Mang Kikoy (KOT Blg. 1805)

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Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPALITY OF CAINTA Province of Rizal OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAT. ASSESSOR September 13, 2007 MR. JOSE MARIA M. GAMBOA 69 Espejo St. Don Jose Hts., Commonwealth Ave., ‘Quezon City Sir: This has reference to your letter dated August 13, 2007, requesting this office to state the status of Tax Declaration Number 00-CA-008-00784, allegedly declared in the name of FRANCISCO DE CASTRO located at Cor. Ortigas Ave. and Sunset Drive, Cainta, Rizal, containing an area of 14,820 sq. m. Upon verification of our existing records, it appears that there is no Tax Declaration Number such as 00-CA-008-00784. The latest Tax Declaration Number issued for Barangay 008 (San Isidro) is 00-CA-008-00099 in the name of MAXIMO C. CHAN, JR. while the declared owner of the parcel of land locatedat Ortigas Ave. Cor. Sunset Drive, Cainta, Rizal is PHILIPPINE INVESTMENT TWO (SPV-AMC), INC. under Tax Declaration Number 00-CA-004-07276, with an area of 15,168 sq. m. P. PAGKATIPUNAN OiC-Municipal Assessor DPP/xc aaa Se AVN ALINIDIA Ortigas Avenue Ext. cor. Sunset Drive Bgy San Isidro Cainta Rizal | 15,749 Square Meters of Commercial Land | A prominently located commercial evelopment site with road frontage of 87.60 meters to Ortigas Avenue Extension and return frontage of 164,40 meters to Sunset Drive It stands on the northeast side of the highway, about S00 meters northwest of Valley Golf Road and approximately 2 ke from Caints Municipal Ball Ortigas Avenue Extension and Sunset cemented sidewalks Properties fronting the main highway are predominantly retail with residential subdivisions behind FOR FURTHER AUERIES, CALL” Mart RO Cc. acaton 01- #591025 inagption (capital. Com. pl REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS KAGAWARAN NG KATARUNGAN PANGASIWAAN SA PATALAAN NG LUPAIN (LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY) Fast Avenue cor NIA Road ‘Quezon City ‘TO ALL WHOM I MY CONCERN: This isto certify that after due verification of our available records, it was found tha the status of Lat Nos. _74,.Gad 688-D, Catntertaytay Calas shusted inthe Municipal of Chante _ Province of Rival _ so easel record ‘under the cadastral proceedings. sANUIAL SLBA This certification is issued upon the request of. _antapolo city IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have her unto set our hands and affixed the seal ofthis Authority this_28 + day of _S¥y 2005 Verified by: | sine case ces Baton a 1 FROM PEGS naa exéadion 8. poetucan Records Rae lae- ‘ie Commnity Byylrenment and Watoral Renouroes Officor Antipolo Gtty Sirs The uniersig xed have the honor in youg good office fér the chatus of Land, identified as Lot Now S474, Cad O88=—D, Jooated at Barungry San Juan Cathtay Rizale Hoping for yonr Kind consideration regarding this matters / Very truly yours, aah CERTIFIED XEROX COPY FRO COPY phevigfmeor ELEANOR. PINTUGAN Records Officer LZ No awa ab y Republic of the Phillppines| Departovent of Environment and Naturdl Reso REGIONIV Community Environment and Natural ‘Antipolo, City Uawmiaad APPLICATION NO.__ G15 — 465 1. Thiseby make application £0: 0 free patent to the following describe tract ot agrioultural lund wndor the provisions of Chapler VIL of Conunonwealth Act No. 141 as smanded, or Republic Avt Io, 782 (If the lend ig « subdivixion or cadastral 10%) mention the lot sehen nite LEP ® Deel wince of Rizal, Island of the Philippines hectares, res and _ cute 8 J. ny post offive address 1s » may civil status is (if address of spenise) _ the name of father is ‘citizen of the Philippines. the following art my near relatives (state their names, and relation to the Wea ee ee Pie Ean de BR GEICO gh EEE 43. Lam not the owner of more than 12 hectares of and, 5S. Tagree that a stip of forty meters wide starting from the bank of each side of any.tiver or stream that maybe found on, the land shall be demateated and preserved us Permancat timberland to be planted