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Received: 21 October 2020 Revised: 22 January 2021 Accepted: 27 January 2021 IET Image Processing

DOI: 10.1049/ipr2.12137


Medical image fusion and noise suppression with fractional-order

total variation and multi-scale decomposition

Xuefeng Zhang Hui Yan

College of Sciences, Northeastern University, Abstract

Shenyang, China
Fusion and noise suppression of medical images are becoming increasingly difficult to be
ignored in image processing, and this technique provides abundant information for the
Xuefeng Zhang, College of Sciences, Northeastern clinical diagnosis and treatment. This paper proposes a medical image fusion and noise
University, 110819, Shenyang, China. suppression model in pixel level. This model decomposes the original image into a noiseless
base layer, a large-scale noiseless detail layer and a small-scale detail layer which contains
details and noise information. The fractional-order derivative and saliency detection are
used to construct the weight functions to fuse the base layers. The proposed total variation
model combines the fractional-order derivative to fuse the small-scale detail layers. The
mathematical properties and time complexity of the total variation model are also analysed.
And choose-max method is used to fuse the large-scale detail medical layers simply. Our
approach is based on fractional-order derivative, which enables keep more information
and decrease blocky effects more effectively compared with the integer-order derivative.
To verify the validity, the proposed method is compared with some fusion methods in
the subjective and objective aspects. Experiments show that the proposed model fuses the
source information fully and decreases noise cleanly.

1 INTRODUCTION mation of human body. Refs. [9, 10] analyse the significant brain
information and classify the brain image with different effec-
Image fusion is significant in image processing, owing to the tive image features, which are beneficial to doctors’ diagnosis by
increase of image acquisition models [1–3]. Image fusion refers processing the medical image information. However, the reso-
to the integration of image information acquired by one or lution of medical image is usually poor. Due to the influence of
different kinds of sensors. The useful information obtained equipment and external environment, the medical images pro-
from multiple sensors is contained in the fused image, which vided by medical imaging equipment contain noise, which is not
is significant for the machine vision and human operations. In conducive to doctors’ diagnosis. Thus, the research of the med-
recent years, image fusion has been widely applied in the field ical image fusion and noise suppression technique is of great
of remote sensing, clinical medicine, machine vision and more significance for providing reliable and comprehensive disease
[4–6]. The medical images fusion [7, 8] is the research focus information, and able to remove the interference of noise on
in the image fusion recently. In the clinical medicine, differ- doctors’ diagnosis [11, 12].
ent imaging devices provide different kinds of medical infor- The multi-scale transform method divides images into differ-
mation whose characteristics and functions are different. Since ent layers, and fuses layers to ensure the fusion result completely.
the information provided by a single device is limited, it is nec- Popular multi-scale transforms are mainly wavelet, curvelet,
essary to fuse various medical information acquired by differ- pyramid and some effective edge-preserving filters, such as car-
ent devices into an image. In general, the medical images are toon and texture image decomposition, relative total variation
divided into two categories: the anatomical images and the func- (RTV) structure extraction method and L0 gradient minimiza-
tional images. The anatomical images provide detailed anatomi- tion smoothing method [13–15]. The edge-preserving filter is
cal information. The functional images provide metabolic infor- widely used in image fusion because of its simple operation, easy

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. IET Image Processing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology

1688 IET Image Process. 2021;15:1688–1701.

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implementation and effective decomposition. The guided filter new fusion model, which is based on fractional differential and
[16] is a local linear filter which has effective edge preservation variational method. This model includes three terms: fusion,
performance. Zhu et al. use guided filter to construct a novel sup-resolution, edge enhancement and noise suppression, and
hybrid multi-scale decomposition method which decomposes it fuses images feasibly. In [35], Liu et al. build a unified vari-
image at different scales. Then various layers are fused accord- ational framework which includes fidelity term and fractional
ing to the corresponding fusion [17]. Compared with the clas- prior term to fuse the low-resolution multi-spectral image and
sical mean filter, the guided filter is able to preserve significant the high-resolution panchromatic image effectively. Fractional-
edges under decomposing images. Although cartoon and tex- order variational model eliminates the staircase, preserves edges
ture image decomposition filter, RTV and smoothing method and keeps weak textures and smoothness, but few researchers
based on L0 keep edges effectively, these filters create serious consider it into the image fusion and denoising.
halos and artefacts which result in the poor performance of Motivated by the above observations, the guided filter is
image. Since the guided filter keeps edges, reduces halos and regarded as the edge-preserving filter of the multi-scale trans-
artefacts and is insensitive to noise, the guided filter is used to form in this paper. It divides an image into a smooth base layer,
decompose images in this paper. Fusion rule directly affects the a smooth large-scale detail layer and a noisy small-scale detail
quality of fusion result, and it also plays a decisive role in the layer. In order to keep textures comprehensively, the fractional
model of image fusion and noise suppression. Image fusion gradient and saliency detection are combined to construct the
is divided into three levels: pixel level, feature level and deci- fusion rule of the large-scale detail layers. This fusion rule do
sion level. Ref. [18] is based on the optimal feature level fusion not only keep gradient features, but also makes up for the lack
to classify the brain image effectively. The feature level fusion of neglecting pixel information. A fractional TV model is built
method extracts the obvious features to analyse image infor- to fuse noisy small-scale detail layers. And its convexity and the
mation, but it loses the detail information of the source image. existence and uniqueness of the solution are studied mathemat-
Image fusion based on the pixel level directly analyses the pre- ically to prove that the model is meaningful to fuse details and
processed pixel information and fuses it. Compared with the remove noise. Then, choose-max method is applied to fuse the
feature level fusion method, the pixel level fusion method keeps base layers. Finally, the fractional order is adaptively selected
the full source information and provide more detail informa- according to the noise standard deviation of the source images.
tion. Recently, fuzzy logic, deep learning, saliency detection and The novelty of medical image fusion and noise suppression with
entropy are applied in pixel level decomposition [19, 20]. fractional-order TV and multi-scale decomposition proposed in
Specially, the saliency detection which extracts the significant this paper consists in:
region is often used in the fusion rules to preserve important
regions simply [21–23]. Durga and Ravindra [24] propose an ∙ The guided filter decomposes image into three layers which
image fusion method based on two-scale image decomposition, keep details and edges effectively. This decomposition
and they fuse images using saliency detection fully. The saliency method is beneficial to fuse information comprehensively
detection extracts some significant regions effectively, but it and suppress noise effectively.
loses some important details and textures. The weight functions ∙ The fractional-order derivative and the saliency detection are
with the image gradient features help to fuse the gradient infor- used to construct the fused weight of the base layer. These
mation of multi-mode medical images into a single image [25]. weight functions contain the pixel and gradient informa-
If only the gradient information is considered in the process of tion fully.
image fusion, the fusion result is incomplete and ignores sig- ∙ A novel variational model for the medical images fusion and
nificant pixel information. Therefore, the saliency detection and noise suppression is proposed. It combines the knowledge of
gradient features are utilized to build fusion rules in this paper. fractional-order derivative to fuse the small-scale details and
With the development of fractional derivative, many practical remove noise.
problems are gradually solved by fractional derivative, such as ∙ The convexity of the model and the existence and uniqueness
image restoration, image enhancement, image super-resolution of the solution for the fractional-order TV model are proved.
and image fusion [26–29]. Compared with the integer deriva- They demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed model from
tive, the fractional derivative has the property of non-locality. a mathematical view.
It means that the fractional derivative does not rely on the lim- ∙ The fractional order is selected adaptively relying on the noise
ited previous step information, and depends on all the infor- standard deviation of the source images, which improves the
mation in the scope. Because of the non-locality, the fractional fusion results directly.
derivative keeps more textures compared with integer deriva-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
tive, and has memorability in the image processing. Especially,
describes the proposed medical image fusion and noise suppres-
Pu et al. [30] use fractional-order differential to enhance images
sion method. In Section 3, the experiments results are proposed.
effectively, and their enhancement result contains lots of detail
Finally, a conclusion is shown in Section 4.
information. Total variation (TV) methods [31–33] contribute
to the pixel level fusion which keeps source images informa-
tion and provides detail information effectively. TV is a kind of 2 PROPOSED METHOD
energy functional which is robust to the noise and is used to
suppress noise. Recently, some literatures apply fractional-order In this part, the technique about medical image fusion and noise
variational model to image fusion. In [34], the authors propose a suppression is introduced. This model focuses on how to fuse
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FIGURE 1 The framework of the proposed model

