develop in the future.

3.3 Theories

● Perception Theory

Non - users perceptions of VNPAY : Customers' feelings prevent them from using VNPAY e-wallet.

Factors attract customers to choose others, such as Momo, Zalopay.

User perception of VNPAY: Consumers evaluate the VNPAY e-wallet through its application's interface,

overall experience, security and factors that led to preferences for VNPAY over other e-wallets

Past - users VNPAY: Customers decided not to use VNPAY anymore and changed to other e-wallets,

factors that customers use and feel unsatisfied with.

● Theory of Motivation

Identify core reasons for non-users unuse VNPAY , why users stopped using, and potential motivations to

encourage them to use VNPAY's products in the future

Analyze why customers pick VNPAY and how it may retain and increase user retention while making

repurchase decisions

● Theories of Attitude

Investigate the attitudes of VNPAY non - users and users who stopped using : clarify what specific

attitudes or concerns act as barriers to using VNPay.

Clarify the attitudes of VNPAY users: The factors motivate users to continue using VNPay's e-wallet.

3.4 Data analysis and Consumer insights

Key findings (Appendix E: Transcript)

1. Interface of VNPay

All VNPay users said that it is time-consuming to sign up and authenticate information (identification

card authentication, taking a picture), and within the app, many functionalities have been hidden in other


Six out of eight past - users indicated that it is quite difficult to identify the features (purchasing phone

cards or paying for monthly internet bills) due to the same color scheme and format of the application.

It is clearly shown that making the app friendly and ensuring everything runs smoothly are big concerns.

However, VNPay has not met the respondent's expectations; therefore, they suggested that VNPay should

make the interface more user-friendly to solve this problem.

2. Social Influences

Five out of eight non - users said that they were not aware of VNPay before and in their everyday bill

payment routines; therefore, VNPay was not presented as a payment option.

Six out of eight past - users claimed that people around them favored MoMo over VNPay, which

remarkably created barriers when transferring money, and using different apps is time-consuming and can

cause additional costs.

Six out of eight non-users believed they did not use it due to negative assumptions. They pointed out that

they have heard negative reviews from their friends about issues like repeating the registration process

three to four times.

This indicates that convenience stands out as a critical factor shaping consumer preference. As a result,

improving convenience is a key action for VNPay to enhance its presence and recognition to attract more


3. Security

Security is a primary priority for customers when using e-wallets, and VNPay performs admirably in this

regard. All of the respondents who are past-users and users of VNPay acknowledged that they have never

encountered issues such as unauthorized deductions or data breaches, attributing their confidence to

VNPay's verification process. Additionally, all of non - users also appreciate the security of e-wallets that

they use.

Security plays a vital role in enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty toward e-wallets. In today's

digital landscape, where concerns about data privacy and security are prevalent, users would prioritize

platforms that offer reliable safeguards for their financial transactions and personal information.

4. Integration and sale promotions

Integration and sale promotions of VNPay tend to be insufficient to many users. Most users pointed out

that aside from initial usage discounts, VNPay offers limited deals for later transactions.

Seven out of eight past - users believed that the lack of regular discounts made them stop using VNPay.

They noted that VNPay did not have deal-hunting programs like MoMo.

Five out of eight non-users claimed that VNPay is not affiliated with popular e-commerce applications

like Lazada or Grab, which leads them to opt for other e-wallets due to the coupons and convenience

when making payments.

The popularity of e-wallets among users is significantly influenced by its integration with various

e-commerce platforms and the amount of promotional codes. Customers remarkably value the

convenience and availability of exclusive promotional codes tied to collaborations with popular brands,

perceiving it as an extra benefit that could enhance the reputation of the e-wallet.

4. Marketing recommendation:

4.1 Recommendation 1 :Simplifying the interface

Addressing the interface, particularly in navigating critical functions like money transfers and refunds is

essential. Simplifying the layout and making these features easier and faster to find will make the app

more user-friendly and enjoyable to use. These changes are vital for VNPay to stay competitive in the

e-wallet market. Therefore, it not only enhances the loyalty of VNPay users but also non-users and past

users will be attracted.

4.2 Recommendation 2: Integration with popular brands

VNPay should consider integrating with well-known brands such as XanhSM, CGV to offer enticing

deals and discounts to its users. By partnering with popular brands across various industries such as

dining, travel, and entertainment, VNPay could provide users with the convenience in payments and

exclusive offers and promotions that appeal to their interests and lifestyle.

4.3 Recommendation 3: Enhancing brand image through collaboration with popular influencers.

To boost its brand image and engagement, VNPay should leverage social media's extensive reach and

influence. Creative initiatives, such as contests, and partnerships with Gen Z influencers like HieuThuHai,

Wren Evans could captivate users and expand VNPay's audience. Through this, VNPay could foster

meaningful connections, driving increased loyalty and brand recognition in the Gen Z generation.

5. Appendix:

Appendix A: Reason for the growth of the market and market dominators

E-wallets have become a more popular choice in Vietnam for many reasons. First, these wallets offer high

utility and flexibility, meeting the growing needs of the market. Instead of cash delivery, users

increasingly trust and use electronic payment methods, especially through e-wallets and online banking.

The popularity of the internet and smartphones also increases the convenience of online payments through

e-wallets. Along with that, using e-wallets also helps save time and effort for users. In addition, the

Covid-19 epidemic has promoted the use of e-wallets and contactless payments in Vietnam, because of

convenience and safety. This has helped e-wallets reach more people and increase their growth potential.

Three industry titans—MoMo, ZaloPay, and ViettelPay—dominate the market. MoMo is the leader with

68% market share, next is ZaloPay at 53% and ViettelPay at 27% (CafeBiz,2023).

Figure: Market share of top e-wallets in Vietnam

Appendix B: SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

- Has a diverse ecosystem, provide the home - Limits of partner in compared with other

e-wallets for families e-wallets (POS365 Software, 2023)

- Accepted by over 10.000 points in Vietnam - Withdrawal fee is calculated by 2% of

- High techniques for security: achieving PCI DSS withdrawal amount (Vi VnPay, 2023)

global security certification, especially Blockchain

technology that meets international standards

(POS365 Software, 2023).

- Brand recognition: honored Vietnam National

Brand 2020 (Vietnamnews, 2020)

Opportunities Threats

- The expansion of e-wallet users in Vietnam has - Competitive market with the appearance of other

increased significantly in recent years, over 28 e-wallets in FinTech: Momo, ZaloPay, ShopeePay

million users in 2022 (Statista, 2023), predicted to - Fraud risk in e-wallet payments in Vietnam has

continue to rise in the future. risen significantly in recent years (Ngoc, N., et al,

- Covid-19 pandemic has created a non cash 2020)

payment habit for consumers, especially Gen Z - Inflation problems in Vietnam and worldwide

(H.Chung ,2022). - Fiercely competitive market may put an effort on

- Policy: Vietnamese Government implemented e-wallet provider to merge into few leading

the policy to decrease the number of cash payment regional and local super apps to dominate the

to below 10% (Ngoc, N., et al, 2020) market (Ha, M., 2021)

- Gained the awareness and 300 million USD

investment from foreign corporations: SoftBank

and GIC (Tran, L., 2023) for further development

- Vietnamese make from 1.6 to 2 digital

transactions per day, with the average spending in

each transaction 230,000 - 274,000 VND (10 - 12

USD) (Brademar, n.d.)

