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**Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution:**

Prioritize diplomatic solutions over military interventions. Encourage nations to

engage in open dialogue, negotiations, and conflict resolution mechanisms to
address disputes peacefully. Strengthen international institutions that facilitate
diplomatic processes and promote collaboration among nations.

‌2. **International Cooperation and Alliances:**

Foster strong international cooperation through alliances and partnerships.

Encourage nations to work together on global challenges such as climate change,
public health crises, and economic stability. Building strong alliances creates a
foundation for mutual understanding and collective efforts towards shared goals.

‌3. **Economic Stability and Fair Trade:**

Address economic inequalities on a global scale by promoting fair trade practices

and reducing wealth disparities. Create economic policies that benefit all nations,
lifting impoverished regions and promoting stability. A more equitable global
economic system can contribute to reducing the root causes of conflicts related to
resource scarcity and economic disparities.

‌4. **Education and Cultural Understanding:**

Invest in education worldwide to promote cultural understanding, tolerance, and

respect. By fostering a global culture of empathy and acceptance, societies can
overcome prejudices and stereotypes that often lead to conflicts. Education
empowers individuals to think critically, appreciate diversity, and contribute to a more
harmonious world.

‌5. **Environmental Sustainability:**

Recognize the interconnectedness of environmental issues with global peace.

Implement eco-friendly policies to address climate change, resource depletion, and
environmental degradation. By ensuring sustainable practices, nations can mitigate
potential triggers for conflicts over scarce resources and contribute to a more stable
and peaceful world.

Achieving world peace requires a holistic and collaborative approach that addresses
political, economic, cultural, and environmental aspects. By implementing these key
points, nations can work together towards a future where conflicts are resolved
peacefully, and the well-being of humanity is prioritized on a global scale.
Points against world peace

1. ‌**Geopolitical Tensions and Power Struggles:*

The existing geopolitical landscape is marked by complex power dynamics,
conflicting national interests, and historical rivalries. Nations often prioritize
their sovereignty and strategic interests, leading to challenges in building
consensus and cooperation on a global scale.

‌2. **Deep-Seated Historical Grievances:**

Many conflicts have deep-rooted historical origins, making resolution challenging.

Historical grievances and unresolved issues contribute to ongoing tensions between
nations and ethnic groups, hindering the establishment of lasting peace.

‌3. **Economic Inequalities and Resource Scarcity:**

Global economic disparities and competition for finite resources contribute to

instability. Disparities in wealth distribution can lead to tensions between rich and
poor nations, while competition for resources may exacerbate conflicts. Addressing
economic inequalities is crucial for sustainable peace.

‌4. **Cultural and Ideological Differences:**

Cultural diversity and ideological differences among nations can create

misunderstandings and fuel conflicts. These differences may lead to prejudices,
stereotypes, and a lack of mutual understanding, making it challenging to build
bridges and foster a sense of global unity.

‌5. **Arms Proliferation and Militarization:**

The widespread availability of weapons and the constant arms race among nations
pose a significant obstacle to achieving world peace. The presence of powerful
military alliances and the potential for conflict escalation undermine efforts to
promote disarmament and peaceful resolutions to disputes.

Addressing these difficulties requires a concerted effort to navigate complex

geopolitical realities, reconcile historical grievances, promote economic fairness,
foster cultural understanding, and work towards global demilitarization. Achieving
world peace is a multifaceted challenge that demands sustained commitment and
collaboration from the international community.

References for
For against the reference of the unresolved injustice in Palestine and Gaza can be quoted and
explained to the house and how it continues to occur this very minute. Many lives lost in a war of
religious indifference, so many atrocities committed attempts to stop it were of no use as the
massacre of Palestinians continues.

Next the Russia Ukraine war can be used as a reference to show yet again a dispute stands
unresolved and another dispute in which human rights have been ignored.

Reference against

However, there are countless times in history when war was stopped and peace was made which
would last such as the treaties in Paris after the second world war brought the war to a great rest
after a great bloody battle the biggest ever recorded and most countries still to this day have a good
relation with each other a great example of the possibility of world peace.

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