the useful medical information completely and suppress the where (ak , bk ) is a set of constants in the local window 𝜔r (k).
source noise effectively. As shown in Figure 1, the framework of The cost function in the window 𝜔r (k) is minimized:
the proposed model needs three steps to fuse and denoise med-

ical images: multi-scale decomposition, layers fusion and recon- E (ak , bk ) = ((ak Gi + bk − Ik )2 + 𝜆ak2 ), (2)
struction. The noisy medical image is divided into a smooth base i∈𝜔r (k)
layer, a large-scale detail layer and a noisy small-scale detail layer
by the guided filter. Fractional-order TV is utilized to integrate where 𝜆 is the regular parameter. The optimal ak and bk are
the small-scale detail layers. The fractional-order derivative and obtained by linear regression methods:
the saliency detection are used to construct the weight functions
to fuse the base layers. And the large-scale detail layers are fused ∑
− 𝜇k Īk )
by choose-max method. The fusion result is obtained by the |𝜔| i∈𝜔r (k) (Gi Ii
ak = ,
base layer, the large-scale detail and the small-scale detail layer 𝜎k2 + 𝜆 (3)
reconstructing. Each step is shown in the following subsections.
bk = Īk − ak 𝜇k ,

2.1 Multi-scale decomposition where 𝜇k and 𝜎k are the mean and variance of G in 𝜔r (k),
respectively, 𝜔 is the pixels number of 𝜔r (k), and Īk is the mean
In recent years, multi-scale transform is widely used in image of I in 𝜔r (k). The final Oi is calculated as
fusion. It decomposes original images into various scales
according to different techniques, so that the fusion result con- Qi = ā i Gi + b̄ i , (4)
tains adequate information. The guided filter was proposed by
He et al. in 2010 [36]. The guided filter is a local linear filter where ā i and b̄ i are the mean values of ak and bk in the window.
to remove noise and decompose images into different scales. The guided filter is expressed as
Assuming that the input image and the guiding image are I and
G , respectively, and the output image is O. The local window O = GF (G , I , r, 𝜆). (5)
with centre point k is represented as 𝜔r (k), and its radius is r. O
is a linear transformation of G at k: Then, the guided filter is used to construct the various lay-
ers. The guided image in our decomposition step based on the
O = ak Gi + bk , ∀i ∈ 𝜔r (k), (1) guided filter is the same as the input image. Two filtering layers
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are obtained as tion of the discrete G–L derivative at point (i, j ) along the x-
and the y- directions are as follows:
Bn1 = GF (ui , ui , r, 𝜆), n = 1, 2,
Bn2 = GF (Bn1 , Bn1 , r, 3 ∗ 𝜆), ∑
Dx𝛼 ui j = wk𝛼 ui−k+1, j , i, j = 1, 2, … , n,
where un , n = 1, 2 are the original noisy medical images, Bn1 , (11)
j +1
and Bn2 , i = 1, 2 are smoothing layers with different levels. The ∑
Dy𝛼 ui j = wk𝛼 ui, j −k+1 , i, j = 1, 2, … , n,
small-scale detail layers Bn1 , n = 1, 2 are obtained

