Kannada English Lesson-21

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Lesson 21/201

¥ÁoÀ - 21 gÁªÀÄ: CªÀgÀÄ ¹QÌzÀÝgÉ CªÀgÀ Had we met him, we could

eÉÆvÉ «ªÀgÀªÁV have talked to him in deatil.
1. Dialogue: ªÀiÁvÁqÀ §ºÀÄ¢vÀÄÛ.
D£ÀAzÀ : ¤ÃªÀÅ ¨ÉÃUÀ §A¢zÀÝgÉ Hand you come earlier, we D£ÀAzÀ: CªÀgÀ eÉÆvÉ «ªÀgÀªÁV Had we talked to him in detail,
JAlÄ UÀAmÉUÉ gÉ樀 ¹UÁÛ would have got the eight ªÀiÁvÁrzÀÝgÉ CªÀgÀÄ he would have agreed to come
EvÀÄÛ. o'clock train. £ÀªÀÄä ¸ÀªÀiÁgÀA¨sÀPÉÌ to our function.
Has the train left? §gÉÆÃPÉ M¥ÁÛ EzÀÝgÀÄ.
gÁªÀÄ : gÉ樀 ºÉÆÃV©qÁÛ?
gÁªÀÄ: CªÀgÀÄ M¦àzÀÝgÉ ¨ÉÃgÉ Had he agreed we colud have
D£ÀAzÀ: FUÀ vÁ£É ºÉÆÃAiÀÄÄÛ. F If has just left. Had we gone asked someone else to
gÉÊ°UÉ ºÉÆÃVzÀÝgÉ by this train we whoul have Preside. Supposing he didn't
reached Bangalore by eleven CzsÀåPÀëvÉUÉ PÉüÀ§ºÀÄ¢vÀÄÛ.
ºÀ£ÉÆßAzÀÄ UÀAmÉUÉ agree then we could have
o'clock. M¥ÀàzÉ E¢ÝzÀÝgÉ ¨ÉÃgÉ asked some other minister.
gÁªÀÄÄ: ªÀÄÄA¢£À mÉæöÊ£ÀÄ JµÀÄÖ At what time is the next
D£ÀAzÀ: DªÉÄÃ¯É C°èAzÀ gÀ«AiÀÄ Then we could have gone to
UÀAmÉUÉ? train?
ªÀÄ£ÉUÉ ºÉÆÃUÀ§ºÀÄ¢vÀÄÛ. Ravi's house. We have written
D£ÀAzÀ: ºÀvÀÆÛªÀgÉ UÀAmÉUÉ. CzÀPÉÌ It is at ten thirty. If we go gÀ«UÉ PÁUÀzÁ£ÀÆ him a letter also.
ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ MAzÀƪÀgÉUÉ by that we will reach at one §gÉ¢¢Ã¤.
vÀ®Ä¦Ûë. ºÉÆÃzÀgÀÆ thirty.
gÁªÀÄ: CªÀgÀ ªÀÄ£ÉAiÀÄ°è We could have sat leisurely
G¥ÀAiÉÆÃUÀ E®è. Even if we go by that there there and had our food.
is no use.
gÁªÀÄÄ: ºËzÀÄ EzÀPÉÌ ºÉÆÃVzÀÝgÉ Yes. Had we gone by this ªÀiÁqÀ§ºÀÄ¢vÀÄÛ.
ºÀ£ÉÆßAzÀÄ UÀAmÉUÉ «zsÁ£À we would have reached
¸ËzsÀPÉÌ ºÉÆÃUÁÛ EzÉݪÀÅ. Vidhana soudha by eleven D£ÀAzÀ: CªÀ£À ªÀÄ£ÉAiÀÄ°è ¸ÀAeÉ We could have stayed there
o'clock. vÀ£ÀPÀ EzÀÄÝ ¸ÀAeÉ till evening and started then.
D£ÀAzÀ: ºÀ£ÉßgÀqÀÄ UÀAmÉUÉ «zÁå We would have met the
ªÀÄAwæUÀ¼ÀÄ ¹PÁÛ EzÀÝgÀÄ. Education Minister at 12 gÁªÀÄÄ: ¸ÀAeÉ DgÀÄ UÀAmÉ gÉÊ°UÉ Had we started by the six
o'clock. ºÉÆgÀnzÀÝgÉ MA§vÀÄÛ o'clock train, we would have
202/Kannada A Self Instructional Course Lesson 21/203

