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My favorite part of Senior Seminar was when people from the community would come in

and tell their stories and what to do to be successful. My least favorite part of my senior project

was finding something good enough to do to please the judges.

Redoing my jet skis taught me that I have to actually put time in and work to get things

done. I learned you don't need to completely get rid of the paint to paint something else onto it,

you just need to scuff it up. I also learned how to use a spray gun for painting.

The biggest stretch for me was actually getting the project done. I started it and didn't

have the motivation to finish it until the last minute.This project improved my ability to prep and

paint anything to make it look like new.

This experience did not influence some future plans but did make me not want to be a

painter because of all the work you have to do just to paint the thing. If I were to do it again I

would do my project at the start of summer so I didn't have to wait for summer to test out my jet

ski and get some pictures.

My advice to the upcoming seniors is get your project done right away it will make

Senior Sem way easier and less stressful. I would give myself a B because I did pretty good but

there are things to improve on.

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