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It has an intensive relation with S and often expressed in the following ways:
1. Cs = A noun phrase (basic or complex):
This often comes after such verbs as:
- Be: She is a teacher of Russian.
- Become: They’ll soon become engineers in construction.
- Turn: He turned traitor.
- Make: She’ll make a good wife.
2. Cs = an adjective or adjective phrase:
They are good
She’s good at grammar.
Adj Prep
The game isn’t worth the candle.
Adj NP
3. Adjective clauses as Cs:
a. Cs = Adjective + to infinitive.
There are five subtypes corresponds to the examples below:
- Adj. comment:
He’s wise to stay at home. => It’s wise of him to stay at home.
Adj to-inf Cs
- Adj. manner:
He’s slow to react. => He reacts slowly.
Adj to-inf Cs
- Adj. attitude resulting:
He’s glad to see you again. => To see you again makes him glads.
Adj to-inf Cs
- Adj. attitude current:
He was reluctant to leave. => ∅
Adj to-inf
- Adj. quality:
He’s hard to deal with. => It’s hard to deal with him.
Adj to-inf Cs
b. Cs = Adjective + V-ing participle
She was busy doing her homework.
Adj V-ing participle
This book is worth reding many times.
Adj V-ing participle
c. Cs = Adjective + Finite clause
I’m sure that he will win the match.
Adj fin. Cl. (that Cl. )
We weren’t certain wether he would come or not.
Adj fin. Cl. (Yes-No interrogative Cl. )
She wasn’t aware who he was.
Adj fin. Cl. (wh-interrogative Cl. )
I wasn’t clear about whatever he said.
Adj fin. Cl. (nominal relative Cl. )
1. Adverbial expression:
a. an adverb: He was here/ upstairs.
b. a prepositional phrase: She was in the car.
c. a clause: He’s nowhere to be seen.
2. Meanings of these adverbials:
a. Place (most common): He was here/ in the car.
b. Time: The meeting will be on next Monday.
c. Manner/ Description: He’s (a man) of great fame.
Monotransitive verbs complementation by:
1. Od = a noun phrase
We bought this book.
On the way here we met a man with a very large ear.
2. Od = a non-finite clause
She wanted to set the house on fire.
Cl. nonfin. (to V)
They enjoyed watching the program.
Cl. nonfin. (V-ing participle Cl. )
3. O = a finite clause
I know that she didn’t go there with him.
fin. Cl. (that Cl. )
We can’t make out what he says.
fin. Cl. (wh-interrogative Cl. )
He didn’t remember whoever had met him first at the station.
fin. Cl. (nominal relative Cl. )
He didn’t say whether he would come or not.
fin. Cl. (yes/no interrogative)
They cut down on what they had to spend everyday.
fin. Cl. (wh-relative Cl. )

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