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III प्रोवोकेर - पेकुनिया के नाम से जानल जाला

वैलोरिबस पर्सनालिबस में क्वाए सुंट डिसिजनेस नुमारिया?

1. वैलोरिबस पर्सनालिबस में क्वाए सुंट डिसिजनेस नुमारिया?
वैलोरेस पर्सनल, सेकंडम नुम्मेरिया डिसिजनेस, एड इलेक्नेस क्वासक्श फेसिमस कम
पेकुनिया क्वाए कम नोस्ट्रिस ओपिनियनिबस एसी प्राइओरिटेटिबस एलिग्नास फैसिमस।
वर्बी ग्राटिया, एलिक्वि पोसुंट प्राइओरिटेम साल्वारे इन फ्यूचरम, अलीवेरो
प्राइओरिटेम डोनारे कैरिटाटी। टोटा डी इलेक्निबसफैसिएंडिस
क्श क्वाए कोजिटमस, क्वाए
मैक्सिम मोमेंटी सुंट एड ते।
2. पार्टिसिपियो प्रैटेरिटी के नाम से जानल जाला।

a. Buy Bought i. See Seen

b. Do Done j. Sell Sold
c. Drive Driven k. Smile Smiled
d. Make Made l. Spend Spent
e. Give Given m. Take Taken
f. Lend Lent n. Want Wanted
g. Ride Ridden o. Write Written
h. Save Saved

3. सेंटेंसिया परफिसेरे के नाम से जानल जाला।

a. I’ve never given money to charity. f. A : Has he ever cooked for more than ten
b. A : Have you ever sold anything on eBay? people?
B : Yes, I have. Several times. B : No, he hasn’t. What about you?
c. She has lived in lots of different countries. g. She has helped me several times, she’s very
d. I know that restaurant, we’ve eaten there kind.
before. The food’s excellent. h. My car’s never broken down and it’s more than
e. I’ve never sung in front of a large group of ten years old.
people, and I never want to. i. How many times they have seen this film?
j. We’ve never tried this, so it’ll be new

4. hac sententia correxit में त्रुटि बा।

a. Have you ever climbed a mountain? e. She has broken her leg two times.
b. I’ve never seen that film. f. I’ve worked in a hospital for long time ago.
c. Have you ever gone to Canada? g. In your life, how many times have you moved
d. Where have you been on holiday last year? house?
h. When we went to London, we’ve visited Kew
5. क्वेस्टिओनिबस के जवाब देवे के बा।

a. Are you saving up for anything at the moment? c. Do people often ask for discounts in shops
What for? How much money do you need? in your country? How about in markets?
Are you good at getting discounts?
Right now, I’m saving up for a vacation and there’s
some music concert that I want to watch. As for how In my country, people do sometimes ask for
much money I need, it depends on the destination and discounts in shops, especially during sales or when
6. क्वेस्टिओनिबस के जवाब देवे के बा।
a. पैराग्राफ परिचय सुगरिट हंक आर्टिकुलम एस्से डी मोडिस अल्टरनिस उत म्यूटानम
एक्सिपियास वेल मुटनम पेकुनियाम एक्स्ट्रा रिपास ट्रैडिटम।
b. रेक्टे डिसिस के बा।
c. लेगे आर्टिकुलम के बा। क्वी टेक्स्टस (1 विज्ञापन 4) के बा।
1). लोकिस इवेंटिट में आइडेम्ने डुओबस?
asserit फ्रांज हरमन शुल्ज़ डेलिट्ज ऑर्डिनेशनम फंडासे सिमिलेम इलिस क्वाए इन
पैगो निनोमिया सोन्टोकू इन इआपोनिया फेसिट। टेक्स्टू 1 में इटा आइडेम एक्सिडिट
डुओबस लोकिस के बा।

2). पोसम म्यूटेनम इंसिपेरे नेगोटियम (x3) के बा?

टेक्स्टस 1 एफिर्मैट होमिनेस एड वैरियस आंत पेकुनियास मुटानारी पोसे, एटियम

नेगोटियम इंसिपियंस।

टेक्स्टस 3 डिस्क्रिबिटर क्राउडफंडिंग, यूबी होमिनेस पेकुनियम फेसियंट यूटी

नेगोटियम कमिटिटुर।

टेक्स्टस 4 मिनट किवा डॉट कॉम, यथास्थिति में होमिनेस पाउपेरेस एट होमिनेस इन
रेजिओनिबस फेनस क्वारंट के विकास। ईअरम क्वाएडम सुंट एड नेगो यम यमशि
प्रोफिसिसेंडी के बा।

3). रोगास पोपुलम मुल्टम पेकुनिया नेगोटियम तुम कमिटिटुर (x2)?