Macro - Environment analysis based on PESTEL model:

Political/Legal + Vietnamese Government implemented the policy to decrease the

factors number of cash payment to below 10% (Ngoc, N., et al, 2020)

+ Brand recognition: honored Vietnam National Brand 2020

(Vietnamnews, 2020)

+ Vietnamese Government implemented the policy to decrease the

number of cash payment to below 10% (Ngoc, N., et al, 2020)

+ - Gained the awareness and 300 million USD investment from foreign

corporations: SoftBank and GIC (Lam, T., 2023) for further


+ Vietnamese make from 1.6 to 2 digital transactions per day, with the

average spending in each transaction 230,000 - 274,000 VND (10 - 12

USD) (Brademar, n.d.)

Economic + Gained the awareness and 300 million USD investment from foreign

corporations: SoftBank and GIC (Lam, T., 2023) for further


Social + Small users community, limit third party (Tất Tần Tật về ví Điện Tử

VNPAY và Những Điều Cần Biết, 2023)

+ Brand recognition: honored Vietnam National Brand 2020

(Vietnamnews, 2020)

+ Covid-19 pandemic has created a non cash payment habit for

consumers, especially Gen Z (H.Chung ,2022).

+ Fear of being scammed (Digital Payment Systems Have Massive

Growth Potential: Fintech Leader, n.d.)

+ Withdrawal fee is calculated by 2% of withdrawal amount (Vi VnPay,


+ The expansion of e-wallet users in Vietnam has increased significantly

in recent years, over 28 million users in 2022 (Statista, 2023),

predicted to continue to rise in the future.

+ Competitive market with the appearance of other e-wallets in FinTech:

Momo, ZaloPay, ShopeePay

+ Policy: Covid-19 pandemic has created a non cash payment habit for

consumers, especially Gen Z (H.Chung ,2022).

Technology + High techniques for security: achieving PCI DSS global security

certification, especially Blockchain technology that meets international

standards (POS365 Software, 2023).

+ Too many steps to use this VNPay application, VNPay not friendly

with users.

+ Risk issues in electronic payment fraud (Digital Payment Systems

Have Massive Growth Potential: Fintech Leader, n.d.)

Environmental + Has a diverse ecosystem, provide the home e-wallets for families.

+ Limits of partner in compared with other e-wallets (POS365 Software,


Micro - environment analysis based on Porter’s 5 forces model

Supplier bargaining power Customer bargaining power

● Technology Providers: Although there is ● The expansion of e-wallet users in

limited supplier that VNPay relies on, Vietnam has increased significantly in

VNPay is big giant in this fintech area recent years, over 28 million users in 2022

which still have power to deal with the (Statista, 2023), predicted to continue to

supplier. rise in the future.

● Competitive market with the appearance

of other e-wallets in FinTech: Momo,

ZaloPay, ShopeePay

● In Vietnam, there are more than 5

e-wallets, which give several choices for


=> Consumers can change their choice if they

have more benefits.

Rivalry among existing competitors

The e-wallet market in Vietnam is quite competitive with the appearance of different application:

VnPay, Momo, ZaloPay, ShopeePay

Threats of new entrants Threats of substitute

● The e-wallet market in Vietnam has ● The e-wallet markets in Vietnam have a

divided and fulfilled by a varieties of wide range of suppliers and they have

application => Market share is not big similar functions

enough ● VnPay doesn’t provide many additional

● It is high competitive in this market, each functions apart from transactions, is not a

e-wallet has gained a position and user-friendly interface

consumers in different ways => It is a threat for VnPay from being replaced by

● It is expensive and risk for a new brand to other applications which provide for consumers

enter the market and get over with the additional function in e-wallet

existing brand of e-wallet

=> The risk for new entrants in the e-wallet

market overall, for VnPay in particular is still low

Appendix C:

1. The reason why users choose the VNPAY e-wallet for long-term use, the strengths that VNPAY they


2. The factors are missing, not enough to meet their needs so they choose VNPAY for using e-wallets and

instead use other wallets such as Momo, and Zalopay.

3. The reasons why users stop using VNPAY, Errors or weaknesses which VNPAY has that no longer

suits them so they have to stop using it.


Focus group 1

Group: 3

Topic: How VNPay become the top e-wallet in the VietNam market?

Interview details:

- Date & time: 15/03/2024, 20:00-21:30

- Duration: 1 hours 30 minutes
- Location: Online via Google Meet
- Moderator: Nguyen Ngoc Minh Thy
- Assistant (if any): Nguyen Hoang Khanh Linh, Nguyen Duc Trung
- Number of respondents: 7

(The below ideas are just suggestions, you can flexibly present your transcript)

Section 1: Understanding Preferences and Usage

Question 1: Which Notes:
payment method do
you often use?
Cash, bank transfer or Common Responses: Using e-wallets (Momo, VNPay), cash

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 2: Why do Notes:

you use that payment
method most often?
Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 3: Which Notes:

e-wallet do you
currently like to use
the most, and why? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 4: Can you Notes:

share specific use
cases or scenarios
where e-wallets are Common Responses:
especially useful in
your daily life? (For
example, split the bill Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
with friends to shop - QR code integrated with banking, convenient.
online quickly and
Question 5: How has Notes:
the growth of
e-wallets affected
your overall approach Common Responses:
to financial

transactions? (For
example, the trend to Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
use less or no cash - Spending is more convenient, you can track income and expenses (with
because digital wallets statistics)
are faster and more
efficient than cash)

Question 6: What Notes:

factors influence your
decision the most
when choosing an Common Responses: Convenience (applies everywhere, easy to use)
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Information security (citizen identification image and link to bank

Factors affecting the decision to use e-wallets:

Question 7: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why convenience is
important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Arrangement,Clear, professional layout, easy to use.

Question 8: Can you Notes:

provide specific
examples of the role
convenience plays in Common Responses:
your decision-making
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 9: For you, Notes:

how important is
compared to other Common Responses:

factors when choosing
an e-wallet? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 10: Have Notes:

you ever chosen one
e-wallet over another
because it offered Common Responses:
faster or easier
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 11: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why security is
important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 12: What Notes:

specific security
features do you
prioritize when Common Responses:
choosing an e-wallet?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 13: How Notes:

does ensuring security
affect your decision
when choosing an Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 14: Can you Notes:
tell me more about
why… is important to
you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 15: What Notes:

features or functions
are most important to
you when evaluating Common Responses:
e-wallet options?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 16: Have Notes:

you ever switched
e-wallets because one
e-wallet had better Common Responses:
features or
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- No intention yet because: familiar with old wallet, considering VNPay but
a bit hesitant because the functions are still too new.