exclusively of tees of known eodnomic value and that shall not make any clearing thereon or utilize the same for ordinary farming purposes efter patent shall issued to me Nor Lf appticant claims thru ancestors, paragraphs 6,7,8,9, must be filled up ‘The following are the names ond addresses of the heirs of my said ancestors it isthe only lar or veprentative of the the bes bo am __ tiled t succeed him accordingly tothe ld nthe Philippines CERTIED XEROXCOY 3 FROM FILG COPY a 4 ppcsfiiiont eCEAVORD, pITUCAN Records Officer le Lig ‘lure valunDle tor my lewNULAt INAC Lor Jorestry ex prmpose, ' 9 The following named. witnesses will testify that the allegations in tv application are true NAME POST FFICE ADDRESS 10 {understand that av applicant who will fully aud knowingly subst tis statement or executed false affidavit in connection with this application shall deers guilty « * perjury end prnished accordingly, and that any person who, not being qualified to apply fo public Inod files an application or induoes or permits another to file it in his behalf shall be punished by & fine of not more that Five Thousand Pesos and by imprisonment for wot mew: than five years, or both, and in addition therefore his application shall be rejected or cancelle! and all amounts paid on eosount therefore forfeited to the Government, he shall not be enti! to apply for suy public land in the Philippines. AREIDAVIT Republic of the Philippines ~~ ) Municipality of 2000 Gly iss. Province of Hla) L,_Lyazla bo he tua - 4s the person making the foregoing application first duly swom pon my oxi depose end Bay. That [ have read or someone his read to mo, and thoroughly understand the foregoing application, that { signed this affidavit in the presence of the officer who administered the oath and each and every statean in the application is true and correct. SO HELP ME GOD. . Eh ‘Applicant BEFORE ME at the place on this sy of Lela 2004, personally appeared way) to me, personally known tobe Person whose name appears in thé foregoing application, and in tay presence signed the said application and sworn to this affidavit. Ropubhe of the Philippines Department of Environment amd Natur Resoures CALABARZON REGION nty Environment and Natal Revourees Olfice City of Ampolo FPA No O45 805-55, - + LotNo, 7%, Cad 688-D, Case-7 Bane san Juan Mamespality “catnta Province of Rida __ FRANCISCO C._DoEASTRO “Applicant Area, 164820 Hectares Yor mrncnar nn senna ORDER APPROVAL OF APPLICATION ATENT From the records of this case it appears 1 Thu the applicant is ay «qualified t9 cs position esquire public Had throug F at the Tand applied for is been classsfiod as Afionable and Disposable and is subject to deposition under public band Inw 3. ‘That upon inveshigation conducted by Land Investigator / Inspector ©, cy in whose report war duly oxmine by ‘Duvmno/Lo TTI Was found ont that the Tand applied Jor has been oecupied since fume 12.1945 ot prior thereto ; 4. ‘That the notice for the acquisition of the fand by the applicant under this application had been published in accordance vith law, and that, m0 other petvon hos proved better right to the band applied for 5. ‘That there 1€ no adverse claim involving the land ill pending determination inthis office. and 6 ad thers i the claim of the applicant is. 1n all other respect. comple fio record in this office of any obstacle fo th nev of pate} WHEREFORE: .the occupation and cultivation of the laud applied for as described in the caphion thereof are hereby confirmed . and this application is hereby entered in the records of this office as Frec Patent Entry No. As the applicants has already coupled with all the requirements of the Law for the issuance of the corresponding patent to the kavd applied for 1 is also hereby orton that necessary patent be prepared for issuance in favor of the applicant. SO ORDERED. DEC 29 2008 Recymmending Approval + For and by the Authority of the Y Direetor of Land yk —o RTO. SXCORTES IR Ae OIC,CENRO a PORMULARYONG PANGHUKUMAN BLG. Sis) * 7 BL Alla AH (sete 1900) ay Pabina Oe 3 REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS SN Blg. 874707 KAGAWARAN NG KATARUNGAN. PANGASIWAAN SA PATALAAN NG LUPAIN PATALAAN NG MGA KASULATAN AT ARI-ARIAN SA LUNGSOD/LALAWIGAN NG. NANG RI: Ratibayen ‘3 eer na Gitulo Pinagkasunduan ayon sa Seksyon 103 ng Atas sa Patalaan ng Ari-arian (Aias ng Pangulo Big, 1529) alinsunod sa patente na pinalabas ng Pangulo ng Pilipinas, $4.0 noong kan IE Sennen CONE, labinsivan na raan ai 7 at nakatala sa mga kasulatan ng von A MG Mga surnusunod KAGAWARAN NG KAPALIGIRAN AT LIKAS NA KAYAMANAN Rudo ueeronea HABROS! Ob5241 SA LAHAT NG MAKATUTUNGHAY NG KASULATANG ITO, BA’ ey sepa na plone Ee "Bteahaay, San dans, Godin, na igliaglay la ig Poahptkayon at Ganay nang naanijad oa lahat ng mga Kondo at Kinakatangam ng Bota Repl Bly. 782 at 3872, Kabanata Vtg Betas Komonvel B17 an Segashobanygg inaataklve sa pamaragion ng Di-Pajer nestor may kabuuang sukat na SA PE RECLE sacra, na ngayon ay akan may honggonan a nalarovan Salikd ni gayon pon na asl se mg edhana ng Selon 118 na nga buted wba pana taliban Land se pdlanan i pamahaaan © sliomang mga saga, mga yun 0 mga nstayon Mona tne hiptng tame ay Hd mocaring mappa ct hn sacle a ptay ma sagin a lob ng nang (Gaon muda sap ng rena ma Seksyon ID, Ia 129 att ng Bates Komonnelt Bl Th ‘on pathkastog a ang karpatan ng pamahlaa na panativagn a poneelegsn ana ms kalo ne matagpn Sook tt mf tag) oot masa ese n panels ng plete a pasha sajon pa Iman naan iapaloban hayans ma tgsamana oy mac puatl tami ngnabange na Taha renal Kling ancaringponcngtongin IGARUNANAN.NITO. a bin ng hapongarhang Kaloo akin ng ose SE ee eames ng lps pemamcain ity gana pate ang mes hasuiang ia inital ag ltt ng Repblta ng Pipa. (| Nilagdaan sa .. wane - ngayons ika- DEC 2 $ 2005 ‘ataonng dng Pango lebnstyam maga * er IVRE fabee geo" ww, OF PAGES. OCT/TCT/DOE. OWNER’S NAME, DATE PAID OR. NG.. _ FILED BY_____-.. Nakatala Talaan ng Kasulatan” ng Lalgw- ERIFIE in/Lungsod ng .Binangonan,. Rize... Pupier & VERIBED Fi Slinsunod sa ‘achona ng Seksyoy 103 ne Alas r6 EVE! R IFFICE RK Pangulo Big, 1529,.ngayong.ika-. Ete eee MIRE abinatya na aan aT RECORDS OFFICE “Bang... 40. _/ 8: GARCIA ~~ VAULT KEEPER z (PAGLALARAWANG TEKNIKAL) Lot S474, Cad 688-D, Cas? Beginning’at a point marked "1" of Lot 974, cad 686-D,-Cas2-7, being, N. 43-18 ¥. 1983-35 M. from Be ‘thence; S. 65-52 E. 55434 m, to point N, 26-26 B. Ss CMT Be 28.28 O48 8. 21-23 We 15,00 m 'S) 11514 Me 36.58 m. to point 6; S, 28-00 H. 89,92 m Ss 65453 We 25,06 m. to point 8; S. 40-02 We 3270 m Ne 71-26 We 68426 m, to point 10; Ne 2653 8.167420 m. 9 point of beginning. LsHe# 1, Cainta-Taytay Cadastre, ‘to point 35 to point 55 to point 75 to point 93 to point 4 Containing an area ofFOURTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT:HOVDRED TWENTY (14, 820) Square Meters. a ‘ALL points are marked on the ground by P.S, oyl. conc. mons, Bounded on the WW. & NE. along Lines 1-234 by Lot SU73, Cad 688-D; on the B. along lines 4-5-6-7-8-9 by Creek; on the S. along Line 9-10 by Ortigas Avenue; and on the W. along line 10-1 by Sunset. Drives, Bearings grid. This lot was strveyed in accordance with law and existing rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. Surveyed by, L. Dimaculangan, Geodetic Engineer-on September 1, 1991 and January 15, 1982 and was appuved on October 17, 1984. NOTES | This lot is covered by F.P.A. Mo. 045805-455.. 1401 249 M-OSI8ICAT 7.90-GasTaIaae 0D 3UAT O31UTA, _— 2304930 On TINTIO SAW gssen al ieg antsy Nos 28679/007~1805= NOPICE OF ADVERSE CLATIG In an affidavit duly bubser bed and sworn to by JOSE MARIA M. GAMBOA, Affiant, claims that he has a right lof interest over the property described herein, adverse to the herein registe: lower arising subsequent to-the registration, in accordance with Doce 10. 395, | [Page nos 79, Book no. VI, Series of 2007 of Not. Pubs for Binangonan, Rizal, Reynsto Ne Directo. ‘ Date of instrument: February 27, 2007 ||bate of inscription: February 28, 2007 at 11:15 a. et ae = + |slelocbbeleee|

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