टेक्स्टस 3 क्राउडफंडिंग के वर्णनकर्ता बा। क्राउडफंडिंग में मुल्टोस होमिनेस

रोगांडो उत परवा पेकुनिया कॉन्फेरेट नेगोटियम कमिटिटुर शा मिलबा।

4). हबेस्ने म्यूटानम एक्स पैट्रिमोनियो के बा?

affirmat फ्रांज हरमन शुल्ज़ डेलिट्ज ऑर्डिनेशनम फंडास, क्वाए इम्पर्डिएट ऑप्टिओ
रिपरम प्रैबेबट।
5). रेजिओनिबस प्रोग्रेसिस एडिउवाबिट में ननक्विड हेक विचार ऑक्सीलियम

टेक्स्टस 2 माइक्रोक्रेडिट विवरण, बां

ग्लादे में
यूबीपर् वा
एफेनस होमिनिबस डे
टाएसुंट यूटीक्वे
स् टि
इन रेजिओनिबस एन्युक्लिएंडिस पता।

टेक्स्टस 4 के वर्णन किवा डॉट कॉम, टर्बे वेबसाइट क्वोड नोमिनेटिम पेटेंट
पाउपेरेस होमिनेस एट होमिनेस इन रेजिओनिबस एक्सप्लिकेंडिस।

6). नम होमिनेस एजुकेशनइस पेकुनियम पेटंट?

टेक्स्टस 4 मिनट किवा डॉट कॉम, यूबी क्विडम म्यूटानम क्वारेंट्स फंडम एजुकेशनम
प्रैटर एड नेगोटियम प्रोफिसिसेंडम।

d. क्वेस्टिओनिबस के जवाब देवे के बा। क्वारे के बा?

3). Franz Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch started 1). The music group asked fans for money
his credit union because he was fed up with through crowdfunding because they
banks and wanted to help other people. He needed funds to make an album. They
created the organization as an alternative offered their fans the opportunity to
to traditional banks, allowing people to pay contribute money with the promise of
a little money each month and borrow receiving some of the profits later on. This
money when needed. approach allowed the band to gather
4). Dr. Muhammad Yunus started his "Village financial support from a large number of
Bank" (microcredit initiative) in response to people who were interested in their music.
the problems faced by poor and hungry 2). Hans Fex asked for money through
people in villages in Bangladesh. He crowdfunding for his Mini Museum. He
provided very small loans to individuals, creates tiny 'museums' that people can put
enabling them to start small businesses in their pockets, featuring items like rock
such as making furniture or engaging in from the moon and pieces of dinosaur egg.
farming. The aim was to address the By asking for funds through crowdfunding,
financial challenges faced by those who he was able to gather financial support
couldn't get loans from normal banks.The from 5,030 people, raising $1.2 million to
music group ask fans for money. fund his project.

c. आर्टिकुलो रेफरेंटर में नोटा क्वासो क्विड हाय नुमेरी।

1). $25: The minimum loan amount on 4). $1.2 million: The amount Hans Fex raised from that borrowers can request. 5,030 people through crowdfunding for his
2). 100: The maximum borrowing period Mini Museum.
(days) mentioned in Text 1, where people 5). 8.81 million: The number of borrowers in
in Ninomiya Sontoku's village could 81,392 villages associated with Dr. Muhammad
borrow money for up to 100 days. Yunus's 'Village Bank' in 2015, as mentioned in
3). £26,000: The amount the London music Text 2.
group received from a thousand fans in 6). $1.02 billion: The total amount lent through
2007 through crowdfunding to make by 1.5 million lenders to 2.5 million
their album. borrowers in 83 countries.
7. स्क्रिप्टेरे शि लालेखनके नाम से जानल जाला।

Subject: Heartfelt Gratitude for Your Support in our Charity Fundraising Efforts
Dear Amelya,
I hope this message finds you well. I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I write to express my sincere
thanks for your incredible support in our recent charity fundraising endeavor. Together, we have raised an
impressive $1,000 for Inheritance Charity.
Our success is a testament to the collective dedication and generosity of each one of you. Through a series
of collaborative efforts such as bake sales, a charity auction, and a community walk, we were able to
surpass our initial fundraising goal. It is heartening to see how our shared commitment to making a
positive impact has yielded such remarkable results.
The selected charity, Inheritance Charity, is devoted to give something positive can be inherited. The funds
we raised will directly contribute to our positive activities. Your contributions have not only helped us
achieve our financial target but have also contributed to a cause that will make a tangible difference in the
lives of those in need.
Once again, thank you for your unwavering support. Your involvement has been instrumental in the
success of this initiative, and I am truly grateful to have friends like you who share a passion for making a
positive impact in our community.
Warm regards,


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