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Scope and Delimitation

The researchers search into the effectiveness of automatic sprinkler systems within
the context of urban gardening at Holy Infant Academy. Their research will
involve the installation of automatic sprinkler systems in selected areas of the
urban garden to analyze their impact on plant growth and water conservation. The
study will assess the satisfaction levels of urban garden users, including students,
teachers, and staff, regarding the implementation of automatic sprinkler systems.
Their research will be confined to the urban garden of Holy Infant Academy and
will not extend to other areas within the school or to other educational institutions.
In our research paper, The researchers will limit their study to the urban garden of
Holy Infant Academy, focusing solely on the use of automatic sprinkler systems
and their impact on plant growth and water conservation.

Significance of the study

The researchers aim to explore the effectiveness of automatic sprinkler systems in

the context of urban gardening. The study aims to contribute to the development of
sustainable urban gardening practices by examining how automatic sprinkler
systems impact water usage and plant growth in Holy Infant Academy. The
findings on the effectiveness of automatic sprinkler systems in enhancing plant
growth within urban settings can provide valuable insights for improving
agricultural practices in Holy Infant Academy. The educational value of our study
is significant. It can serve as a valuable resource for students, teachers, and staff at
Holy Infant Academy, offering a deeper understanding of innovative technologies
and their benefits in urban gardening. The research on automatic sprinkler systems
in urban gardening at Holy Infant Academy holds significant importance in
promoting sustainability, enhancing plant growth, conserving water resources,
providing educational value, and offering practical insights for urban garden
management. This educational aspect can foster awareness and appreciation for
sustainable practices among the school community.

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