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Power of parliament to ammend

Art. 368 part xx

Cannot ammend the provisions which form

★ keshavanand Bharati case the basic feature of the constitution

Bill introduced -
only in parliament , not in SL

Minister or private member ( anyone )

Passed in each house - special majority

No joint sitting if disagreement

★ procedure for amendment
Federal features - Does not require prior permission of the
ratified by Legislatures of half of states by president
simple majority
Majority of the members of the house
President - MUST give his asscent Neither withhold nor return present at voting

Bill becomes act after asscent

Simple majority

Special majority
★ types
Special majority of the parliament and
ratification of half of SL

Establishment of New states

Formation of new states by altering areas ,


Abolition / creation - LC

Second schedule

Amendment of Quorum in parliament

constitution Salaries and allowances - MP

Rules of procedure - P

Privileges of parliament , members and


English language
Simple majority
No. Puisne judges in sc

Conferring more judiction power to sc

Official language

Citizenship - acquisition and termination

Elections - P , SL

Delimitation of constituencies

Union territories

5th schedule & 6 th schedule

Majority of toatal membership of each

house & majority of 2/3 members of each
house present at voting

Req, only at 3rd reading

Special majority
FR, DPSP , all other which not coverd before

Federal structure of polity

President election and its manner

Extent of executive power of union and

Special majority
No time limit - SC , HC
with in which state should give their
consent to bill Legislative powers - centre and states


Any lists in 7th schedule

Representation of states in parliament

Parliament power to ammend constitution

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