Kannada English Lesson-20

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Lesson 20/193

¥ÁoÀ - 19 PÀªÀÄ® : mÉæöÊ£ÀÄ JµÀÄÖ UÀAmÉUÉ EzÉ? At what time is there a

1. Dialogue:
²Ã® : ºÀ£ÉÆßAzÀÄ UÀAmÉUÉ EzÉ. It is at eleven o' clock.
PÀªÀÄ® : FUÀ ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆjUÉ If i go now can I get a bus to
§¸ÀÄì ¹UÀÄvÁÛ? Bangalore ? PÀªÀÄ® : vÀÄA¨Á ¯ÉÃmÁUÀÄvÉÛ. £Á£ÀÄ It will be too late. If I don't
¨ÉÃUÀ ºÉÆÃUÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ £À£Àß go early me friend won't be
²Ã® : vÀPÀët ºÉÆÃUÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ If you go immediately you available.
will get it. ¸ÉßûvÉ ¹UÀ®è.
²Ã® : ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆjUÉ ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ If you go to Bangalore will
PÀªÀÄ® : vÀPÀët ºÉÆÃUÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ If I don't go immediately EªÀvÉÛà ªÁ¥À¸ï §jÛÃgÁ? you come back today itself?
¹UÀ®èªÁ? won't it be available ?
PÀªÀÄ® : PÉ®¸À DzÀgÉ §jÛä. DUÀzÉ If the work is over I shall
²Ã® : E®è, vÀPÀët ºÉÆÃUÀzÉ No, If you don't go EzÀÝgÉ £Á¼É ¸ÀAeÉ §jÛä. come back. If it is not over. I
EzÀÝgÉ ¹UÀ®è. immediatly you won't get it. shall come tomorrow
PÀªÀÄ® : ªÀÄÄA¢£À §¸ÀÄì JµÀÄÖ UÀAmÉUÉ At what time is the next
EzÉ. ²Ã® : £Á¼É §gÁÛ EzÝÀgÉ ££
À ÉÆAzÀÄ If you are coming tomorrow
¸ÀºÁAiÀÄ ªÀÄrÛÃgÁ? will you do me a favour?
²Ã® : ªÀÄÄA¢£À §¸ÀÄì ºÀ£ÉßgÀqÀÄ The next one is at 12o'
UÀAmÉUÉ EzÉ. clock. PÀªÀÄ® : K£ÀÄ ? What is that?

PÀªÀÄ® : CzÀPÉÌ ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ ¯ÉÃmÁUÀÄvÉÛ. If I go by that, it will be ²Ã® : £À£ÀUÉÆAzÀÄ ¥ÀĸÀÛPÀ ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. I want a book.
late. PÀªÀÄ® : AiÀiÁªÀÅzÀÄ? Which one ?
²Ã® : vÀÄA¨Á CeÉðAmï PÉ®¸À Do you have urgent work? ²Ã® : gÁªÀiÁAiÀÄtzÀ±Àð£ÀA. Ramayana Darshanam.
PÀªÀÄ® : J°è ¹UÀÄvÉÛÃ? Where is it available?
PÀªÀÄ® : ºËzÀÄ. £À£Àß ¸ÉßûvÉ Yes my friend get this bus
PÁAiÀiÁÛ EgÁÛ¼É. you can go by train. ²Ã® : ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ §ÄPï §ÆågÉÆÃUÉ If you go to Bangalore
ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ ¹UÀÄvÉÛ. Book Bereau, it is available
²Ã® : F §¸ÀÄì ¹UÀzÉ EzÉæ If you don't get this bus you there.
mÉæöʤUÉ ºÉÆÃV. can go by train. PÀªÀÄ® : C°è ¹QÌzÀgÉ vÀjÛä. ¹UÀzÉ If it is available there I will
194/Kannada A Self Instructional Course Lesson 20/195

EzÀÝgÉ K£ÀÄ ªÀiÁqÀ°?. bring it. If it is not avail able 2.4 ºÁ®Ä PÀÄr¹zÀgÉ ªÀÄUÀÄ If the baby is fed it won't cry.
there, what shall I do? C¼À®è.
PÀªÀÄ® : ¹UÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ ¨ÉÃr. If it is not available don't FUÀ ªÀÄ£É ©lÖgÉ CAxÀ ªÀÄ£É If you give up the house you
bother. ¹PÀÌ®è. are in now, you won't get
such an one.

