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Directorate of Academic Planning & Quality Assurance

Academic Department: Theatre Arts
Semester/Session: Second Semester
Course code/title: THA 204/ Introduction to Dramatic Literature and Criticism
Course Lecturers: Eunice Uwadinma-Idemudia (Ph.D.)
Tel: 08034546041

Overview of Course:
An introductory study of critical methodologies since Aristotle, using selected plays. The
student is expected to understand and appreciate how the criticism of drama has shaped
and has been shaped by the writer’s principles of selection and arrangement.

Course learning objectives:

Several learning outcomes expected by the end of this course are as follows:
1. The Students will have an in-depth understanding of what is meant by “Dramatic
2. Understand the different levels of dramatic criticism
3. Have a clear knowledge of Aristotle’s poetics of dramatic criticism
4. Have an insight into the Neo-Classical Criticism
5. Recognize the various classification of Western and African musical instruments
and its proper application in music theatre
6. Have an introductory knowledge of various era and schools of dramatic Criticism
Schedule of Course Delivery
Week Topic Module Learning Assessment Number of Hours
overview outcome(s)
1 Introduction to The actual The actual evaluation A practical 2
dramatic criticism meaning of of dramatic text for discussion of
Dramatic the purpose of existing literary text
Criticism formatting a critical is done to evaluate
perspective will be the level of
taught to the assimilation by the
understanding of students
2 Levels of dramatic At least three Students are able to Students are asked 2
criticism levels of drama differentiate between to discuss a text
criticism is the Literary, from the
exposed to Theatrical, and recommended
students Practical Levels of playlist to ascertain
Dramatic Criticisms their knowledge in
identifying and also
differentiating the
three levels of
literary criticism
3 Aristotle’s poetics Being able to apply Students engages in 2
STOP the principles of both at least a 30 minutes
synthetic and pure solo display based
dance theories in on the basic theories
dance conception or
devise of dance
theatre performance
4 Functions of music Understanding Students should be Using your recorded 2
and definition of the various able to state and dance video,
theatre functions of explain the various analyze the function
music and the functions of music of music in relation
meaning of and define theatre to the lyrics and
theatre will be the using the two basic rhythm
focus of this concept of the term
5 Definition and The concept and Developing the Students participates 2
analysis of dance structure of the choreographic skills in dance drama
drama art of dance relevant to the practical workshop
drama conception of dance
6 Music theatre This module will Students should Giving adequate 2
explore the know why the need examples explain
concept of music to be wary of the the notion that
theatre and its properties of sound music theatre is
peculiarities when composing variously related to
compare to other theatrical music something else other
forms of the than itself
performing arts
7 Mid-Semester Revision on what Assessing the Rehearsal on their 2
Examination/Class they have learnt students on what class practical
practical so far they have learnt so
8 Definition and The concept and Ability to apply Students participates 2
analysis of dramatic applied diverse approaches in practical
dance performance techniques of and techniques in the workshops in the
applying dramatic functional application of
dance in employment of dramatic dance
theatrical dramatic dance
performances performance
9 Types of music The Students should beUsing relevant 6
Theatre preoccupation of able to differentiate
this module will between the various
be the different types of music between two types
types of music theatre such as music
of music theatre of
theatre ballet, stage musical
etc choice/continuation
of Rehearsal on
their class practical
10 Introduction to Structure, styles Ability to conceive Students engages in 6
dance libretto and approaches and devise standard the conception of
dance libretto dance script
otherwise known as
dance libretto /
continuation of
Rehearsal on their
class practical
11 opera The focus of this Students should Continuation of 6
lesson is to exhibit knowledge Rehearsal on their
expose the of the libretto and class practical
students to the music used in opera
meaning of opera, and components such
its basic elements as overture,
and components recitative etc
12 Intricacy of a dance Structure and Ability to Students engages in 6
theatre performance composition of appropriately apply the process of
dance theatre the compositional achieving a dance
performances principles to achieve theatre performance
the expected in harmony with the
structure in a dance required music from
theatre performance conception to
continuation of
rehearsal on their
class practical
13 Instruments used in This module will Students should Continuation of 6
music Theatre delve into the know the basic Rehearsal on their
Western and classification of class practical/dress
African musical western and African and tech
instruments used musical instruments
14 Final Performance Revision Revision Revision 2
Essential Readings. Eg
- Akpabot S.E ., Foundation of Nigerian Traditional Music
- The New Encyclopaedia Britannica in 30 volumes (macropaedia volume 12)
- Odiri O. O., My music theory
- Bakare Ojo Rasaki - Rudiments of Choreography
- Nketia J.H.- African heritage of music
- Chris Ugolo - Introduction to dance choreography
- Humohrey Doris - The art of making dance
- Onuora Ossie Enekwe - Theories of dance in Nigeria
- Felix Akinsipe (ed) – Dance discuss and librettos for the stage
- Debo Ajibade - Dance and Dance Drama

Schedule of Student Assessment
Class attendance: 5 mks (maximum)
Mid-semester examination: 20 mks (maximum)
Class work/assignments/ presentation etc: 15 mks (maximum)
Final exams: 60 mks (maximum)

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