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Nama : Selfiana Ainudin

NIM : A3S223134
Prodi/Kelas : PGSD_02
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Guru SD

TOPIK 6_Aksi Nyata

1. What did you learn from the topic?
Answer:From this topic I learned about classroom language, I also learned aboutEnglish
learning techniques in elementary school. The techniques that can beused are
singing, games, and story telling which aim to convey learning Englishin a way that
is fun and easy for students to understand.

2. Do you think you can conduct a learning activity better (using song, game,and storytelling)?
Answer:Yes, after learning English learning techniques in elementary school, I canapply
learning activity better because I know the techniques to be used alongwith the
stages of each technique.

3. Do you still have difficulties in conducting a learning activity, especiallywhen

using song, game, and storytelling?
Answer:At this stage, I find it difficult to correlate the material with the techniques
used.Apart from that, I also had difficulties when carrying out the practice
usingEnglish which required high creativity to create games and songs according
tothe material and class level.

4. What will you do to overcome the difficulties?

Answer:To overcome the difficulties that exist, I can look for references according tothe
chosen technique.

5. What activities do you find most useful in your learning?

Answer:In learning, activities that are useful in my opinion in this lesson are so thatchildren
are motivated to learn English and can increase the teacher's creativityin creating
fun English learning.

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