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This chapter presents the problem

and its background which includes

introduction, statement of the problem,
conceptual frameworks , objectives of
the study , significance of the study ,
scope and limitations, and definition of
 Smartphone is a portable device that can
be used in communicating other people
through texting or calling. It’s a
handheld device that can have
application that can help everyone to
access in the internet or social media . It
was launched last April 3, 19873 . It was
invented by an American Engineer, Mr.
Martin “ Marty” Cooper.
 Nowadays, smartphones has improved a lot. It
can use to take pictures that have wonderful
effects which enhance the good appearance of the
photo. It is also use to record and watch videos.
In using cellular phones, it could help an
individual to be technologically advenced. As we
can see, it is widely used around the world.
Everyone is regularly using their phones , and
students are included on it. But there are some
instanmces that tere are debates or agreements
whether or not the students should be allowed to
use cellphones inside the classroom. There are
also advantages of using it. Some students are
very thnkful that they have their cellular phones,
because this gadget brings a lot of advantages in
their school lives such as:
 It could be used as alarm clock to
remind the students to the next
activity they need to accomplish;
calculator to calculate during
mathematics session and ; e-notes to
jot down some important information
and lectures discussed by the
teacher. It will also help the students
about the latest weather update , and
it aids them to find the meanings of
unfamiliar words through a dictionary
application on it.
 But if smartphones have advantages to
students , it has disadvantages too. The
common reason that brings out
disadvantagesis that cellphone will be a
distraction to the students, not to pay
attention in class. If a students was using his
or her cellphone during class discussion, he
or she would not understand the lesson,and
that would create a big impact on their
schoolwork. Smartphones also bring a
hazardous radiation that is very harmful to
the health of the students . Another
disadvantage of it, is that it could tolerate to
 To identify the advantages and
disadvantages of using smartphones on the
academic performance of Grade 12-
Escoffier of Del Gallego National High School.
The following specific objectives help you and
serve as a goal to the researchers.
The following objectives are identified :

To identify the demographic profile of the respondents

in terms of;



Hours spent per day in using smartphones;

 To determine the advantages of using
smartphones on the Academic

 Performance of the students in terms of;

 Research work/ working on the assignment;

 Useful application to ease the studying;

 Connecting with classmates and other people to
help students in studying;
 To determine the disadvantages of using
smartphones on the Academic

 Performance of the students in terms of;

 Research work/ working on the assignment;

 Useful application to ease the studying;

Connecting with classmates and other people

to help students in studying;
 To propose a plan of action should be
recommended to address the disadvantages
of using smartphones to improve the
Academic Performance of students.
 The purpose of this study is to
determine the advantages and
disadvantages of using smartphone on the
Academic Performance of Grade 12-
Escoffier. In this study, the researchers
are able to know the different applications
students are using, if it is useful or just an
entertainment for their Academic
 The researchers will gather the needed data
and information, they will prepare a survey
questionnaire and it will distribute to the
respondents. So, that would be the process
of this study.
 The output will be the proposed project to
remedy the issue about using smartphones
inside the classroom.
 The feedback will be connected by an arrow
to the output and be connected back to the
input to assure that the process is properly
implemented and the desired decision or
output shall be presented.

 This research is very important because it

will help the students to determine the
Advantages and disadvantages of using
smartphones on the Academic Performance
of Grade 12- Escoffier in Del Gallego National
High School. It will also insight, knowledge
and tips on how to use smartphones to an
 The study covers the Grade 12- Escoffier of
Del Gallego National High School in terms of
using smartphones and how it affects
them in their Academic Performance. The
study will not cover other sections and other
students on the school.
 This part reviews the literature concerning
Advantages and Disadvantages of using
Smartphones on the Academic Performance
of Grade 12- Escoffier students of Del
Gallego National High School are addressed.
Moreover, through the review, the potential
influence of development is considered
finally, the potential mechanism for
reducing the influence of smartphone on
the student’s academic performance.
 This chapter presents some basics and
forwarded knowledge about using
smartphones in classroom. The researchers
will conduct research of related literature
in the internet and libraries. Furthermore,
it is to present clear issues and
problems in this study enable to clarify
additional information on the readers.

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