UNIT-3 Cloud Service Management

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1. Define Cloud service reference model.
It is a conceptual framework which provides a structured approach to understanding and
categorizing various components and aspects of cloud services and their management.
It aims to standardize the terminology and concepts related to cloud computing. It helps organizations
navigate the complexities of cloud services and effectively manage them.

2. What are the goals for Cloud Service?

 Efficient Service Delivery
 Scalability and Adaptability
 Optimization
 Security and Compliance
 Innovation
 Cost Management

3. What are the Primary objectives for Cloud Service design?

 Scalability and flexibility
 Reliability and availability
 Optimized resource optimization
 Security
 Better User experience
 Effective performance
 Interoperability
 Innovation and Agility
 Disaster recovery and business continuity
 Elasticity

4. What are the criteria to migrate from legacy systems to cloud?

 Compatibility assessment (restructure, refactoring, re-engineering)
 Business impact
 Cost benefit analysis
 Risk analysis
 Security and compliance
 Data migration strategy
 Performance and scalability
 Integration strategy
 User experience
 Training and knowledge transfer

5. Define Benchmarking in cloud services.

It is the process of evaluating and comparing the performance, capabilities, and characteristics
of various cloud service providers or offerings against specific criteria or standards.
It helps the organizations make informed decisions when selecting a cloud service provider,
determining resource allocation, assessing service quality, and optimizing their cloud infrastructure.
6. What are the functionalities need to be achieved for benchmarking?
 Security
 Cost Saving or cost Efficiency
 Efficiency
 Flexibility and Scalability
 Rapid Recovery
 Increased Convenience – easy accessing
 Speed and Productivity
 Strategic Value

7. Write an example to create tools for Benchmarking.

 iperf - measure network throughput
 ipref3 – measure network bandwidth and throughput
 wrk – Measure HTTP applications
 YCSB (Yahoo Cloud Serving Benchmark) – measure NoSQL databases
 UnixBench – system performance
 Geekbench – CPU and memory performance
 SPEC CPU Benchmark – system performance
 TPC Benchmarks (Transaction Processing Performance Council)

8. Define cloud service planning

It refers to the process of determining the optimal amount of computing resources, required to
meet the demands of an organization's applications and workloads hosted in a cloud environment.

9. What are the different types of resources in cloud service planning?

 Virtual Machine – instance of OS and associated software run in physical server
 Storage
 Networking
 Database
 Containers and orchestration (configuration of multiple tasks)
 AI and machine learning services
 Analytics and Big data analytics
 Monitoring and management tools

10. What are the Key factors considered for efficient capacity planning?
 Application Analysis
 Performance monitoring
 Forecasting
 Resource Sizing
 Elasticity and Scalability
 Cost optimization – Select the most effective resource configuration
 Testing and simulation (before implementing changes validate the capacity planning
 Regular review (planning is ongoing process)
 Cloud provider services (managed services and tools)

11. What are the factors to update the capacity planning?

 Changing business needs
 User behaviors
 Technological advancements

12. What are the requirement for successful deployment and migration?
 Clear strategy
 Effective planning
 Validation
 Effective communications with IT teams

13. List the steps involved in cloud migration.

 Planning
 Preparation
 Execution
 Validation
 Post-migration activities

14. Define Cloud Marketplace.

It acts as an intermediary platform that connects cloud service providers, software vendors, and
end-users (or) It is an online platform provided by cloud service providers that offers a wide range of
pre-configured software applications, services, and resources for organizations to discover, purchase,
deploy, and manage within their cloud environments.
It facilitates the discovery, procurement, deployment, and management of various
Software applications, services and resources within a cloud environment.

15. What are the goals present in cloud marketplace?

 Simplified procurement - simply the procurement process
 Efficient deployment -streamlined deployment of applications
 Integration -It enables seamless integration between the solutions offered in the
Marketplace and existing cloud resources, allowing for smooth interoperability and reduced
compatibility issues
 Cost Management- It contributes to cost management by offering clear pricing models, pay-as-
you-go options, and visibility into usage, helping organizations optimize their spending.
 Innovations-It encourages innovation by providing a platform for users to discover and
experiment with new technologies, tools, and services that can enhance their cloud

16. Define Financial Management.

It refers to the process of planning, tracking, optimizing, and controlling the
Costs associated with using cloud resources, services, and infrastructure.
It involves managing expenses, optimizing resource utilization, and ensuring that cloud
expenditures align with the organization's budget and financial goals.
It involves continuous monitoring, analysis, and optimization to ensure that organizations
are making the most of their cloud investments while staying within budget.

17. What is License management?

It refers to the process of tracking, managing, and optimizing software licenses and
subscriptions for cloud-based applications, services, and resources.
It involves ensuring compliance with licensing agreements, managing license costs, and
efficiently allocating licenses to users and instances within a cloud environment.
18. Define Patch management and its goals.
It refers to the process of planning, implementing, and monitoring software patches and updates
across the various components and services within a cloud computing environment.
Goal: To ensure that the cloud infrastructure, applications, and services remain up to date with the
latest security fixes, bug patches, and feature enhancements.
It is used to maintain the security, stability and performance of the cloud environment.

19. What are the key aspects of provisioning management in cloud service capabilities?
 Resource allocation and scaling
 Automation
 Orchestration (coordination)
 Configuration management
 Monitoring and optimization
 Cost Management
 Security and self-control
 Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
 Compliance and control

20. What are the roles to help Orchestration for an automation process?

S.No. Tasks Role of Orchestration

1. Patching If the portal allows the consumer to upload specific patches and
apply them, Orchestration will coordinate the automated
deployment and installation of the patches.
2. Backup and restore Backup is scheduled to occur regularly (initial creation,
modification, deletion of backup job should be automated and
coordinated by the orchestration system.
3. Antivirus management Handle scanning, detection, remediation of virus and worms will
handle by the antivirus applications.
4. Compliance and checking Compliance applications will typically handle the scanning,
detection and reporting of compliance.
5. Monitoring Monitor the type of data should be exported based on policy.

1. Explain in detail about Cloud Service life cycle.
2. Describe about Cloud Service Design with an example.
3. Discuss about Cloud Service Deployment and migration, Cloud Service operation management.
4. Explain the Cloud Service Reference Model and its significance in the context of cloud computing.
5. What are the key phases in the Cloud Service Lifecycle, and how do they contribute to efficient
cloud service management?
6. Describe the fundamental principles of Cloud Service Design and how they differ from traditional
service design approaches.
7. How would you approach the integration and migration of legacy systems and services into a cloud
environment? Discuss potential challenges and strategies for overcoming them.
8. Explain the importance of benchmarking in evaluating cloud services. What parameters should be
considered for effective benchmarking?
9. Outline the essential steps involved in Cloud Service Capacity Planning and the factors influencing
capacity requirements in a cloud environment.
10. Discuss the key considerations and best practices for deploying and migrating services to the cloud.
11. How does the concept of a Cloud Marketplace facilitate the consumption and provision of cloud
services? Provide examples of popular cloud marketplaces.
12. What are the main responsibilities involved in Cloud Service Operations Management, and how do
they ensure the reliability and performance of cloud services?

1. Compare and contrast the Cloud Service Reference Model with traditional IT service models.
Highlight the key differences and advantages of the cloud reference model.
2. Design a comprehensive Cloud Service Deployment and Migration plan for a large enterprise,
considering factors such as data security, downtime minimization, and resource optimization.
3. Analyze the impact of cloud service design principles on the scalability and flexibility of cloud-
based applications. Provide real-world examples to support your analysis.

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