Question 17: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why cost matters to
you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 18: Are you Notes:

willing to pay a
premium for
additional features or Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Still prioritize free things.

Question 19: Have Notes:

you ever switched
e-wallets because
transaction fees or Common Responses:
additional costs were
too high?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 20: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why giveaways and
incentives are Common Responses:
important to you?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 21: How do Notes:

rewards and
incentives influence
your decision when Common Responses:
choosing an e-wallet?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 22: Have Notes:

you ever chosen one
e-wallet over another
because of its rewards Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 23: What Notes:
type of rewards or
offers do you find
most attractive in Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 24: How Notes:

important is customer
support to you when
choosing an e-wallet? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 25: Did you Notes:

have any experiences
with the e-wallet
provider's customer Common Responses:
support that
influenced your
decision? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- No bad experiences/No experiences yet.
- Bus ticket booking problem (payment confirmation takes a long time)

Question 26: What Notes:

specific type of
customer support do
you value most in an Common Responses:
e-wallet provider?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 27: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why brand reputation
is important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 28: How Notes:

much does the
reputation of the
e-wallet provider Common Responses:
influence your
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 29: Have Notes:

you ever researched or
considered the
reputation of an Common Responses:
e-wallet before using
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 30: Are Notes:

there any specific
factors or sources you
consider when Common Responses:
evaluating an
e-wallet's reputation?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 31: How Notes:

important is
transaction speed to
you when choosing an Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 32: Have Notes:
you ever chosen one
e-wallet over another
because of its faster Common Responses:
transaction speed?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 33: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why user experience
is important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 34: What Notes:

aspects of user
experience are most
important to you when Common Responses:
using an e-wallet?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 35: Have Notes:

you ever switched
e-wallets due to poor
user experience? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 36: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
which interfaces
attracted you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- How to arrange application features and professional color layouts.

Question 37: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why social influence
matters Common Responses:
important to you?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 38: Notes:

from friends or family
never matter Common Responses:
Your e-wallet of
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 39: How Notes:

much do other
people's reviews or
opinions influence Common Responses:
your decision to
choose an e-wallet?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 40: Are Notes:

there any particular
social factors or
influencers that you Common Responses:
rely on when choosing
an e-wallet?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 41: How Notes:

important is user trust

when choosing an
e-wallet? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 42: What Notes:

factors do you believe
contribute to building
and maintaining user Common Responses:
trust in e-wallets?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 43: Please Notes:

rate your level of trust
in the following
e-wallets: Momo, Common Responses:
VNPay, ShopeePay,
ZaloPay, ViettelPay,
Moca (by Grab) In Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
descending order: 1 is
the most trusted
e-wallet, 5 is least
trusted e-wallet

Question 44: If Notes:

VNPay is not top 1 ->
ask why?
Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 45: Do you Notes:

often use VNPay for
Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 46: Please Notes:

let me know how
often you use VNPay
wallet and what type Common Responses:
of VNPay transactions - Regularly (daily/4-5 times a week)
you like to use - Transfer money for personal payments (movie tickets,...)

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Many places do not use VNPay/VNPay is not yet popular.

Question 47: Are Notes:

there any specific
cases or forms of
payment that VNPay Common Responses:
is the choice for?
Choose your
priorities? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Generate QR code for another bank account.

Question 48: What Notes:

makes you stop using
VNPay if you don't
use it anymore? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Authentication of identity is annoying/time consuming (encountered an
error confirming citizen identification)
- Already familiar with other e-wallets.

Question 49: How did Notes:

you first learn about
VNPay and what
inspired you to use it? Common Responses:
- Identity authentication takes a long time and has many steps → should be

- Convenient and has many incentives (buy 2 movie tickets from 4xk →

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 50: Can you Notes:

elaborate more on the
factors or information
that impressed you Common Responses:
when you first learned
about VNPay that led
to your decision to try Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
this platform? (For
example: seamless
experience, privacy,

Question 51: Which Notes:

feature of VNPay do
you find most
attractive? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 52: Can you Notes:

give examples of
cases where you find
VNPay's features Common Responses:
particularly useful
compared to other
e-wallets? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Create your own QR code → scan and transfer money directly to

Question 53: Is it easy Notes:

to set up a VNPay
account and start
transactions? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 54: Did you Notes:

find the registration
process user-friendly
compared to other Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 55: If so, Notes:

what part of the
registration process do
you like better than Common Responses:
other e-wallets?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 56: If No, Notes:

what makes you
dissatisfied with the
registration process Common Responses:
compared to other
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 57: Can you Notes:

tell me what specific
features of the VNPay
interface you find Common Responses:
difficult to understand
or use?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 58: How Notes:
does VNPay's speed
and responsiveness
compare to other Common Responses:
e-wallets you have
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 59: Do you Notes:

often encounter
problems such as
payment errors or Common Responses: No errors yet
application errors with
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Had this problem once when scanning a QR payment (cannot scan the
- Having a backup wallet should not be a problem.

Question 60: How do Notes:

you solve or adapt to
these challenges and
Do they affect your Common Responses:
overall satisfaction
with the platform?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 61: How Notes:

often do these
problems compare to
the problems you've Common Responses:
encountered with
other e-wallets? often
or not? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 62: Can you Notes:

give examples of
features you see in
other e-wallets that Common Responses:

you believe will
enhance the value of
VNPay? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- The interface is more difficult to use than Momo (functions have the same
color as the background so it's hard to find)
- Should have more money transfer function.

Question 63: Why do Notes:

you think this feature
or service is important
for VNPay? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 64: How Notes:

important are these
missing features to
your overall e-wallet Common Responses:
experience and
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 65: Can you Notes:

provide specific
instances where you
interacted with Common Responses:
VNPay customer
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 66: How Notes:

their support has
impacted your
experience and what Common Responses:
you have
Any suggestions for
improvement? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 67: How Notes:
many points would
you rate your
satisfaction with Common Responses:
VNPay's customer
care service on a
5-point scale? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 68: How Notes:

does VNPay's
customer support
responsiveness and Common Responses: Relatively normal
effectiveness compare
to your experience Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
with other e-wallet - Experienced it myself, and haven't had any problems so don't need help.
services? - Support is sometimes a bit slow.

Question 69: Can you Notes:

share your thoughts
on VNPay's
performance during Common Responses:
peak usage times?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 70: How Notes:

satisfied are you with
the platform's
responsiveness and Common Responses:
transaction speed
during times of high
demand? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 71: Compare Notes:

the performance of
VNPay during peak
usage periods with

e-wallets you love. Common Responses: Momo and Zalopay are better (in terms of interface, money
Which one is better? transfer support)

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 72: How do Notes:

you feel about the
security measures
applied to VNPay Common Responses: Safe/Fairly good
transactions? - There are 2 layers of security: password and pin code/pin code and
- Need citizen identification card to log in → high security

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Never heard of a case of customer information being leaked/transfer
information being leaked unless the phone is lost or the password is

Question 73: What Notes:

additional security
features would you
like to see? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- No improvement needed.