£ÁªÃÉ CrUÉ ªiÀÁrPÉÆAqÀgÉ If we cook our own food, it

2. Pattern drill won't be expensive.
2.1 CªÀ£ÀÄ §¸ï ¹QÌzÀgÉ If he gets a bus he will come to 2.5 ªÀģɬÄAzÀ PÁUÀzÀ §AzÀgÉ If you get a letter from home
§ÈAzÁªÀ£ÀPÉÌ §gÁÛ£É. Brindavan. HjUÉ ºÉÆÃVÛÃAiÀiÁ? will you go to your home
¤Ã£ÀÄ zÀÄqÀÄØ PÉÆlÖgÉ £Á£ÀÄ If you give me money I will go town?
¹¤ªÀiÁPÉÌ ºÉÆÃVÛä. to a movie. ¨É¼ÀUÉÎ ºÉÆgÀlgÉ ¤ªÀÄä If you start in the morning at
£Á£ÀÄ ¥sÀ¸ïÖ PÁè¹£À°è If I get through in first class HjUÉ JµÀÄÖ UÀAmÉUÉ what time will you reach
¥Á¸ÁzÀgÉ JA. J¸ï.¹.UÉ I shall join M.sc. ¸ÉÃjÛÃj? your home town ?
¸ÉÃjÛä. £Á£ÀÄ ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆjUÉ §AzÀgÉ If I come to Bangalore where
¤ªÀÄä£ÀÄß J°è £ÉÆÃqÀ°? can I see you?
2.2 gÁdÄ §A¢zÀÝgÉ PÀj. If Raju has come call him.
2.6 £Á£ÀÄ ¸Á¬ÄÛä CAzÀgÉ If I say I will die, they will
¤ÃªÀÅ PÀ£ÀßqÀ PÀ°wzÀÝgÉ If you have learnt Kannada
speak in it. ¨ÉÃqÀ CAvÁgÉ. say don't.
PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ¯Éèà ªÀiÁvÀ£Ár.
¤£ÀUÉ PÉ®¸À ¹UÀ°®è CAzÀgÉ If you don't get a job what
¤ÃªÀÅ ¥ÁoÀ §gÉ¢zÀÝgÉ If you have written the lesson
you may go. K£ÁärÛÃAiÀÄ? will you do?
2.7 £Á£ÀÄ C°èUÉ ºÉÆÃUÀzÉ It won't be nice, if I don't go
2.3 ¤ à ª À Å ¨ É A U À ¼ À Æ j U É If you are going to Bangalore EzÀÝgÉ ZÉ£ÁßVgÀ®è. there.
ºÉÆÃUÁÛ zÀÝgÉ ºÉý. tell me.
¤ÃªÀÅ §gÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ CªÀgÀÄ If you don't come, they won't
¤ÃªÀÅ PÁUÀzÀ §jÃvÁ If you start writing a letter, it §gÀ®è. come.
PÀÆvÀgÉ ¯ÉÃmÁUÀÄvÉÛ. will be late.
nPÉmï ¹UÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ £ÁªÀÅ If we don't get the tickets, we
CªÀ£ÀÄ ¥ÁoÀ ªÀiÁqÁÛ If he is teaching one gets ¹¤ªÀiÁPÉÌ ºÉÆÃUÀ®è. won't go to the movie.
EzÀÝgÉ ¤zÉæ §gÀÄvÉÛ. sleepy.
2.8 ¤ªÀÄUÉ vÉÆAzÀgÉ DUÀzÉ If it is not trouble to you
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EzÀÝ°è zÀAiÀÄ«lÄÖ §¤ß. please do come. 3.1 Non past

ªÀÄ£ÉAiÀÄ°è ¯ÉÃmÁUÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ If we are not delayed at home, The stucture is,
¹nUÉ ºÉÆÃUÀ§ºÀÄzÀÄ. we can go to city. past stem + conditional marker.
CªÀ¤UÉ PÉ®¸À ¹PÀÌzÉ EzÀÝgÉ If he does'nt get a job let him nakk + are = nakkare.
ªÁå¥ÁgÀ ªÀiÁqÀ°. do business. Kamala bandare kari. 'If kamala comes call her'.
nanna nooDi nakkare ninna hallu muriitiini.
£ÀªÀÄUÉ §¸ÀÄì ¹PÀÌzÉ EzÀÝgÉ If we don't get a bus, let us go
'If you laugh at me, I shall break your teeth'.
DmÉÆÃzÀ°è ºÉÆÃUÉÆÃt. by an auto.
2.9 £À£Àß ¸ÉßûvÀgÀÄ ªÀÄ£ÉUÉ §gÀzÉ If my friends do not come 3.2 Continuous
EzÀÝgÉ £Á£ÀÄ ¹nUÉ §jÛä. home, I will come to city. The structure is,
continuous stem + conditional of 'iru'
CªÀgÀ ºÉAqÀw HjUÉ If his wife does not go to her
bartaa + iddare = bartaa iddare.
ºÉÆÃUÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ CªÀgÀÄ £ÀªÀÄä home town, he will come with
us. avanu bartaa iddare kari. 'IF he is coming call him.'
eÉÆvÉAiÀÄ°è §gÁÛgÉ.
avaLu nagtaa iddare aLu baratte.
£ÁªÀÅ gÁªÀÄ£À ªÀÄ£ÉUÉ ¨ÉÃUÀ If we do not go to Ramu's 'If she is laughing I feel like weeping'.
ºÉÆgÀqÀ¢zÀÝgÉ CªÀ£Éà E°èUÉ house early he himself will
come here. 3.3 Perfect tense
The structure is,
2.10 CªÀ£ÀÄ K£ÀÆ ªÀiÁqÁÛ If he is not doing anythig ask
him to sleep. verbal participle stem + conditional of iru.
E®èzÉ EzÀÝgÉ ªÀÄ®V
PÉƼÉÆîÃPÉ ºÉüÀÄ. bandu + iddare = bandiddare.
ninage laaTari bandiddare nanage sviiT koDisu.
¸ÀÄgÉñÀ HjUÉ ºÉÆÃUÁÛ If Suresh is not going to his 'If you have won the lottery get me sweets.'
E®èzÉ EzÀÝgÉ £Á£ÀÄ home town I shall go.
Note that the conditional constructions is mentioned
above refer to non-past events.

