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Presented by :-

Dr. Radhika Khandelwal

• Sulphur is an elementary substance, occuring in
nature as a brittle crystaline solid, burning in the
air with the blue flame, being oxidised to
sulphur dioxide.

• Great hahnemannian anti-psoric remedy

• Diathesis- scrofulous
• Temperament- nervous
• Constitution
• Suppressions of mental ailments
• Alcohol
• Sun
• Bed-sores
• Over-exertion
• Subjected to venous plethora. It has portal stasis
manifesting as redness at the muco-cutaneous
junctions e.g. nostrils, lips, anus, etc.
• Affecting the skin, it produces heat and burning
with severe itching.
• Centrifugal from within outwards.
• Great affinity for the skin.
• Mainly act on nervous system.
• Venous capillary system.
• Affects mucous membranes of eyes, bronchi,
urethra and rectum.
• Dirty filthy people prone to skin affections.
• Very irritable, depressed, thin and weak, even
with a good appetite
• Very forgetful
• Delusions
• Very selfish
• Imagines giving wrong things to people, causing
their death
• Delusion- is a very wealthy person
• Very selfish
• Heat on top of head
• Meningitis
• Scalp dry
• Worse-stooping, washing
• Meningitis
• Scalp dry
• Corneal ulceration
• Chronic ophthalmia
• Ulcerative blepharitis
• Parenchymatous keratitis
Fig. Corneal ulceration
Fig. Ulcerative blepharitis
Fig. Chronic ophthalmia
• Tinnitus
• Catarrhal deafness
• Bad effects from separation of otorrhoea
• Imaginary foul smells
• Chronic dry catarrah
• Adenoids
• Alae red and scaby
• Dry scabs which readily bleeds
• LIPS – dry, bright red, burning
• TONGUE – white with a red strip and stomatitis
• Bitter taste in the morning
• Jerks through teeth
Fig. Stomatitis
• Pressure, as if from a lump, from a splinter, or of
a hair
• GLOBUS HYSTERICUS - A ball seems to rise and
close the pharynx
• Complete loss of or excessive appetite
• Food tastes too salty
• Milk disagrees
• Great desire for sweets
• Very weak and faint around 11 am, must have
something to eat
• Water fills the patient up
• Very sensitive to pressure
• Movements as if something alive in the abdomen
• Pain and soreness over the liver region
• Colic after drinking
• Morning diarrhoea, painless, drives him out of
bed with prolapsus recti
• Haemorroids, oozing and belching
• Frequent, unsuccessfull desire, hard knotty,
• Frequent micturation, specially at night
• Enuresis – in scrofulous, untidy children
• Urethritis
• Must hurry, sudden call to micturate
• Great quantities of colourless urine
Fig. Urethritis
• Involuntary emissions
• Itching in genitals when going to bed
• Organs cold, relaxed and powerless
• Impotency
• Pudenda itches
• Vagina burns
• Menses too late, short, scanty and difficult ;
thick black, acrid, making parts sore
• Menses preceded by headache
• Nipples cracked
• Difficult respiration ; wants windows open
• Bronchitis
• Pneumonia
• Oppression, as if a load was put on the chest
• Dyspnea in the middle of the night, relieved by
sitting up
• Pulse more rapid in the morning then in the
Fig. Difficult respiration ; wants windows open
Fig. Bronchitis
• Hot sweaty hands
• Burning in soles and hands at night
• Cannot walk erect stoop shouldered
• Sweat in armpits, swelling like garlic
• Rheumatic gout, with itching
• Vivid dreams
• Cat naps ; slightest noise awakens
• Cannot sleep between 2 and 5 am
• Wakes up singing
Fig. Vivid dreams
• Frequent flashes of heat
• Violent ebullistions of heat throughout the entire
• Dry skin and great thirst
• Night sweat on the nape and occiput, disgusting
• Dry, scaly, unhealthy ; every little injury ,
• Freckles – itching, burning ; worse scratching and
• Pimply eruptions, pustules, hang nails
• Skin affections after local medications
• Pruritus, specially from warmth, in the evening,
damp weather
Fig. Fleckers
Fig. Pimply eruptions
Fig. Skin affections after
local medications
• WORSE – at rest, standing, warmth of bed,
bathing in the morning, 11am, from alcohol
• BETTER – dry, warm weather, lying on right side,
from drawing affected limbs
• COMPLEMENTARY – Aloe; Psor., Acon.,
• COMPARE – Merc., Lyc., Pulse., Sulphur
Terebinthinatum., Sep

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