Question 74: You Notes:

think VNPay
communicates its
security measures to Common Responses:
users, how is the
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Haven't seen/No difference.
- VNPay has not done a good job of showing customers that it has a secure

Question 75: Do you Notes:

feel that VNPay's

security propaganda is
clear and complete Common Responses:
compared to other
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- There is no difference.

Question 76: How Notes:

does VNPay's security
and data protection
approach differ from Common Responses:
your expectations and
experiences with other
e-wallets? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Security is the same, quite good, not difficult to use or operate

Question 77: In your Notes:

opinion, what type of
promotions and
incentives will be Common Responses: Discount codes (by %), vouchers (entertainment, movies,
most effective in shopping)
influencing your
decision to use
VNPay? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Support by invoice (for example, buy 400k, get 40k off)
- Introducing the money wallet.

Question 78: Why did Notes:

that particular
promotion catch your
attention? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Voucher for movie and bus ticket.
- Use VNPay to transfer money (when that place provides the service)

Question 79: How Notes:

likely are you to use
VNPay if NO
promotions or Common Responses:
incentives are offered?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Still use it but only to transfer money.

Question 80: Can you Notes:

give examples of
promotions or rewards
from other e-wallets Common Responses:
that you find
particularly attractive?
Do you prefer Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
promotions from - Haven't used other wallets yet.
VNPay or other - Earn coins like ShopeePay, introduce wallets to get vouchers.
e-wallets? Why?

Question 81: Are Notes:

there any payment
methods or channels
you frequently use Common Responses:
that VNPay does not
currently support? If Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
yes, what payment - Not yet appeared on car booking apps
method/channel is it? - Bank transfer is inconvenient
- ShopeePay because it has its own e-wallet

Question 82: How Notes:

important is the
availability of diverse
payment methods (e.g. Common Responses:
bank transfers,
credit/debit cards,
cryptocurrencies) to Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
you when choosing an

Question 83: How Notes:

does VNPay's
diversity of payment
methods compare to Common Responses:
other e-wallets?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 84: How Notes:
convenient do you
find using VNPay to
pay regular bills Common Responses:
(electricity, water,
internet, etc.)
compared to other Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
payment methods or - Basically the same as other wallets (automatic monthly payments),
e-wallets? popular and convenient.

Question 85: Are Notes:

there any additional
types of bill payments
or common Common Responses:
transactions that you
would like VNPay to
support? Which type Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
is it? - No need to add, already met the need.

Question 86: Notes:

Considering all factors
(features, security,
ease of use, etc.), how Common Responses:
do you rate the overall
value of VNPay
compared to other Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
e-wallets? - Quite similar but more difficult to use than other wallets.

Question 87: Can you Notes:

list the top three
you look for in an Common Responses: Security, convenience, incentives
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Has ease of use and popularity

Question 88: To what Notes:

extent do you think
VNPay meets these
Common Responses:

top factors compared
to other e-wallets? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Streamline user authentication steps and improve ease of use.
- Fair level of popularity, not to mention functionality (popularity is not
high because not many people around use it)

Question 89: Which Notes:

factors will most
influence your
decision to switch Common Responses: Security and popularity
your main e-wallet to
VNPay or switch from
VNPay to another Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
e-wallet? - Prioritize e-wallets with high security.
- Use a wallet because many people use it.

Question 90: If you Notes:

could change one
thing about VNPay,
what would it be? Common Responses: Interface (friendlier and easier to use)

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Faster, less authentication time (problems with confirming personal
- Add bank transfer function
- Link to Momo account

Question 91: If you Notes:

could change one
thing about VNPay,
what would it be? Common Responses: Interface (for easier use)

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- There is an additional transfer function
- Support money transfer from affiliated banks to Momo.
- You can use VNPay anywhere

Question 92: Do you Notes:

have any other
comments or
suggestions on how

VNPay can improve Common Responses: Have a better strategy to increase popularity to attract more
to become your users.
favorite e-wallet?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Other than that, the interface is fine
- Bank transfer is recommended.
- There are more discount codes (hot recently because many people are
hunting for good vouchers)

Question 93: Would Notes:

you recommend
VNPay to your friends
or family? Common Responses: Yes because there are many incentives

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Will recommend it if there is Momo transfer function.
- Will recommend it if rated higher in App Store, CHPlay (too many

Question 94: What Notes:

factors motivate you
to recommend VNPay
to friends and Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 95: Are Notes:

there any specific
features, promotions,
or positive Common Responses:
significant impact on
your proposal? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 96: Finally, Notes:

does anyone have any
other questions or
Common Responses:

suggestions for our
team to improve?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Demographic - My Tien: Studying at WSU VN (user)

- Khanh An: Study at WSU VN (user)
- Doan Trang: Studying at WSU VN (non user)
- Cong Thanh: Studying at WSU VN (non user)
- Thu Trang: Studying at UEH-ISB (past user)
- Nam Hai: Student (non user)
- Hoai Thuong: Living and working in Thailand (studying for a master's
degree and working as a teacher) (past users)

General Notes

Focus group 2

Group: 3

Topic: How VNPay become the top e-wallet in the VietNam market?

Interview details:

- Date & time: 16/03/2024 13:30-15:30

- Duration: 2 hours
- Location: Online via Google Meet
- Moderator: Nguyen Ngoc Minh Thy
- Assistant (if any): Nguyen Hoang Khanh Linh, Nguyen Duc Trung
- Number of respondents: 7

(The below ideas are just suggestions, you can flexibly present your transcript)

Section 1: Understanding Preferences and Usage

Question 1: Which Notes:

payment method do
you often use?
Cash, bank transfer or Common Responses: Use e-wallet, bank transfer, cash, ApplePay

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 2: Why do Notes:

you use that payment
method most often?
Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Fast, convenient and compact, no need to carry cash.

Question 3: Which Notes:

e-wallet do you
currently like to use
the most, and why? Common Responses: Use mostly Momo (also used by VNPay, especially when
going out to eat)

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 4: Can you Notes:

share specific use
cases or scenarios
where e-wallets are Common Responses:
especially useful in
your daily life? (For
example, split the bill Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
with friends to shop - Buy movie tickets, bus tickets, payments
online quickly and - Momo is suitable for going out (share bills, save money)

Question 5: How has Notes:
the growth of
e-wallets affected
your overall approach Common Responses:
to financial
transactions? (For
example, the trend to Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
use less or no cash
because digital wallets
are faster and more
efficient than cash)
Question 6: What Notes:
factors influence your
decision the most
when choosing an Common Responses: Convenience, security, safety
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Number of discount codes.
- Fees must be paid when transacting, transferring and receiving money
- Money transfer speed (fast or slow recipient).

Factors affecting the decision to use e-wallets:

Question 7: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why convenience is
important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Faster than cash, save time
- More convenient because you don't have to carry a wallet and have a
transaction history to control spending.