UÀAmÉUÉ ªÁ¥Á¸ï §gÁÛ come back at nine o'clock. §g¢

É zÝÀgÉ ¥Á¸ÁUÁÛ EzÀÝ. examination he would have
EzÉݪÀÅ. got through.
D£ÀAzÀ: gÀ«UÉ PÁUÀzÀ §gÉAiÀÄzÉà If we had'nt written to Ravi, I CªÀ¼ÀÄ ZÉ£ÁßV Hl Had she eaten well she would
E¢ÝzÀÝgÉ £Á£ÀÄ ¨ÉøÀgÀ wouldn't have worried. He ªÀiÁrzÀÝgÉ E£ÀÆß zÀ¥Àà have become still fatter.
ªÀiÁrPÉƼÁÛ EgÀ°®è. will be waiting. DUÁÛ EzÀݼÀÄ.
CªÀ£ÀÄ PÁAiÀiÁÛ EgÁÛ£É. ¤£ÉßÃ£É §ÄPï ªÀiÁr¹zÀÝgÉ Had we booked yesterday we
gÁªÀÄ: AiÀiÁªÀÅzÁzÀgÀÆ §¸ÀÄì nPÉmï ¹UÁÛ EvÀÄÛ. would have got the tickets.
Will there be any bus
¹UÀ§ºÀÄzÁ, §¸ï available, if we go to the bus
2.3 CªÀ£ÀÄ ¨ÉÃgÉ ¢£À vÀqÀªÁV Had he come late on any other
¸ÁÖöåArUÉ ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ? stand?
§A¢zÀÝgÉ £À£ÀUÉ ¹lÄÖ §gÁÛ day, I wouldn't have got angry.
D£ÀAzÀ: §¸ï ¸ÁöÖåArUÉ ºÆ
É ÃzÀgÀÆ Even if we go to the bus stand, EgÀ°®è.
F §¸ï ¹UÀ®è. §¸ï we won't get one. Even if we
CªÀ£ÀÄ CªÀ¼À£ÀÄß ªÀÄzÀÄªÉ Had he married her he
¹QÌzÀgÀÆ ¹ÃlÄ ¹UÀ®è. get one we won't get a seat.
Therefore there is no use in DVzÀ Ý gÉ ºÀ Ä ZÀ Ñ £ ÁUÁÛ wouldn't have gone mad.
2.4 £ÁªÀÅ PÁUÀzÀ §gÉAiÀÄzÉ Hadn't we written him a letter
EzÀÝzÀÝgÉ ºÉÆÃUÀzÉ we could have stayed back.
2. Pattern drill EgÀ§ºÀÄ¢vÀÄÛ.
2.1 ¤Ã£ÀÄ LzÀÄ ¤«ÄµÀ ¨ÉÃUÀ Had you come five minutes CªÀ¼ÀÄ CªÀ£À£ÀÄß ªÀÄzÀÄªÉ Had she not married him she
§A¢zÀÝgÉ JAlÄ UÀAmÉ early, we could have gone by AiÀiÁUÀzÉ E¢ÝzÀÝgÉ would have been happy.
§¹ìUÉ ºÉÆÃUÀ§ºÀÄ¢vÀÄÛ. the eight o'clock bus. ¸ÀÄRªÁV EgÀ§ºÀÄ¢vÀÄÛ.
£Á£ÀÄ K¼ÀÄ UÀAmÉ §¹ìUÉ Had we gone by the eight £Á£ÀÄ HjUÉ ºÉÆÃUÀzÉ Had I not gone to my home
ºÉÆÃVzÀÝgÉ MAzÉà ¢£ÀzÀ°è o'clock bus we could have E¢ÝzÀÝgÉ ¤ªÀÄä ªÀÄ£ÉUÉ town, I could have come to
returned the same day. §gÀ§ºÀÄ¢vÀÄÛ. your house.
ªÁ¥À¸ï §gÀ§ºÀÄ¢vÀÄÛ.
2.2 MAzÀÄ DmÉÆãÁzÀgÀÆ Had I got an auto I would have 2.5 £Á£ÀÄ D ¥ÀĸÀÛPÀ PÉÆqÀzÉ Had I not given him that book
¹QÌzÀgÉ ¨ÉÃUÀ §gÁÛ EzÉÝ. come early. E¢ÝzÀÝgÉ CªÀ£ÀÄ CzÀ£ÀÄß he wouldn't have read it.
CªÀ£ÀÄ ¥ÀjÃPÉëAiÀÄ°è ZÉ£ÁßV Had he written well in the NzÁÛ EgÀ°®è.
204/Kannada A Self Instructional Course Lesson 21/205

