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04.01 ¿Cómo eras cuando pequeño?

Instructions: Print or save this note guide. Remember to complete the tables and answer the questions. This will
help you review for the exam.

Vocabulary Words: Tu niñez

Complete the vocabulary chart. They are divided per vocabulary presentation with the page title in the lesson.
They also include the cognates, which are also a part of your vocabulary. Optional: To help you remember, you
can draw or add a picture. You may copy and paste the accented and special characters from this list if needed:
Á, á, É, é, Í, í, Ó, ó, Ú, ú, ü, Ñ, ñ, ¡, ¿

English Spanish Drawing/Image (optional)

my childhood mi niñez
when I was young cuando yo era pequeño(a)
remember; recall; remind recordar
How was he/she/you—formal?
¿Cómo era?

quiet; silent eres callado(a)

Who where you playing with?
¿Con quién jugabas?

played outside jugabas afuera

What did you dream about?
¿Con qué soñabas?

I was scared tenía miedo

What did you like to do?
¿Qué te gustaba?

rode a bicycle montaba en bicicleta

bother molestaba
went to the park iba al parque
did mischief Hacía travesuras
was a superhero; was a era un superhéroe /
superheroine superheroína
watched cartoons miraba los dibujos animados

English Spanish Drawing/Image (optional)

album el álnum de fotos
imagine imaginar
my memories mis memorias
obedient obediente

Use the ¡Atención! section to complete the following:

Superlative Adjectives Regular:

When your comparison requires the words must or least before the adjective or the English translation of the
adjective ends in -est, use the following formula:

definite article + más/menos + adjective

Superlative Adjective Irregular:

When your superlative adjective translates to English in a single word, use this formula:

definite article + superlative adjective

Complete the sentences with the correct superlative adjective and definite article:

Regular: Recuerdo que era el más simpático de mi familia. (I remember that I was the nicest of my family)

Irregular: Yo era el mejor. (I was the best)

Grammar: Imperfect tense

Use the Gramática Nueva section to complete the acronym used for the imperfect tense:

Imperfect tense

W - weather

A - age

T - time/date

E - emotions

R - repeated/ongoing

S - setting/scenes
Use the Gramática Nueva section to complete the differences between the preterite tense and the imperfect

Preterite tense Imperfect tense

Is used for: Is used to:

● an action (not a thought or description) ● repeated, habitual, or continuous actions

● something that occurred at an exact moment
in time in the past (something that you can ● actions that started in the past when another
pinpoint) action or event occurred
● something that began and was completed
totally in the past and was not ongoing ● times, dates, and ages

● descriptions of feelings, character trails,

conditions, settings, and circumstances

Culture: El cañaveral de Puerto Rico

Where did Samuel’s great-grandfather work? Cane Field

What did the great-grandmother do with the sugar? She made food

What are some traditional foods the family would enjoy? She made tembleque, corn sorullitos, flan and coffee

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