Dn1 = un − Bn1 , n = 1, 2. (7) Γ(𝛼+1)

where wk𝛼 = (−1)k and k = 0, 1, … , n + 1. The
The large-scale detail layers Bn2 , n = 1, 2 are obtained coefficients wk𝛼 has the following recursive relation:
( 𝛼 + 1) 𝛼
Dn2 = Bn1 − Bn2 , n = 1, 2. (8) w0𝛼 = 1, wk𝛼 = 1 − wk−1 . (12)
And the base layers Dn2 , n = 1, 2 are obtained
According to the above definition, the discrete 𝛼-order deriva-
tive is written in the matrix form
Dn2 = Bn2 , n = 1, 2. (9)
( 𝛼 ) ( )
Dx u Mu
Multi-scale decomposition decomposes original images into D𝛼 u = = ∈ ℝ2n×n , (13)
three scales which represent different component. And the Dy𝛼 u uM T
guided filter is used to obtain different scales layers which pre-
serve significant edges and overcome the block effect effec- where
tively. The base layers in this paper are smooth, and they include
background changes. The small-scale detail layers contain the ⎛w1𝛼 0 0 ⋯ 0⎞
⎜ ⎟
noise and a part of details. And the large-scale layers contain the ⎜w w1𝛼 ⋱ ⋱ ⋮⎟
other details. The fusion method based on multi-scale decom- ⎜ ⎟
M = ⎜w3𝛼 ⋱ ⋱ ⋱ 0 ⎟ ∈ ℝ2n×n , (14)
position fuse images in three scales, and different scales need
⎜ ⎟
special fusion rules to fuse information comprehensively. ⎜⋮ ⋱ ⋱ w1𝛼 0⎟
⎜w 𝛼 ⋯ w3𝛼 w2𝛼 w1𝛼 ⎟⎠
⎝ n
2.2 Base layers fusion
and w = w0𝛼 + w2𝛼 .
The base layers contain background information of the origi- The fractional-order derivative has the property of non-
nal images, and the key in medical base layers fusion lies in the locality, which causes fractional-order derivative to keep more
fusion rules. The medical base layers fusion aims to integrate detail information in image processing compared with integer
the anatomical and metabolic information of human body. The one. Thus, the fractional-order derivative is used in image gradi-
classical choose-max method is based on the pixels, and it loses ent
some important metabolic information when the brightness dif- √
ference between the source medical images is large. Gradient- G 𝛼 (x, y) = (Mu)2 + (uM T )2 . (15)
based fusion rules have obvious advantages in medical image
processing. The integer gradient operator is defined as To simplify the calculation, the fractional operator is truncated
√ in a proper manner and the fractional-order derivative is defined
G (x, y) = ux2 + uy2 , (10) as

where ux and uy are the difference operators, and u is the G 𝛼 (x, y) = |Mu| + |uM T |. (16)
input image.
Fractional-order derivative, an important branch of mathe- The gradient of a medical image with different orders is
matics, was born in 1695. In recent years, the theory of frac- shown in Figure 2. Figure 2(a) is the original image. Figure 2(b)
tional derivative has been successfully applied to various fields, shows the integer gradient of Figure 2(a), and Figures 2(c) and
and it describes some non-classical phenomena in the fields of (d) are gradient figures with order 1.3 and 1.7, respectively. In
natural science and engineering applications [37, 38]. The popu- Figure 2, the figures based on fractional-order derivative con-
lar definitions of the fractional derivative are Riemann–Liouville tain more information compared with Figure 2(b). The func-
(R–L), Caputo and Grünwald–Letnikov (G–L), and the G–L tional information in the middle of Figures 2(c) and (d) are more
definition is widely used in image processing [39]. The defini- abundant and obvious than that of Figure 2(b), and the gradient
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Equation (18) combines the fractional-order gradient and

the saliency detection. It considers the image gradient and
the saliency information to construct the fusion weight func-
tions, which overcomes the singularity of classical pixel-based or
gradient-based fusion method. The proposed function is simple
and has fast computing speed. Due to the application of saliency
detection, the weight function outstands the detailed anatomi-
cal features. The guided filter is used to smooth w 𝛼 to decrease
noise easily. Then, the base layers are fused according to (18)

B(x, y) = w 𝛼 (x, y)B1 (x, y) + B2 (x, y), (20)

where B is the fused base layer, and B2 denotes the functional

base layer.

2.3 Small-scale detail layers fusion

What we concern here is how to integrate two noisy small-scale

detail layers D11 (x, y) and D21 (x, y) into an noiseless detail layer
image D(x, y)1 such that edge details of the two input medi-
FIGURE 2 The gradient of a medical image with different orders
cal layers are preserved and the noise are suppressed effectively
(the given layers D11 (x, y), D21 (x, y) and D 1 (x, y) has N1 × N2
pixels). Denote (x, y) ∈ Ω ⊂ ℝ2 where Ω is bounded domain
of the image with two space dimensions and has a Lipschitz
of the anatomical information is vividly shown in Figures 2(c) boundary. Based on the model in [41], the fractional-order vari-
and (d). ational model for the detail layers fusion and noise suppression
The saliency detection automatically detect the significant is as follows:
regions, and it is widely used in image fusion. It designs fusion
rules from the perspective of image pixels. Achanta et al. pro- ̄ 1 ) ∶= F (D
̄ 1 ) + 𝜆TV 𝛼 (D
̄ 1 ),
min E (D (21)
posed a classical saliency detection method which is called fre- ̄ 1 ∈BV 𝛼 (Ω)
quency tuned (FT) method [40]. FT is easy to implement, and
it analyses and detects the image from the perspective of fre- ̄ 1) = ̄1−D
̄ 1 )2 + 𝜔2 (D
̄ 1 )2 )dxdy,
F (D (𝜔1 (D (22)
quency. FT extracts image as ∫ ∫Ω 1 2

