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SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade Name of the Institute: SLS (Pune) PROGRAMME NAME ~ B.A., LL.B, (HONS) & B.B.A., LL.B. (HONS) March - 2019 SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAC with ‘A’ Grade Seat No. [ Name of the Institute :SLS (Pune) Programme Name ; DALLD/BBALLB/BALLB(Hlons /BBALLB(Hons,) Batch :2012-17,2013-18,2014-19, i 2015-20,2016-21 Programme Code : 010123/010124/010125/010126 See Course Name :Law of Crimes Paper I: Criminal Procedure Code I Course Code: 0101250801/240501/230501/260501 Date : 04/04/2019 Maximum Marks: 60 Day: Thursday € = 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm f N + PARTIE Marks: 40 Instructions * All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. Qi Qi Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Qa4 Qa Discuss the principles of fair trial. OR Define investigation under the Code of Criminal Procedure, Explain in brief with the help of relevant provisions the procedure for investigation. Deseribe how arrest is made. Briefly mention post- arrest procedure. OR Explain the ‘rights of arrested persons’ along with supporting precedents, With regard to the provisions of anticipatory bail, explain the following: a) Jurisdiction of the Court of Sessions and the High Court, b) Reasonable apprehension ©) Discretionary powers of the Court OR What is charge? Discuss the powers of the Court with regard to addition and alteration of charge. “For every distinct offence of which any person is accused there shall be a separate charge and every such charge shall be tied separately”. Discuss the exceptions to the above statement, OR Compare and shed light upon the provisions for the trial of summons case and a warrants case. ( - Ry SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Exablished under seton 3 ofthe UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC wit verte amet Name of the Institute :SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB/BRALLB/BALLB(Hons/BBALLB(Hons)) Batch :2012-17,2013-18, Programme Code : 010123/010124/010125/010126 2014-19,2015-20.2016-21 Semester: V ‘Course Name : Property Law Course Code : 0101250502/240502/230502/260502 Date :05/04/2019 Maximum Marks : 60 Day : Friday Time : 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm PARTI Instructions All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Ql Qi Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 Which properties can and cannot be transferred under the Transfer of Property Act, 1882? oR Explain the concept of Ostensible Ownership and Doctrine of Part Performance , Discuss the requirements for ‘Sale’ of immovable Property along with the rights and liabilities of the seller and the buyer, oR Explain the concept of Mortgage. Discuss the types of ‘mortgages along with the comparison. Define the ferm ‘lease’ and discuss the rights and liabilities of lessor and lessee. OR Explain the silent features of The Indian Easement Act, 1882, Write any short notes on ANY TWO: #) An interest of an unbom person in the immovable property b) Rule against perpetuity ©) Gift 4) Important provisions relating to registration of immovable property ey SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No. ‘Name of the Institute :SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB/BBALLB/BALLB(Hons.)/BBALLB(Hons.) Batch :2012-17,2013-18,2014-19, , 2015-20,2016-21 Programme Code : 010123/010124/010125/010126 Sens Course Name ; Company Law I Course Code : 0101250503/240503/230503/260503 Date 08/04/2019 Maximum Marks : 60 Day : Monday Time : 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm PART IL Marks : 40 Instructions All questions are compulsory and earry equal marks Qi Qi Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 It is essential for a company to provide true and relevant information in its prospectus. What is the position relating to mis-statement in a prospectus under the Companies Act, 2013 along with the remedies available to the aggrieved party? “OR Explain the concept and procedure of forfeiture of shares? What are the effects of forfeiture? What is ‘charge’? Explain its registration and types OR Explain the ‘Doctrine of Indoor Management”? State the exceptions to the doctrine of Indoor Management ‘Writes notes on : a) Red herring prospectus b) Distribution of dividends OR “Since an artificial person is not capable of doing anything illegal or fraudulent, the facade of corporate personality of the company might have to be removed to identify the persons are guilty.” Explain the statutory provisions under the Companies Act where corporate veil can be lifted. Attempt any two short notes: a) Contents of a prospectus ») Issue of shares at a premium c) SWEAT equity 4) One person Companies (teed SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAC with 'A' Grade vegte em i Seat No. Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB/BBALLB/BALLB(Hons.)