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MCC 5320 Quiz 1

Lecture 2
This quiz represents 5% of the total module marks.
Please hand in on or before 4th Mar 2024 12noon via email to :

1. What are the three main aspects of quality attributes?

Subjective or objective; quantitative or qualitative; tangible or intangible
2. Please state 5 methodologies and methods that have been developed in psychology
and social science for measuring human perception.
Psychometry, Direct observation, Survey questionnaire, Focus group study, Face-to-face
interview, Long term focus study, and Comparative study.
3. Please state 3 objective methods that have been developed trying to measure or
co-relate to human senses in food science or natural science.

4. What approach is used in positivism?

5. What approach is used in interpretivism?

6. Does qualitative research use numerical data? (Yes/No)

7. What does qualitative research tend to focus on?

8. What is the result when there is a proper combination of the tangible and intangible
components in the restaurant industry?

9. In HK, which 3 ordinances/ regulations should be complied by food manufacturers

and the catering industry?

10. Please state 2 food examples as being targets of fraudulent activities by the
European Parliament.

11. What is Codex Alimentarius?

12. What can the United States Department of Agriculture grades and standards

13. What are Commercial Item Descriptions?

14. What are the 3 hazards that safety standards concern with?
Biological hazards; Chemical hazards; and Physical hazards

15. Please provide 3 examples of physical quality attributes.

Weight, Temperature, Color

16. Please provide 3 examples of chemical quality attributes.

Sugar content, Protein content, Moisture content

17. Please provide 3 examples of biological quality attributes.

Total Plate Count, Presence of parasite eggs, and Presence of Salmonella

18. What is a key performance indicator (KPI)?

It is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving
key business objectives.
19. What are the differences between low-level KPI and high-level KPI?
High-level KPIs may focus on the overall performance of the enterprise, while low-level KPIs
may focus on processes in departments such as sales, marketing or a call center.
20. According to the European Food Information Council, what are the factors that
influence consumer’s food choices?
Biological determinants, Economic determinants, and Physical determinants

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