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UNITS 1-8 FINAL TEST A Imię i nazwisko: ________________________ Klasa: ______

Listening 4 Wpisz brakujące wyrazy na podstawie definicji.

Pierwsze litery wyrazów zostały podane.
1 3.48 Posłuchaj dwukrotnie pięciu dialogów.
W zdaniach 1–5 zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź: What do you call…
a lub b. 1 a large room at school where you can do
1 Lucy ___ going to buy the shoes. sports?
a is b isn’t g__________
2 the season between summer and winter?
2 At the moment Linda and her parents
are ___.
3 a school subject that is about painting and
a walking round a lake b eating some food
3 This morning Beth ___ to school. a__________
a took the bus b went on foot 4 a TV programme in which people can win
4 Ken is going to ___. money?
a vacuum the carpet b do the washing up g__________ s__________
__ / 4
5 Mia ___ has junk food at home.
5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami.
a hardly ever b usually
__ / 10 1 Do you usually __________ lunch at school
Vocabulary or at home?

2 Do grup wyrazów podanych w punktach 1‒5 2 I don’t __________ my bed every morning.
dopasuj odpowiednią kategorię z ramki. Jedna I haven’t got the time.
kategoria nie pasuje do żadnej grupy. 3 My parents usually __________ the

shops • house • places in a school • landscape shopping on Friday afternoon.

• means of transport • sports equipment __ / 3
1 _____________: wetsuit, goggles, skis
2 _____________: corridor, tuck shop, library 6 Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź: a lub b.
3 _____________: waterfall, island, hill 1 A: It’s my birthday today.
4 _____________: basement, hall, bedroom B: _____
5 _____________: ferry, tram, coach a Many happy returns.
b My pleasure.
__ / 5
3 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełniają 2 A: _____
poniższe zdania. B: It’s too big.
a How much is the dress?
1 I can’t see the road ahead. It’s very windy / b How’s the dress?
foggy today.
3 A: _____
2 It’s a newspaper / magazine about fashion. B: I’ll do it in a minute.
You can buy it once a month. a Can you set the table, please?
b Can I take the rubbish out instead?
3 I love watching ice hockey. I think it’s a very
exciting / expensive sport. 4 A: Is it OK to swim in the river?
4 Let’s go to the butcher’s / baker’s. I need to B: _____
a No. It can be dangerous.
buy some bread.
b How do you spell that?
__ / 4 __ / 4
Photocopiable Brainy klasa 5 © Macmillan Polska 2018
UNITS 1-8 FINAL TEST A Imię i nazwisko: ________________________ Klasa: ______

Grammar Reading
7 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełniają 9 Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, czy zdania 1–5 są
poniższe zdania. prawdziwe (True), czy fałszywe (False).

1 My sister don’t / doesn’t watch TV very

In our school magazine today we are talking to Sean
2 Were / Did you at the cinema last weekend?
Keyes, 15, who is the winner of the IT competition
3 What are / do you going to wear for the held in our city.
party? How did you become interested in IT?
4 Be quiet now, please! I study / am studying Sean: I got my first computer for my ninth birthday.
At first, I just played computer games and surfed the
for a test. web. After about a year my dad told me that maybe
5 We didn’t see / saw the match last night. I should try doing something more difficult. He works
for an IT company, but he isn’t a programmer.
6 I think that basketball is easier / easiest to I learnt the basics from my cousin, Dave, who
play than golf. studied IT at university. I also read a lot on the
internet about programming.
7 There aren’t some / any restaurants near
my home. How much time do you spend in front of the
computer every day?
__ / 7 Sean: Not so much, in fact. We get a lot of
8 Uzupełnij luki czasownikami podanymi homework at our school! I really want to have a
w nawiasach w poprawnej formie. normal life and go out with friends and do sports, so,
I usually only have about two hours in the evening
We are a very sporty family, which means we for working on the computer. I hardly ever get
______________ (do) sports every day. At the enough time to play computer games with my
moment my parents are out because they
What are your plans for the future?
______________ (cycle) in the wood near our
Sean: It’s difficult to say at the moment. Most of my
house. I 3 ______________ (not go) cycling friends think I’m going to study IT at university, but
very often because I prefer watersports. I’m I don’t really know yet. I’m only 15. I’m also
interested in biology, so maybe I can study
good at swimming. I 4 ______________ (start)
medicine? Anyway, this summer I’m going to spend
swimming six years ago, when I 5 _________ some time in my dad’s company. I hope to learn a lot
(be) seven years old. Last year, with my friends more about programming.
from the swimming club, I 6 ______________
Thank you Sean for talking to us.
(go) to a swimming camp; we 7 _____________
(have) great fun! Next month we 8 ___________ 1 Sean got his first computer when he was nine
(take) part in a swimming competition. I hope years old.
True / False
we win! 2 Sean learnt about programming from his
__ / 8 True / False
3 Sean spends most of his free time working on
the computer.
True / False
4 Sean doesn’t know what to study yet.
True / False
5 Sean hasn’t got any plans for the following
True / False
__ / 5

Photocopiable Brainy klasa 5 © Macmillan Polska 2018

UNITS 1-8 FINAL TEST A Imię i nazwisko: ________________________ Klasa: ______

Writing Extra task

10 Przebywasz na wakacjach nad morzem. 11 Przetłumacz fragmenty podane
Uzupełnij pocztówkę do koleżanki z Anglii. w nawiasach na język angielski.
Napisz pięć zdań. W pocztówce:
 opisz miejsce, w którym przebywasz, 1 _________________________ (Czas na)
 napisz, co robiłeś/robiłaś wcześniej i co dinner with my friends.
robisz w tej chwili, 2 You ____________________________ (Nie
 poinformuj o swoich planach na kolejne dni.
wolno Ci ściągać) in tests!
Hi Jane!_______________________________ 3 I always have
The place is amazing!____________________ butterflies___________________________
(tremę) before a concert.
4 I’m really sorry. It’s ____________________
(moja wina).
__________________________________________ 5 You ____________________________ (nie
__________________________________________ powinieneś pić) fizzy drinks. They aren’t
__________________________________________ __ / 5
__________________________________________ Total : ___ / 65

















That’s all for now. Write back soon.__________

__ / 10
Total: ___ / 60
Photocopiable Brainy klasa 5 © Macmillan Polska 2018

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