( )2 ( )2
S (x, y) = ‖u𝜇 (x, y) − uwhc (x, y)‖, (17) ̄1
𝜕𝛼 D ̄1
𝜕𝛼 D
TV ̄ 1)
𝛼 (D = 𝜔 +𝜔 dxdy, (23)
∫ ∫Ω 𝜕x 𝜕y
u𝜇 (x, y) is the mean value of the input image u, uwhc (x, y)
is the pixel blurred by the Gaussian filter and ‖ ⋅ ‖ is the where D ̄ 1, D̄ 1 and D
̄ 1 are the vector forms of matrix D 1 ,
1 2
Euclidean distance. 1 1 ̄ 1 (x, y), D
̄ 1 (x, y) and D ̄ 1 (x, y) ∈
D1 and D2 , respectively, (D 1 2
In the base layer fusion step, the base functional layer is com-
ℝ 1 2 ), 𝜔1 and 𝜔2 are diagonal weight matrices which
1×N N
pletely reserved to keep full functional information. And the
satisfy 𝜔1 (i, i ) ≥ 0, 𝜔2 (i, i ) ≥ 0, 𝜔1 (i, i ) + 𝜔2 (i, i ) = 1, i =
anatomical information is injected into the functional layer to ̄ 1 ) represents the fractional-order varia-
1, 2, … , N1 N2 , TV 𝛼 (D
integrate the saliency textures. Combined with the fractional-
tion whose order is 𝛼 (𝛼 ∈ (1, 2)), 𝜆 = 2𝛼 > 0 is a scalar which
order gradient and FT, the weight functions of the base layers
controls the balance between the two terms in the model, and
are as follow:
w ∈ ℝ1×N1 N2 is the diagonal smoothness weight.
The small-scale detail layers contain small scale changes such
w 𝛼 = GF (G1𝛼 + S1 , G1𝛼 + S1 , r, 𝜆), (18)
as edges, sharp textures and some details. In order to integrate
the detail information fully, the choose-max method is used to
where build the weights functions 𝜔1 and 𝜔2 . As for the smoothness
weight 𝜔, the four-direction Laplacian energy is used based on
G1𝛼 (x, y) = |MB1 | + |B1 M T |,
(19) the two-direction Laplacian energy equation.
S1 (x, y) = ‖B1𝜇 (x, y) − B1whc (x, y)‖,
𝜕 2 Di 𝜕 2 Di 𝜕 2 Di 𝜕 2 Di
Li = + + + , i = 1, 2. (24)
and B1 is the anatomical base layer. 𝜕x 2 𝜕y2 𝜕l 2 𝜕r 2
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The smoothness weight in the regular term is to keep details ̄ 1 (x, y) is defined as
The 𝛼-order TV of D
while denoising the small-scale detail layer. The Laplacian
energy detect textures and noise at the same time which leads to ̄ 1 div𝛼 𝜑)dxdy, 𝜑 ∈ K ,
sup (−D (28)
removing noise incompletely. Thus, it is necessary and impor- ∫ ∫Ω
tant to combine the Laplacian energy and other techniques
to construct the smoothness weight. First, the Laplacian ener- where div𝛼 𝜑 = Dx𝛼 𝜑1 + Dy𝛼 𝜑2 . Then, the 𝛼 − BV norm is
gies of two layers are normalized Li = , i = 1, 2. The denoted as
max Li
max(L1 , L2 ) reflects layer details and noise, and min(L1 , L2 )
is the noise information. Then, the weight of the detail infor- ̄ 1 ∥BV 𝛼 ∶=∥ D
∥D ̄ 1 ∥L1 +sup ̄ 1 div𝛼 𝜑)dxdy, (29)
∫ ∫Ω
mation is calculated simply d = max(L1 , L2 ) − min(L1 , L2 ).
Finally, the smoothness weight is defined 𝜔 =diag(1 − d ).
In model (21), the first term (22) is called fusion term which and the space of functions of 𝛼-bounded variation on Ω
serves for image fusion. The second term (23) is regularity (Banach space BV 𝛼 (Ω)) is defined by
term which serves for noise suppression. Equation (23) keeps
̄ 1 ∈ L 1 (Ω) ∣
BV 𝛼 (Ω) ∶={D
smoothness and preserve edges while reducing noise. When
𝛼 = 1 and 𝜔 = I , model (21) is (30)
sup ̄ 1 div𝛼 𝜑)dxdy < +∞}.
∫ ∫Ω
min ̄ 1)
E (D ∶= (𝜔1 ̄1
(D ̄ 1 )2
̄ 1 ∈BV (Ω)
D ∫ ∫Ω 1
̄ 1 ∈ W 𝛼 = {D̄ 1 ∈ L 1 (Ω) ∣∥ D
̄ 1 ∥W 𝛼 (Ω) < +∞}, and
Assume D 1 1
proposition ∫ ∫Ω |∇ D |dxdy holds.
+ 𝜔2 (D ̄ 1 )2 )dxdy (25)
( )2 ( )2 ̄ in
Property 1 (Convexity). When 𝜆 ≥ 0, the functional E (D)
𝜕D̄1 𝜕D̄1
+𝜆 + dxdy, BV Ω is convex. And it is strictly convex if 𝜆 > 0.
∫ ∫Ω 𝜕x 𝜕y
Proof. The fractional-order derivative D ̄ 𝛼 has the property of
which is a classical variational model for fusion and denoising
linearity. For any fractional differentiable functions f1 (x), f2 (x)
[41]. When the input images are noise-free, the fractional-order
and a1 , a2 ∈ ℝ,
variational term in model (21) vanishes. The novel model is used
to fuse different small-scale detail layers in the pixel-wise. Fur- ̄ 𝛼 f2 (x).
D 𝛼 (a1 f1 (x) + a2 f2 (x)) = a1 D 𝛼 f1 (x) + a2 D (31)
thermore, model (21) reduces to fractional-order TV denoising
model when the source noisy layer is a single, and the simplified
The ∫ ∫Ω |∇𝛼 D 1 |dxdy is positively homogeneous and sub-
model [42] is described by
additive. Due to the properties of above functional, TV 𝛼 (D ̄ 1) =
∫ ∫Ω w|∇ D 𝛼 ̄ |dxdy is convex. And F (D
1 ̄ ) = ∫ ∫ (𝜔1 (D
1 ̄1−
min ̄ 1 ) ∶=
E (D ̄1−D
(D ̄ 1 )2 dxdy ̄ )2 + 𝜔2 (D
1 ̄1−D ̄ )2 )dxdy is strictly convex.
̄ 1 ∈BV (Ω)
D ∫ ∫Ω 1 D 1 2
(26) Since the TV 𝛼 (D ̄ 1 ) and F (D
̄ 1 ) are convex, the functional
E (D̄ 1 ) has convexity. □
+𝜆 TV ̄ 1 )dxdy.
𝛼 (D
Property 2 (Existence and uniqueness). When 𝜆 > 0, there is a
In order to solve the practical medical layers fusion prob- ̄ 1 ) in BV 𝛼 (Ω).
unique minimum for the functional E (D
lem meaningfully, it is important and necessary to prove the
research significance of model in mathematics. However, this Proof. To prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of
step is ignored by many researchers. The convexity and the exis- model (7), we set a minimizing sequence D ̄ 1 (i ) ⊂ BV 𝛼 (Ω) ⊂
tence and uniqueness of the solution for the variational model 1
L (Ω) of (7). The minimum of E (D ̄ ) is finite because E (0) is
is proved to support the rationality of this technique and the finite. Thus, there is a positive constant C such that the follow-
completeness of this paper. ing formula is true:
The definition of the fractional TV is the basis of the
relevant proof of the model. Thus, based on the fractional ̄ 1 (i )) ∶=
E (D ̄ 1 (i ) − D
(𝜔1 (D ̄ 1 )2
derivative and Refs. [43, 44], the fractional TV definition is ∫ ∫Ω 1

