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eConsultation Android

App for e-Sushrut

Process to Download

• Go to your android phone

play store.

• Search “AIIMS
Bhubaneswar Swasthya”

• Install “AIIMS Bhubaneswar


• Video Link
Overall Workflow
Patient Check Status
Request Raise
Login or / View
Select Dept/Unit Enter Medical Details Upload Documents
Registration Prescription

eConsultation with
Approve generation (with
Doctor Login secure audio/video
Request speech
recognition option)
App Welcome Page

This page shows login options for

patients, doctors and healthcare
Patient Login

Patient can login using mobile

number which is followed by One
Time Password (OTP)-based
Patient Main Menu

1. Patient can raise eConsultation Request

using Tele consultancy Option
2. Status of eConsultation request can be
checked using Request Status option.
Dept Selection for Tele Consultation

After patient selection, patient has to select

department-unit for which tele consultation
is to be availed.
Tele Consultation Request Form

For Tele Consultation, patient is required to

1. Screening symptoms
2. Vitals (Height and Weight)
3. Medical details
a. Past medications
b. Past diagnosed conditions
c. Past Allergies
4. Problem Description
Patient Request Image Upload

Patient can also upload images of

supporting documents (upto 3 images)
which may include past prescriptions, lab
reports or images of injured/affected site
for the doctor’s reference.
Tele Consultation Request Status

Patient can view status of request, after

request is raised it is shown as pending for
the doctor’s approval.
Digital Prescription

❖ During consultation Doctor may request

for Video/Audio Call or May text for
required inputs from patient.

❖ Once approved patient can Join the video

session on clicking “Join Video Call”

❖ Once completed patient can download e-

prescription by clicking on “View
Prescription” button.
Thanking You….

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