Question 8: Can you Notes:

provide specific
examples of the role
convenience plays in Common Responses:
your decision-making
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 9: For you, Notes:
how important is
compared to other Common Responses:
factors when choosing
an e-wallet?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 10: Have Notes:

you ever chosen one
e-wallet over another
because it offered Common Responses:
faster or easier
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Use when the wallet is popular even though it has many features.

Question 11: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why security is
important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 12: What Notes:

specific security
features do you
prioritize when Common Responses:
choosing an e-wallet?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 13: How Notes:

does ensuring security
affect your decision
Common Responses:

when choosing an
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 14: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why… is important to
you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 15: What Notes:

features or functions
are most important to
you when evaluating Common Responses:
e-wallet options?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 16: Have Notes:

you ever switched
e-wallets because one
e-wallet had better Common Responses:
features or
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 17: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why cost matters to
you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 18: Are you Notes:
willing to pay a
premium for
additional features or Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 19: Have Notes:

you ever switched
e-wallets because
transaction fees or Common Responses:
additional costs were
too high?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 20: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why giveaways and
incentives are Common Responses:
important to you?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 21: How do Notes:

rewards and
incentives influence
your decision when Common Responses:
choosing an e-wallet?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 22: Have Notes:

you ever chosen one
e-wallet over another
because of its rewards Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 23: What Notes:
type of rewards or
offers do you find
most attractive in Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 24: How Notes:

important is customer
support to you when
choosing an e-wallet? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 25: Did you Notes:

have any experiences
with the e-wallet
provider's customer Common Responses:
support that
influenced your
decision? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 26: What Notes:

specific type of
customer support do
you value most in an Common Responses:
e-wallet provider?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 27: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why brand reputation
is important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 28: How Notes:

much does the
reputation of the
e-wallet provider Common Responses:
influence your
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 29: Have Notes:

you ever researched or
considered the
reputation of an Common Responses:
e-wallet before using
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 30: Are Notes:

there any specific
factors or sources you
consider when Common Responses:
evaluating an
e-wallet's reputation?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 31: How Notes:

important is
transaction speed to
you when choosing an Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 32: Have Notes:
you ever chosen one
e-wallet over another
because of its faster Common Responses:
transaction speed?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 33: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why user experience
is important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 34: What Notes:

aspects of user
experience are most
important to you when Common Responses:
using an e-wallet?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 35: Have Notes:

you ever switched
e-wallets due to poor
user experience? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 36: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
which interfaces
attracted you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 37: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why social influence
matters Common Responses:
important to you?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 38: Notes:

from friends or family
never matter Common Responses:
Your e-wallet of
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 39: How Notes:

much do other
people's reviews or
opinions influence Common Responses:
your decision to
choose an e-wallet?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 40: Are Notes:

there any particular
social factors or
influencers that you Common Responses:
rely on when choosing
an e-wallet?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 41: How Notes:

important is user trust

when choosing an Common Responses:
e-wallet? - High security
- Many users

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Choose one that has been around for a long time and works well (Momo
once lost customer information but was able to fix it in 1 or 2 days →
trust it)

Question 42: What Notes:

factors do you believe
contribute to building
and maintaining user Common Responses:
trust in e-wallets?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Used by many people, not many complaints, safe transactions.

Question 43: Please Notes:

rate your level of trust
in the following
e-wallets: Momo, Common Responses:
VNPay, ShopeePay, - Momo top 1
ZaloPay, ViettelPay, - Other top 2 e-wallets (VNPay, ZaloPay, ApplePay)
Moca (by Grab) In
descending order: 1 is
the most trusted Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
e-wallet, 5 is least
trusted e-wallet

Question 44: If Notes:

VNPay is not top 1 ->
ask why?
Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 45: Do you Notes:

often use VNPay for

Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 46: Please Notes:

let me know how
often you use VNPay
wallet and what type Common Responses:
of VNPay transactions
you like to use
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Used every day (as often as Momo), used to transfer money and pay for
- Only used occasionally (once every few months) to pay for movie tickets,
utilities, and hunt for discount codes.

Question 47: Are Notes:

there any specific
cases or forms of
payment that VNPay Common Responses:
is the choice for?
Choose your
priorities? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 48: What Notes:

makes you stop using
VNPay if you don't
use it anymore? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 49: How did Notes:

you first learn about
VNPay and what
inspired you to use it? Common Responses: I see a QR code when I go out to eat or buy something, I
should download it and use it

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Seen on social networks and discount codes

Question 50: Can you Notes:

elaborate more on the
factors or information
that impressed you Common Responses:
when you first learned
about VNPay that led
to your decision to try Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
this platform? (For
example: seamless
experience, privacy,

Question 51: Which Notes:

feature of VNPay do
you find most
attractive? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Fastest and most convenient payment
- There are pockets to keep and save money

Question 52: Can you Notes:

give examples of
cases where you find
VNPay's features Common Responses:
particularly useful
compared to other
e-wallets? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 53: Is it easy Notes:

to set up a VNPay
account and start
transactions? Common Responses: Simple, easy and quick procedure

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 54: Did you Notes:
find the registration
process user-friendly
compared to other Common Responses: Fast, steps are similar to other wallets (Momo)

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 55: If so, Notes:

what part of the
registration process do
you like better than Common Responses:
other e-wallets?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 56: If No, Notes:

what makes you
dissatisfied with the
registration process Common Responses:
compared to other
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 57: Can you Notes:

tell me what specific
features of the VNPay
interface you find Common Responses: Easy-to-use interface, easy-to-use operations
difficult to understand
or use?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- The first time you use it, it's difficult to find a place to withdraw or
transfer money (the functions have the same color as the background

Question 58: How Notes:
does VNPay's speed
and responsiveness
compare to other Common Responses:
e-wallets you have
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- The speed is okay, a few seconds slower than Momo to load

Question 59: Do you Notes:

often encounter
problems such as
payment errors or Common Responses: No errors yet
application errors with
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Delayed once because the money transfer was not received.

Question 60: How do Notes:

you solve or adapt to
these challenges and
Do they affect your Common Responses:
overall satisfaction
with the platform?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- I have a habit of taking screenshots of transaction bills but have never had
any problems. I received the money by evening at the latest.

Question 61: How Notes:

often do these
problems compare to
the problems you've Common Responses:
encountered with
other e-wallets? often
or not? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 62: Can you Notes:

give examples of
features you see in
other e-wallets that Common Responses:
you believe will

enhance the value of
VNPay? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Add games (like coin toss)
- Momo books movie tickets faster
- Momo has a magic bag and a postpaid wallet.

Question 63: Why do Notes:

you think this feature
or service is important
for VNPay? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 64: How Notes:

important are these
missing features to
your overall e-wallet Common Responses:
experience and
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 65: Can you Notes:

provide specific
instances where you
interacted with Common Responses:
VNPay customer
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Postpaid wallet helps attract more customers.
- The feature is not really necessary, but can be helpful if you want to
expand your market.