given. Let 0𝓁 (Ω, ℝ2 ) denote the 𝓁-order compactly supported (32)
̄ 1 (i ) − D
+ 𝜔2 (D ̄ 1 )2 )dxdy
continuous-integrable functions space, where Ω ⊂ ℝ2 . The 2
space of special test functions is ̄ 1 (i )) ≤ C .
+ 𝜆TV 𝛼 (D

K ∶= {𝜑 ∈ 0𝓁 (Ω, ℝ2 ) ∣ |𝜑(x, y)| ≤ 1, ∀x ∈ Ω|}, ̄ 1 ) ≤ C , we have

Since E (D
√ (27)
|𝜑| = 𝜑12 + 𝜑22 . TV 𝛼 = ̄ 1 (i )|dxdy ≤ C and F (D
w|∇𝛼 D ̄ 1 ) ≤ C . (33)
∫ ∫Ω
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̄ 1, D
Owing to D ̄ 1 ∈ L 1 (Ω), this subsection to fuse details
1 2

D 2 = max(D12 , D12 ), (40)

̄ 1 (i )|dxdy ≤ C
𝜔|D (34)
∫ ∫Ω
where D 2 denotes the fused large-scale detail layer, D12 and D22
̄ 1 (i ) is bounded in
holds. According to formulas (33) and (34), D are the large-scale detail information of u1 and u2 , respectively.
BV . And in BV (Ω), a weak BV (Ω) − 𝜔∗ topology is
𝛼 𝛼 𝛼

̄ 1 (i )
D ⟶ ̄1⟺D
D ̄ 1.
̄ 1 (i ) ⟶ D (35) 2.5 Image reconstruction
BV 𝛼 (Ω)−𝜔∗ L 1 (Ω)

̄ 1 (i ) which converges The fused image F is obtained by multi-scale image reconstruc-

It means that there exists a subsequence D
̄ 𝛼 tion which adding the fused base layer B, the denoised final
to D ∈ BV ⊂ L (Ω). Based on the semi-continuity of the
1 1
detail layer D 1 and the fused large-scale detail layer D 2
fractional-order TV, we deduce
F = B + D1 + D2 . (41)
̄ 1 |dxdy ≤ lim inf
𝜔|D 𝛼 D ̄ 1 (i )|dxdy.
𝜔|D (36)
∫ ∫Ω i→∫ ∞ ∫Ω
2.6 Adaptive fractional order
Then E (D̄ 1 ) ≤ lim infE (D̄ 1 (i )) and D
̄ 1 (i ) is a minimum of
model (21). Finally, the minimum is unique according to Prop- The fractional-order derivative is used in the fusion of the base
erty 1. □ layers and small-scale detail layers, and the selection of frac-
tional order plays an important part in the medical fusion and
Using matrix notation, Equation (21) is rewritten as noise suppression model. The order 𝛼 is related to the medi-
cal images fusion and denoising effect directly. Adaptive algo-
min(D ̄ 1 )T 𝜔1 (D
̄ 1) rithm is a research hotspot in many fields [45–47]. In a sequel, 𝛼
D 1 1
(𝛼 ∈ [1, 2]) is adaptively selected according to the original noise.
+ (D ̄ 1 )T 𝜔2 (D
̄ 1) (37) The classical estimation method for the standard deviation of
2 2
additive zero mean Gaussian noise in an input image is utilized
+ 𝜆(D ̄1+D
̄ 1T Dx𝛼T 𝜔Dx𝛼 D ̄ 1 ).
̄ 1T Dy𝛼T 𝜔Dy𝛼 D [48]. The two kinds of Laplacian filters H1 and H2 process orig-
inal images first,
̄ 1 is
Because Equation (21) has a unique solution, the vector D
defined (H1 ∗ ui − H2 ∗ ui )
Hi = , i = 1, 2, (42)
̄ x1 + Dy𝛼T 𝜔D
(I + 𝜆(Dx𝛼T 𝜔D ̄ 1 + 𝜔2 D
̄ y1 ))D = 𝜔1 D ̄ 1 . (38)
1 2
⎛0.5 0 0.5⎞ ⎛1 0 1⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
Then, we have where H1 = ⎜ 0 −2 0 ⎟, H2 = ⎜0 −4 0⎟, ui , i = 1, 2
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
̄ 1 = (I + 𝜆(Dx𝛼T 𝜔D
̄ x1 + Dy𝛼T 𝜔D ̄ 1 + 𝜔2 D
̄ y1 ))−1 (𝜔1 D ̄ 1 ). ⎝0.5 0 0.5⎠ ⎝1 0 1⎠
D 1 2 is the input image, and ∗ is the convolution. The standard devi-
(39) ation 𝜎 is calculated:
√ ∑
Through the above proofs and analyses, proposed 𝜋 x,y |ui (x, y)|
𝜎i = , i = 1, 2, (43)
optimization-based model (21) has a unique solution which 2 6(N1 − 2)(N2 − 1)
is calculated as (39). Thus, the fractional TV model is solved
by the Laplacian matrix directly, resulting in an algorithm with where (N1 , N2 ) is the size of ui , i = 1, 2. Then, the standard
O(1) computational complexity. deviation is normalized as 𝜎̃ i = √ , i = 1, 2, and
(N1 −1)(N2 −1)