/BBALLB(Hons.) Batch :2012-17,2013-18,2014-19, Programme Code : 010123/010124/010125/010126 Sasake Rinaotne Course Name : Administrative Law Course Code : 0101250504/240504/230504/260504 Date : 09/04/2019 Maximum Marks : 60 Day : Tuesday ‘Time : 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm alte Se a PART IL Marks: 40 Instructions All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks qu Qu Q2 Q2 Q3 Q4 Write a brief note on the doctrine of ‘separation of powers’ and its application in India. OR In Gwalior Royan Co. Vs. Asst. Commissioner of Sales Tax AIR 1974 SC 1660 Justice Khanna observed, “ Rule against excessive delegation of the legislative authority flows from and is a necessary postulate of the sovereignty of the people.” Keeping in view the aforementioned sentence, critically analyse the concept of Delegated Legislation. Also discuss the Doctrine of Excessive Delegation, with special emphasis on Skeletal Legislation and the Power of Exclusion and Inclusion, In Swadeshi Cotton Mills v Union of India, the Supreme Court observed, “ Where the civil consequences of the administrative action are grave and its effect is highly prejudicial to the rights and interests of the person affected and there is nothing in the language and scheme of the statute which unequivocally excludes a fair pre-decisional hearing and the post-decisional hearing provided therein is not a real remedial hearing equitable to a full right of appeal the Court should be loath to infer a legislative intent to exclude even a minimal fair hearing at the pre-decisional stage merely on ground of urgency.” Analyse the principle of Audi Alteram Partem, with emphasis on the concept of post-decisional hearing as evolved in India. OR Discussion in brief the powers of High Court under Article 226 and 227 of the Constitution of India, The judicial control mechanism on discretionary power operates at two levels (a) at the stage of conferment of power and (b) at the time of actual exercise of power. Keeping in view the above assertion, discuss the efficacy of fundamental rights as a check on administrative discretion, citing relevant case laws, OR Discuss in brief the Tortious Laibility of Government with the help of relevant case laws. Write short notes (Any Two): ) Contractual Liability of Government b) Lokpal and Lok Ayukta ©) Right to Information Act, 2005 4) Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAC with 'A' Grade ; S SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) gies! Seat No. Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB/BBALLB/BALLB(Hons./BBALLB(Hons.)_ Batch :2012-17,2013-18,2014-19, Programme Code : 010123/010124/010125/010126 ea Semester: V ‘Course Name : Environmental Law Course Code : 0101250513/240505/230505/260513, Date : 10/04/2019 Maximum Marks : 60 Day : Wednesday Time : 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm \ PART IL Marks: 40 Instructions: i" © All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks al Qi Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 a4 Q4 Discuss in brief the policy formulations, legislative enactments and administrative actions undertaken by Gol to protect, conserve and improve the quality of Environment of ‘Forest’. OR Critically assess the impact of development projects on the natural and human environment. Does the development projects need to integrate environmental considerations? Illustrate your answer with suitable legal bases. Explain in detail the provisions related to the constitution of Sanctuaries and national parks under Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972. Is there any procedure laid down in the Act to investigate and determine the rights of any person in the sanctuary? Are there any restrictions in the entry and conducting of any activity within the National Parks? Discuss. OR Elucidate the various Constitutional norms and International principles involved in the decision of Supreme Court Judgments with relevant case laws. Indian Council for Enviro- Legal Action V Union of India, 1996 3 SCC 212 was decided on the basis of one important international principle declared in Rio Declaration, 1992. Discuss. OR Discuss the preferred mode of obtaining justice for Environmental pollution between Class Action Suits and Public Interest Litigation by comparing them with the help of relevant case laws and justification. Write short notes on: a) Conflict between Trade and Environment b) Green tribunals OR M.C. Mehta v Union of India (Motor Vehicles Case) 1987 SCR (1) 819 is a judgment on the basis of one important Act on Environment Protection and Control of Pollution. Discuss. SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A’ Grade Seat No. I ‘Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name: BALLB Programme Code: 010123 Course Name : Public Administration Course Code : 0101230511 Bateh : 2012-17 Semester : V Date : 11/04/2019 Maximum Marks : 60 Day: Thursday Time : 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm PART II Marks: 40 Instructions All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Ql Qi Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 Q4 Discuss the various methods of legislative control over administration. OR Discuss in detail the Human Relation Theory of organization and give its critical estimate. Discuss the features and merits of a Public Corporation. How does it differ from Departmental Undertaking? OR What is Delegated Legislation? Discuss in detail the types and merits of Delegated Legislation. Write short notes on the following: a) New Economic Policy, 1991 ») Structural Theory of Organization oR Discuss in detail the budgetary process in India. Explain the reasons for the growth of Administrative Adjudication. Differentiate between adjudicatory and pure judicial process. OR ‘Write shorts notes on the following: a) New Public Administration b) Right to Information S SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) wet Spee Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BBALLB(Hons.) Programme Code : 010126 Course Name : Advertising and Public Relations Course Code : 0101260516 Date : 11/04/2019 Day : Thursday Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade Seat No. Batch :2015-20 Semester : V Maximum Marks : 45 Time: 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm PART II Marks :35 Instructions Alll questions are compulsory. Q1, Q.2, Q.3 carry 10 marks each & Qu4 carries 5 marks, Q2 Q2 Q3. Q4 ‘What is a Brand? Explain with examples how companies position their brands in the minds of target customers? OR What is media planning? Describe the merits & demerits of traditional and modern media? What are the objectives of a successful advertising campaign? Explain with the help of examples how a campaign can go wrong if the objectives are not followed. OR Define Advertising. What are the various types of advertising? Assume you are the owner of a restaurant in your college canteen. A false rumor about Zour business has circulated claiming that your head Chef has a very contagious disease. Your business is di ing, In relation to this case explain how you will anticipate ctisis and handle disasters? ‘Write short note on any one of the following : £) What role does a PR officer of company perform in order to handle Intemal Public? ») Role ofa pressure group in forming public opinion SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A’ Grade Seat No.L_[_ | Name of the Institute :SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BBALLB(Hons.) Programme Code : 010126 Course Name : Advertising and Public Relations Course Code : 0101260513 Semester : V Date : 11/04/2019 Day : Thursday Maximum Marks : 45 Time 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm PART IT Marks : 35, Instruetions * All questions are compulsory. * Q.No.1 t0.Q. No.3 carry 10 marks each & Q. 4 carrying 5 marks , QI Define advertising. What isthe difference between Emotional and Rational appeal? Explain with relevant examples. OR Q1 What is branding? Explain with examples how companies Position their product to create a particular brand image in the minds of customers, Q2 What is the difference between Public Relations and Propaganda? Describe the underlying prineiples of the two. OR Q2 Assume you are the owner of a restaurant in an upscale area of your town. A false rumor about your business has cizculated claiming that your head chet lec been infected with a contagious disease. Your business has taken a hit, Explain how will you anticipate crisis and handle disaster. Q3_ What is media planning? Describe the steps involved in the same OR Q.3 What is media mix? Describe the factors affecting the choice of media Q4 Write short note on Any One of the following a) Use of Mascots in advertising b) Role of pressure groups in forming opinion (Established under section 3 ofthe UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAC with 'A’ Grade e SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) Seat No. Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB(Hons.) Batch ; 2014-19,2015-20,2016-21 Programme Code : 010125 Semester : V ‘Course Name : Public Policy and Governance in India Course Code : 0101250515 Date : 11/04/2019 Maximum Marks : 60 Day : Thursday Time : 1.00 pm to3.30 pm PART IL Marks :40 Instructions © All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Qu Ql Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 a4 Critically examine the past role of the Planning Commission in policy making. OR In what way does India’s federal structure define and play a role in policy making? Discuss with reference to specific constitutional provisions and give examples Critically analyze the role of the Indian Bureaucraey/Indian Administrative system in policy making. oR Critically analyze the functioning of the Public Distribution System in the context of policy implementation in India. What is the relevance of the Right to Information Act in the policy making discourse of India? Critically analyze the performance of the RTI Act. oR ‘The Indian judiciary has been criticized for encroaching upon Parliament's role in policy making. How justified is this? Discuss in brief the relevance of Interest Groups & Lobbies in policy making in India OR What aie Political Parties? Elaborate on their role in the Policy Making process of India? B SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Established under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade xe greet Seat No. L | Name of the Institute :SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BALLB(Hons,) Programme Code : 010125 Besientee 2 V, Course Name : Issues in World Polities Course Code : 0101250516 Bateh :2014-19, 2015-20,2016-21 Date :11/04/2019 Maximum Marks : 60 Day: Thursday Time : 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm Part IT Marks: 40 Instructions All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Qi Ql Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 Q4 What is the Law of Nations and why is it important? How is a “Just war” justified by Aquinas, St. Augustine and Hugo Grotius? oR Critically analyze the Theory of Clash of Civilizations. How is the clash between the west and Islam justified? Elaborate upon the major criticisms & failures of United Nations as an organization of International Arbitration. OR Write Short Notes on the following: a) Drug Trafficking & International Responses, b) Contemporary epidemics & pandemics Elaborate in detail how has the issue of violence against women as a global challenge for the feminist movement been addressed over the last 100 years oR ‘What is Human Security? How has the global issue of Poverty been addressed over the ages through the orthodox and the alternate views? What are the border concems