Question 66: How Notes:

their support has
impacted your
experience and what Common Responses:
you have - Never had a problem
Any suggestions for

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 67: How Notes:

many points would
you rate your
satisfaction with Common Responses:
VNPay's customer
care service on a
5-point scale? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 68: How Notes:

does VNPay's
customer support
responsiveness and Common Responses:
effectiveness compare
to your experience
with other e-wallet Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 69: Can you Notes:

share your thoughts
on VNPay's
performance during Common Responses: Good productivity, high efficiency, fast payment
peak usage times?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 70: How Notes:

satisfied are you with
the platform's
responsiveness and Common Responses:
transaction speed
during times of high
demand? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 71: Compare Notes:

the performance of
VNPay during peak

usage periods with Common Responses:
e-wallets you love.
Which one is better?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- VNPay is sometimes better because many people use Momo so peak
hours are slow.

Question 72: How do Notes:

you feel about the
security measures
applied to VNPay Common Responses: Safe/Fairly good
transactions? - There are many layers of security: pin code, face id, otp code

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 73: What Notes:

additional security
features would you
like to see? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- No improvement needed.

Question 74: You Notes:

think VNPay
communicates its
security measures to Common Responses:
users, how is the
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Good enough, no need to add anything else.

Question 75: Do you Notes:

feel that VNPay's
security propaganda is
clear and complete Common Responses:
compared to other
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Full propaganda

- The security layer should only ask once

Question 76: How Notes:

does VNPay's security
and data protection
approach differ from Common Responses:
your expectations and
experiences with other
e-wallets? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 77: In your Notes:

opinion, what type of
promotions and
incentives will be Common Responses: Few discount codes and incentives.
most effective in
influencing your
decision to use Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
VNPay? - The discount code is too small (2 times out of 10)
- There are no discount codes for dining, only for movie tickets and bus
- Frequent transactions receive discounts.

Question 78: Why did Notes:

that particular
promotion catch your
attention? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 79: How Notes:

likely are you to use
VNPay if NO
promotions or Common Responses:
incentives are offered?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Still use normally because there are promotions directly in the

Question 80: Can you Notes:
give examples of
promotions or rewards
from other e-wallets Common Responses:
that you find
particularly attractive?
Do you prefer Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
promotions from - Momo offers discounts when watching movies and paying for food with a
VNPay or other code
e-wallets? Why?

Question 81: Are Notes:

there any payment
methods or channels
you frequently use Common Responses:
that VNPay does not
currently support? If
yes, what payment Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
method/channel is it? - You should have a postpaid wallet to borrow money when you run out of
- Split money when going out to eat to avoid inconvenience.

Question 82: How Notes:

important is the
availability of diverse
payment methods (e.g. Common Responses:
bank transfers,
credit/debit cards,
cryptocurrencies) to Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
you when choosing an - It's important because there are many sources of money

Question 83: How Notes:

does VNPay's
diversity of payment
methods compare to Common Responses:
other e-wallets?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 84: How Notes:

convenient do you

find using VNPay to
pay regular bills Common Responses:
(electricity, water,
internet, etc.)
compared to other Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
payment methods or

Question 85: Are Notes:

there any additional
types of bill payments
or common Common Responses:
transactions that you
would like VNPay to
support? Which type Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
is it?

Question 86: Notes:

Considering all factors
(features, security,
ease of use, etc.), how Common Responses:
do you rate the overall
value of VNPay
compared to other Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
e-wallets? - VNPay offers true payment, Momo has games and interactions.
- VNPay is convenient and easy to use but not as diverse as Momo
- Lacks attractive features such as fortune bags and postpaid wallets

Question 87: Can you Notes:

list the top three
you look for in an Common Responses: Security, convenience, popularity
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- There are promotions
- Additional utilities (supermarket payment, airline tickets,...)

Question 88: To what Notes:

extent do you think
VNPay meets these
top factors compared Common Responses:
to other e-wallets?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 89: Which Notes:
factors will most
influence your
decision to switch Common Responses: Confidentiality
your main e-wallet to
VNPay or switch from
VNPay to another Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
e-wallet? - Promotional programs.
- Speed ​of use, quick to use.

Question 90: If you Notes:

could change one
thing about VNPay,
what would it be? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 91: If you Notes:

could change one
thing about VNPay,
what would it be? Common Responses: Interface (more friendly and easy to use) and should have
Why? more advertising to attract users.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- There should be more games and interactions.
- Should add features such as group fund, fortune bag.

Question 92: Do you Notes:

have any other
comments or
suggestions on how Common Responses:
VNPay can improve
to become your
favorite e-wallet? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 93: Would Notes:

you recommend

VNPay to your friends
or family? Common Responses: If it changes then yes

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- You should optimize the registration process because it takes a lot of time
and you have to try 3 or 4 times.

Question 94: What Notes:

factors motivate you
to recommend VNPay
to friends and Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 95: Are Notes:

there any specific
features, promotions,
or positive Common Responses:
significant impact on
your proposal? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 96: Finally, Notes:

does anyone have any
other questions or
suggestions for our Common Responses:
team to improve?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Demographic - Thien An: Study at WSU VN (user)

- Hong Linh: Study at WSU VN (user)
- Bich Tram: Study at WSU VN (past user)
- Vinh Khang: Study at WSU VN (past user)
- Mai Thy: Australian student (non user)

- Duc Trung: Study at WSU VN (past user)
- Tuan Minh: Study at WSU VN (past user)

General Notes

Focus group 3

Group: 3

Topic: How VNPay become the top e-wallet in the VietNam market?

Interview details:

- Date & time: 17/03/2024 13:30-15:30

- Duration: 2 hours
- Location: Online via Google Meet
- Moderator: Nguyen Ngoc Minh Thy
- Assistant (if any): Nguyen Hoang Khanh Linh, Nguyen Duc Trung
- Number of respondents: 7

(The below ideas are just suggestions, you can flexibly present your transcript)

Section 1: Understanding Preferences and Usage

Question 1: Which Notes:

payment method do
you often use?
Cash, bank transfer or Common Responses: Using e-wallets, transferring money

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 2: Why do Notes:

you use that payment
method most often?
Common Responses:

- Holding cash is inconvenient
- Just need to hold the phone to pay, more convenient.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 3: Which Notes:

e-wallet do you
currently like to use
the most, and why? Common Responses: UseLots of Momo (also used by VNPay but used to book
train tickets to go out)

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 4: Can you Notes:

share specific use
cases or scenarios
where e-wallets are Common Responses:
especially useful in
your daily life? (For
example, split the bill Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
with friends to shop - Scan the payment QR code
online quickly and
Question 5: How has Notes:
the growth of
e-wallets affected
your overall approach Common Responses:
to financial
transactions? (For
example, the trend to Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
use less or no cash
because digital wallets
are faster and more
efficient than cash)
Question 6: What Notes:
factors influence your
decision the most
when choosing an Common Responses: Convenience, ease of use

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Whether affiliated with many parties or not, VNPay authenticates
information that is difficult