𝜎̃ i means the noise density of ui . The difficulty of image
fusion and denoising is increasing with the noise of the original
2.4 Large-scale detail layers fusion images increasing. Thus, the value of fractional order increases
with the noise density.
√ In order to keep details √vividly and sup-
The large-scale detail layers contain detail information which is press noise cleanly, 3 max(𝜎̃ 1 , 𝜎̃ 2 ) larger than 𝜎̃ i is used to cal-
different from that of the small-scale detail layers. In order to culate the approximate noise density within a reasonable range.
fuse the details fully, the classical choose-max method is used in Based on the noise standard deviation of the original noisy
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images, the fractional order is defined as 3.1 Performance index

𝛼= 3
max(𝜎̃ 1 , 𝜎̃ 2 ) + 1, (44) Five objective performance indices, i.e. normalized mutual
information (NMI) index [54], gradient-based (Q G ) index [55],
where 𝛼 ∈ [1, 2]. feature similarity (FSIM) index [56], multi-scale structural simi-
Equation (44) shows that the order is directly related to the larity (MS-SSIM) index [57] and visual information fidelity for
noise density. When the noise level is large, the fractional order fusion (VIFF) [58] are used to evaluate the quality of fusion
is large so that the gradient information of the base layers is and denoising results. Uniformly, u1 and u2 denote the original
abundant and fusion effect of the bases layers is complete. In the images, and F denotes the fused image, respectively.
processing of details layers fusion, the fractional-order model 𝛼 NMI is a normalized index based on mutual information,
removes more noise than integer case. When the noise standard which is used to calculate how much source information has
deviation is small, the smoothness of the fractional-order TV been transferred to the fused image. The larger the NMI, the
model is small to keep rich details while denoising. On the con- better the image fusion effect. Its formula is given by
trary, a bigger noise standard deviation results in bigger 𝛼 to ( )
remove noise fully. MI (u1 , F ) MI (u2 , F )
NMI = 2 ∗ + , (45)
H (u1 ) + H (F ) H (u2 ) + H (F )

3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS where H (u1 ), H (u2 ) and H (F ) are the marginal entropy
of u1 , u2 and F , respectively, MI (ui , F ) = H (ui ) + H (F ) −
Medical image fusion and noise suppression are interdisci- H (ui , F ), i = 1, 2 is the mutual information between ui and F ,
plinary subjects of modern computer technique and medical and H (ui , F ), i = 1, 2 is the joint entropy between ui and F .
imaging. It has become an indispensable part of modern med- The gradient-based index Q G calculates the gradient infor-
ical treatment. In this section, the experiments of the medical mation of the fused image transferred from the source images.
images are executed by mathematical software MATLAB. The A higher Q G means a better fusion result. It is given by
medical fusion image data sets provided by Bavirisetti are used
∑N1 ∑N2
in the experiment [49]. The data sets are supported by Bavirisetti
1F 1
j =1 (Q (i, j )𝜔 (i, j ) + Q 2F (i, j )𝜔2 (i, j ))
and widely used in the image fusion. They contain various rep- QG = ∑N1 ∑N2 1 , (46)
resentative aligned images, such as medical images, multi-focus i=1 j =1 (𝜔 (i, j ) + 𝜔2 (i, j ))
images and remote sensing images.
Five fusion methods are compared with the proposed algo- where (N1 , N2 ) is the image size, Q iF = QgiF QoiF , QgiF and
rithm. These are: the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) [50],
QoiF , i = 1, 2 denote the edge strength and orientation infor-
the deep convolutional neural network (CNN)-based fusion
mation preserved in F from ui , respectively, and 𝜔i , i = 1, 2 is
method [51], the multi-spectral image fusion method with
weighting factor of Q iF .
fractional-order differentiation (AFM) proposed in [52], the
FSIM measures the feature similarity degree between the
medical image fusion and denoising with alternating sequen-
source images and the fused image. The higher the value of
tial filter and adaptive fractional-order total variation (ASAFTV)
FSIM is, the better fusion result is achieved. FSIM is given by
[53] and variational models for fusion and denoising of multi-
focus image (WTV) [41]. The choose-max method is used to 1
serve as the fusion rule of DWT which fuses information FSIM = (FSIM (u1 , F ) + FSIM (u2 , F )),
conservatively and classically. However, choose-max method is ∑
based on pixel information, and it leads to losing some impor- j ∈Ω SPC ( j )SG ( j )PC ( j )
tant fusion gradients. CNN uses deep convolutional neural net- FSIM (ui , F ) = ∑ ,
j ∈Ω PC ( j )
work which is popular. CNN is able to fuse information fully,
but its calculation time is longer than those of other meth- PC ( j ) = max(PCF ( j ), PCui ( j )),
ods. AFM and ASAFTV are based on fractional-order deriva- (47)
tive which is helpful to denoise sufficiently and reduce blocks 2PCF ( j )PCui ( j ) + T1
SPC ( j ) = ,
and artefact effectively. However, AFM is not suitable for fus- PCF ( j )2 + PCui ( j )2 + T1
ing medical images due to its fusion rule. Due to the using of the
mean filter, ASAFTV blurs significant edges when fusing fea- 2GF ( j )Gui ( j ) + T2
SG ( j ) = ,
tures and suppressing noise. WTV fuse and denoise images with GF ( j )2 + Gui ( j )2 + T2
TV model which creates serious blocks. Our method uses the
guided filter to decompose images, so it keeps more edges and i = 1, 2,
textures compared with ASAFTV. What is more, the fractional
TV, saliency detection and gradient information are utilized where Ω is the image spatial domain, j denotes the spatial coor-
to build fusion rules, which fuse images and suppress noise dinate, T1 , T2 are constants, PC is the importance of local struc-
fully. ture and G measures the gradient magnitude.
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FIGURE 3 The original images