¤ÃªÀÅ ¸ÀªÀÄAiÀÄPÉÌ ¸ÀjAiÀiÁV Had you not come in time that ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆjUÉ §AzÀgÀÆ coming to Bangalore tomorrow
§gÀzÉ E¢ÝzÀÝgÉ D PÉ®¸À work couldn't have been done. AiÀiÁgÀ£ÀÆß £ÉÆÃqÀ®è. he won't see anybody.
DUÁÛ EgÀ°®è.
°Ã¯Á £Á¼É zɺÀ°UÉ Leela might go to Delhi
2.6 £Á£ÀÄ ªÀÄ£ÉUÉ §A¢zÀÝgÉ Had I come home you would ºÉÆÃzÀgÀÆ tomorrow.
¤ÃªÀÅ ¹éÃmïì PÉÆr¸À¨ÉÃPÁ have had to offer me sweets. ºÉÆÃUÀ§ºÀÄzÀÄ.
3. Key to learnrs
CªÀgÀÄ £ÀªÀÄä ªÀÄ£ÉUÉ Had he come to my house, I
§A¢zÀÝgÉ PÁ¦ü PÉÆqÀ would have had to give him 3.1 The unful filled past conditional (with built in negative
¨ÉÃPÁVvÀÄÛ. coffee. implication) sentences are introduced in this lesson.
These sentences have two clauses ; viz. the conditional
2.7 ¤ÃªÀÅ ZÉ£ÁßV NzÀzÉ If you had not studied well clause and the main clause. The conditional clause
EzÀÝgÉ ¥ÀjÃPÉë you shouldn't have appeared contains a conditional verb in past perfect. The main
PÀlÖ¨ÁgÀzÁVvÀÄÛ. for examination. clause my be a model verb or a finite verb. The finite
¤ªÀÄUÉ C©ü£ÀAiÀÄ §gÀzÉ If you you do not know acting verb in the main clause verb or a finite verb. The finite
verb in the main clause would always be in the past
EzÀÝgÉ £ÁlPÀzÀ°è ªÀiÁqÀ you shouldn't have acted in
the play. continuous.
niinu pustaka koTTidare oodtaa idde.
¤ÃªÀÅ vÀ¥ÀÄà ªÀiÁqÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ If you had not made a mistake,
M¦àPÉƼÀî¨ÁgÀ¢vÀÄÛ. your should't have admitted it. 'If you had given me the book. I would have read it.'
If the verb in the main class containing model verb, it
2.8 FUÀ §¸ï¸ÁÖöåArUÉ Even if we go to the bus stand will be followed by ittu,
ºÉÆÃzÀgÀÆ §¸ï ¹UÀ®è. now we won't get a bus. avanu bandiddare sinimaakke hoogabahudittu.
CªÀ£ÀÄ PÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀ°wzÀÝgÀÆ Even though he has learnt 'Had he come we could have gone to a movie.'
ªÀiÁvÁqÉÆÃPÉ §gÀ®è. Kannada he is unable to speak it. beereyavaru aa kelasa maaDiddare niivu hattu
ruupaayi jaasti koDabeekittu.
gÀªÉÄñÀ ¢£Á D ºÀÄqÀÄVãÀ Even though Ramesh is 'Had some one else done that work, you would have
£ÉÆÃqÁÛ EzÀÝgÀÆ CªÀ¼À£ÀÄß seeing that girl everyday he had to pay ten rupees more'.
ªÀiÁvÁr¹®è. hasn't talked to her.
nimage jvara bandiddare aafiisige barabaradittu.
gÁdå¥Á®gÀÄ £Á¼É Even though the Governor is 'If you had fever, you shouldn't have come to office.
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3.2 The negation in the unfulfilled past conditional are of 4. Exercise