Factors affecting the decision to use e-wallets:

Question 7: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why convenience is
important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 8: Can you Notes:

provide specific
examples of the role
convenience plays in Common Responses:
your decision-making
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- No need to check for change.
- Pay faster

Question 9: For you, Notes:

how important is
compared to other Common Responses:
factors when choosing
an e-wallet?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 10: Have Notes:

you ever chosen one
e-wallet over another
because it offered Common Responses:
faster or easier
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 11: Can you Notes:
tell me more about
why security is
important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 12: What Notes:

specific security
features do you
prioritize when Common Responses:
choosing an e-wallet?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 13: How Notes:

does ensuring security
affect your decision
when choosing an Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 14: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why… is important to
you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 15: What Notes:

features or functions
are most important to
Common Responses:

you when evaluating
e-wallet options?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 16: Have Notes:

you ever switched
e-wallets because one
e-wallet had better Common Responses:
features or
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 17: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why cost matters to
you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 18: Are you Notes:

willing to pay a
premium for
additional features or Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 19: Have Notes:

you ever switched
e-wallets because
transaction fees or Common Responses:
additional costs were
too high?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 20: Can you Notes:
tell me more about
why giveaways and
incentives are Common Responses:
important to you?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- As a student, you want to save as much as possible.

Question 21: How do Notes:

rewards and
incentives influence
your decision when Common Responses:
choosing an e-wallet?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 22: Have Notes:

you ever chosen one
e-wallet over another
because of its rewards Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- I used to use it because the bank had an error → using an e-wallet feels
better because it's more secure

Question 23: What Notes:

type of rewards or
offers do you find
most attractive in Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 24: How Notes:

important is customer
support to you when
choosing an e-wallet? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 25: Did you Notes:

have any experiences
with the e-wallet
provider's customer Common Responses:
support that
influenced your
decision? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 26: What Notes:

specific type of
customer support do
you value most in an Common Responses:
e-wallet provider?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 27: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why brand reputation
is important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 28: How Notes:

much does the
reputation of the
e-wallet provider Common Responses:
influence your
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 29: Have Notes:
you ever researched or
considered the
reputation of an Common Responses:
e-wallet before using
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 30: Are Notes:

there any specific
factors or sources you
consider when Common Responses:
evaluating an
e-wallet's reputation?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 31: How Notes:

important is
transaction speed to
you when choosing an Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 32: Have Notes:

you ever chosen one
e-wallet over another
because of its faster Common Responses:
transaction speed?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 33: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why user experience
is important to you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 34: What Notes:

aspects of user
experience are most
important to you when Common Responses:
using an e-wallet?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 35: Have Notes:

you ever switched
e-wallets due to poor
user experience? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 36: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
which interfaces
attracted you? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 37: Can you Notes:

tell me more about
why social influence
matters Common Responses:
important to you?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 38: Notes:


from friends or family Common Responses:
never matter
Your e-wallet of
choice? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 39: How Notes:

much do other
people's reviews or
opinions influence Common Responses:
your decision to
choose an e-wallet?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 40: Are Notes:

there any particular
social factors or
influencers that you Common Responses:
rely on when choosing
an e-wallet?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Choose based on personal assessment (don't trust influencers)

Question 41: How Notes:

important is user trust
when choosing an
e-wallet? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Don't trust yourself completely, trust yourself more

Question 42: What Notes:

factors do you believe
contribute to building
and maintaining user Common Responses: Convenience, security
trust in e-wallets?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Transaction speed is also important, processing must be fast.

Question 43: Please Notes:
rate your level of trust
in the following
e-wallets: Momo, Common Responses:
VNPay, ShopeePay, - Momo top 1
ZaloPay, ViettelPay, - Other top 2 e-wallets (VNPay, ZaloPay,...)
Moca (by Grab) In
descending order: 1 is
the most trusted Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
e-wallet, 5 is least
trusted e-wallet

Question 44: If Notes:

VNPay is not top 1 ->
ask why?
Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 45: Do you Notes:

often use VNPay for
Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 46: Please Notes:

let me know how
often you use VNPay
wallet and what type Common Responses: Use regularly (3-5 times a week)
of VNPay transactions
you like to use
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Frequency is not fixed, use it when needed (if you have VNPay code, use
- Sometimes to pay electricity and water bills, but often encounter
problems of not being able to find the function because of the interface.

Question 47: Are Notes:
there any specific
cases or forms of
payment that VNPay Common Responses:
is the choice for?
Choose your
priorities? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 48: What Notes:

makes you stop using
VNPay if you don't
use it anymore? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Security/Interface is difficult to use.

Question 49: How did Notes:

you first learn about
VNPay and what
inspired you to use it? Common Responses: Saw an advertisement, saw VNPay code when going out.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 50: Can you Notes:

elaborate more on the
factors or information
that impressed you Common Responses:
when you first learned
about VNPay that led
to your decision to try Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
this platform? (For - Easy to register, secure authentication, many incentives.
example: seamless
experience, privacy,

Question 51: Which Notes:

feature of VNPay do
you find most
attractive? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 52: Can you Notes:

give examples of
cases where you find
VNPay's features Common Responses:
particularly useful
compared to other
e-wallets? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 53: Is it easy Notes:

to set up a VNPay
account and start
transactions? Common Responses: The procedure is simple, like other applications.

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Citizen ID verification takes a long time (have to try many times and wait
a long time)

Question 54: Did you Notes:

find the registration
process user-friendly
compared to other Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 55: If so, Notes:

what part of the
registration process do
you like better than Common Responses:
other e-wallets?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 56: If No, Notes:
what makes you
dissatisfied with the
registration process Common Responses:
compared to other
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 57: Can you Notes:

tell me what specific
features of the VNPay
interface you find Common Responses: The interface is easy to see, eye-catching, and hassle-free
difficult to understand
or use?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 58: How Notes:

does VNPay's speed
and responsiveness
compare to other Common Responses:
e-wallets you have
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 59: Do you Notes:

often encounter
problems such as
payment errors or Common Responses:
application errors with
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Code cannot be scanned (common error)
- Paid for movie tickets but did not receive the code, contacted support and
was resolved quite quickly.
- Encountered when paying for airline tickets, taking a long time to pay

Question 60: How do Notes:

you solve or adapt to
these challenges and
Common Responses:

Do they affect your
overall satisfaction Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
with the platform?

Question 61: How Notes:

often do these
problems compare to
the problems you've Common Responses:
encountered with
other e-wallets? often
or not? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 62: Can you Notes:

give examples of
features you see in
other e-wallets that Common Responses:
you believe will
enhance the value of
VNPay? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Momo has a magic bag and a postpaid wallet.
- Expenditure reports should be added.

Question 63: Why do Notes:

you think this feature
or service is important
for VNPay? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 64: How Notes:

important are these
missing features to
your overall e-wallet Common Responses:
experience and
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 65: Can you Notes:
provide specific
instances where you
interacted with Common Responses:
VNPay customer
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Ordered movie tickets but haven't received them yet, customer service is
ok, friendly, works fast.

