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Business English I

International Business
Universidad de Los Andes
Prof: M. Addison-Smith

The Importance of English

Instructions: After watching the video, fill in the blanks with the missing words from the clip.

1. English is the language of choice throughout the world today.

2. It has become an international language due to being the language of trade, communication,
science and major international media.

3. First and foremost, English opens new career opportunities.

4. Many international companies expect employees to be fluent in English.

5. Various companies have mandated English as their official corporate language.

6. Therefore, the importance of learning English in the international marketplace cannot be


7. It is easier to find printed information in English especially in hotels and in areas frequented by

8. In short words, English will bridge the communication gaps on your travels.

9. Many universities and schools worldwide are offering an increasing number of courses taught
exclusively in English.

10. Many of the top academic journals are published in English.

11. Moreover, for research study or other publication to get sufficient attention, it should be
published in English.

12. By learning English, you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to
have a greater cultural understanding.

13. By concluding this lesson, we can say English is incredibly important for a whole range of


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