3. Key to learners : 3.4 The simple negative conditional is obtained by adding

iddare to the verbal participle negation.
The simple conditional construction is introduced in this
obdade + iddare = oodade iddare
lesson. -are is the conditional marker. This conditinal
maker is added to different tenses. niinu cennaagi oodade iddare feelaagtiiye.
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If you don't read well you will fai. 4.2.4 ªÀÄzsÁåºÀß Hl ªÀiÁrÛä.
avaru barade iddare naanu hoogalla. ZÉ£ÁßV ¤zÉæ §gÀvÉÛ.
'If he doesn't come I won't go.' 4.2.5 CªÀgÀÄ zÀÄqÀÄØ PÉÆqÁÛgÉ.
3.5 The continuous negative conditional is obtained by £Á£ÀÄ ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆjUÉ ºÉÆÃVÛä.
adding illade iddare or irade iddare to the continuous
stem. 4.3 Transform into negative conditional :
avanu oodutta illade iddare / irade iddare barooke 4.3.1 PÉlÖ PÉ®¸À ªÀiÁrzÀgÉ §AiÀiÁÛgÉ.
'If he is not studying ask him to come'. 4.3.2 £Á£ÀÄ ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ CªÀgÀÄ §gÁÛgÉ.

4.3.3 ¨sÁUÀå D ¥ÀĸÀÛPÀ N¢zÀgÉ M¼ÉîAiÀÄzÀÄ.

4.3.4 CzsÁå¥ÀPÀgÀÄ ¥Àæ±Éß PÉýzÀgÉ ¨ÉÃeÁgÀÄ.

4. Exercise
4.1. Fill in the blanks using the conitional form of the verbs 4.4 Transform the following sentences into double negative:
given in the bracket. 4.4.1 ªÀÄUÀÄ JzÀÝgÉ ºÁ®Ä PÀÄrAiÀÄÄvÉÛ.
4.1.1 ¤Ã£ÀÄ ____________ £Á£ÀÄ ¥ÀĸÀÛPÀ PÉÆrÛä (¨Á)
4.4.2 ¤ÃªÀÅ ¹» wAr PÉÆlÖgÉ §jÛä.
4.1.2 gÁdÄ OµÀ¢ü_____________ dégÀ PÀrªÉÄAiÀiÁUÀÄvÉÛ (PÀÄr)
4.4.3 CªÀgÀÄ §A¢zÀÝgÉ PÀjwä.
4.1.3 HjUÉ PÁUÀzÀ _________________ºÀt PÀ½¸ÁÛgÉ. (§gÉ)
4.4.4 PÀµÀÖ ¥ÀlÖgÉ ¸ÀÄR EzÉ.
4.1.4 ¹¤ªÀiÁ _______________vÀ¯É£ÉÆêÀÅ §gÀÄvÉÛ. (£ÉÆÃqÀÄ) 4.4.5 PÉÊ PɸÀgÁzÀgÉ ¨Á¬Ä ªÉƸÀgÁUÀvÉÛ.
4.2 Combine the following sentences using conditional form : 4.5 Answer the following quesions.
4.2.1 EªÀvÀÄÛ ªÀÄ¼É §gÀvÉÛ 4.5.1 ¤ªÀÄUÉ vÀ¯É£ÉÆêÀÅ §AzÀgÉ K£ÀÄ ªÀiÁrÛÃj?
4.5.2 ¤ªÀÄUÉ Hj¤AzÀ PÁUÀzÀ §gÀzÉ EzÀÝgÉ ¨ÉÃeÁgÁUÀÄvÁÛ?
4.2.2 £Á¬Ä ¨ÉÆUÀ¼ÁÛ EzÉ. .
E°è PÀ¼ÀîgÀÄ §gÀĪÀÅ¢®è. 4.5.3 ¤ÃªÀÅ D¦üùUÉ ¯ÉÃmÁV ºÉÆÃzÀgÉ ¤ªÀÄä D¦üøÀgï §AiÀiÁÛgÁ?
4.2.3 CªÀgÀÄ ¥ÀĸÀÛPÀ vÀA¢zÁÝgÉ. 4.5.4 ¤ªÀÄUÉ ¯ÁljAiÀÄ°è MAzÀÄ ®PÀë gÀÆ¥Á¬Ä §AzÀgÉ K£ÀÄ

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