TABLE 1 Quantitative assessment of fusion methods for noise-free images

1 2


DWT 0.9749 0.4067 0.9606 0.9999 0.4798 0.8359 0.4388 0.9622 0.9998 0.3698
CNN 0.7697 0.6212 0.9516 0.9999 0.7118 0.6888 0.6754 0.9618 0.9997 0.7058
AFM 0.8909 0.3932 0.9264 0.9996 0.3873 0.8555 0.4393 0.9536 0.9989 0.1472
ASAFTV 0.7690 0.2810 0.9562 0.9994 0.8240 0.7828 0.4281 0.9605 0.9991 0.5897
WTV 0.8814 0.4268 0.9595 0.9999 0.5887 0.8777 0.5661 0.9578 0.9994 0.5873
Ours 0.7680 0.4849 0.9585 0.9998 0.7991 0.8200 0.5717 0.9602 0.9995 0.9392


DWT 0.7057 0.3555 0.9533 0.9996 0.4224

CNN 0.6194 0.5967 0.9556 0.9993 0.7488
AFM 0.6644 0.4095 0.9550 0.9985 0.0973
ASAFTV 0.6443 0.3297 0.9542 0.9990 0.7085
WTV 0.7632 0.5257 0.9552 0.9478 0.6372
Ours 0.6554 0.4124 0.9548 0.9994 0.9354

Note: (In the sequel, the boldened value means the best result for each group of experiments.

MS-SSIM is an extension of the structural similarity. Com- where 𝜇 and 𝜎w are the mean and the variance of the region w,
pared with the structural similarity, MS-SSIM is more consis- respectively, and 𝜎w1 wF is the covariance of the regions wF and
tent with the visual perception of human visual system, and its wi , i = 1, 2. In general, C1 = 0, C2 = 0 and C3 = 0.
evaluation is more effective than those of the structural sim- VIFF based on the visual information fidelity evaluates the
ilarity. The higher SSIM is, the higher similarity between the fusion quality in a perceptual manner. The higher VIFF is, the
fused image and the original images is obtained. The MS-SSIM better fusion quality is obtained. Due to its complexity, VIFF is
is defined as shown [58].

MS − SSIM = (MS − SSIM (u1 , F ) + MS − SSIM (u2 , F )),
2 3.2 Fusion results
1 ∑
MS − SSIM (ui , F ) = SSIM (uiw , Fw ), Figure 3 shows three sets of noise-free images. Table 1 and Fig-
|W | 𝜇=1 ures 4–6 show fusion experiments for original images in Fig-
(48) ure 3 with six fusion methods. In Figures 4–6, the first column
SSIM (uiw , Fw ) = is the fused images proposed by the classical DWT. The sec-
(2𝜇1 𝜇F + C1 )(2𝜎w1 𝜎wF + C2 )(𝜎w1 wF + C3 ) ond column shows the results of CNN. The third method is
, AFM which is based on fractional-order derivative. The fourth
(𝜇12 + 𝜇F2 + C1 )(𝜎w21 + 𝜎w21 + C2 )(𝜎w1 𝜎wF + C3 ) method is ASAFTV adopted the fractional-order TV model.
The fifth line uses WTV which fuses and denoises images with
i = 1, 2,
TV model, and the final method is our method.
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FIGURE 4 The fusion results of different fusion methods for noise-free image set 1

FIGURE 5 The fusion results of different fusion methods for noise-free image set 2

To prove the proposed method fuse the anatomical textures not appear in Figures 5(b) and (f) proposed by our method and
and the metabolic details fully and compare the fusion results CNN, respectively. Figure 6 shows the fused images of image
of different methods, the subjective evaluation of Figurs 4–6 set 3. In Figure 6(c), AFM displays the anatomic textures of
is analysed. In Figure 3(a), the difference between the original source image well, but it loses the most of metabolic informa-
images is large and the fusion of Figure 3(a) is difficult. Fig- tion. So AFM is suitable for fusing multi-spectral images. Since
ure 4 is the fusion result of Figure 3(a). In Figure 4(d), the the Gaussian low-pass filter and the feature extraction are used
image fused by DWT contains too much anatomical informa- in ASAFTV, Figure 6(d) fused by ASAFTV are not ideal. The
tion and ignores the metabolic textures. The detail information proposed method keeps the source information completely in
of Figure 4(d) is smoothed by ASAFTV. In Figures 4(b) and the processing of fusing noise-free medical images.
(c), the images fused by DWT and AFM lose important skeletal Table 1 shows NMI, Q G , FSIM, MS-SSIM and VIFF of Fig-
structures unfortunately. Figure 4 shows our method and CNN ures 4–6. The objective evaluation and statistical analysis of dif-
integrate the anatomical and metabolic information of original ferent methods are analysed. NMI and Q G evaluate the amount
images more fully than other methods, especially the metabolic of fused information. FSIM and MS-SSIM measure the simi-
details and textures are fused richly by our method and CNN. larity between source images and fused images in the featural
Figure 5 shows the fusion images of image set 2. In Figure 4, and structural aspects, respectively. VIFF analyses the quality of
ASAFTV and WTV smooth medical images seriously and result fused images in a visual manner. The large value of the above
in blurring the fusion results. In Figures 5(a) and (c), it is con- indices shows that the quality of the fused image is good. The
cluded DWT and AFM lose some source information in differ- boldened value in Table 1 means the best result for each group
ent degrees when fusing images, such as bones of Figure 5(a), of experiments. Although the NMI of images fused by DWT
and metabolic details of Figure 5(c). The above situation does is the biggest in Table 1, the saliency and important functional

FIGURE 6 The fusion results of different fusion methods for noise-free image set 3
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tant background information is lost in the fused image. Thus,

MS-SSIM of images fused by our method is smaller than DWT.
The proposed method achieves the best visual fusion effect for
statistical analysis of VIFF. For image sets 1–3, five indices of
our method achieve good results. Table 1 shows the proposed
method fuses medical images fully and perceptually. And it is
necessary to analyse and compare the fusion results scientifically
and fairly from the subjective and objective perspectives.

3.3 Noise suppression results

In this subsection, image of “Brain” is used in the experiment.

