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Start where you have the most information.

Given multiple pieces of information, start with the one that lets you deduce the

Worst-case analysis:
When you want to guarantee something will work, you should ask yourself, “What's
the worst that could happen?”

Look for unambiguous information.

When choosing which information to get, think about which piece will tell you what
you want to know even in the worst case.

Cut down your options.

When a hidden coin matches an unopened safe, it lets us narrow down the possible
arrangements of the coins.

Double Negation
Suppose a statement says X is not true. If we learn that the statement is false, we
now know that X is true.

Look for contradictions.

hen two statements contradict each other, at least one must be false.

If three robots are put in order so a certain two are next to each other, then one
of the two must be in the middle.

Eliminate extremes.
Nothing can be the “most” in a category if there's another thing that has “more.”

Use contradictions.
If you come to an impossible situation, then at least one of the facts you’ve
assumed must be false.

Knowing what others don't know:

Look out for the statement “I don't know” from a character. This often tells you a
lot more than you might think.

Cover all your bases.

In order to guarantee success, ensure that you will win in every possible scenario.

When solving a puzzle involving large numbers, think about how you might solve a
similar puzzle involving smaller numbers.

Take another perspective.

It's often useful to imagine a scenario from another person's perspective.
Sometimes it even helps to imagine what it would be like to be someone imagining
what it's like to be someone else.

Try something new.

If you get a bad outcome, try something different the next time you see the same

Assume and revise.

Assume something, and then see what results from it. If you run into a
contradiction, your assumption must be false.

Relate kinds.
If one being claims another is a human, they are the same kinds (both humans or
both androids).
If one being claims another is an android, they are opposite kinds.

Ask how they or someone else would answer.

When a being talks about how they or someone else would answer, it can tell you a

If all possible cases except one turn out to be impossible, then that case must be

Cover all your bases.

Even if you've found one possibility, remember that there might be more out there.

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