Assignment 4

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Topic: Is online learning effective?

Nowadays, with the revolution in technology, it’s not difficult for us to discover
or study new things because we have a lot of ways to approach them. One of the
most popular methods is online learning. However, few people wonder if online
learning is effective for them. In my point of view, online learning has a lot of benefits
for learners.
The first reason why I said online learning is good is because of the costs we
pay for online courses more effective. In a traditional course, we need to attend to the
classroom so that we might pay for some material facilities fees like equipment, air
conditioners, projectors, etc. Sometimes it is not necessary and maybe it wastes our
money. But with online learning, we can save the amount of them and make our
budget lighter as possible.
We have more interaction in online learning is another reason. Studying in a
traditional class, it is difficult for us to ask the teacher or professor because time is
limited. But with online learning, we easily to contact instructors, even online friends
to enhance and absorb this knowledge. Furthermore, online learning is the best
choice for introverted people who are shy, and quiet in society and want to learn to
and communicate with instructors.
Opponents argue that learning through a screen can not help us to
understand clearly what teachers want to convey to us like face-to-face learning.
However, I am not sure we will understand all of the lessons if we just listen for one
time. With online courses, we can watch it many times until we understand.
Moreover, it’s available when and where learners need it. We can attend class if we
have free time and learn on as many devices as we have. It helps us be more flexible
in organizing our schedule.
In conclusion, the benefits of online learning are extensive and far-reaching. In
modern society, especially since we are recovering after a pandemic, online learning
is even more necessary for learners.

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