between India & China? Why does China claim those controversial places? OR ‘Comment on the global wave of Right Wing politics gaining prominence around the ‘world from the perspective of Radical Fundamentalism. : (Bstablished under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) este gue ‘Name of the Institute :SLS (Pune) Programme Name ; BBALLB(Hons.) Programme Code : 010126 Course Name : Cross Cultural Management Course Code ; 0101260515 Date : 11/04/2019 Day : Thursday ! \ e SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) Re-accredited by NAC with ‘A’ Grade Seat No. Batch : 2014-19,2015-20,2016-21 Semester : V Maximum Marks : 45 Time : 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm i sine Ly PARTI Marks :35 Instructions > All questions are compulsory Q.No I to. Q.No3 carry 10 Marks each and Q. No 4 carries 5 Marks each, Qt Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q4 ‘What are the seven dimensions of culture as identified by Trompenaars? Explain with examples? oR Describe the GLOBE project and the dimensions it measured? Discuss the model of cultural sensitivity that enables the people to leam the cultural differences and similarities between different cultures? OR Using the communication model, write the different mental constructs that exist even before the sender and receiver begins the communication process? What is Negotiation? Explain the Negotiation process in detail, OR Write notes on: a) Negotiation Styles b) Decision-making in Cross cultural management Write a short note on any one: a) Different staffing policies a firm can choose from when entering the international arena b) Cross cultural communication process SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL (DEEMED UNIVERSITY) (Bstablished under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956) Re-accredited by NAAC with 'A’ Grade Seat No. Name of the Institute : SLS (Pune) Programme Name : BBALLB(Hons.) Programme Code : 010126 Course Name : Advanced Financial Management Course Code : 0101260517 Date : 11/04/2019 Day : Thursday Batch :2014-19,2016-21 Semester : V Maximum Marks : 60 Time : 1.00 pm to 3.30 pm PARTI Instructions © Use of calculator is allowed, ¢ All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks Marks : 40 QL Write short notes on the following: a) Mutual Funds b) EBIT-EBT Analysis ©) Wealth Maximization d) Fixed & Floating Working Capital OR Q1__A firm whose cost of capital is 10%, is considering two mutually exclusive proposals xand y, the details of which are as follows: Particulars Project X (Rs) Project ¥ Rs.) Tnvestments 15,00,000 15,00,000 Cash inflows at the end of T 1,00,000 6,50,000 2 7,530,000 6,00,000 5 3,50,000 600,000 eH] 3,50,000 3,75,000 5 7,350,000 3,25,000 am 20,00,000 29,50,000 Gi)Net present value @10% Gii)Profitability index @ 10% Present value of money at 10% is as under [Year i 2 3 4 5 : Present 0.909 0.826 0751 0.683 | 0.621 value ff Q2 Q2 Why is Capital Budgeting important? What are the different types of capital budgeting decisions? ‘What are the factors to be considered while evaluating a capital budgeting proposal? A client of yours Swift Ltd. is about to commence a new business and finance has been provided in respect of fixed assets. They ask your advise about the working capital requirements of the company. The following information is available for your OR information. Particulars ‘Average Estimate credit for first nen year (Rs.) Purchase of materials, S weeks 26,00,000 Wages 1% weeks 19,50,000 ‘Overheads: = Rent 6 months 1,00,000 Directors & Manager's salaries T month 3,60,000 Office salaries 2 weeks 455,000 Traveller's commission 3 months 2,00,000 Other overheads 7 2 months 6,00,000 Cash sales 1,40,000 Gyedit sales 7 weeks 65,00,000 ‘Average amount of stock & WIP 3,00,000 ‘Average amount of undrawn profits 3,10,000 Sales were made at an even rate throughout the year. Calculate the working capital requirements for the company. Q3 Q3 Goodshape Co, has currently an Ordinary Share Capital of Rs, 25 lacs consisting of 25,000 shares of Rs. 100 each. The management is planning to raise another Rs. 20 lacs to finance a major programme of expansion through 1 of the 4 possible financial plans. The options are as under: a) Entirely through ordinary shares. b) Rs. 10 lacs borrowing through ordinary shares and Rs. 10 lacs through long-term borrowing at 15% interest p.a. c) Rs. 5 lacs through ordinary shares and Rs. 15 lacs through long-term borrowing at 16% interest p.a. 4) Rs. 10 lacs through ordinary shares and Rs. 10 lacs through preference shares with 14% dividend. ‘The company’s expected EBIT will be 8 lacs. Assuming a Corporate Tax Rate of 50%. Determine the EPS under each alternative. OR ‘The following data represents the ratio pertaining to X Ltd, for the year ending 31°" March 2004. 1) Annual sales Rs, 40,00,000 2) Sales to net worth A times 3) Current liabilities to Net Worth 50% 4) Total debt to Net Worth 80% 5) Current ratio : 2.2 times 6) Sales to inventory 8 times 7) Average collection period 40 days 8) Fixed Assets to Net Worth 10% From the above information, prepare the Balance Sheet with as many details as possible. Q4 Qa” The decision regarding payment of dividend is an important factor in Financial Management. What is Dividend? Explain the “Relevance & Irrelevance” theories of dividend, What are the factors that affect the Dividend Policy Decision? OR ‘The objective of Financial Management should be “maximization of wealth” rather than “maximization of profits”. Comment.

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