In order to outstand the effect of noise suppression with differ-
ent methods, the images which added additive white Gaussian
noise are chosen as inputs of the model. The noise levels of the
input images are 𝜎 = 20 and 𝜎 = 30. The results are shown in
FIGURE 7 Comparison of different methods for denoising, where white Figures 7 and 8. Noise suppression and fusion are considered
Gaussian noise 𝜎 = 20. Panels (a) and (b) Original images, (c) WTV, (d) at the same time in our model. In Figures 7 and 8, WTV has
ASAFTV and (e) Ours method a strong ability of suppressing noise. However, WTV leads to
the serious blocky effect, which is obvious with the increase of
noise density. Especially when the noise level is 30, the block in
information is not vividly shown in images fused by DWT. In Figure 8(c) seriously affects the readability of the image. From
Table 1, the NMI and Q G of fused images proposed by our Figures 7(d) and 8(d), ASAFTV avoids blocky effect effectively
method are in the middle, since some anatomical background is when removing images noise, but the brightness of Figures 7(d)
ignored to highlight and keep full functional information. MS- and 8(d) is dark. After the analysis and experimental compar-
SSIM measures the average similarity between two inputs and an ison of ASAFTV, the large smoothness degree of TV model
output. The image fusion is an information selection. In order and the Gaussian filter using in the fusion rules lead to losing
to keep more important and detail information, some unimpor- some important fusion information. Compared with WTV and

FIGURE 8 Comparison of different methods for denoising, where white Gaussian noise 𝜎 = 30. Panels (a) and (b) Original images, (c) WTV, (d) ASAFTV and
(e) Ours method
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FIGURE 9 Comparison of zoomed fused images in Figure 4, where the white Gaussian noise 𝜎 = 20 (in the first row) and 𝜎 = 30 (in the second row),
respectively. WTV (in the first column), ASAFTV (in the second column), ours method (in the third column)

ASAFTV, our method avoids the block effect effectively when

suppressing noise, and it integrates the useful information of the
source image completely.
Figure 9 shows the comparison of zoomed fused images in
Figures 7 and 8, where the white Gaussian noise is 𝜎 = 20 and
𝜎 = 30. In Figures 9(a) and (d), the block effect of WTV based
on integer-order TV model is serious. Because the fractional-
order TV model is used in ASAFTV and our method, the
block is avoided in Figures 9(b)–(c) and (e)–(f). The results
proposed by ASAFTV are still affected by the fusion rules.
ASAFTV reduces the image contrast in zooms images, and it
provides dark fused images. From Figure 9, we conclude that
our method fuses rich features and salient information from the
noisy input images.

3.4 Comparison of advantages between

fractional model and integer model

In order to outstand the effect of fusion and noise suppres-

sion of the proposed model with integer order and adaptive
fractional order, the images blocks (100 × 100) where the white FIGURE 10 Comparison of advantages between fractional order model
and integer order model, where white Gaussian noise 𝜎 = 30. Panels (a) and
Gaussian noise level is 𝜎 = 30 are chosen as the inputs of (b) Original images, (c) integer order approach and (d) adaptive fractional order
the models. The original images are shown in Figures 10(a) approach
and (b). The results of integer-order model are shown in Fig-
ure 10(c), and the adaptive fractional-order results are shown in results processed by integer-order model are affected by the
Figure 10(d). In Figure 10(c), the image fused by integer-order noise and artefacts. Figure 10(d) fused by the proposed adaptive
model contains obviously noise. Figure 10(c) is affected by fractional-order model fuses details and textures fully and
the noise and fuses some noise in the metabolic details. The suppresses noise effectively. Table 2 shows NMI, FSIM and
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TABLE 2 Comparison between the adaptive fractional-order model and TABLE 3 The advantages and disadvantages of the different medical
the integer-order model with different noise fusion methods

NMI FSIM VIFF Suppressing Keeping Reducing Overcoming Simple

order 1 𝜶 1 𝜶 1 𝜶 Method noise edges blocks blurring parameters

10% 0.8358 0.8396 0.9631 0.9618 0.8428 0.9916 DWT × × × ✓ ✓

20% 0.7906 0.7974 0.9617 0.9634 0.7748 0.9478 CNN × ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

30% 0.7697 0.7680 0.9609 0.9616 0.7155 0.9466 AFM × ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

40% 0.7563 0.7540 0.9572 0.9580 0.6716 0.8015 ASAFTV ✓ ✓ ✓ × ×

WTV ✓ ✓ × ✓ ✓
Ours ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ×

VIFF of the images fused by the integer-order model and the Note. ✓ and × represent with and without corresponding advantages, respectively.
adaptive fractional-order model, in which the source images
contain different noise levels. NMI, FSIM and VIFF analyse
the fused image in three aspects, containing the amount of
information, the similarity with source images and the visual 4 CONCLUSION
perception. It is shown in Table 2 that three indices of the
adaptive fractional-order model are mostly larger than that of This paper proposes a novel model for medical images fusion
integer-order model. Table 2 shows that the adaptive fractional- and noise suppression. This model is based on multi-scale
order model can be used to fuse more details, textures and keep decomposition which is beneficial for fusing medical images.
the fused image more perceptual than integer-order model The fractional-order TV model is built to process the noisy
in the numerical analysis. According to the analysis of Fig- small-scale details layers, and it suppresses noise and fuses detail
ure 10, we conclude that the proposed adaptive fractional TV information at the same time. The proposed model overcomes
model fuses noisy images fully and removes noise effectively. the shortcoming of traditional inter-order TV to fuse images.
Compared with the proposed fusion model with integer order, It preserves details of the source noisy images and makes
the adaptive fractional-order model utilizes fractional-order full use of the information of different multi-modal images
derivative to fuse rich information and suppress noise, and to obtain a comprehensive image. The experiments show that
the noise detection of it selects order adaptively to balance the our method fuses the functional and anatomical information
degree of denoising and fusing. From the perspective of human fully and suppress noise effectively according to quantitative
vision, the fusion effects of the fractional model are better than measures and visual analysis. And the adaptive fractional-order
those of integer order in the medical fusion and denosing. model keeps more textures and decreases blocky effects than
integer one.
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large-scale detail and the smooth base layer. It preserves impor-
tant edges and textures to overcome the blurring of the fused
image compared with the mean filter. Second, the adaptive frac-
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