Question 66: How Notes:

their support has
impacted your
experience and what Common Responses:
you have
Any suggestions for
improvement? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 67: How Notes:

many points would
you rate your
satisfaction with Common Responses:
VNPay's customer
care service on a
5-point scale? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 68: How Notes:

does VNPay's
customer support
responsiveness and Common Responses:
effectiveness compare
to your experience
with other e-wallet Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 69: Can you Notes:

share your thoughts
on VNPay's
performance during Common Responses:
peak usage times?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 70: How Notes:

satisfied are you with
the platform's
responsiveness and Common Responses:
transaction speed
during times of high
demand? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 71: Compare Notes:

the performance of
VNPay during peak
usage periods with Common Responses:
e-wallets you love.
Which one is better?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 72: How do Notes:

you feel about the
security measures
applied to VNPay Common Responses: Safe/Fairly good
transactions? - There are many layers of security: pin code, face id, otp code

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 73: What Notes:

additional security
features would you
like to see? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 74: You Notes:

think VNPay
communicates its

security measures to Common Responses:
users, how is the
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 75: Do you Notes:

feel that VNPay's
security propaganda is
clear and complete Common Responses:
compared to other
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Full propaganda

Question 76: How Notes:

does VNPay's security
and data protection
approach differ from Common Responses:
your expectations and
experiences with other
e-wallets? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 77: In your Notes:

opinion, what type of
promotions and
incentives will be Common Responses: Many incentives (discount by %, 20%-40%)
most effective in
influencing your
decision to use Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
VNPay? - Discount directly on bill
- There are many discount codes for payment, with discounts.

Question 78: Why did Notes:

that particular
promotion catch your
attention? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 79: How Notes:
likely are you to use
VNPay if NO
promotions or Common Responses:
incentives are offered?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 80: Can you Notes:

give examples of
promotions or rewards
from other e-wallets Common Responses:
that you find
particularly attractive?
Do you prefer Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
promotions from - Momo has many discount codes
VNPay or other
e-wallets? Why?

Question 81: Are Notes:

there any payment
methods or channels
you frequently use Common Responses:
that VNPay does not
currently support? If
yes, what payment Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
method/channel is it?

Question 82: How Notes:

important is the
availability of diverse
payment methods (e.g. Common Responses:
bank transfers,
credit/debit cards,
cryptocurrencies) to Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
you when choosing an

Question 83: How Notes:

does VNPay's
diversity of payment
methods compare to Common Responses:
other e-wallets?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 84: How Notes:

convenient do you
find using VNPay to
pay regular bills Common Responses:
(electricity, water,
internet, etc.)
compared to other Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
payment methods or

Question 85: Are Notes:

there any additional
types of bill payments
or common Common Responses:
transactions that you
would like VNPay to
support? Which type Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
is it?

Question 86: Notes:

Considering all factors
(features, security,
ease of use, etc.), how Common Responses: Usage density is not high (few friends use itso it will be
do you rate the overall correct to use measurewhen used)
value of VNPay
compared to other Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
e-wallets? - Overall good, high security, many incentives
- You should find ways to reach more people

Question 87: Can you Notes:

list the top three
you look for in an Common Responses: Security, convenience, popularity
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Ease of use, transparency.
- Transactions must be processed quickly.
- Customer care

Question 88: To what Notes:
extent do you think
VNPay meets these
top factors compared Common Responses:
to other e-wallets?
Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Question 89: Which Notes:

factors will most
influence your
decision to switch Common Responses: Confidentiality
your main e-wallet to
VNPay or switch from
VNPay to another Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
e-wallet? - Promotional programs.
- Customer care.

Question 90: If you Notes:

could change one
thing about VNPay,
what would it be? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- There should be more incentives.

Question 91: If you Notes:

could change one
thing about VNPay,
what would it be? Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- There should be more incentives.
- Divide into many services to meet customer needs.
- Resolve outstanding problems such as errors during payment

Question 92: Do you Notes:

have any other
comments or
suggestions on how Common Responses:
VNPay can improve

to become your
favorite e-wallet? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- There should be a more effective marketing strategy, creating more
- Updated with many new features and incentives for loyal customers.

Question 93: Would Notes:

you recommend
VNPay to your friends
or family? Common Responses: How

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- Share with elders for high security
- Share with friends because there are many incentives.

Question 94: What Notes:

factors motivate you
to recommend VNPay
to friends and Common Responses:

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

- There are many incentives

Question 95: Are Notes:

there any specific
features, promotions,
or positive Common Responses:
significant impact on
your proposal? Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:
- Discount movie tickets during Tet, March 8, apply code to get a deal of
15k/1 movie ticket.

Question 96: Finally, Notes:

does anyone have any
other questions or
suggestions for our Common Responses:
team to improve?

Noteworthy Individual Responses & Ideas:

Demographic - My Kim: 20 years old (non user)
- Hien Mai: 1st year student of USSH Hanoi (user)
- Mai Thao: 2nd year student (user)
- Minh Tan: 2nd year student (past user)
- Khanh Linh: 2nd year student at WSU (non user)
- Minh Son: Studying at WSU Vietnam,year 3 (non user)
- Chuong Van: Studying at WSU Vietnam, year 2 (non user)

General Notes

6. Reference list:

ASEAN Consumer Sentiment Study 2023 (Regional): Digital banking grows amidst economic woes | UOB

ASEAN Insights. (n.d.).

BAOMOI.COM. (2021, April 7). Nghịch lý trên thị trường ví điện tử. Https://

BradeMar. (2022). Phân tích mô hình SWOT của Momo . BradeMar.

Cafebiz. (2023, October 20). Momo phía sau sự cố: Ví điện tử có thị phần số 1 Việt Nam, nghi vấn “tiếp

tay” cho cờ bạc online?


Cổng thanh toán VNPAY-QR. (2021). VNPAY.

Digital payment systems have massive growth potential: fintech leader. (n.d.).


H.Chung. (2022, June 14). Thanh toán không tiền mặt vẫn “bùng nổ” sau đại dịch COVID-19. Vietnam+



Ha Vu. (2023, August 16). Đâu là các ví điện tử nhiều người dùng nhất Việt Nam?

Ha, M. (2021, October 26). 6 xu hướng vĩ mô định hình tương lai của lĩnh vực thanh toán. Nhịp Sống

Kinh Tế Việt Nam & Thế Giới.

Hướng dẫn rút tiền từ ví VNPAY về ngân hàng liên kết. (2023).

Lê, B. (2024, February 28). Nhộn nhịp và khốc liệt như thị trường ví điện tử Việt. Cafef.

Leading e-wallet brands in use among users in Vietnam in the 2nd quarter of 2023. (2023, September 19).

Statista; Statista Research Department.

Momo. (2023a). Lắc Xì 2023 đưa MoMo trở thành thương hiệu có chiến dịch nổi bật nhất trong Tết 2023

của ngành Thanh toán điện tử. Momo.

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