Sepm Exp 7

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School of Computing

SRM IST, Kattankulathur – 603 203

Course Code: 18CSC206J

Course Name: Software Engineering and Project Management

Experiment No 7

Title of Experiment Design a Entity relationship diagram

Name of the candidate KASI VISWANATHAN K


Register Number RA2111003011777


Date of Experiment 03/03/2023

Mark Split Up

S. No Description Maximum Mark Mark Obtained

1 Exercise 5

2 Viva 5

Total 10
Staff Signature with date

To create the Entity Relationship Diagram

Team Members:
S No Register No Name Role

1 RA2111003011777 KASI VISHWANATHAN K Rep

2 RA2111003011780 ELATCHUMAN RV Member



An "Entity Relationship Diagram" (ERD) is a visual
representation of the entities, attributes, and relationships among them in a
system or database. An ERD is used to design and model a system or database
before its implementation. It is a useful tool for understanding the different
components of a system and their interactions with each other.
An "Entity Diagram Relationship" does not exist as a standard term or concept
in the field of database design or software engineering. It may be a term used
in a specific context or by a particular organization to refer to an entity
relationship diagram or a related concept. Entity is represented by the
rectangle shape. The entity will be our database table of Task Management
System later on.

Attribute is represented by the oval shape. This will be the columns or fields
of each table in the Task Management System.
Relationship is represented by diamond shape. This will determine the
relationships among entities. This is usually in a form of primary key to
foreign key connection.
We will follow the 3 basic rules in creating the ER Diagram.
1. Identify all the entities.
2. Identify the relationship between entities and
3. Add meaningful attributes to our entities.
Step 1. In the Task Management System we have the following entities
● Admin
● Employee
● Task
● Task Category
● Task Update
● Client
● Project Manager
Our design of Task Management System consists of 7 entities; the specified
entities will be our database tables in the design and implementation of Task
Management database schema.
We will now draw the entities of the Task Management System specified
above and it will be represented by a rectangle shape. The image below is the
entities identified in the scope of the Task Management System.

We will now draw the entities of the Task Management System specified
above and it will be represented by a rectangle shape. The image below is the
entities identified in the scope of the Task Management System.
Step 2. After we have specified our entities, it is time now to connect
or establish a relationship among the entities.
● The administrator will first encode or approve the list of tasks
requested by the clients (1 to many relationship).
● The administrator also encodes and manages tasks category (1 to many
● The client request for several tasks (1 to many relationship).
● A task belongs to a specific category (1 to 1 relationship).
● The project manager will assign the task to every member or employee
(1 to many relationship).
● The task has several update information (1 to many relationship).
● The members of the project will post an update regarding their specific
task (1 to many relationship). Every task update can be viewed by the
project manager and the client.
Step 3. The last part of the ERD process is to add attributes to our entities.

Admin Entity has the following attributes:

● ID – primary key represented with underline
● Name
● Email
● Username
● Password
Employee Entity has the following attributes:
● ID – primary key represented with underline
● ID No
● Name
● Email
● Username
● password
Task Entity has the following attributes:
● ID – primary key represented with underline
● Name
● Description
● Category ID – foreign key
● Start date
● End date
● Client ID – foreign key
● Admin ID – foreign key
● Manager ID – foreign key
● Status
Task Category Entity has the following attributes:
● ID – primary key represented with underline
● Name
● Admin ID – foreign key
Task Update Entity has the following attributes:
● ID – primary key represented with underline
● Task ID – foreign key
● Update Info
● Employee ID
● Date Updated
Client Entity has the following attributes:
● ID – primary key represented with underline
● Name
● Contact
● Company
● Email
● Username
● password
Project Manager Entity has the following attributes:
● ID – primary key represented with underline
● ID no
● Name
● Username
● Email
● Password
Thus, the entity relationship diagram was created

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