two types. 4.1 Transform the following sentences into unfulfilled past
3.2.1 Negation of conditional clause.
4.1.1 zÀÄqÀÄØ PÉÆlÖgÉ vÀgÀPÁj vÀjÛä.
The structure of type (1) is,
Negative verbal participle + id + conditional of iru. 4.1.2 ¨ÉÃUÀ ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ §¸ÀÄì ¹UÀÄvÉÛ.
barade + ide + iddare = barade iddiddare. 4.1.3 HjUÉ ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ vÉAV£ÀPÁ¬Ä vÀgÀ§ºÀÄzÀÄ.
avaru barade iddiddare naanu barta idde. 4.1.4 £Á£ÀÄ ¥ÀĸÀÛPÀ PÉÆlÖgÉ ¤Ã£ÀÄ £À£ÀUÉ ¥É£ÀÄß PÉÆqÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ.
'If he had not come, I would have come'. 4.1.5 ¨ÉÃUÀ ªÀÄ£ÉUÉ ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ ¤zÉæ ªÀiÁqÀ§ºÀÄzÀÄ.
Type (2) gets negated in both the clauses.
avanu pustaka kodade iddiddare naanu haNa kodtaa 4.2 Transform into double negative.
iralilla. 4.2.1 ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆjUÉ ºÉÆÃVzÀÝgÉ 'UÁA¢ü' ¹¤ªÀiÁ £ÉÆÃqÁÛ EzÉÝ.
'Had he not given me the book, I wouldn't have paid him 4.2.2 CªÀ¼ÀÄ £À£Àß ªÀiÁvÁr¹zÀÝgÉ £Á£ÀÆ ªÀiÁvÁqÁÛ EzÉÝ.
money. 4.2.1 £Á£ÀÄ §A¢zÀÝgÉ ¤ÃªÀÅ ºÀt PÉÆqÀ¨ÉÃPÁVvÀÄÛ.
This type contain double negation and so it gives
positive meaning. 4.3 Transform the conditional clause into negative
4.3.1 ¤Ã£ÀÄ §A¢zÀgÉ £À£ÀUÉ ¸ÀAvÉÆõÀ DVÛvÀÄÛ.
3.3 The concessive form in Kannada is obrained by adding-
uu to the conditional verb. It gives the meaning "even 4.2.2 ªÀÄ¼É ©¢ÝzÀÝgÉ ¨É¼É ¨É½ÃvÁ EgÀ°®è.
if......". 4.3.3 ¥Àæw¢£Á vÀÄA¨Á zÀÆgÀ £ÀqÉ¢zÀÝgÉ DgÉÆÃUÀå ZÉ£ÁßVjÛvÀÄÛ.
avanu ashTondu oodiddarauu avanige buddhi illa.
Even if he has read so much, he doesn't have 4.4 Translate the following into English.
common sense. gÁdÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ gÁªÀÄ E§âgÀÆ M¼Éî ¸ÉßûvÀgÀÄ. CªÀgÀÄ E§âgÀÆ
with 'bahuda' it gives the probability meaning. ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆj£À°è NzÀÄvÁÛ EzÁÝgÉ. gÁdÄ vÀĪÀÄPÀÆj£ÀªÀ£ÀÄ. gÁªÀÄ
ªÀÄzÀgÁ¹£ÀªÀ£ÀÄ. gÁªÀĤUÉ ZÉ£ÁßV PÀ£ÀßqÀ §gÀÄwÛgÀ°®è.
avanu naaLe bengaLuurige bandaruu barabahudu.
He might come to Bangalore tomorrow. gÁdÄ CªÀ¤UÉ PÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀ°¸À®Ä ¥ÁægÀA©ü¹zÀ. ªÉÆzÀªÉÆzÀ®Ä
©qÀzÉ PÀ°AiÀÄ®Ä vÉÆqÀVzÀ. ¸ÉßûvÀgÀÄ eÉÆvÉ PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ¯ÉèÃ
208/Kannada A Self Instructional Course Lesson 21/209

FUÀ PÀµÀÖ¥ÀlÄÖ PÀ£ÀßqÀ ªÀvÀðªÀiÁ£À ¥ÀwæPÉ N¢ 5. Vocabulary

CxÀðªÀiÁrPÉƼÀÄîvÁÛ£É. gÁdÄ«£À eÉÆvÉ ¢£ÀPÉÌ ¸Àé®à
CzsÀåPÀëvÉ `presiding'
ºÉÆvÁÛzÀgÀÆ PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ°è ªÀiÁvÁqÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ CªÀ¤UÉ vÀÈ¦Û E®è.
CªÀ£ÀÄ »ÃUÉ PÀ°vÀgÉ E£ÀÄß PÉ®ªÉà ¢£ÀUÀ¼À°è PÀ£ÀßqÀ ZÉ£ÁßV DgÁªÀÄ `leisurely'
ªÀiÁvÀ£ÁqÀ§ºÀÄzÀÄ. «zÁåªÀÄAwæ `education minister'
«ªÀgÀªÁV `in detail'
4.5 Translate the following sentences into Kannada. C©ü£ÀAiÀÄ `to enjoy'
4.5.1 Mysore is a famous cultural centre in Karnataka. z˴ˈ `fat'
4.5.2 There are a number of places in Mysore which are ¥ÁvÀæ `character'
worth seeing.
gÁdå¥Á® `governor'
4.5.3 Srirangapattana was the earlier capital of Mysore ¸ÀÄRªÁV `happily'
ºÀÄZÀÄÑ `mad'
4.5.4 The weather in Mysore is congenial.
4.5.5 I have purchased a new house in Bangalore.
4.5.6 If I meet Raju in Bangalore I will convey your regards.
4.5.7 Please ask him to write me a letter
4.5.8 The person who spoke me over the telephone the other
day has come to see me.
4.5.9 Though he had been to meet the Prime minister, he
couldn't meet him.
4.5.10It is easier to forget a language than learning it.

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